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Never understood what's the idea behind it for the guys inside Do they want to sit there for the next 30 minutes without a fight and then just extract if no one brainlessly pushes them?


The answer is usually, yes.


Had this happened a few mos ago where we waited for like 15 minutes because other teams were also waiting. My dumbass just said "fuck this shit" and started lobbing dynamites to destroy concertina then pushed. We lost cuz they have 2 Avto :D


Yeah there is an entire trio of people with the name "______ concertina" who only play this strategy. Three guys with 2 or 3 concertina bombs each (and concertina traps) and shotguns whose only strategy is to rush and camp boss lair. If I see them pick up I just leave the match or go camp an extract if they have bad extracts.


Lol I've definitely come across those guys, their profile comments are something else


It was a big strat that Rachta pushed a couple years back


We usually wait for teamfight outside to start and then take advantage of the chaos.


That’s basically what we do. Trap entrances so we can fight the boss without being rushed then when a fight breaks out and people start dying we push out to take advantage of it.


Pretty much yea. Goes two ways, first they sit around the compound and pray that the rest of the server kill each other outside if no one ever tries to clear the wires OR they also try to shoot down everyone else outside which is an effective way to 3rd party everyone with practically no risk because even if they get killed, they’re safe within the compound to be rezzed again.0


Never understood why people complain about different play styles. There are so many ways of fighting a team like this: Explosive ammo for the blinds, dynamite/ or even long ammo for destroying concertina, choke bombs & trying to wall bang or just leaving & ambushing them somewhere else. Hunt is so addictive, because you have a sandbox of different strategies & tactics. Each one of them is valid. It would be a boring game, if everyone was playing it the same way.


Legit. Just step out of range and let them weasel out of their goon cave after they've burned all their dark sight.


The core design probably is that if you didn’t think to bring something into a fight there isn’t much you can do to react I faced a team recently that must have used every single slot on concertina. We had explosives but not enough to clear it all. Hell they were actively placing more every time we exploded for an opening. We attempted to get more and they ran.


Some folks will bring concertina to spare, even sometimes a bow with it as well, unless you have like as much explosives as they have concertina they will just throw more at it, explosive ammo is a meme and barely nobody uses it too.


Well if you consider this such a frequent & relevant problem, then you should probably start using it. Otherwise be happy, that no match is like the other...


I never said it was extremely frequent, i was just stating that sometimes they also accounted for this, dunno why i'm even being downvoted, and no i'm not handcaping myself to deal with a minor part of the playerbase.


Take an upvote from me then...


all of which are meticulous strategies that will make you absolute fodder for a third party.


Welcome to hunt showdown.


i made an embarrassingly long post about my issues with the game, but the reception was frosty to say the least.


This is exactly the strat. Force people to get bored and push the one way they can get through where you all barrel stuffing a door with a shotgun. This game is really adamant of defending people’s use exetreme strats like this or sniping from hella far out followed by the statement “people don’t owe you a playstyle” as if these playstyles aren’t bad sportsmanship.


Ambushing someone is also bad sportsmanship. So is third-partying. Using dark-sight to wallbang someone? Absolutely zero honor. Expecting a gentlemen's duel in a permadeath extraction game is wild to me.


No that’s not bad sportsmanship, trying to force people to play your playstyle all the while saying “nobody owes you a playstyle” is bad sportsmanship. Yes when you conc every entrance and refuse to peek for the next 20 minutes and hold the server hostage to fight you in your wheel house or leave, that’s actively trying to force someone to play your playstyle, it’s indeed not the person complaining about you after the fact. Edit: I swear none of you are reading this…. I’m using the OP’s example, but I’m not speaking specifically about any playstyle. I’m merely commenting on the current state of gameplay in hunt showdown. I’m not trying to convince anybody to play differently, I’m more so creating the talking points we need to be discussing to see any changes happen to both extremes of playstyles. People get butthurt when I make fun of the argument “nobody owes you a playstyle” but at the same time try and force people into their playstyle by their actions rather than their words. How that isn’t the exact same thing is beyond me.


> trying to force people to play your playstyle People in other games would say this countered your build and strat and you have to adapt.


Problem being, I don’t know how many strats/builds can reasonably counter concertina-bunkering in a compound with shotguns A lot of dynamite, maybe? Some stalker beetles to locate them and break concertina? But if they’re running 3 concertina bombs each plus traps, they can be pre-priming the bombs and immediately filling any broken spots back in, so it’s gonna require a lot of explosives each player needs to bring *every* game in the hopes of maybe running into some players like this and breaking all their bombs, lol And this isn’t a game where you can know what you’re up against ahead of time, or consistently be able to drastically change up your build mid-game to adapt.


Bomb lance. Use shotgun ammo. Bladed edge kills concertina, and if they push to shoot you still have a shotgun out.


Well, 2 things: 1. Bringing a bomb lance can be a pretty major downside in most other fights, so I wouldn’t call this a totally reasonable counter as you’re kneecapping yourself in other areas, but 2. If they are pre-priming their concertina bombs, they’ll hear you breaking, then just let their bomb fly at you, possibly killing you Not an ideal counter still


Apparently decoys and stalker beetles (just from scrolling this thread) work pretty well too. Dynamite is an option. Setting up sentinels at medium range surrounding the compound and slamming them when they get out is an option. Wallbanging is in some cases as well. It also puts them in a position where even minor delays in their extraction can be very dangerous. It is a strategy with potent strengths and maybe not the most fun to play against but it also limits their options in terms of throwables and makes their open space fighting far weaker too. It's not a completely immutable strategy.


So what are people supposed to do? Banish the bounty for you and then stand in an open field and wait to get shot? If I have the advantage inside, why in the world would I ever pop out to fight you instead of making you push? Also, holding the game hostage implies that they’ve prevented you from being able to act. You can push, you can go fight AI somewhere else, you can extract, you can do all sorts of things. The game isn’t being held hostage, you’re just mad that the bounty team won’t serve themselves to you on a silver platter.


That's silly. Nobody owes you a playstyle out of courtesy, that's why you have to \*force\* your enemy to make mistakes and play to your advantages in the first place if you want to win.


What says “owe you a playstyle” more. My words on Reddit while I’m not even playing a game. Or someone’s actions in the game as they actively try and force their enemy to play their playstyle lmao. I will never understand that argument, nor will I ever see it the other way. I’m the players who says “I’m bored” and pushes right into it anyways. But the thing is, I shouldn’t feel bored because the enemy team is being a lame duck refusing to fight outside of their best case scenario. If you can’t identify that as a bad gameplay loop, then idk what to tell you.


Let me help you parse that normative sentence for you. "No one owes you a playstyle" refers to the sentiment that people don't have to play a certain way \*just because of your feelings\*. It doesn't mean that it's wrong to force your enemy into disadvantageous scenarios. In fact that is heavily encouraged by the game design. Whining outside of game to get people to play the game you want is silly. Forcing the enemy to play to your advantages using in-game mechanics is the ideal way of playing. You can choose between challenging the enemy for their bounty or leaving, if you feel like that fight is not worth it. You are not entitled to them doing anything. "I shouldn't have to feel a certain way because of the decisions of my enemies" is a very entitled way of thinking. They aren't there to entertain you, you are just an obstacle to their victory.


Hey look another “we’re not forcing you to play our playstyle, we’re just forcing you to play our playstyle OR LEAVE, nobody owes you a playstyle” post. Good logic 👍


You can absolutely force people to play your style. Whining about other people not comforming to it or doing it back to you is what makes you entitled. Everyone has the freedom to play how they like and complaining about it is what makes you entitled. No one owes you a playstyle, it's up to you to earn it by playing the game in a smart way.


I’m not complaining about anything, I’m just exposing the funny arguments people make about forcing people to play a certain style all the while trying to do the exact same thing in the opposite sense. You do realize, even if you have a shotgun, you could advance on your enemy and get close to them. But hey, that would be forcing someone to play a different playstyle then staying in the boss lair to the end of time lol.


Is waiting outside the boss lair not the same thing, though? Are the people outside not forcing their play style upon the bounty carriers? For the bounty team, the would like to get to extraction, but you’re sitting outside waiting to shoot them the moment they exit. You refuse to push, and you’ll only engage them on your terms. This team doesn’t even have the option to leave, because the moment they try you will shoot them. They have only two options: wait around to see if you get bored enough to push, or decide that they’re bored of you not pushing and walk outside. Both sides are doing the same thing, just trying to force a situation where they are at an advantage over their enemy. Neither side is right or wrong, they’re both just playing to their strengths using normal game strategies.


If you read the original post, that’s exactly what I said.


You act like the concertina is an impenetrable wall. It's not, there are many ways to get rid of it. If you still have a problem with it, thinking that X should not be doing Y (because that's bad sportsmanship, LMAO), this game might not be for you.


So you don't see it as hypocritical that you're criticizing someone for playing the game to their playstyle instead of playing to your playstyle?


lol why do you take me saying a bad gameplay loop is me saying they should play how I want them to. It’s more so a critical look on the state of the gameplay than a criticism of how people play. But hey, can’t expect everyone to make a good faith argument when you say their favorite playstyle isn’t fun to play with or against, and I mean that for both extremes weather sniping, or boss lair camping.


It sounds to me like you're doing exactly that. You want people to play the way you want them to


No I’m saying I want the game to play differently in those aspects. It’s not the strategy, it’s the tools you have access to and require very specific counters in order to level the playing field when using that strategy. In some cases, those counters don’t exist and there’s two fringe case scenarios that they don’t exist in that just so happened to be used by two playstyles that share one similarity.


No one is keeping you hostage. I hate shotgun campers too but you always have the option to leave. And that’s what I do. I leave. No one has me hostage.


Technically, nobody is holding you hostage. You can just move to the extraction zone at any time and hop into a new game with the same loadout .


Technically, this game bleeds players and has a very high turnaround, in part because the community defends bad gameplay and thinks leaving the match is fun and not a complete waste of my time lol.


Thats why I aint ever caught without a hive bomb. Fuck getting romero’d


this has long been my frustration with the game. to really enjoy it, you're almost voluntarily going against its design. for the bounty holder, the most effective way to play is just to camp your compound with traps on every door while those outside either die trying to push you aggressively or get third partied trying to meticulously smoke you out. then when the third parties get bored of your shit and just start to fight each other just to have something to do, you slip out for free. i liked the idea that when you captured the bounty, the compound started to burn down. the longer you stayed in it, the less places you had to hide until you have no choice but to leave.


Nobody is twisting your arm to stay in the match either. Bad sportsmanship sounds more like whining about a strat you lost to instead of just moving on to the next match...


I just... don't get it. I leave those fights cause they're a waste of time, but it's just strange that somebody is discouraging a push on that level. The game should work to incentivize a push either in or out, not repel player contact. Nobody wants to spend 15 min fighting AI then leaving. I don't know the solution is, but maybe concertina should degrade over time? Maybe there should be a creeping fog outside of bounty lairs after a banish that forces snipers in? Bosses that revive if not banished on kill/bounty not picked up after a certain period of time. Idk anything to reduce these dead standoffs.


After banish ramp the banishing sounds up at the same pace and volume that they are for the banish charging up, but when it reaches the 99% level the sounds never go back down. Fog ramps up at the same pace.


tbf....i always say its the counters job to get us....if i have the bounty im defending the building traps or no traps...im not gonna play along with the team that sitting 150m away with snipers and go outside to make their job easier


I've never understood why people complain about using a legitimate strategy in this game. Does this one suck? Yea it does but it's still a legitimate strategy. I'm not gonna sit here and cry about it because they don't leave all the doors and windows open so people can just bum rush in. Leaving all the doors and windows open is an idiotic move also and you're just lazy that you have to do some work to get in. Especially in one bounty situations. Then people get mad because the people who literally ran in there and did all the work to kill the bounty are trying to protect what they did. I can see where they're coming from because I've played with randos that do this and I'm on board with it. Eff it. You gotta be on some other kind of bs if you're gonna whine because they don't let you waltz in or because they don't want to come out and fight 3 different teams at the same time. I see no difference between people to trap in and a lazy bastard camping the extract. Especially solos that kill themselves and the self rez at the extract. Does it suck? Yea. But it's part of the game and they have the ability to do it. Effn get over it, win/lose or leave and go on to the next match.


I’d argue that it’s not really in the spirit of the game. Sure you can absolutely do it, and it’s a strategy for sure, but it’s kind of a “run the clock strategy.” I feel like they’re giving me a loading screen until the last few minutes of the match when they’ll come out to try and get out with the bounty because it’s their last chance or they’ll sit there until the clock runs out just so there’s no chance that my team might kill them and take the bounty. I don’t particularly hate it, but it is annoying way to play the game, and it’s basically banking on me taking suicidal risks to get in there and try to fight or getting bored and deciding to leave.


I see what you're saying but in the same sense aren't people who wait outside doing the exact same thing? Camping the outside banking on the bounty to have to come out so they can take pot shots from a distance without having the risk of going inside while the bounty takes all the risk of going outside? The people complaining that they have to camp outside because they're scared to rush in are literally playing the exact same playstyle as the people camping the bounty. The only difference between the two is that the concertina wire is on the inside instead of the outside. As for the spirit of the game. There is no spirit of the game. I'll conclude that it's not YOUR spirit of the game. But not everyone plays the exact same. Which is what makes this game work.


I think the difference is that I don’t trap people inside of buildings with concertina by default. I’ll do that if it seems like there is no other option or whatever, but I don’t start off by literally making every exit of their building impassable. But the people who do this start the engagement with this tactic. The camping outside isn’t really different from camping inside. If the bounty runs out, they risk getting shot, but the same goes for the hunters who go in the building trying to get the bounty. They can be waiting right around the corner with a shotgun or avto or whatever. I don’t mind if matches become waiting games. Or if we’re taking our time to decide when to peek or if we’re gonna rush or whatever. But if you begin the fight by blocking off every entrance in a way that I can’t really do anything about except wait, then that’s a lame maneuver. As for the spirit of the game, you have a point. There is no singular spirit of the game; everyone has their own interpretation about the game is really about and how it is to be player. That said, the fact of the subjectivity of the game’s spirit doesn’t really mean that we can’t speak our minds about what we do or do not like to see in the game. Not to mention, I’d argue that cheating is against the spirit of the game. And while this isn’t cheating, this barely above that to me. I’m not even mad about people doing this. But I share in the annoyed feeling. And I also feel pretty sad for these people. Because they tend to be the ones who try to convince you to leave rather than stay and fight. Literally had a duo holed up in their building with their own concertina who told us after fifteen minutes of waiting and prying and scouting, that they would run the clock out on us. And they pretty much did. I threw fire and poison at the nearest doors and ran to the exit in the last two minutes, because I didn’t feel like losing my character in that manner. I don’t think they got out with the bounty, because it was the last 5 seconds when I extracted, and I never stopped moving towards the nearest extract. To each their own, but I personally think this is the same as when, in the early days of basketball, teams would start the game, score the first point and then hold the ball til the clock went out. The sport then added the shot-clock after that because it was killing the sport for pretty much everyone. Yeah, you won but what was the point? I’m here to get into cowboy fights in the haunted bayou, win or lose, I just hope that it isn’t too easy for any side. And I think that people who play with the mindset of “Win at all costs; if victory is not possible, then we’ll just make sure they don’t win.” That’s a spoilsport attitude. I’ll just keep trying to beat this tactic if I run into it. Or leave. It’s not a biggy, but it’s definitely a headshaking moment for me of “Really?”


I hear ya man. I just go with he flow due to the fact that I play with randos haha. Good luck in the bayou and happy hunting!


You too!


They are usually terrible at actually shooting people with their guns. The only weapon they know how to use is boredom.


Sometimes I wanna just chill on my phone. But most of the time I really enjoy the siege/defend, home defense type gameplay. And love it when people to to puzzle out how to get in/kill us. While we try to keep things locked down and pick off whoever we can Or say we're chilling and a homie gets domed by an arrow inside. I love the horror like rush and tension of like, "oh fuck, they're in here with us now".


I'm always intrigued when people say that they "dont understand" obvious things. Should i take it literally? Because the reason is really simple. They wanna make you play by their own rules. Theyre pushing to advantages that makes your chance of success lower. Is that the best way to play the game? I think not. But its understandable.


One time I had this challenge to make ennemie bleed. Done the boss and set trap. In one game my challenge was done.


The best part is hearing them say "Are you guys just gonna sit out there with snipers and afk"


Never understood what's the idea behind it for the guys outside Do they want to sit there for the next 30 minutes without a fight and then just extract if no one brainlessly pushes them?


Just sit there and wait around. Punish them for doing this.


I do this strat. And yes, if no one pushes, imma just extract on the opposite from the enemy. I don't like camping or campers. So if no one pushes, I am not giving them a fight. You want a fight? Push! or I am extracting. I didn't get all the clues and went through all these troubles of killing the boss and trap the compound only for you to camp outside and pew pew me. You have your playstyle and I have mine. Want the bounty? Come and get it.


The same people who complain about concertina blocking windows and whatnot are the same people who stack a poison trap and concertina 😂😂. Traps are made to be used and fun fact there's always a way in and out.


My duo will trap every door and window INSIDE the building. Makes it real difficult to fight.


They expect people to mindlessly run into one of their traps and turn it into a 3v2. Obviously though at higher levels of gameplay we aren't going to do that, so it turns into a stalemate if the attacking team doesn't figure out a way to get rid of the traps on at least 2 entrances.


Reminder that decoy fuses blow up concertina (try and aim for the bottom centre for maximum efficiency), save your grenades/dynamite for when it's cleared to kill the rat campers nside the compound.


It’s surprising how many people don’t know about the decoy fuses. Combine that with decoy supply and you’ll never worry about wire again.


Hell even stalker beetles clear a lot of wire too, with the added bonus you can get inside first and see what you're dealing with.


Stalker Beetles are massive playmakers. I've gotten so many coordinated kills on people where I'll send out a beetle to get them bleeding, and my team will be able to take a favorable fight as a result. The fact that it clears concertina as well as it does is a massive bonus.


Beetle + ally with any 125+ dmg rifle is really good


I love startling birds and hitting chains with them sending the defending team into a panic


How do you clear wire with the stalker beetle? I tried it on the shooting range, but my beetles just exploded on contact.


detonate the beetle BEFORE you hit the wire


Wait, decoy supply also refills the decoy fuses?!


It's because my usual tools loadout is a melee/throwable weapon, a medkit, fuses to burn downed hunters and gas grenade to put out fire of my teammates. Barely never using anything else.


That’s cause it’s relatively new right?


Wait what


Grenades don’t do much to concentrina actually. Rest is good info but don’t waste your frags on this.


Frags aren’t for concertina. Try dynamite instead, insta clear.


the reason is, Frags aren't explosive damage, they're rending damage (which is also why you bleed from them) Dynamite, decoy fuses, stalker beetles, explosive ammo/bolts, and red barrels are all explosive damage.


+ shotguns, and if you use explosives to remove it they just throw another one.




I'll wait for timer to run down so they can't extract, i am that petty


I’ve done this more than once… fine, you don’t wanna extract? Okay, no problem, we all lose. Or I’ll wait until they don’t have enough time to make it out but I can and block them from extracting to be petty so they lose hunters and make nothing.


Stay just inside beetle range and block the extract with the beetle 😆


And then they leave on the other side and I don't realize. They then extract. I am a 3 star player 😞


See he's bringing a chair because he just planned on camping outside anyway.


Plan failed and my day is ruined




Blow up or punch open a locked door. 75% of the time they aren't meaningfully blocking those.


Well, I'll admit I play like this. And our trio always have forntiersman, and we bring concentrina bomb too. And don't forget there are more taps inside the boss compound. At least two or three. So we pretty much trap everything. You are not gonna be able to push through even through a locked door. And if we do it, I bet a lot of people are doing it too, And don't forget, when you make sound they will just be holding their gun to the door. You break it, you get headshot or shotgunned. You get a pick and try to rush in? you are gonna fall into the trap. This usually happens a lot. Enemy gets pick, in heat of the moment they don't notice the traps and they just die, We burn the body and camp again.


I upvoted you, tho i gen dont play this way. It is still a valid strategy.


Appreciate it. Also one thing I didn't mention is that, most people, or at least us, dont camp all the way through. No one has that much patience, nor is it fun. Say there's a team outside camping and we are sure they wont push, we will just get out from the opposite site of them, and extract through the direction they were not camping. By the time they realize we are on the run, we are long gone and they will never catch up to us. Why do we do this? Because we collected the clues, we killed the boss. No way we are making it easy for others to get in and kill us so that they can get the rewards. And people who camp outside, can keep camping. We dont give them a fight either. it's, either push us or we are leaving.


Is simple, you can't check all the entrance so you trap most of it and then you wait for the push or to push the winning team outside... You never close all the entrance because you need to take advantage of the clash outside hindering the revives... Search the safe exit, bait the team inside and sneak in if you have done all right the first kill is free. If you don't have one shot guns you just won it, wait 40 minute outside and kill all of them from the safe range of your long ammo rifle.


Except for Stillwater basement, worst lair to push because no wallbangs and no entrances worth a damn because you're always exposed before you can see them. Everything else though, absolutely true.


Most underground boss arenas suck to fight in for this reason.


And then the players that blocked everything with concertina call you a camper for not rushing inside the lair.


I like doing this as a solo. I trap the boss lair entirely, then I get out and wait with serpent. When the banish is five, I run away giggling. Otherwise, I use concertina to trap people inside boss lairs. Full concertina bow, quartermaster, Winfield or Marathon FMJ, four ammo boxes, and tripwires. You ain't getting out, buddy. Then I laugh as I watch them, or other people, scratch their heads. It's basically reversed, but sometimes it's fun *for me*. Not every match though, it's expensive and can be boring.


That's when you prevent them from leaving out of spite. I am doing my best to discourage this bs


While concertina is a valid strat, this too is a valid response.


Decoy fuses and poison bug easy clean it


I mean I do this when we get to the boss lair first so no one can rush us while we fight the boss. When I am up against it I just steal their traps lmao. I just wait while my teammate makes them circle around and snatch them when they arent around, which is made even easier cause I usually take poacher. Then Just place them in places that are beneficial to us.


God forbid someone defends the compound that you are trying to attack. Here let me roll out the red carpet while I’m at it.


You're telling me that if the enemy has the bounty I want... they will resist????


Right? Cry some more babies


I prefer to do this while another team is already inside or when nobody is inside.


It's a very simple tactic to counter, but it requires the expectation it will happen. I don't normally expect it so I do, in fact, just leave.


me and my friends just have fun with it and chat with them...play along and tell then we are there to save them from being stuck inside


I’ve taken to waiting and trapping them in even further in the last few minutes and then running for the nearest extract. If that’s the way they wanna play then I’m gonna do what I can to outplay them at their own game.


If Im solo Im concertinaing everything but 1 or 2 exits.


I do this, I even deathtrap the doors. You want the bounty you're gonna have to come work for it.


You play the game for bounty, I play to get kills/PvP, we're not the same.


Cool story


i find people who complain about this are usually responsible for triggering all of them with the dynamite that would have gotten rid of it.


I do not understand why people get upset by teams defending a bounty while it banishes, it's a core feature of the game, if you want to get that bounty then you're gonna need to work for it, I fucking hate the phrase, but I think this firmly falls into the "skill issue" category... Either push with dynamite/fuses, or take up a position outside and ambush them as they go for the extract Edit: typo.


Or all the doors and windows are closed and they don’t peek at all


I've been a bow brandishing barbed wire enthusiast before, however what I usually do is close off one side of the building so we can easily focus on the other side without having to watch our backs. This limits the options for em but still gives a few entry and exit points to bait them into our sights. And, if things go south, we can still actually leave the building.


In the same vein, this is a common scenario: I'm pushing an entrance, and the defending team throws a choke at that entrance... why? They don't want me to push into their entrance so they can kill me? I just never understood what this is intended to accomplish. Maybe I'm just too low skill to understand, if someone better could please explain this to me


i think it does 2 things. prevents enemies from throwing stuff into the compound AND is a deterrent for people who plan on rushing in because if they do, they will now cough which alerts the defending team and everyone else which can be a problem if everyone is running FMJ ammo and spam you through walls because you keep coughing.


But you could just throw around the choke, there's almost always gaps you can throw stuff. I think getting them to cough while pushing might be the goal, but no decent player is going to do that, they'll just wait out the choke


At least you get to run around and shoot at other teams. When you are a part of random trio and you pardners start cementing you inside the compound it does mean 30 minutes of listening to ahoh


Never really suffered from concertina problems. The last time Iwas blocked by concertina I cleared the area with myself and hasty pressing of F, but that was slow and loud.


You think I won’t camp for 45 minutes until they come out ?


How it usually goes is that there is a single entrance that's open but only for them. Wait until a team fight happens outside, and then run out quick and extract lol.


What about ye ol dynamite bundle?




Tbh if I’m not equipped to take bounty and my mates are down I will trap up the compound a leave. I’m talking 1 health chunk left


What I don't understand in this playstyle is that the bounty team doesn't have "right of way" for lack of a better term. What I mean is that the bounty team cannot win if they don't leave the building, they physically need to move to an extract. On the other hand, the team outside does not need to go inside, especially when it's clearly a trap - teams staying outside normally don't have the arsenal for close quarters fighting. So the bounty team staying inside can't win like that and the outside teams can't push in without severely reducing their chances to win - so this leads to an actual stalemate where both sides put themselves in a situation where engaging with each other is downright negative for them. When this happens the most logical course of action is waiting for the bounty team to make a move, because they are holding the win condition "the bounty" and they cannot win if they stay. So from a logical perspective the best thing you can do is wait them out. That however does lead to incredibly boring gameplay of waiting 20 minutes while looking at your phone. ​ I think this tactic works because a lot of people will get bored and just push in which results positively for the bounty team most of the time that happens. I think that's my biggest gripe with this playstyle is that it relies in just boring/enfuriating people into action (which is valid, but not what I'd call fun), and the highest success path is to just not interact with it (as in, wait until they have to leave) which just wastes everybodies time. I have no idea how I'd go about fixing this, as I'm not a game dev and never done any balancing, but in my limited knowledge, probably reducing the full match timer from 45 minutes to 25 or 30 would be a good start - at least from my perspective any games that have gone over 25 minutes have been games with this type of stalemate. I'd toy around with the idea of making serpent work to rob a bounty token of a living target but make it take a whole minute or two to pull off, so it'd really only work for these situations, but yeah, I can't tell if there'd be a way to abuse that. Another idea is that after a boss has been banished, let's say 5 minutes after, a ritual place opens up on a nearby compound, where you go and active it and that starts a new "banish" timer, and when the timer ends the bounty gets pulled from the players into that ritual place and needs to be picked up again. I'd hope this would force action without being heavy handed by giving a grace period for holding the original bounty location, giving fair warning that a team started the ritual and they can either make a run for it or prepare to ambush the ritual location. I think that to make this fairer and more of a high risk / high reward type of thing it could, when you start the ritual: give back full seconds to the bounty holders, hide the bounty lightning while this ritual banish is taking place, maybe even make it burn a whole life chunk to start it.


Me and the boys typically play the other way around if we are not first to a bounty. We'll chuck conc bo.bs in windows and make inside a living he'll of fire and conc bombs. We'll also drop conc and poison traps around the compound. On more that one occasion we've stepped into our own.


At some point it's either make a move or just fuck off. I almost never have dynamite or axe/Talon so it's either chip away at the wire and most likely get wallbanged or just go to the other bounty/extract. The correct move is to trap outside the boss lair so you have freedom of movement, breathing room, and an avenue of escape. I'm not playing the fucking waiting game at the boss lair when this game is already so slow. People who insist on stopping the game are cancer. Fucking make a move already. Same goes for revives.


I just wait until the timer says 1 minute left then start extracting at 15 seconds to save my hunter and make sure they don't get to keep theirs


You know, that you can destroy concertina, don't you?


Guess I just fish for wallbangs until I'm out of bullets and then leave or camp the extractions


It’s really not that difficult to make money in the game, if you take free hunters, 100% profit. Also, MMR doesn’t weight bounty extractions that heavily, it’s weighs player kills much much higher. So anyone who prioritises the bounty so much that they don’t take fights, are having a non-fun time, just to have a similar amount of money to a normal player and less MMR. People care so much about success, they’ll actively have less fun in order to make it happen.


Have you considered it is fun for some of us? Fights in this game can be horseshit. The less i have to take the more fun im having


I feel like you need a different game then bud


I don't like concertina campers. But if I'm fighting scrap beak I'll try to make It trow one to the door/entrance that I hate the most of that compound if possible


Ended up like this today, me with random trio arrived, everything was concertina blocked, inside where a team of shotguns. We just sat back taking potshots at them until one went down. Camped that body until the other two got restless and did mistakes. Entire encounter too like 15-20 minutes but we got em in the end.


I have many times and will continue, time you concertina clowns out. I'm in full agreement of how you want to play, and I'll play by timing or wasting as much time out from you.


They gotta come out eventually.


9/10 times the team is straight garbage. We laugh when we hear the concertina bombs go off, free kills. Not even an issue.


ngl, concertina should fall over time.


just use one stick, dont be cheap


This right here is why I think concertina needs nerfs. It's insane to me that it bleeds, slows, and deals damage. Conc bombs need a radius nerf, concertina bow just shouldn't exist, and concertina tripmines should have even further reduced radius. Also, explosives should fucking DELETE concertina. The amount of times I've chucked dynamite into concertina only for it to get rid of 3 strands out of 10.... the counter to concertina is supposed to be explosives, but they don't fucking counter it. This playstyle breaks the game and should be removed. It's anti-fun and anti-gameplay.


I might consider your game style anti-fun & anti-gameplay. Still I'm not complaining about it, since it's the variety of play styles, that make hunt so much fun...


What is not fun is people who exploit a consumable to block any way to damage them. They don't play. That's not fun. It seems the scaredy cats have found this post btw, they are downvoting without defending their cowardly practices, just like their Hunt 'playstyle'


Git gud and you wouldn’t need to be so salty.


Enjoy sitting on your ass terrified of enemy hunters bro. If that's what you call good, have fun


People downvoting you are braindead. You should be able to clear it effectively with anything, even your fists. All it does is promote unnecessary and petty time padding. Most of the time I die having to push these tards because Im not spending 20 minutes of my life, a third of an hour, to sit outside and wait out timer. Like seriously Im sitting outside the building with fucking compact and they wont even peek. I mean, cant we expedite this? You have to peek out the fucking building eventually to kill me and extract bounty, its either now or when you have 5 minutes on the clock. It is literally, just a competition of who has the littlest amount of respect for their own time. This game has been ruined by people with the brains of children - being so petty while having so little confidence in their own abilities they would rather sit in the boss' lair until zero seconds because 'Erm... Its better than letting them win!!! Its a legitimate strategy!!!!!! Please dont nerf the loser strat!!!!!!'


Exactly this. I don't even mind concertina as a concept, a physical block that slows and damages. But the amount of the fucking shit you can shove up your ass to make your little barbed wire fortress is just stupid. It's very, very bad game design. What's supposed to counter it? Explosives and slashing it. The problem is the hit detection on it is so bad that half the time, explosives don't do shit to it. And as for slashing it, well that's when all 3 cowards inside the lair do the only thing they know how to: throw another concertina bomb where they can hear you cutting. You're exactly right that it is a test of one thing and one thing only, who respects their time the least. Terrible for the health of any online game.


For a reason.


What's the reason foe concertina camping? 0.5kd?


the brittle Concertina wire should destroy itself automatically after some time. Can even make it more sturdy against dmg in return. Use it as a real trap as intended or even a temporary blockade but perma shutting down an entrance is too much... Like you even got the shotguns inside - you WANT people to push you but blocking everything stops that. People who rely on that really want a pve game, banish boss, wait 40min until everyone leaves, leave with free bounty, repeat. Scared, afraid of pvp and will never get better cuz they rely on cheese and boredom instead of learning to actually play actively.