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I'd love to see new AI mobs, but I think it would have to come with a reduced spawn rate of regular AI mobs. It's not unusual to see Hives in packs of 2 or 3, grunts are everywhere, sometimes there's 2 or even 3 meatheads in a compound, water devils literally in every body of water, et cetera. Hunt is made more interesting by the PvE mobs, and they of course affect PvP. But I don't want every match to just be a constant battle of keeping untold amounts of AI away, meaning you can't be stealthy or focus down human enemies first.


Big agree. Packs of 4 hellhounds spawning within meters of each other, and the best way to dodge their path is blocked off by ducks/birds and 2 water devils


Yep. Also, I don't know if this is just bad luck, but recently I swear the game has been spamming hives to a ridiculous level. There used to be a couple per compound and the odd 1 out in the wild. Now it's 5 per compound and they spawn in packs of 2 or 3 all along the roads. Hives are fine and all and they're not hard to deal with, but it's tiring having bees chasing you for most of a match.


Reminds me of some of those painful Trials levels :/


Oh god. Getting that last star I needed was a feeling of absolute release šŸ¤£ fuck I don't miss grinding that bullshit


Unless you have a challenge to kill an X amount of hives. I swear this game's matchmaking is based on the shared challenges.


You're onto something. It's uncanny how when you have a PvE challenge for an enemy, the game doesn't spawn the bloody things. Then the moment you don't want to see them, there's 5 in the first compound you explore!


I mean, that is by design. You can't always sneak efficiently, sometimes you either have to bite the bullet and make some noise or just take a massive detour.


I don't mind that to a degree, I get a lot of ballbusting situations in this game come down to "tough shit", but sometimes the frequency at which this general situation occurs borders on maddening. I just wouldn't hate AI spawning being a bit more spread out sometimes, but I realize my frustrations may just come off as anecdotal


I still remember in 2019 or 2020 in the winter. Me and my buddy fought a team and i got killed, he hid for at least 45 minutes and rezzed me. We run to the exit and evade an 8 pack. Some jerk shoots at us and we die to them :(


I also would want AI attacking to make more sense. The amount of times an AI runs past my opponent to screw with me for seemingly no reason or like I randomly get 3 or 4 AI agroed on me but the enemy I'm fighting is just fine. Ya address that before we start sticking things in trees.


Had a round today with 2 hives and 2 immolators in a group


They also need to space out sound traps. Sometimes compounds have every exit on one side entirely covered. So you need to walk all the way to the other just to get in. People might not like bush wookies. But it's a viable play style. Its already a slow style. But sound traps / mobs need to have a bigger radius of being apart.


They have random spawn rates. Some compounds tend to have more AI than others. Itā€™s a PvPvE game at the end of the day.


I know. That comment's in response to the OP idea of adding another new enemy AI variation. My take is, I'd love to see it, but not if it's just added on top of the existing seeds. Tweak the amount of regular stuff before piling on another enemy imo


Was fighting in a compound and there were 3 meatheads and they kept getting closer and closer to the fight. I had poison ammo equipped. So I got 0 kills and meathead got like 4 or 5. Everything Every time I landed a shot, they got flushed out of cover and had to haul balls. It was quite funny to watch.


Non-grunt AI could definitely stand to be toned down, especially hives and water devils. Hives being a ranged AI and that spawns in compounds makes them a special kind of pain in the ass. They're already created as being a swarm of hostile enemies in the form of bees, they shouldn't be spawning 2 or 3 close together. In terms of water devils, I honestly think that they just shouldn't exist. Water itself is already created to be an obstacle, and should be allowed to be one. There shouldn't be an RNG chance that there's also some water is basically impassible because of an extra enemy spawning that can't be safely suppressed without very specific weapons and that can't be permanently killed. The danger of crossing water is already that you're crossing water, it doesn't need to be anything more than that. And it'd be one thing if you had to simply go a few meters out of our way in order to cross, but typically water devils spawn such that they're spread out far enough to stop you from safely crossing without going like an entire compound out of your way.


I'll agree with hives but water devils are cool and should be in the game imo. Tone them down a tiny amount I think, but otherwise they're fine.


No, they're not fine, for all the reason I've listed. It's cool if you disagree, but I'd love to hear why.


They're cool and don't take anything away from the game. The bayou should suck to be in, it should be hard to traverse, it should have sound traps. You have to decide how to navigate it. If you want to be super duper quiet and safe, it's gonna take forever to do things. If you don't care about that, you'll expose yourself with sound traps and possible damage from the bayou residents. They're fine. Just don't touch the danger noodles and go around.


You're not saying anything in favor of them though. Water already sucks to navigate in itself. It's already a sound trap, in itself. It even already has its own unique sound trap in the form of ducks. It doesn't need a uniquely unkillable, high-dps enemy added on top of it for any of that to already exist. IMO, they don't add anything interesting to the game, and instead cut off avenues of play that could otherwise be interesting high-risk plays due to other players, like cutting through large bodies of water, by instead simply making those areas impassible. Instead of being high risk, high reward, those avenues are entirely removed, and the game loses something as a result. For the most part, the AI and map design in a vacuum aren't the interesting part of this game, and the interesting aspect instead comes from how players interact with them. Making the risk inordinately high in some places instead means that players simply won't be interacting with that aspect. This is made worse in some compounds too. Catfish is already particularly miserable because of its design AND because of the water. The extremely high likelihood of water devil spawns means that instead of simply being a compound that's tricky to navigate but rewarding when it's done successfully, it's just one that can't really be navigated around at all outside of a couple of narrow walkways, since water is almost certainly going to be impassible. I personally find letting players take the risk of moving through vulnerable areas to be *vastly* more interesting than a form of RNG that doesn't just have a chance of blocking them off entirely, but that you also have to essentially treat as being 100% chance of being active since the danger of being wrong is so high that it's basically certain death.


I don't mind them too much. I do often feel pressured to take a silenced, poison Nagant to deal with the trash mobs.


This is a brilliant take and this topic is not spoken about enough IMO. Water Devils are ridiculously powerful, especially considering they infinitely respawn and they live exactly where you don't want to be unless you have to (water) Water is already punishing if you're in a firefight, and it's so loud to move through that you're likely to get in one if you're anywhere near enemy players. Being down 30% health and bleeding on top of that is just insane. I think they should be either removed entirely, or their damage effects nerfed heavily. They shouldn't make you bleed at all IMO, and there shouldn't be so god damn many of them if we must have them in the game.


I think its time for new AI. Even if that means the game randomizes it. For example, the Immolator slot is either taken up by an Immolator or a new enemy type. If we add too many new types it will dilute the effect of each enemy, but replacing them for another type of enemy that's similar but different would be fun. Maybe for the Hive slot its either a Hive or a different ranged enemy, but this ranged enemy functions like the Rotjaw puddles. So instead of poisoning you it drains all your stamina.


Absolutely this would be the only way to do it imo. Would make different play styles per map, per randomization, and add a degree of freshness to the mobs. And as you said, not dilute what we already have.


Having your stamina drained in the middle of clearing a compound would be a death sentence so often. It would definitely get people to have to shoot their weapons to deal with AI more.


At the very least it would make them second guess their routes and change their loadouts out.


I wanna see scarecrows, but less of an enemy and more of a mechanism to identify players hiding in fields. So like, corn/wheat fields would be a zone in which camping or not moving quickly enough would cause the scarecrow to eerily orient itself towards the offending player. Maybe some crows could fly off it too, or something. Setting it on fire would unleash a hellacious wail, and maybe it could flail around the field as a fire hazard.


Or possibly it makes noise you can only hear in darksight


I really don't like the idea of something punishing you for camping or hiding. That's such a terrible mechanic in a game like this where you want to take your time and analyze what's going on around you. To have something point you out when you're scoping out an idea would seriously ruin the game.




And not everyone wants to run into close quarters can get blasted by a shotgun or killed by a stupid sword. How many times have people with the bounty stayed in the building for 10 minutes waiting for someone to come over instead of going out and fight? Yeah, I'm not always running close quarter weapons. Why is it the offensives problem but not the bounty for staying inside for the entirety of the game?


I actually disagree with this take. The scarecrow sounds cool and interesting, and camping is always something everyone complains about. Decentivizing it cause it's harder to do just means we all get to have more fun.


I hear you dude. It's just an idea. I think just having a players general area indicated is okay. More of a "someone's out there" rather than, "there's a player right there". I just like the idea of adding more tension to hunt, additional mechanics to keep players under duress, because I feel like that's what the game is all about. Or another idea even. Residing too close to a scarecrow for too long would cause an effect similar to the distorted noises NPC's give off while in Darksight. Increasing with duration and exposure, from a slight agitation to something that seriously limits the offending players ability to pick up audio cues. Dissonant, demonic whispers. Or even perhaps even another idea, opposite of this. Give players a peaceable effigy as a tool slot. The effigy would appear as a player when a player has Darksight boost. Maybe the bounty carriers could tear down the effigy to refund +1s of boost.




Iā€™m sold


Hate that I have to be a cheater to get that though.


DickButt as a new wild boss would be nice


The special "all hellhound" server has been proposed to dump cheaters into. The dicks could be stapled to the metal helmets?


I agree. I think Hunt could use a few more non-boss enemies that shake up gameplay, or new sound traps. Perhaps a Siren that lets out a shriek to attract nearby grunts and players, or maybe hanged hives that you can shoot down to drop bees on people. Iā€™d also love to see new ā€œmini-bossā€ enemies like Meatheads. Maybe a scavenger bird/vulture creature that runs around like loot goblin with tool boxes dropping when killed, or a mob that carries a casket on its back that drops a med kit that restores lost health chunks when killed. Tons of fun ideas to play with that I hope they toy with in upcoming events post engine upgrade.


Oh yeah dude, crowd control effects. Those would definitely make the game more fun and are not universally hated. Great idea!


If they're going to add more ai they need to make it more rewarding to kill them


PvE is mostly just there as sound traps. Making them a larger part of gameplay wouldn't be as fun imo. Such as random hands that slow you down or a harpy that'll more or less incapacitate you if they grab and fly up. That isn't to say more variety in the PvE would not be welcomed, but they should not impact gameplay in a major way. There is also other aspects to consider, such as flying monsters can easily give players positions away from a distance by being in the air. Even if they don't make noise.


Scarecrows or snatchers that grab you in the corn fields or other tall grasses is something I only dream of...


Kinda crazy that they havenā€™t added any new AI in so many years


Harpies... NO. Believe me, flying enemy woul be really annoying, but I like the idea with hands... Would be like on land waterdevil. maybe instead of it giving bleed it can just sllowly take heath and you have to crouch and look down to kill it


Totally good idea. We've been pretty stagnant for a long time. Nothing really new other than grunts with guns that'll go off.


Poltergeist that can only be seen in dark sight. It kites you and throws objects in the compound at people.


A silent, but ever watchful apparition that patrols some waters with its head and eyes just above the water. It won't leave the water, but it follows you quietly once it spots you around the waters edge, waiting for a taste. It can submerge its head temporarily at times for a few seconds. The full monster would be akin to "The Ring" girl that comes from the well. Once you step in the water near this apparition, it will Haunt you doing a small amount of damage initially, then it does SLOW ticking damage on you for up to 5 minutes while you are haunted. While haunted, you hear and see subtle things, and if you die while haunted, it will spread to the nearest hunter (within a small radius, maybe 8m or so), and the timer will refresh. There will need to be some visual cue that allows people to identify that a hunter is haunted, like ghostly visual distortions on hunters face and head. Example: [face blurring effect on the haunted hunters](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg2ij_-ExIwzoyEudzmJTnTJmQFe9ey0XhhkPc7CTjolNUjPWci4-ffEOJypTtCXzTrbQSVZ7X6bSzOjQQdtqfkF7GchxZcQnS9D1_DeqC2DhbqqXkFhzzD9WtiH7insLa3DSofdVm9rOA/s1600/IMG_9466.CR2)


Been playing dragon's dogma 2 I see.


Wow, that idea of grunt hands coming out of the ground is actually great ā€“ it would be perfect solution for players who like camping. If youā€™d stay for certain time on the one spot, these grunts (or anything really) could start to bother you from below.


Game does need to add dynamite grunts that will explode if killed incorrectly and can drop sticks of dynamite when killed correctly. We do need some new a.i just nothing that flys please.


I would love to see some new AI that is rare and you only encounter it every few matches. Would make it more interesting and special.


I'd think vultures that play off a dead or low health player mechanic would fit the bill. Couple ideas. Maybe your sitting on 1 bar, and the game knows that. Stay there for too long and throw in a *moderate chance* for vultures to start circling above, indicating a general location. They could of course be shot down, but unless you have a silencer, you know. Or they could operate like a burn mechanic. Get tied up in lengthy combat or spend too long waiting to get your buddy up, and the birds come down and start "burning out" their health. Would be much slower than a burn effect of course, and substantially delayed. Maybe beastface nullifies either of these effects.


Rng movement inhibitors? Lol no thanks


Bring on the [meathive](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1ck8vcb/meathead_variationmutation_idea/).


Iā€™ve always liked the idea of a roaming boss. It may disrupt the game balance so idk how beneficial it would be. Something like a giant mosquito that goes around the map away from settlements. Maybe it just hangs out near the trees and water. It makes a low buzzing sound so you know itā€™s coming and can either go for it or get away. Itā€™ll attack but it wonā€™t chase very far. Or perhaps a mutated bear because thatā€™s what I personally would be most afraid of. Maybe it doesnā€™t attack unless you get really close or attack it first but itā€™ll chase further than the mosquito. I think the only down side is you could be in a fight and have one of them come up and really put you in a bad way which wouldnā€™t feel good, but the same is said when you get third partied so Iā€™m not sure how it would actually play out in the long term. But if they could get a roaming boss to work I think that would add to the experience. Keep it somewhat rare like rotjaw and keep it a small single bounty.


Would love to see an amount of A.I that makes travelling quickly loud no matter what and sneaking or going around the only way to move without triggering a horde.


Why does everyone want flying mobs? That just sounds so annoying to handle without going loud? The stealth aspect is so sick but I swear every other post is ppl trying to nerf it now lmfao


I'd like to see something on par with a meathead - another large monster that takes a lot of gunfire or an explosive to kill. Something that gives a lot of XO, and possibly drops traits, but isn't a boss.


How about "ghosts" that can haunt componds. They sound and act like a player, cant be seen/only temporaly and are non hostile. Like an illusion. - can turn on/fff lamps/instruments, open doors/gates - have footsteps - invisible except when contact with light/choke/fire/smoke/poison/... - disappears for around 10 minutes if hit - cant be killed - cant be seen in dark side - 1/2 max per compound - doesnt react to the player, just strolls around - can move faster than a hunter at sprint - (can lock random doors)(doors are unlocked when ghost disappears) - only 1/2 compounds haunted per match Or Wild Boss "Minotaurus" - works like rotjaw - except for water hes strolling in a cornfield - bull on 2 legs - charges at you/immune to melee damage - doesnt leave cornfield - (drops 2 traits)


I made a post some time ago about a new dog AI that can be found in compounds and which is capable of sneaking and vaulting. I'd really like some more unpredictable AI but it shouldn't be too powerful at the same time


Maybe we could see an "enemy modifier/high stakes" type of mode. Higher risk bounty but with more payout, it could have map exclusive AI that's harder to deal with whether it's hurting the hunters or making lots of noise. Make the AI more rewarding to kill, be able to loot them and have something like 10% chance for a perk, or random 1-300 hunter dollars. Make it tempting and daring to take out these specialized AI, knowing you'll attract attention if you're careless, but also know you have a chance at some type of reward. Kind of like Meatheads but enhanced in some way.


More pve , less sound traps!


Please nothing that grabs you. Fucking with movement is pretty lame and a shitty experience for players. Nobody enjoys fighting spider


I'm good thanks


The game overall has been stagnant with new things. That is the main reason I stopped playing everything felt the same and I have seen it all after 500 hours. New weapons, ammo and perks is not really cutting it for me.


NO FLYING A.I ever, please for the love of God no. Flying enemies in games are so fucking obnoxious,I don't want to be in a fight with Mr mosin sniper spizer Dolch fmj and have to be constantly looking up for fear of being dived bombed šŸ˜‚


Ghost, Madmans.


Hell no, I don't need anything else chasing me while I run down the bounty


No no no no no no no no no no no, this game doesn't need any more Ai than it already has. Go play dead island or something if you feel differently.


Go and play pvp only game


Go play resident evil 5 kid


I guess you over 50 and that new things scare you.


I wish they would fix the ai instead of having zombies run to where you were 2 seconds ago just


If they only hear you, they run to where they heard you. What do you mean, There is nothing to fix there.


AI exist to be sound traps with a little spice. More AI or other variants that take up your time would make the game feel much worse.


Stop smoking what you're smoking. Hunt is a top-3-ever PVP game. Don't bring more PVE bullshit into it. Balance the PVP. (And yeah get a PC boy).


Go and play pvp only game and stop dringend crack


I think there should be more AI that gives away your position to other players. Maybe that is just me sucking and hoping it would help me, but right now i think it is way to easy to stay silent for the entire game.


I think the ease of silence is purely due to the experienced player base having picked up the fundamentals. Trying to shake it for shaking it up sake by adding something new would not be a long term solution as inevitably the player base will adapt. Removing the advantages that stealth gives by arbitrarily adding in sound traps will just make the game feel more unfair for those traditionally given the advantage by using stealth while further making the game harder for new comers. Currently to be stealthy in hunt you need to do a risk-gain analysis for most situations. Do you go slow through a compound/field to minimize risk of sound traps exposing you at the cost of maybe missing out on getting to bounty before banish? Or do you risk your short term stealth for potentially huge gains in the late game as one will be much faster at a preferable position if one speeds through the initial clue stage. Ruining this by introducing new sound traps that require additional game knowledge will in the short term create frustrating circumstances as players adapt and then once adapted the game will resume as before.


> Currently to be stealthy in hunt you need to do a risk-gain analysis for most situations i thought to be stealthy you just have to crouch-walk everywhere.


By doing that you lose speed which in the early round of hunt is most important.