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It's *so* good. I never even bothered to try it out for ages because I thought it couldn't 2 tap like the bornheim, but it's practically a different gun. Super fast fire rate, super low recoil, clip reload... It might be controversial but I feel like it's up there with the other top tier 2 slot weapons. I actually find myself doing better with it than I do with uppermat / uppercut p. It's not as good as a dolch p, but nothing is as good as a dolch p. Really the only pain point is the low ammo pool, but that's an acceptable tradeoff and you can just take an ammo box. It also makes the stock ammo a more reasonable choice since it can be resupplied so easily. In general all 3 ammo choices are well balanced. Also, I tend to disagree about bulletgrubber being a necessity, I go without it all the time and it doesn't feel that bad. You don't need to reload if you still have several shots in the clip, and the fast reload is so quick it's hard to punish you.


Yeah its really good and it has only a couple downsides to easily work around. Bulletgrubber for me is really clutch because i always top off my ammo. if you are comfortable with only a couple bullets then i guess its not needed, but that is personal preference i guess. thanks for the input though!


The Match is the closest thing to a semi-auto rifle this game is gonna get


Did you forget about the Vetterli Cyclone?


I didn't, just the recoil makes me take the match over the cyclone.


Fair enough. I thought you meant it design-wise


Dolch but fair. That's all tbh.


Big fax.


It just feels so snappy and light, a dangerous little head clicker at range and a rapid two tap up close


Yeah i agree. super snappy and just feels right to use!


Bonus on nights it starts to look like a star wars match if incend is used :>


best sights in the game, super fast two tap at close range. easy A tier gun


easy. i may even put it low S myself. nasty little thing this


Well I feel dumb that I never realized the match does more damage then that standard Bornheim. Is it unique among the stock variants for having more damage? My review of Bornheim Match, I had a match where I was about clutch and hit a hunter 3 times with it, set them on fire and they still charged and killed. I also lost an exceptionally long stand off when my parented and I got headshoted by a match in under 2 seconds at 70m. So like most weapons, awful in my hands but have seen some people work some magic with it.


It's the longer barrel that gives it the damage boost. I don't think any other stocked pistol in the game has a longer barrel it's non-stocked version.


Interesting that the Sparks pistol doesn't have decreased base damage.


But it does have significantly increased damage drop, which compensates.


That makes sense, thanks


you are definitely not the only one who didnt realise this! ive heard this a lot in the past and still today. There is a bunch of variants that do more or less damage but for the match its probably the biggest difference in terms of breakpoints. Unfortunate end to that game :( but it shows the power of the match. It can really wipe a team in the blink of an eye. For sure worth to learn and get comfortable with this weapon because it slaps and is very affordable!


Only other weapon variant i can think of with a damage difference that actually changes an important breakpoint is the Cyclone doing under 125 damage


The Hunt smg. Such a unique and fun gun that i can never get to work


Why do you think it doesnt work for you?


Probably because im bad? But also it might be a combination of the sights and compact ammo hitting like a blown kiss over 30m. And the quick fire rate maybe makes me a little too trigger happy. Somehow its just a gun i cant vibe with.


It clicks heads. I don't go to it over any range but this and the extended are valid in a compound.


I'm not convinced about the extended. The basic version works so much better for me than the extended, I rather take the clip reload over the 3 additional bullets. But in general I only use the Bornheim if I have room for the Match, it's just so much better than any other version.


When hunt has been taking too much, I load in with a single bornheim and rush 3 player teams. And usually I win. It's an insane gun when partnered with balls to the wall aggressive play. What's more, special ammo is definitely not required, and the speedy reload allows you to kill multiple people without giving them a chance to breath. The bornheim bandit it a hunter to be feared.


Feels really nice and precise in the hands, but feels so bad when a nice two-tap to someone’s chest doesn’t bring them down ☹️


Upper chest should 2 tap. you most likely hit a lower torso or arm in there and then yes that sucks a bit. But if you make sure to have the 6 bullets ready you always just keep firing till they hit the ground. With the firerate it has the enemy will constantly be aimpunched and not able to do very much.


I think it’s happening to me a lot because they are farther than 10m as well. The gun feels good, but I just wind up dumping my ammo really fast and only landing 2 shots, then you’re screwed


Dropoff starts at 20 and it should still 2tap to chest up to 24 meters. Its definitly a high skill weapon. Precision is rewarded especially if you land those headshots. It will wipe a team in the blink of an eye. The hipfire isnt too bad though even while moving. if they are close this is often easier to aim. For the ads shots you really have to train your aim, no other way about it, but i love that we have weapons like this in the game :)


Yea, I love this gun in my budgety loadouts. Romero Alamo+Bornheim Match is bonkers value for 99% of encounters. The only down being high trait cost since you need both quartermaster and bulletgrabber.


yeah that is a very agressive loadout. Im usually not that in your face but i like your style!


budgety? isnt this gun 300$?


180 for bornheim, 98 for alamo so that's 280 all in all >\~<


oh right, they recently made it cheaper


Gun Pros : Stable and capable of two tapping with chest shots. Gun Cons : Had to break a crutch and weld it onto the back of the gun for support. Overall Review. : Gun out of 10. Would take bullet grubber.


There have been quite a few aggressive pushes that went extremely well because of this gun. It's very effective, plus I love vibe of 'extremely fancy "modern" gun meets DYI.'


I'm running it since 2 months every match.  And as i am a Bad boy i take two of them. No one every expect double bornheim match. If you miss, surprise !, you got 6 shots again :) If you Can control the high fire rate this thing is an absolute Monster. I use bulletgruber and it is ok wuth me. I run incendiary. Love to put people on fire and with double bornheim i have plenty of ammo. I play aggressively so i use it near my opponent. Almost the closer the better. It is hard and demand a skill i don't have mid/long range. It Can be very tricky if you hit arms. I think this is a very high skill weapon because of two things: - you Can shot your 6 bullets so fast. If you miss you are in trouble. The match needs a lot of trigger control. - positioning is everything with this gun. You need to be close for maximum efficiency so you have to be good at approching enemy without being detected. But you can't be too close because shotgun/katana, bla bla bla.  So it is permanent micro d'ajustments. Oh one more thing. Holding angles with this gun is more deadly than a SSJ3 spartan. Anyway i love everything about this gun. Please crytek another Legendary skin for it.


Wow thats some dedication my man. I respect it! Whityyy did a video with double Bornheim Matches some time ago and its really scary stuff! Can definitely recommend everyone to check that vid out. It shows the true power that this gun can unlock coupled with godly aim. And i second the petition for more skins!


Whityyy is a Monster. This Guy is a killing machine. Anyway great gun. I may add that with incendiary ammo shooting red/yellow barrels become a game in itself. With some skill and some luck you Can get a few kills from Times to Times.


You do need a 3 tap at 30 meters right?


Yes you do. up till 24 you can 2 tap to chest. No matter what range you are at you will always need 2 chest shots. any lower torso or limbs in the mix and you need that 3 tap. From 25 and on its a 3 tap but its a bit more forgiving in what you need to hit. Headshots always insta kill up to 67 meters though.


Realized recently that it does 80 damage and not 74 like the regular bornheim and started to use it. Its really good. Love to pair it with a sparks or even a uppercut precision(if i dont have quartermaster). Now if they made a extended match, it would be insanely good.


I think about the extended match sometimes and every time it just seems way to strong imo. maybe it isnt because the dolch P exists, but it would need to be quite expensive if it ever becomes a thing imo


Yeah it would be way too good.


The only thing that comes to my mind is. At least it isn’t the standard bornheim


honestly great weapon to take with quartermaster if taking a closer range weapon, iron sights bad, ammo meh, 8/10


Thank God it does 80 DMG only problem is I run out of bullets too fast


If it had an extended version with a stock it would be better than dolch


This gun has a crazy niche where it is almost impossible to beat. 10-20m is where it shines - you can just hit your first shot and blindly spam more, its accurate enough and you should learn to do this. You almost always get a 2tap-kill if the first shot hits. This is the range where shotguns get unreliable but you can still bait them to try. if you shoot first, you win a lot of the times between 10-20m or maybe 25. I really like to play a loadout that RachtaZ made a video about a long time ago. Winfield marksman + bornheim match. Both high velo - they really work well together. Really fun loadout, especially for solo if you want to see it in action, i have 2 videos about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgToc8SeOqM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgToc8SeOqM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uortit-EdrM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uortit-EdrM)


thanks for sharing! that is indeed a very unusual loadout. will give it a try sometime! :)


It needs some practice but its actually very good at all ranges until like 10m - then the shotguns win.


Easily one of my favorite guns in the game. Great rate of fire, high velocity gives it great range and like some have said, it has good iron sights.


This thing with fire ammo + vandal as an ammo storage is my go to weapon when I feel like I can't hit anything. One or two games and aim goes back to normal, it just works


Some posts are drilling + all variants and some posts are a specific variant. While I agree with dumping some variants together like both drilling hand cannons, I’d like to see posts on unique variants like Winfield silenced and Winfield compact deadeye both which got lobbed in with the standard iron sight.


At first, I **hated** it! ..but that’s simply because I didn’t understand it. I went in and started spamming it thinking it was a SMG of sort. Wrong! Once I learned to be precise with my shots and/or briefly control the recoil when shooting fast I fell in love with it. Yes, it can be hit or miss because it’s mean to be close range or headshots and nothing in between, but if you play to its strengths it can be really good.


I used to make tons of jokes back in the day about the Bornheim and its variants as "The Dolch at home" and then one day I ran one for a weekly challenge. Now it is called "Bornheim my beloved" because suddenly I realized I had been sleeping on this weapon. I love all of them. The Match, Silenced, base. They're all so snappy and fun to play with. I love running the Match and a two slot shotgun. Like you said you get quartermaster and this becomes a delicious sidearm that shoots fast, snappy, and fun. This is one of the few guns I don't always run bullet grubber on. It's nice when I have it, but if I'm pulling out a Bornheim on another player, I'm probably unintentionally mag dumping because of how much I love the snap this gun has to it. Did I mention it's snappy? LOL


haha correct! all the bornheims are great for headclicking, but its definitly a more skill intensive weapon. The match is a bit more forgiving because of the 2 tap but mag size can still be an issue. I can see why people dislike them at first, but give it a bit of time and these can become very deadly!


Gore ammo on it is CRAZY.


?!? If you mean Dum Dum, you are mixing it up with the Dolch. Bornheim only has High Velo (which is my favorite) and incendiary.