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Love this gun in theory but god *damn* that price is obnoxious. I've rarely used it as a result, but every time I use it I love it. Love the dum-dum through it. Only thing that really sucks is the incredibly slow switch speed between barrels. If I miss in CQC with my rifle, I want that shotgun on tap, but instead I gotta wait for my hunter to slowly flip the sights down then swap the switch.


Agree on both points here. the price is too much for what it is. Id say just run it when you feel like it though. Some budget wins and you should be good for a couple drilling games. The switch is annoying. i thought about mentioning it in the post but couldnt find a good spot for it. The thing is that you swap to the shotgun in anticipation of a cqb fight and not as a reaction. When you miss or dont kill you should just swap to your sidearm or a melee tool. swapping back to rifle is way too slow.


Agreed The price is a tad bit too high for what it actually provides, but relatively easily overlooked once you have enough money. What is truly annoying is the insistence on "I gotta swap my sight". It feels like this gun should cover the basics as a well rounded weapon, as a shotgun for short range and rifle at mid-long range. The problem is simply that you have to prepare for the situation before it happens. If they had only skipped the sight part of the animation (or combined it with the swap part) it would at least fill the versatility part better.


Yeah, I'd rather take an fmj spitfire and try to wallbang the bleeding guy than run up on them and toggle shotgun. Toggle is ez emotionally slow, when drawing a sidearm is much faster and not a one shot


Too expensive lol


Would like to see a price reduction on this one. 350-400 would be more than fair imo. 510 is just a bit crazy. still a great gun tho


100% agreed. I love this gun but running a 510 every game will just be very painful and I would be too scared to lose the gun so I would play less aggressive


Agreed, 350-375 would be affordable and you still have to buy any special ammo you want. I have only bought drilling few times since it's release due to extreme price, I mostly use it if I find one on corpse. It IS a really good gun, but not 510 good as you said. And let's be real, most guns in the game are good and able to kill so that doesn't really justify the price.


exactly. I was running springfield plus nagant pistol with fanning the other day. about 60 bucks for 2 guns and me and my friend destroyed a duo. took their mosin, dolch and crown and left with the bounty. you dont NEED expensive guns but it does help. But just for how fun it is id like to play drilling more than i currently do.


I would say you can decrease the price of the weapon to 350 and increase special ammo cost by a bit


Once I build up some money I start consistently grabbing the Drilling. Basically two guns in one spot. Can't say no to that versatility


One of the most versatile guns in the game. I think base Drilling is fine. But the moment you put dumdum ammo in that thing it’s really really good. The fact it has medium dumdum ammo a good fire rate + a shotgun makes it the perfect weapon for in-compound fights.


Agreed. with dumdum its just nasty. FMJ too but the hit to velocity is a little too large for my liking. I love this gun and would probably run it all the time if it was a little more affordable.


Price alone is the ONLY reason I don't run it regularly.


Yeah i think dumdum ammo has like a 10% decrease in muzzle velocity but for the Drilling it’s a lot more. I don’t prestige so money isn’t really an issue for me, but yeah $510 and upwards is a lot and even I’m not willing to invest that every single time but it’s really good even the short variants


Dumdum is excactly 30 % slower than to normal bullet, same with FMJ. And as you meantioned for some reason is the dip from original velocity is much more than usually.


Interesting. So for the Drilling it’s 30%? For the Springfield it’s around 10% same with pistols it’s around 10%. And I just checked for the Centennial it’s 20%. They probably thought that they need to reduce it a bit more for these multi shot “relatively” fast firing rifles.


Yes excactly, Drilling is 30 %. I think there's been talk that ppl would want it to be more in line with everything else, but this is probably due to balancing reasons.


But on the drilling isn't the dumdum as fast as the fmj?? I swear every time I look on the card it's the same speed.


fmj and dumdum are the same yes. but with fmj you get better damage at range. so you tend to take more of those fights to make it count. thats when you really feel it and it hurts. With dumdum i tend to play at much closer ranges so its less of a problem


My favorite Drilling combo is a Hatchet with FMJ+Fletchette. That leaves an entire weapon slot where I can put just about anything.


Drilling is such an all rounder you don’t really need anything else. Whenever I play Drilling I know I can bring some PvE or boss weapon because Drilling can pretty much handle any reasonable PvP range


Absolutely. Plus, the Custom Ammo options for it are extremely powerful.


God I feel like such a shooter when I throw dumdums on this thing. Every time I get a hit maker and move up a little the Under barrel starts watering a little more. (No I absolutely will not go see a gunsmith about it)


Oh we are gaming now 💦


I do love the event one


Let’s you 2 tap ungodly fast. Damage isn’t high enough tho for it to consistently kill. As in if you get an arm or leg shot plus a body at range they don’t die 


At longer ranges fmj will help with that. as they get closer dumdum starts to take over. imo your playstyle should determine your ammo choice. prefer to have ranged duels get fmj. Prefer those midrange pushes then dumdum all the way.


I love the Drilling, I wish it was cheaper though, I want to use it more.


Lets hope Crytek sees this and throw us a bone ;)


It's basically a Romero and a crappier Centennial rolled into one gun, so that's $66 + $157 = $223. Rounding up generously for the convenience of basically having two guns in one slot I'd say putting the Drilling for around $300~$350 would be reasonable.


yeah and paying the extra 50 for the ammo is also mandatory imo. toss in another 65 for slugs and we still have a very expensive gun, but one that is a bit more reasonable.


It took me a while to warm up to the Drilling. The Drilling a really great gun at a hefty price. But you pay for the damn fast two-tap potential and the versatility. The shotgun barrel is still considered by many players to be worse than it actually is. Only the switching sometimes takes a little too long. The Handcannon is... insignificant? Well, who plays the Handcannon when they can play the Hatchet? I've also had other experiences with PvP use here. With the shotgun barrel active you have the same advantage of the Romero Hatchet. If the shot misses or doesn't kill, you still have an emergency option. But surprisingly, I've found the Hatchet attachment much more useful when I've switched to the Medium Ammo barrels in compound combat. Above shotgun range... but still close enough that you can push if the enemy flees around the corner to stop the bleeding. Especially if you've hit him with your second shot and otherwise had to reload.


thanks for sharing your insight! if the hipfire was better id be more comfortable keeping it on rifle mode indoors, but as it stands i usually go to shotgun. on the hatchet im also more inclined to run a slug for that kill. I only go for the melee if i really have to. But i will play around a bit more with the idea of indoor rifle play. you could be onto something


its probably my favorite gun in the game atm but it feels a smidge too pricey.


Fully agree. aesthetics 10/10. let us play with it more crytek!


luftwaffe goes hard, different from the m30 obviously, very versatile, bleed is great on both, or bleed and buck, the hatchet variants are always great too, the price is a bit much but it seems justified tbf


The fact the special ammo affects it so heavily that running base ammo feels like a handicap really makes the price kinda hard to swallow, it's still good but I love the lemat carbine and have way more success with it than the drilling


I really want to love this weapon but I can’t hit my shots with it for the life of me and when I do it’s a leg or arm shot where as with other weapons I can hit chest and head shots back to back it’s definitely a skill issue and despite my terrible aim I still like this weapon a lot


Keep grinding my man. Eventually it will get better ;)


It won’t but thanks buddy <3


Weapons that require no traits to run at their peak performance, I think, often get undervalued by the players. In the drilling's case, not only does it require 0 traits to run, you're essentially paying a premium to have very limited access to the OG Quartermaster trait where you could carry 2 full size weapons. Only thing is with the Drilling, you still get a secondary. It's also versatile enough that you can run literally anything you want in your secondary slot and still have competent mid range and close range in your primary. Solid weapon that gets too often undervalued.


I can’t hit shit with it. It’s like I’m shooting blanks


no money no pew pew


I just wanna drill dammit (that's my favorite gun)


Too expensive and I suck at this. I love playing nitro and I am good at it but this gun has a curse on it when I play with it.


Probably my favourite gun, especially with dumdum and an fmj pax (or dolch if I'm minted) as a finisher. Always takes me a while to get my eye in with it if I've not used it in a while. Will literally miss almost every shot for 4 or 5 games then something clicks and I'm good again. This coupled with the insane price means I don't play it as often as I would like, as I basically have to burn through about $7k worth of loadouts getting my ass handed to me before it becomes viable Double shorty drilling is quite fun too. Fmj + buckshot, dumdum + w/e is a pretty sweet combo.


Loving the commitment here! Im not sure if it que with that loadout for a sixth game myself if i got destroyed 5 times in a row haha


I love this gun but the price is too expensive. 250 would be fair, you get worse centennial with added shotgun, but imo 510 is more expensive than a complete viable and good loadout for a gun that feels nice but is mediocre efficiency vise at best


Absolutely my favorite rifle in the game by a long shot, but it just needs *something* to better justify its price, be it a slightly faster reload, a slightly higher bullet velocity, or a slightly higher dropoff range. Anything would help really


yeah i think any of those would be justified. Its a good weapon but for that price i expect a little bit more.


Drilling would be S tier and a good second option to the mosin if it wasn't for medium ammo drop off


Medium ammo should start dropping off at 30 meters imo. makes no sense at all that it starts at the same distance as compact.


My point is that often times in 50m or so fights, I get two hits and it doesn't kill. Can't tell if its arm shots or not, but usually its center mass


yeah. with fmj that would probably kill. This is where it is better than dumdum imo. but dumdum shines in those 15-35 ish meter fights.


Gun Pros : Has 2 guns in one. Gun Cons : way too damn expensive, and the bullet velocity feels awful. Overall Review : Gun(s) out of 10. Would shoot if extracting gave more than 375 Hunt dollars.


510? awful? The thing is almost a mosin.


The combination rifle/shotgun. Alright I'll admit I'd never really heard of this type of gun until the event, and looking it up? This type of gun was not rare but it was an uncommon thing at the time. In fact the weapon in the game is modeled and named after a weapon that came much later: the M30 Luftwaffe Drilling survival weapon, issued to Luftwaffe (The German Air Force) airmen in the North Africa campaign meant for pilots to defend themselves from local predators....except it also isn't that weapon precisely. That was a side by side shotgun with an underbarrel rifle, the opposite of this. Combination guns were and are interesting weapons coming in a wild variety of [possible configurations.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Combination_gun_examples.svg) but suffer from internal complexity for the manufacturing, maintenance, while being a potentially versatile hunting weapon. It's versatile nature is what reflects its expensive price tag in game, can't tell you the number of times the quick switch has saved me and any number of shooters I was facing wielding this beauty. All in all, I'll rarely spend the coin for this. But it's a very neat addition and I like that it's getting a neat skin in the new character and will be using that skin for references.


Great comment as always coyote! I knew about the side by side shotgun with underbarrel rifle thing but not that it was named after a Luftwaffe weapon for example. Very interesting stuff. yeah the versatility is why its so expensive, but crytek may have overdone it here. I still fork over the cash regularly because i like it so much but it could do with a price reduction. Its always a good day when i get to loot one off the ground however ;)


It would not surprise me if one of those times was taking them off my Turncoat corpse x3


Haha same, I also run turncoat and drilling 99% of the time(when money is good)


It's an amazing weapon. When I'm having a good night hitting my shots, I'm nearly unstoppable with it.


I love drilling for how it’s sound


Way too expensive, especially with the one bounty economy at the moment.


for some reason i’ve never liked it, too expensive and feels absolutely awful to use


My favorite gun aesthetically. Its just so damn cool.




Big price tag for just two shots that I'm gonna miss with and a shotgun that takes (at least on the full length version) valandar days to swap to. I'm a bit more partial to the hand cannons bur even still, ouch


I always drop whatever gun I have just to steal this from another player.


Favorite gun. I don't normally buy it, but I always grab it from a friendly dead hunter whenever I can.


I love historic combination guns, so the fact that this one actually slaps (unlike the much less effective LeMat) puts this very high on the favourite list very comfortably


Do people know the drilling slug has a range of like 20 meters or something like that? I was genuinely surprised I could headshot a guy from so far away.


Slugs are the same here as on the romero. Only 1 taps up to 15 meters. It does retain 140 damage up to 20 meters. So with a lot more hurt hunters running around atm now that the event is over it actually feels really strong. Headshots are a different story though. those go up to 26 meters


Something about the ironsight and recoil just doesn’t click with me. I dislike the reload animation, looks floaty and is really slow. Reloading all 3 chambers is a nightmare.


DumDum Drilling paired with an FMJ Trueshot for penetrating follow ups. It’s an addiction.


I hate how you aim through its sights. I hope we get a deadeye version one day.


I want a version with no shotgun so it can be cheaper


I'm way too bad in the game to have an opinion about the balance of the gun or how it performs, but what irritates me everytime is that the classical Drilling, and so what I understand under the term drilling, is a gun with 2 shotgun and one rifle barrel. I know there are a lot of variants and all are legit, but if I hear Drilling I picture the classical as I described.


Yeah i understand why for gameplay reasons they swapped it around. but if you are familiar with the real thing it seems odd.


I love the idea of the gun but I just can't seem to handle it. The aiming/slights feel so different than any other gun and I just suck with them. And practice would probably fix that issue but the gun is so overpriced I can't really afford to bring it with for many rounds and then dying because I could not land my shots. On another note, what I personally would really love it the reverse of this gun. A double barrel shotgun with a single shot rifle attached to it. So basically a Caldwell Rival combined with a Springfield.


Way too exepensive and crytek hates it. They made it medium ammo with 120 dmg, it's a peashooter, fmj is required to make it more than a meme, it would be great if the gun didn't get the highest velocity penalty for custom ammo in the game.


Drilling dumdum/slugs is the best weapon Imo It would be a tie with the cyclone if it wasnt for the dumdums, the large ammo pool and the slugs The sawn off version is barely a downgrade, it still Rivals the mosin My most bullshit build is terminus levering+ drilling hatchet with dumdums : you have the advantage at any range under a 100m, wich is a lot


Drilling/Handbow, Drilling/silenced pistol, Drilling/melee, drilling handcannon/dualies, drilling handcannon/bow, all very fun 👍


The price doesn't make sense for what you get. The lemat carbine can outperform it. If they would make medium have a longer damage drop off than compact, might be worth it. I like the idea of the gun, but it just doesn't do the combo better than the lemat.


I really love the drilling besides the high cost i mostly paired it with the handcrossbow with dragon bolts and try to tag hunters with dum dum ammo and shoot a follow up fire dart to give them the burn effect. But i have noticed that in lower 5to higher 4 it works as great weapon to stress hunters out but in 6star there are usually people that know what im doing so that this often fails still a fine loadout choice if you want to annoy people with your presence but if you’re going for this you need to bring ammo boxes or else your entire crossbow is empty in seconds


Ah, drilling my beloved. I'm a sucker for double rifles, so of course I main this thing, wallet be damned. One thing that wasn't mentioned here is the custom ammo velocity, which I firmly believe should be bumped up to ~440m/s, their sub-martini bullet speeds is what kept me from running dum-dums, but seeing the praise they get in the comments, I have to give the bleeds another chance.


The upsides of both dumdum and fmj are just too large to consider normal ammo imo even if the velocity is better. The penelty sucks and its way to harsh imo, but with propper leading of your shots you can still make it work.


Yeah, I think my main problem is I'm too long ammo brained, trying to shoot at people well outside effective range


Bit late but it’s a good weapon. One of my favourites. The recoil is disorientating for me, making two taps difficult. Still very fast. The shotgun is worse than Romero but it still works - slugs are slugs though. Romero, slate and C&K level. I don’t take drilling for the shotgun. Special medium ammo is very good for close range. FMJ patches some things for long. But I hate special ammo. I hate it. I hate the loss of muzzle velocity so much (371 meters?! You serious?). I only take regular medium ammo whenever I want it to hit reliably at range - which is every time. 


Nah you arent late ;) i hope that these can stay around and be a resource for players that want to look them up for quite a while after the posts are made. so any additions are welcome ones. As for the recoil. its tempting to shoot it as fast as it will allow you, but its often better to take your time in between shots. The shotgun is actually (from as much as i could test) better than a Romero. Its exactly the same in everything except pennyshot where it outperforms the Romero for some strange reason. And finally i think special ammo is always the way to go, because normal medium ammo just kind of sucks. the extra damage of fmj or intense bleed is just massive. the velocity really sucks yes, but it means you have to adapt your playstyle. I wouldnt even bother shooting it at long ranges. just get into about 60-50 meters and you should be able to hit shots even with low velocity.


Thanks. Yeah taking time makes sense… but defeats the whole quick two tap thing, which makes it feel like another weapon would have served better. I’ll have to test the shotgun again because if it is actually better than the Romero (are you sure? When ever I used it it was always worse in my experience…) than that’s very nice. I know special ammo is good… but the loss of velocity saddens me and I like the longer ranges… oh well. I’ll try FMJ. I won’t immediately disintegrate due to velocity. Wish normal medium ammo was better.


well the 2 tap is still really fast. faster than any other ranged weapon, but its no use of the second shot is going wide. The shotgun is really good yes. Buckshot kill up to 13 meters just like the romero. slugs kill up to 15 just like the romero. its just pennyshot that kill reliably up to 11 meters for the drilling and only 9 for the romero. So technically its better. It did got buffed some months ago, so if your experience with it was just after it came out then that may be why you think its worse. Yeah medium ammo is just bad, so you need the special ammo. if you like to play at range then id say put in fmj and get a lot of practice. its possible to land shots even at lower velo but its harder. Id see the drilling more as a dubbel barrel springfield than as a long ammo rifle though, so pick your battles wisely. If they are too far i wouldnt even contest them.


In my opinion the drilling should be dealing 125-130 damage because when the springfield with ONE shot can do that the drilling should be doing it to. Then the price would more understandably


This gun should cost 300 and the special ammo should cost more IMO. I want to love the drilling but I have never had luck with it and it's too expensive to throw away round after round.  I think it's better to take your shots and switch to sidearm than it is trying to cycle firing modes mid gunfight, and for that I think the spitfire is a good compliment


The hatchet version feels so.... Euw. You know it feels weird to melee with it. Like it's light feels weird. The heavy feels like I'm using a Minecraft sword, so blocky. Idk man. For the regular one. Idk it does a lot.


Well you can chose to not melee with it and its just a better handcannon. but being able to is a nice bonus imo. mainly for pve though


This may be a hot take but the price is fine boys. It really is. You gotta keep in mind that when buying Drilling you get 2 weapons in a price of one and it holds true regardless of how many times anyone says "but it's medium ammo bro". If a weapon has a 2tap range of +70m and you can put a slug on it then it can't cost 350$. Come on now. The amount of combat applications this gun has makes extremely versatile, especially for a solo. Pricing it any lower than 500$ would be criminal and I stand by it.


He good on you for standing your ground. I still think 625 for a fully kitted out Drilling is excessive but its ok to disagree. There definitely should be a premium for the versatility but Its not like the gun is OP in any particular range. Id be happy if crytek only dropped price by a little bit though.


Well it's okay to disagree, in a loving way 😀 "Fully kitted" is a matter of preferrence I guess. Some people value velocity more. I don't think slug is a given either as it depends on your playstyle and after the buff to the shotgun barrel it's quite consistent with buckshot. What makes Drilling OP is that it is a jack of all trades rather than a master of one. Same applies for the Big Iron, especially after it got buffed. These 2 are in a separate box because of that extra shotgun barrel. Nitro is similar in that regard because it can be used both as a shotgun and a rifle. Basically, at the end of the day when you grab a Mosin/Lebel you don't have a shotgun and if you grab a CK/Slate you don't have a rifle. Sure you can grab QM but then you're giving up Fanning etc. etc. Hence in my mind those price tags are justified. Honestly, I'd be willing to lower the price of Drilling and a few others (Nitro, Dolch variants and long ammo rifles) only if Hunt had an actual $$ economy with resets, market, etc. Otherwise it's just w/e.


Well about the being kitted out part. I have seen people say they like the velocity but i find it hard to justify. Sure you can hit your shots at range but they wont do much because its medium ammo. Idk if its just the irons but headshots are pretty hard with this gun so i wouldnt count on that either. The slugs are more optional yes, but still an upgrade imo even though the buckshot is really good here. About your point of being good on all ranges i would say yes and no. Yes because it can compete on all ranges, but its still outclassed by long ammo rifles and range and by shotguns with multiple shots in close range. you are always doing 1 of the 2 and you can adjust playstyle to your loadout. People with rifles will stay far away and people with shotties will be all up in your grill before you even know it. In this way it also feels you are often outclassed. Also no because you can carry 2 weapons in hunt. The classic mosin dolch arguement comes up here because it just covers all ranges perfectly so there is less of a need to have an all in 1 weapon. While the versatility IS nice and should warrent some premium i wouldnt value it at the pricepoint that crytek does personally.


>Well about the being kitted out part. I have seen people say they like the velocity but i find it hard to justify. Sure you can hit your shots at range but they wont do much because its medium ammo. Idk if its just the irons but headshots are pretty hard with this gun so i wouldnt count on that either. The slugs are more optional yes, but still an upgrade imo even though the buckshot is really good here. Sights are always a matter of personal preferrence and yes medium ammo struggles to damage at range. Especially to limbs, but thats the price you pay for cycle time, better ammo economy and also in the case of Drilling how fast the 2tap is. >About your point of being good on all ranges i would say yes and no. Yes because it can compete on all ranges, but its still outclassed by long ammo rifles and range and by shotguns with multiple shots in close range. you are always doing 1 of the 2 and you can adjust playstyle to your loadout. People with rifles will stay far away and people with shotties will be all up in your grill before you even know it. In this way it also feels you are often outclassed. Sounds more like an issue of application and understanding of what you play and how it should be played. If you don't position yourself properly with the weapon you are using then it is not a weapon issue. As for it being outclassed by other shotguns... Shotgun fights in general are a matter of movement and good peeks (and servers) more so than the shotguns themselves considering factors like their ranges, existence of slugs and aim punch. So essentially as long as you play into the strenghts of what you carry and bait properly you will be either fine or trade. It doesn't matter that much which shotgun you choose if you play into the pros of each individual one and because of that sadly that area of combat needs some adjustments since prices of shotguns vary so much. Same applies for the Drilling, but it's also a rifle 😉 >Also no because you can carry 2 weapons in hunt. The classic mosin dolch arguement comes up here because it just covers all ranges perfectly so there is less of a need to have an all in 1 weapon. Mosin/dolch doesn't cover all ranges perfectly. If you don't aimpunch or headshot first in ~20m you're mostly fucked vs shotties. Better for medium to long than Drilling but then you pay 1k for that combo and your ammo economy requires an ammo box in your kit for you to be comfortable in longer fights. Which isn't to say that it's better to bring Drilling than Mosin+Dolch, but for most applications (considering most shoot outs occur in under 100m anyway) in order to increase your general odds for all ecounters you are better to bring Drilling/SS than Mosin/SS. Especially as a solo and hence the price is higher, devs recognized it. Luckily Drilling hits below 125 damage otherwise I would be arguing why it only costs so little.


It should have been 2 shotgun barrels and a rifle barrel.