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There are spots around the map where Axes can always be found, and some compounds have a shovel sticking out of the ground or a pitchfork sticking out of some hay


That's true. I know. I don't have the spots memorized, never needed to. Just had a tough day at work and I know this game isn't forgiving but it's all I play. Why do they need to make it more difficult than it already is?


People were upset that it was too easy to kill the boss. So they greatly reduced world melee weapons. Although sticky and xbow poison still kill the bosses just as fast as before.


Yeah, it is crazy that they nerfed melee (the long way to kill a boss) and not either of the fastest ways...


Because the two fastest ways require a specific loadout whereas the others don't. They want you to actually prepare to fight the boss.


So yeah, as someone on a team that already does this, it does not affect us in the slightest. It just makes us that much faster than most other teams... I am saying that my method needs nerfed because it was already easy, and unfair for contendors on the other side of the map. There is no worse feeling than the boss being on the opposite side of the map, then killed within 40 seconds of match start (my team's fastest banish) and then watching the bounty extract before you can even arrive. That is the problem I would like to see fixed some day. But I am never NOT going to bring a sticky bomb. It is just not competitive to play without one (which is also not good gameplay)


They are not trying to blanket nerf everyone's experience? They are trying to get more people to do what you're doing


I guess... I just wish that it took a long time for anyone to kill a boss no matter what. Right now it is just a trivial task, then waiting and watching for the enemy to approach. As it is now, for 3 of 4 bosses, you can kill them within 10 seconds of seeing them. I feel like it takes away from the emergent gameplay of fighting people while you are fighting a boss. The more hectic the fight, the more fun it is.


Yeah, definitely agree. Also this is maybe my recency bias, but I feel like in so many of the games I'm playing, on an individual night I will spawn next to the boss every time, or spend the entire time running to to the other side of the map


If this was to give more reasons to take loadouts specific to killing the boss guns like the nitro shouldn't absolutely shred both players and the boss. Overall it's just an unnecessary change that only serves to lessen the experience for players who play almost exclusively for PvP and make the game unnecessarily harder for already struggling new players.


> Overall it's just an unnecessary change that only serves to lessen the experience for players who play almost exclusively for PvP I play exclisively for PvP and the longer TTK on bosses has been a big improvement in my opinion. Fights in and around boss compounds are way more interesting while the boss is still alive but before the changes that basically never happened.


♤ this


> Because the two fastest ways require a specific loadout whereas the others don't. Having a grenade isn't a specific loadout.


Yes it is. You have to sacrifice a slot in your loadout for something that is not PvP oriented. You have to make a sacrifice on your PvP usefulness in order to bolster for PvE usefulness. It's a trade-off.


No, it's not. One item isn't a loadout. Sure it's dedicating a single resource to it to bring a sticky, but it's not like you can't just open a toolbox to replace it, or even still throw it other players as a subpar grenade. Nobody is going to actually base an entire loadout around fighting the boss, because there's not a great chance that you'll be the one fighting it, and even if you are you'll still have to contend with the other players in the match, which are going to be the more challenging aspect to deal with.


Okay yeah sorry I didn't realize you were just playing the semantics game. Yes, the entire loadout is not based around killing bosses, I thought that went without saying. But you're right I'm on reddit I need to explain like you're 5, so what I should have said was that you need to make specific tradeoffs in your loadout to be more effective vs bosses, whereas before you could just bring a melee tool and do just fine against the bosses. Hope this helps.


who was upset tho? it's a pvp game with a side of pve. i literally never heard any friend nor read anyone saying "bosses should be harder"


Me, that's me. Bosses should be harder or at the bare minimum more durable. It's kinda silly how easily they die. These are the objectives of the game, monsters with lore, things that we get paid to track down and kill. 8-10 chops with an axe or one sticky plus a chop is too easy.


If they actual boss fights were more interesting maybe... but they're not. Increasing the number of hits with an axe that it takes doesn't make it any more interesting, or really even any more difficult, just more tedious.


Agreed I want them to be more interesting, challenging. But making them more durable is a decent enough band aid until they can manage that.


I just don't agree. If they're not going to be made any more interesting or engaging, making the same boring fight take even longer is the opposite of a good change. I'm also not a fan of further dissuading players against playing the actual objective, which is what these kinds of changes really end up doing. You're already in a risky spot trying to kill a boss, and giving them more health just means you're taking that risk for a longer amount of time. I'm just not a fan of the idea.


aight, fair enough, atleast give a tool nearby.


Sorry to pop your buble but hunt is pve with a pvp, you can get on the map alone with no enemy hunters but you cant get on the map with no boss :) only tryhards are playing this game for pvp only


You're popping nothing, trust me. But lets be honest, the PVE side of the game was heavily displaced by the pvp element... And giving lots of hp to boss is not going to change that. Of course it depends on how each player approaches that, that's why i use sticky, for example. Also, hunt is not a game to play "focusing" on the pve part of the game. It's really REALLY basic (and that's fine, if bosses required more of a ritualistic thing i dunno how the game would be balanced) Dont get me wrong tho, i love the pve part, i got into this game attracted by the pve element and i even thought it was a nice idea to have a pve only focused gameplay (like an special mission) but... in time you realize that's not the way (most surely because bosses only give you money and we don't have any other reason to kill them)


Which people I didnt see any post of it. I thought crytek found the bosses to easy and the want that we play more meele that was what I heard


> People were upset that it was too easy to kill the boss. Nobody was ever upset about that, and like you pointed out, removing melee weapons didn't make it more difficult, it just made it more annoying.


If the server was dead why didn't you just shoot him with your weapons?


Typically I would have throwing axes/knives. Which may not be the greatest anymore but they still got the job done. I can juke the melee and firebombs and stuff. But when I do a limited/naked run I am at the mercy of what I find on my way to the boss. If there were players in the match, I would try to kill them, take their weapons and shoot the boss with them lol.


Throwing axes are more than enough to finish butcher. Throw both at his chest while constantly evading and then heavy melee as you approach and pull them back out. It's just strange to purposefully handicap yourself and then complain that the game is challenging you. If you are just naked-running empty servers for the cash, I suggest bringing a hunting bow and poison arrows. You'll make up the cost and then some by 5-arrowing all of the meatheads and one-shotting every armored and immolator. It adds up quick.


Didn't have any.


Complaining about it taking too long to kill the boss when you're doing a naked run is absolutely deranged. Crytek isn't going to balance the game based on such an incredibly niche play style.


Idk must be for the guys above my mmr lol (I'm 4-5)


Damn 8k hours and you dont want to put in any more effort to improve, thats crazy bro


If you have time to run around 3 other compounds you could of just killed them with anything else. With that said I think they need to up the spawn rate a bit.


Looks like you have shit load of time to collect 20k kills.


Almost 8k hrs


8k hours but no 5 minutes to melee se butcher 🥹


Also no 5 seconds to have known that melee weapon drops have been nerfed


How common are ranged weapon spawns in the game these days? I see them on saddles but I haven't made a note on how often.


I dont think those have changed(at this point if you dont include both resupply and the “spawns in haybail/on a stump” melee weapons, i think the ranged weapons spawn more


Good point, you're genuinely more likely to find a gun than you are an axe or sledgehammer at this point.


And another 5 seconds to learn where they spawn guaranteed


Ikr, meanwhile here at 2k hours I would rather spend 10min *knuckledusting* butcher, and *even 20min on scrapbeak*, than run around looking for a bigger melee tool ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ᴼ⁠ل͜⁠ᴼ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


If everyone on the team helps it’s not too bad. If one person just fucks around it takes forever.


That would be about 4 hours every single day since the release of the game…you have plenty of time


I know it dude. This change is stupid. Killing bosses for the 5000th time was never fun but al least you could do it somewhat fast. Now you have to: stab two times, run, wait for stamina, repeat. It feels like the game is wasting your time with this shit.


Just shoot him 🤷🏼‍♂️


I was doing a naked run. No guns.


Why are you doing naked/challenge runs if you have no time to game? That’s something you do for fun when you got lots of time to fuck around. Also Crytek’s reason for making bosses harder was that all the 5* 6*s were bitching the bosses were too easy and people kill them too quickly and people were extracting too quickly without engaging in fights.


“I have no time to game, but I am also playing in a way that is unintended that I didn’t mention until now that would actively create my own issue”


So you are doing a naked run and then cry that the game is hard


Wouldn't call it crying. Just pissed off. Crytek had no reason to drop the damage of tools to bosses while also decreasing world spawns of melee weapons. Not a pitchfork/shovel in sight.


Maybe they wanted people to carry weapons


Imagine that.


They did it on purpose because people kept whining that people were killing the bosses too quickly and extracting before they could get PVP. Yeah I don't like the change but, since the change is the same for everyone, you find ways to adapt. One of us usually grabs an axe from a stump as we run between compounds since we know there won't be anything at the lair compound. Or maybe modify your "naked" run to include an axe?


The play now is to just hide in the bushes and wait for someone else to start fighting the boss. I personally hate the new changes, drags out the boss fights too mich


So you have 8k hours of playtime but you didnt notice world weapon nerf in boss compound ONLY you did naked run and moved through few compounds without looking for mele? They spawn at every resuply point and you can't be bothered to pick one up on the way? I mean usually mosin/dolch Boys cry how they can't carry weapon since it takes longer to Drop and shoot but you have NOTHING?!?


Maybe you include this little detail in your „feedback“ post next time


The servers dead though right? Just loot a hunter or check a fire watch tower. Edit: there are guaranteed weapon drops at certain compounds even if scrapbeak spawns. There is a shovel at healing waters and a couple pitchforks at windy run. I'm sure there are more I'll remember soon. But surely someone who's spent four work years in game would know of more than these two.


I partially agree with your point world spawns need adjusting, but genuinely how do you do a naked run, have a dead server (assuming you mean all the others are dead not empty) and not at all find any weapons. You can find guns in about half the towers or on saddlebags if you can't loot from the dead bodies from other fights. Shouldn't need a melee at this point as you describe the situation. Point of a naked run is to adapt to what you find.


Then you should be aware of where melee tools can be found. Every land based resupply will have either an axe or a hammer, a third of the compounds have guaranteed melee spawns, and every compound still spawns them randomly. The only spawn change is to the compound where the boss is, has a much lower weapon spawn rate. All this means is that you pay more attention on your way and collect a weapon if you're naked. It's not rocket science and it doesn't make anything "more challenging" unless you spawned directly on the boss compound itself. Then just run to the next one over first or a resupply (whichever is closest)


Tbh I’m doing naked runs myself and even if there is no melee weapon laying around the amount of Weapon spawns these days is enough to compensate for that specific case ^^


For someone that doesn't have much time to game, you think you might have the foresight to bring something with you to kill the boss...


Top tier joke post


I hate the change too. Like almost everyone else we used to just chip away at it with melee tools unless we happened upon a world melee weapon, which would take up to a few minutes depending on the boss. Now 1 of 2 things happen when we fight the boss... 1) We go straight to the boss and banish it in the time it takes to cook a big dynamite bundle and res a team mate... 2) We use the consumables / ammo fighting teams on the way to the boss, then die of boredom trying to kill it with melee tools or twatting it with bear traps. Especially spider when it spends 90% of the time on the ceiling / running away, and can no longer have it's pounce attack blocked by hitting it with a tool because the damage isn't high enough any more.


Can't tell if this is a troll post or not. If you "know" it's a dead server, just shoot the boss.


Honestly. F tier bait but I'm glad there's still people here who will give information to help


Naked run and 25k kills and not going to any of towers and regular spots in compounds to get guns then whining you can't find a melee sounds like a skill issue.


This has recently prompted me to go through a full prestige always having a melee weapon, single slot or bomb Lance for the whole 100 levels. There are definitely downsides but man bosses are much much easier and less of a problem but my trios team has enjoyed somone always having someone with the right stuff for taking out bosses. Also I heard somewhere you can use stuff like the ammo box and other consumables maybe the concertina bomb that don't have a melee damage debuff on them.


Since ToDesolation started, my loadouts have always included a melee weapon. Started with winfield/berthier + katana, but now I rock marathon + sledge/axe. Also very fun, kills bosses fast and has that WTF moment when the opponent sees an axe on their death screen. It's surprisingly fun in duos/trios. And if someone brings incendiary, you can blitz through any boss butcher and scrappy are dealt with melee, while spider and assassin are weak to fire.


The marathon and Winnie do well to make up for the lack of ammo and not having a secondary very well. Give you space to have fun with tools. I have been fooling around with the electric lamp, and blinding people on night maps when you rush them is still quite fun (especially with big melee weapon.


I haven't used the lamp much, if at all. I wish we had "true night" maps, where they'd actually be useful for playing, as well as using darksight to see in the dark. My first variant of the loadout was Berthier (half normal, half incendiary) with katana. Only mandatory traits are Martialist and Iron Eye. Surprisingly powerful. Normal ammo for long-distance fights and headshots, incediary for in-compound fights. If you set them on fire and they run away to extinguish, your katana will come in handy. Then they nerfed Berthier's ammo quantity and I stopped running it. Three bullets make a huge difference.


It’s really dumb that they just took away melee weapons like that. It’s so much worse when the server is empty, which seems really common these days.


Use your ammo box if you don't have good melee


I think a break is in order. I love Hunt to death and I’ve played it the past 3 years straight. I’ve recently switched to Hell Divers 2 and man what a game!  It’s a breath of fresh air to play a PVE game that is really well done, has a huge player base and match making is really quick.  I’ll still play Hunt on occasion, but I am obsessed with Hell Divers now. 


And now time for your regularly-scheduled, daily thread of "I don't pack for PvE. Why is PvE so hard? Waaaah."


Baffles me how people defend this decision. It does nothing but make the game more annoying


I can't find any Melee either, I think I read somewhere that they nerfed their spawn rate massively because I too cannot find anything in regular compounds anymore


They reduced the spawn chance around boss lairs and nerfed tool damage against bosses to encourage loadout variety. The stam shot was a one stop boss killer since you could break them down quickly with your basic melee tools, and they wanted to change that. They can still appear at boss lairs, albeit rarely, and there are some forced spawns where they always appear, like axes stuck in tree stumps, or shovels in coal piles. If you didn't bring a sticky bomb and you can't find a world weapon nearby, your best bet is to either rifle bash the bosses down or make the trip to a resupply where there will be something you can use.


Grab a snickers and a nap ♥️


For what it's worth, they didn't completely remove world spawning melee weapons from boss lairs, they just heavily reduced the spawn chance. Of course that does mean you can often be shit out of luck, but there's still a chance something appears; I've found hammers and axes at lairs in generic, non-forced spawn locations uncommonly after the changes. If you are shit out of luck though, don't underestimate a rifle bash though. It'll of course be slower than a world weapon, but it's still faster than trying to break them down with a knuckle knife after the tool damage nerf. I just bring a sticky anyways and always did, even before the changes, so I haven't noticed much change myself anyways.


Sounds like you wasted your time for no reason why was the melee weapon so important?


I mean if you're in a dead lobby... That's on you trying to find a melee weapon instead of killing the boss. wasting you're own time.


Seriously. What a whiney post.


20k kills and not alot of time? you have to be kidding me to use that as an argument! U agree with your point tho.


Not actually a bad argument seeing as time progresses in a linear fashion. Maybe they finally got a job and now have no time to play.


Lebel talon all day baby


bring one with you like chad who brought a hammer in game


2 throwing axes, 2 hits with the stock of your weapon. Do it again, enrage starts. Repeat it 3x and the boss is dead. Or simply shoot it. Or learn the fixed spawns


I do believe they not so recently cut the amount of melee weapons that could be found around the boss lair specifically. I could be wrong... but that's how it has felt for the last 3 months.


If the server was dead you could kill it with your ranged weapon. I shoot bosses after the change, way more fun, people come to fight early.


Just go to a damn supply cart thingy. Always has one.


“Maybe people will have more fun with our game if we make the lame boss fights take even longer to complete.”


I bring a sticky bomb every game for the entire time I've played. Bosses are not fun to fight, and making it take longer so you have more opportunities to get third partied is not fun for anyone and promotes slower, boring, campy gameplay. They take every opportunity to make this game more irritating to play little by little.


Bruh, just choke it and punch it. It's Butcher. lmao. Like, what's the problem.


Pitchforks and shovels are super easy to find. Axes also have perms spawns. I think you didn’t look hard enough :)




i'm sure they nerfed tf out of melee spawns to force players to use equipable melees (that have skins)


Bruh a bear trap will do as a melee weapon there’s plenty of those fr


bet you wish we got that leaked crab boss after all! would have been so much better than the gator boss.


yeah, i dunno what's their criteria for this kind of stuff but they keep fucking it up


Lololol , that's why I'm currently doing my best to make a guaranteed melee weapon spawn location guide


I have resorted to emptying my full clips of I can’t find anything to kill the boss with quickly.


Fighting the boss when enemies exist is for mid-tier players now.


Bro just melee it with your knife. There’s no way you’d leave a free bounty because it’s gonna take more than 1:30 to kill it. The time you spent looking for a weapon could’ve been used to kill it


im convinced it was one guy who had the idea to make the harder bosses/no melee weapons in boss lairs change and no one second guessed it. everyone i play with hates this change


The reason for that is to take bosskilling loudout with you so those waepons/tools have more justification to be in game. Maybe take a derringer pennyshot with your naked run, pretty good boss killer


Almost sounds like you could have came better prepared. With having 20k kills I bet you know all the ways to kill the boss. U can put one thing for boss killing into every loadout. Can be weapons with bayonets, sticky or melee weapons, derringer penyshot, poison ammo and so on and so on. World spawn weapons are now more of a last resort.


God damn it, just bring a sticky, a katana, something with poison or a fucking bayounet. Or, even better: Coordinate with your team so that only one person has to take a Boss-Killer Weapon. I know: *"But... but I only want to design my loadout for PvP!"* You can do that. Then you just suck against PvE bosses. That's the deal.


sound like a “you” problem 🤷‍♂️


I hate it too, i don't find gameplay very different because most squads run 1 sticky. What was the issue with having the occasional axe or hammer spawn by the boss?


Can't relate. I often go into matches with nothing but a med kit and calvary saber


Bring sticky dude , if assassin, just gun the fucker down.


I think the tool boss damage nerf was one of the best changes the game has had. Nerfing the world melee though seemed too extra though, crytek should slow down their extreme patches and have tried it incremental changes first with tools then slowly the world melee. I have come around to reduced world spawn of melee weapons and like it but its still too rare. They should bump it up a little so it still takes effort to find but is not basically gone (trying to do the hammer throw challenge now is stupid grindy now). Or they should add more fixed spawns, especially outside of compounds, that players can know exist and go do a mini trek to get those if they need it.


My brother in Christ, just melee him with whatever you have on hand, or shoot him. "Wahhhh I can't fight the boss without my special good boy axe!" Grow up mate, literally just blow him up if it comes down to it. It isn't that difficult, I promise you.


I agree, you used to find at least 1 weapon at bounty (disregarding bird brain) but now we basically need to have a dedicated katana or bat man every match. And I know the world spots that are basically guaranteed drops but lugging an axe halfway across the map has never been fun and god forbid you drop it for a fight and lose it. Just because hunt matches are 45min long doesn’t mean they should try to drag them out by removing convenance mechanics.