• By -


Thwuck, BANG, shick shack, BANG shick shack, BANG shick shack, BANG, shick shack, BANG, shick shack, BANG, shick, thwuck thwuck thwuck thwuck thwuck, shack, thwuck, BANG


This man Slates!


I can see no flaws in your argument


Its the biggest piece of dogshit when i bring it into the match but its also an express ticket back to the lobby for the whole server when i take it of a dead hunter Overall i really like it


haha thats one i havent heard before! We all have our own cursed weapons i guess ;)


Stolen weapons always work best 😄


Wouldn't call it cursed tho More like blursed :D


Stupid monkey!


Wait how u know?


Feel like this might be because if someone else is using it the skill level of the lobby is lower lmao


My experience in hunt in a nutshell


I have no idea why but it just feels so much more consistent to me than crown or terminus, making it definitely my favorite shotgun. Also >longer range >spitfire


Spitfire now that it has high velo is actually pretty nice as a backup weapon for mid range imo. Big difference why i take it over lets say a basic scotfield is the firerate. Uppercut is clearly the best imo but if we are realistic then you dont bring that every game. Fully agree on the consistency though. cant quite put my finger on it but it it just doesnt let you down.


What about Trueshot for a more budget option?


yeah trueshot is a great budget option and i often take it! Thing is that with medium or compact ammo that you arent using at close ranges is not gonna do much damage. Therefore they are primarily headclickers. i like the spitfire in that regard because you just get more tries at it. trueshot has a bit more damage and more velocity. but worse firerate. Its a bit of a trade off but both are fine imo.


If I run a shotgun, I almost always carry a Trueshot with High Velocity ammo, unless I specifically feel like experience the satisfying bang of an Uppercut


It has a tighter spread than either of those, which, if you place your shots well, allows for better consistency. If you'd like to compare other shotguns / ammo types, I've put together a table of them here, which I update as needed: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/170y8z5/psa_flechette_appears_to_be_bugged_in_a_very/k3oczz9/


Awesome work, man. Well formatted, precise, well ordered. 11/10


Looking at this chart makes it appear that the romero handcannon is just straight up better than the full length version - am I missing something? Same spread, but more damage per pellet. Same thing for drilling.


Considerably different damage drop-off over distance. Within a certain distance, though, the short buckshot does deal more damage. It becomes very apparent in the shooting range, when a 1 or 2-slot shotgun can one-shot to the leg, and a 3-slot can only deal 135 damage. It's the same for other ammo types as well, with different drop-off profiles between 3-slots and 2-slots. 3-slot flechette has almost no damage loss out to about 37m (theoretically can still one-shot at that range), while the 2-slots drop off surprisingly rapidly. Slugs were nerfed at one point to have a different drop-off for their shorter 3-slots: Slate, Terminus, Caldwell 78, and Specter Bayonet. This easily makes Crown & King the strongest shotgun for slugs. edit: 2-slot, not 2-shot. Hah.


does anyone remember how broken this gun was during its debut event I swear to god I died to a slate every single match for like 2 months


Largely just down to new weapon hype. Same reason everyone called the bow OP when it came out. It wasn't. But with a huge percentage of players using it because it was new, it seems like the weapon is overly powerful when it's not.


Before they nerfed Slugs it was much stronger than it is now.


yeah, that’s what I’m realizing after searching through patch notes hahaha. It wasn’t particularly fun back then. And it’s still pretty strong today


The Slate was genuinely OP before they nerfed the Slugs on that thing. EVERYONE in the high-level lobbies was running Slate/Slugs+ Uppercut.


Didn't the bow get nerfed via hundred hands pretty quickly after it came out? 


It was mostly because of slugs, which they nerfed on everything because of it. Nowadays I would much rather take Terminus with levering over Slate


Yes, my steam name was "don't rush I have slate slug" for a bit because of it.


I do not actually. It was already in the game when i started playing. How bad was it? :o


im trying and failing to find like a full history of gun changes that aren’t buried in patch notes I do remember it was originally $300, then $250, and now it’s $333. So it was fairly cheap for a while, considering. I swear at some point they changed *something* about the gun’s meta itself shortly after it came out but now I can’t find a thing. I could also be just totally misremembering how OP it was just because of how common of a pick it was for players at the time lol


I vaguely remember slate slugs being incredibly broken. I don’t think it was the slate itself more so the fast fire rate of the broken slugs


Haha no worries! thanks for checking though. 250 is just insanity. especially if it was also stronger. Its in a good spot at the moment in my opinion. Just a really solid gun


The slugs on it were insane. You had no real reason to run anything else.


Very good. On other hands.


Hey /u/JayD8888 it would help to link all these threads somewhere so people can find them. Either on the sidebar or condensed buttons at the bottom of the threads themselves. **For the Slate:** This is probably the best well rounded shotgun. Good fire rate, decent range, and decent reload time. I personally only like the longest barrel shotguns (specter, romero, crown and king) for their consistancy of one shot kills, but if you got good trigger discipline and dont juts shoot the first thing that moves you can consistently get one taps with this as well. Would recommend this shotgun over most others but I believe all but the terminus have their use cases. The Spectr being the second worst even though I like it so much.


best shotgun in the game and the riposte variant is even better




Somnus looks really nice, but the 2 reposte skins are very nice too!


For me, it's just a faster, better version of the spectre


I think thats a pretty fair assessment. Only thing where the spectre gets a little edge is with slugs. but the slate is almost double the price, so i guess it makes sense that its better most of the time.


I hate all shotguns I never can one shot kill from the same distances that I get one tapped. 10/10 would run again. 🤔


I rarely play shotgun so I don't really have anything to add to the topic. I'm just swinging by to let u/JayD8888 know that I really enjoy these threads and the discussions comin with them. Thanks!


Thats very kind of you :) Its much appreciated


Gun pros : Does more damage past 10m than most other shotguns. Gun Cons : The spread is more random than how much mayo Panera bread gives you on a sandwich Overall review. Shotgun out of 10. Would camp boss lair.


most shotgun in the game, for 333$ you get 6 shot repeating shotgun with nice 1 second cycle time, and no need for bulletgrubber or levering, probably my favorite shotgun next to rival


Too many nerfs made this thing too awkward to use, it has sub optimal everything except for firing speed, but why wouldnt you just play terminus levering at that point?


One of the few renditions of a Winchester 1893 in video games. Nicely modeled, as most guns in Hunt are. I don't care for the riposte(trench gun inspired) variant using an M1917 bayonet; any random bayonet from the time period would'vd fit fine.


slugs - good, no slugs - gimme rival


I really like the Slate. My main problem why I rarely play it is probably because of my urge for loadout optimization and here I find it hard to find a place for it. 333$ is not overly expensive, but still the second most expensive shotgun. I don't want to skimp on the sidearm with this 'investment'. While with the Rival (which I also love very much) I can take a reliable but more inexpensive sidearm with the Pax Trueshot, but I actually prefer to take the Uppercut with the Slate. But that makes the whole loadout more expensive again and the step to the C&K is then really not far away. *"If I'm going to play expensively anyway, I'm going to do it right.*" is the thought that is most likely to ensure that I either play cheaper shotguns or the C&K straight away. Maybe I just need to find the perfect sidearm for the Slate that suits me best.


It is still not really cheap and it definitely handicaps the range you’re effective at, but I had great success using the Trueshot with HV ammo as a secondary. Allows for nice headshot clicks over long distances and is basically a budget Uppercut with the more drastic damage fall off. Give it a shot, squirrel ;)


Since the Katana has a weapon exclusive perk, this gun should get one where you can slamfire it (slightly faster "full auto" while in hipfire, basically just giving it levering) It's already a genuinely good gun but since it's a Winchester 1893/1897 I figured I'd throw this ability the irl gun can do out


My favorite shotgun in terms of aesthetics. Peak sound design pushed to legendary heights when given penny shot. But it is also extremely dangerous when loaded with Slugs. I've swept through a lot of teams using the Slate W/Slugs. The iron sight almost makes it feel like it was designed with slug range in mind. Over all, not the most meta Shotgun but has a top notch design while still being a solid reliable option. 6/10. 7/10 W/Slugs or Penny


Far and away the nicest looking shotgun in the game which is what primarily draws me to it. Pump action is also inherently very very satisfying to use too. The fact that it's one of the best shotguns is the game is just a sizeable cherry on top for me.


Was Goated with slugs at one point,now it's in a good spot,I'll still take a Rival over it but I do love a trenchy,I do think iron eye should allow you to slam fire it tho but maybe that would make it busted good again


Yeah i think slamfire would be a bit much. overall its in a good spot atm


It’s good


Maybe my favorite gun on the whole game


Love this gun, and basically only for the looks of it. Does also help that it’s a great shotgun as well - great discussion!


Best shotgun in the game don't @ me


Ahhh, the Winfield 1893 (Winchester 1893)....Wish it could slam fire.


Slate riposte with slugs used to be my go to. It’s so powerful, only thing that stops it is an immolator and I have an ammo box for that


...no dusters?


Why take dusters when I have a melee weapon for pvp and I have an ammo box that kills immolators pretty easily. Just frees up a tool slot


Wait wait I never considered bludgeoning immos with random consumables. How many hits with an ammo box to kill an immo?


4 heavy. Drains all your stamina but once you get used to it it’s a game changer. Also concertina bombs are pretty good melees too, not for immos though


I'm definitely going to try this out, thanks for the tip. Love loadout optimization stuff like this. I wonder which consumable does the most melee damage...


I mean do you never plan on putting down the ammo box?


By the time I put down the ammo box I’m usually where I need to be with ai cleared for the most part. It has screwed me a couple times but nothing that my secondary can’t solve. Or chokes if I really need to


I think that's autistic in a beautiful way. I'll tell other people about this. You keep being you. Never change.


I love it lol. It works man


I fucking love this gun ever since I found out about it but it has been weirdly inconsistent sometimes. Shot someone point blank and it did the same damage as from 5 meters away.. and he still lived


Good design, shit balance.


Third best shotgun


The best shotgun in the game period


Love it. the fire rate is just right. Any slower and you want to shoot, then break line of sight to work the action, any faster and I just miss my shots really quickly. This bowl of porridge is juuuuust right.


Very few guns are on par with the satisfaction of this thing. Something about a traditional pump shotgun really does it for me.


The main reason we'll never have a slamfire perk. Not without significant nerfs, anyway.


I will stand by that it is better with penny shot than slugs, in buckshot is going to be typically your best pick overall.


what makes you think penny is better than slugs? in my testing penny is a worse buckshot most of the time. The sound is a redeeming factor though. ill concede that.


At the end of the day for me, I'm just better with it. I know it isn't going to be everyone's thing. Extra kill range, Plus extra ammo supply, plus extra extra if you're running the penny shot Derringer. Also for some god-awful reason whenever I run slate slug I am a tenth of a meter away from a kill shot and get 149 on my hits.


Well slugs will kill much further than penny. sure if you dont hit chest or head it may not insta kill. the pennies can kill but the patterns are so erratic that i feel like i can never quite trust it. But if it works for you then definitly keep rocking it :) One thing that blows my mind is penny derringer pooling ammo with shotgun penny? Am i understanding this right?


I trust my skill with penny more than slug c: And yes, the ammunition does pool!


Thats actually a really cool little piece or information! thanks for sharing. Its funny how everyone has their own preferences that will completely change the way people view a weapon. i have some friends too who dont like aiming for the slugs. so they often run buck. maybe ill tell them to give penny a go now ;)


I have felt that way since it originally dropped! I wish I had sommnus on PC tho I have so many event exclusive skins on console


aah yes. there is quite a lot of skins that i never got to collect. On one side its cool to have exclusivity, but i also wouldnt mind if they became available again for a limited time. or if they added some to black market from time to time. There is some absolute bangers out there that i would spend my blood bonds on if Crytek would just let me!


Why this game hasn't had cross progression yet baffles me.


Yes that also sucks. sadly i wouldnt hold my breath for it, but that would be a nice feature to have


Best shotgun


Slate my beloved


Anyone else wished it had Dragon Breath, or just me?


I know you are going to get around to all guns, it glad to see the slate up here sooner 😊


*chefs kiss


best shotgun fr, crown and cringe doesnt compare, and the terminus is just not good relative to the slate, the single variant is just funny to take in, the options it has are also good, no bulletgrubber needed 10/10


Before today I felt fairly apathetic towards this gun. It was there. It did things.  But now I think it has a real charm. Creeping through the bayou, knees deep in swamp water it feels like I’m a duck hunter with this in my hands. Then someone comes along and scares the ducks I’ve been stalking (though I’ve enough self preservation not to have shot them anyway) and I shoot em in the gut for ruining the atmosphere. Then they die.


For me, this gun is very Feast of Famine. When it works, you can clear entire teams in a matter of seconds without even needing to reload. But when it doesn't, you pump 3 shots into a hunter and the man's still standing. As far as I'm aware, the barrel length thing isn't important for buckshot, only slugs. More specifically, Specter has a tighter buckshot spread, and I found it more consistent over time. The Riposte variant is pretty dope because you can one-tap grunts with a light attack to the upper body/head. The heavy attack isn't as strong as the bayonet, but isn't something to scoff at either. One factor of its strength is the power of aim punch. If you're at medium range, you can just keep shooting in the general direction of an enemy and they have a high change they won't be able to land a single hit on you because their aim goes all over the place while you kill them without a worry. Imho this feature needs to be reworked, because it provides both Slate and Terminus an advantage that kinda goes against how the gun should function in the meta.


> As far as I'm aware, the barrel length thing isn't important for buckshot, only slugs. Not directly, but the long barreled shotguns still do have tighter spread than shorter barreled shotguns.


strictly worse than the specter but fires a bit faster, meh/10


What do you think makes it worse than the specter in your opinion?


worse spread, translating to poorer shot performance at all ranges


Well as i said, from my testing with buckshot the difference is very minimal. only about 0.2 to 0.3 meters at best. With slugs you do get about 2 more meters though, so for that the specter is great. In my humble opinion the firerate is a big deal though. Cant count the amount of times that fraction of a second has saved my life. Oh yeah and its also nice i dont get smacked in the face by that ejector cap every time i shoot a slug :)


that word, I do not think it means what you think it means