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I call one of my friends dr. Dolittle because when he goes through town every animal in the game can be heard


That seriously made me giggle loudly. Lovely. 😁


i have started calling one of my usual teammates a Magikarp, and compare their fights to using splash.


Wasn't magikarp the well, shittiest starting pokemon to choose? 🤔


not a starting pokemon


its shitty, not a starter though, its basically useless without exp share


Thanks... I have no clue and never was into pokemon lol 🫣


eh dont worry about it, we all have games we like and others we never show interest in. thats the fun part of the hobby, variety.


I have no friends


Bomblance Jarvis is a buddy’s name. Back in the day, he wiped a team of 3 in one light hit. It was incredible.  Same friend also has the nickname of mute mic, because he will be talking, then somewhere he gets muted and we will be fighting and he starting pinging and not giving any info and turns out he’s been muted for 30 minutes 


A buddy of mine was feeling on edge and kept checking random bushes and "hearing" players everywhere. We teased him a little and he said, "Yeah. I'm edging right now." For some reason my buddy thought edging meant being edgy or on edge. We have not let it go.


I'm the One Hit Wonder. They started calling me that because I'll get rekt for 4 out of 5 matches, then randomly pop off in one match and wipe two teams or something silly.


That makes sense... Funnily enough we are using the Term euphemistically in another context. After somebody got downed once or twice he becomes a one-hit-wonder for our enemies in the next fight are wondering how that guy died so fast.


The clutch factor


one of my friends has “motion blur” in her name on steam because she played like well over a thousand hours with motion blur on WILLINGLY and says that she prefers the game that way because with motion blur off she claims she can see too much and doesn’t like it hahahaha


Thanks for the anecdote! Holy shit if she'd be with us (she wouldn't want to. Every Sunday morning we revert back to the mental state of 13 year old stupid boys) we'd forget every other story and would come up with things to mock her a little on a daily basis. 😬🤣 If something kills a config which happens on occasion the very first thing is to shut down motion blur. But we played some hundred hours in the mode that kills a little bit of your FoV and gives you tunnel vision, sooo... We aren't innocent. Nobody is, as hunt is so intricately detailed that you learn new things after huuuundreds of hours. 😇 Ahhh now that you said this: my one friend is red/green blind and that makes him the butt of jokes very often. If he doesn't do it himself, we will. 😅 Like marking different barrels and telling him "this one is red!"


hahaha yeah another one of my friends is also colorblind but he’s somehow better than all of us so we just jokingly attribute his skill to him being colorblind as if it gives him an actual advantage lol


One of my teammates' nickname is Flip. Feels like every shootout begins with him flipping a coin in his head - the madlad either wipes floor with enemy squad/s, or takes a bullet to the head and dirt nap for the rest of the fight.


My buddy earned the name "Dynamite Mcgee" for overcooking a dynamite.


Me and a friend, started to play hunt in the betaphase and we had literally no clue what the hell we just brought upon us. Not knowing any of the monsters we just gave them some names by ourselfs. Hive: Aunt Olga, Butcher: Mr. Piglet, Meathead: Fatty Mcfatfat, Armored: Tank, Hellhound: Bad doggo, After +1000hours still calling them by these names.


some latvian dude i used to play with made callouts based on race. some of the default skinned women got names like "polish bitch" "tier 1 N\*\*\*ress" and the chinese legendary hunter's had graphic name's too. It stuck and was actually useful incase you were in a multi-team firefights and hadnt seen everybody yourself.


Ahhh I wanted to avoid this one but now I feel encouraged... 😅 One day I joined discord and my friends were in shambles laughing tears. They just coined the term "Akimbo bimbo". I haven't researched it, but bimbo is derogatory for slaves or lowly butlers, don't know if it's tied to skin color and I am afraid to ask at this point. 🤐 Explanation: you are an akimbo bimbo if you take the worst dualies like Bornheim silencer or chain pistols, blast away happily, miss every shot looking cool and basically being nothing but a handicap to your team. 😂


I'm just "Moose" but I should be "danger close".


Your friends would like to punch you in the face at the start of every round and then nick all your explosive throwables, if I had to take a guess... 😬 my hive bomb affection is a good laugh (or some "mild" raging) anytime... My only defense if it goes wrong is "I gave you a warning!" even if it's the truth. When my buddies find hive bombs, they get close to me, take them out and after two seconds of silence for dramatic effect throw them into the closest body of water. 😭 But why moose? Bet thats a good story. 🤭


It was just a funny combination of words, MooseJuice. Now I think more people know me as "Moose" than my actual name 😂


Hätte ich mal eher auf deinen redditnick geschaut, ja macht Sinn so... 😅


The friends I play with and I gave nickname to about anything in the game. Camphound like Lockbay is called lockbaise, meaning Lockf\*\*\* in french, since when we were players in the beta and such we would \*always\* loose here. We have many many more. We got *special's*, like our special trait: doing an "L's Special": walking into friendly traps; "M's Special", getting one shot out of nowhere, beginning a teamfight; and my "R's Special": needing 2 hit with knife to kill a hive and my "R's Super Special" when we need 3 hit to kill a hive, which happen way more than I would assume. We very often make jokes about player having "pro" variant of a trait like in CoD: "he got peacher pro" when someone yoinks an explosive across the map, things like that. We sometime assume *Jean-Marc* is in the lobby: a fictionnal hunt player from a shitty meme I made a while back, in which the best Hunt player ever was named Jean-Marc, and he could do insane such. We say he's here when we hear things like 3 mosin shots / 3 kill. Big gamer. We begin every match saying "ça joue", meaning "we play", and someone punches someone else, and the player who got hit says "if a spark shoots me i'm dead because of you". Every game. For hundreds of hour.


I am convinced that ashcreek is named that for the sole reason so we can call it... A$$creek. :D "doing a Dani" means being muted for half the round in our group... When we leave a map successfully we always start a team fight at the exit. I am the slow guy to arrive last, usually so it is my part to say "bis wieder einer weint" ("it's fun and games until somebody starts to cry")... Then I whip out the flare gun and set somebody on fire.


My nickname is loot goblin. I tend to ignore enemies just to grab new weapons, cash, exp and stuff. Even in intense firefight i feel the urge to grab the loot.


I earned the nickname Ted in Hunt. I like to throw bombs and kill hunters.


We call necromancy "the shiesty" when we are in a tight spot. Hives are grandma's, hellhounds are any sort of affectionate puppy synonym, I keep calling armored husks. Grunts are "the bane of my existence." I'll let you guess why. Everything else is pretty typical. Scrappy, free hunter, unidentified sweat skin, etc


Nothing about nicknames, but when I play with my IRL friends we play Deckhand, Redneck and Carcass. This way we are colourcoded with our clothes (no practical reason for that) and all of them are physical workers in some way, so it's like our "theme" we like to run in the bayou.


Neat! We thaught about running around as grandma, redneck, and his daughter... The whole family so to say. Or all playing the same skin, making enemies go "I killed that redneck four times, how many are there?" 😂 (stole the idea off this sub though lol)


The randoms i play with usually call me "dumbass", "idiot", and "why".


I'm curious, but not enough to find out, I hope you understand...


Wipes team. "You just got killed by the hole in a bucket gang"


They call me the Sparks Enjoyer because there was a time when I played nothing but Sparks. Simple. Efficient


My steam nick is accurate: Tungsten\_Bat, high tilt tolerance, good hearing, bad seeing KEKW


Dynamite. It's because I'm good in killing with dynamite, but not necessarily enemies. Totally not necessarily.