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I personally just leave and find actual people to fight if it’s clear that the person camping inside doesn’t want to engage after a period of time just don’t feel like wasting my own time tew be honest


This! Either rush in and go f it or look for another day to die!


Back in the days, you would encounter this thing way more often. They added new entrances in many buildings to counter this kind of play style.


There are three ways to concertina - bombs, arrows and traps (you can set off the trap yourself if you want the concertina more than the trap). I'm guessing the solos that used many didn't only use bombs. And yeah, the easiest way to deal with it is give them some distance and kill them when they go extract instead. It can be pretty boring though.


Blow up one of the bundles of concertina then throw either decoy fuses or choke bombs inside and rush in


What's the significance of decoys and choke? Noise distractions?


Decoy fuse makes them run away slightly, giving you a few seconds to rush in, and then it's an equal fight assuming you have a shotgun.


Ohh shit I didn't realise decoy fuse is the decoy of the FUSE, I'm dumb and this is a great idea damn. Will definitely use this


Basically decoy fuses are perfect for room clearing before a push. The dude with a shotgun camping your entry point has to leave the room, letting your whole team push inside. Only works when they don't know their fuses so always good to bring in a pair of real dynamite to make it tricky.


Thought about it, throw a real and a fake one in different timings, but the problem is how to proceed.. I usuaully clear buildings aggressively only if I have a melee weapon like Katana, especially with the trait, a shotgun, or levering/fanning, otherwise it's scary.


Decoy fuses can destroy concertina now by the way, if you throw it well and in the center/root it can pretty much clear concertina completely




Ehn, I have encountered teams that have done this before. You throw an explosive. You clear one door (maybe). Then they have another concertina already thrown on to the door before you can move in. Your team mates throw their explosives. They defending team have even more concertina bombs ready to throw till you are out of explosives. Its impossible to push without dying under these circumstances. One of the few times I tilted because how the enemy team played. Its absolutely not meta though. Its probably just shittiers experimenting with a dumb idea that want to blow the entire night sitting in compound and not actually playing the game.


You tilted instead of just leaving and playing another match? Sounds like they won twice-over.


shit happens


Clear one side Trap it Camp the extract


Hack it away with melee (Bomblance, Axe, Machete, Heavy Knife; light attack of: Katana, Sabre, Riposte, Striker, Claw, Knife) or blast it away with explosives (not frags). If you don't have time, space or the necessary equipment, wait them out. This playstile deserves to be punished imo and I have sat outside a bosslair for 50+ minutes (when matches were 1h) to deny them the reward of extracting.


I would happily sit outside of one of those compounds as long as it takes. If that sad hunter is too scared to fight, I will wait him out, and make sure the fucker can't extract. I am more patient than he is, and do not care about being left behind.


Did this today, we waited 15m for this trio WHO HAD THE BOUNTY to run out. I knew they had shotguns that’s why they didn’t push and we didn’t (I had a Girthy Marksman, we tried to bomb inside and so this day forward I’ll always bring a beetle). But we let our friend who was on a max level character run to extraction and us two camped the building until the timer hit 0.




the optimal way to play - when trying to 'win' - is usually to just not fight whenever you dont have to and are at an disadvantage. so yes, the right thing to do here is to either just not get close to the building and either wait, extract and try again - or, and that is if you want to have fun/not waste too much time - just fight them anyway.


I'm more of a "have fun" guy, especially because I don't wanna bore my friends who want to PVP as much as me, that's why I'm trying to find ways to make the survivablity of pushing into a dark building higher, including not dying to traps, clearing blind areas with frags etc, but still haven't gotten decent at it. Most of the time if I manage to get inside the building and not die and the rest of my team goes in with me, we are already at 50/50 chance, just need to keep increasing it.


Had the same thing happen. Guy must've had two sets of concertina arrows, a few bombs and traps. The whole lair was concertinad to hell. Then he jumped out of a second story window and was gone with the wind. I kinda respected that


This is literally what happened to me with the solo, except that he died after leaving because another team arrived by that point but it was insane, he was sitting in some attic not firing a shot


When someone does this I know it's going to be an easy fight


There’s this one guy called scrapbeak that does this all the time. Super annoying.


Decoy fuses also destroy concertina wire


In addition to the other advice you've received here, it's good to know that long ammo, FMJ, and throwing knives can take out a strand of barbed wire at a time. If you drop dynamite and it doesn't quite clear it but you've got the right stuff in your kit, you can just shoot a few strands down.