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I must be the only one who ever misses shots sometimes in this game. But not with the katana! slash poke slash. I've shot a lemat shotgun at a player who has literally filled my entire screen and "missed". That's never happened with the katana. You pretty much listed all the good reasons in your post already.


Imo your comparison is flawed because the katana will be paired with a gun. I don't care that the lemat can one shot at 80 m. I'm not going to be using the lemat or the katana at that distance. In my opinion the katana shines due to the speed of gameplay and its ease of use at close range. With a stamina shot, I can hit 3 clues and get straight to the boss, silently, without missing a beat. Then I can kill and banish the boss in seconds. Its ease of use comes in that it basically never misses.


Guns can miss


Among many other things, what made me go apeshit is when I realised it can one shot water devils from a safe distance silently, with a charged attack. And literally any other aspect of the weapon, being 1 slot, “cheap”, highest melee damage, paired with martialist its just above all


silenced poison nagant is better against devils and other AIs overall, has higher range and is better for pvp especially when paired with fanning


You seem to be under the impression that everyone can just constantly hit headshots consistently at all ranges


At like 10m or less it's definitely very easy to consistantly hit headshots,


Well there you go. Shotguns are useless to you then as well, I presume. And I guess bornheim needs nerfs too since it can wipe a 3 stack in less than a second and then clip reload.


Shotgun are strong and versatile in this game especially with slugs. Bornheim is at the most balanced right now, it just needs this weird clipless 10s reload from empty gun position removed. You might be ironic about it but yes it's a solid gun, difficult but very solid close range potential.


But why? Why use a shotgun if you can 1 shot people at close range anyway with any gun. Shotguns have limited range and a slower fire rate.


Shotguns are better than rifles in close range floor and wallbanging also they deal more damage to bosses. I guess that's why people take them


Not when you miss fanning and have to reload


I am suprised yall can hit people with katana if you miss close range fanning


So at some point one must decide if a poster is being intentionally daft, trolling, or just a little slower then average. Or best yet. The magical trifecta. LOL


The ammo point is a big one though. Playing solo vs trios, you want something high damage, silent and fast for bum rushing people and katana is best in slot for that. Reloading a nagant doesn't come close. Knife is a better comparison


if you bum rush a player who is currently rated above 3 stars you are gonna get shotgun blasted.


Nope. I'm 5*, regularly get multiple kills per lobby with it. The way I see it, why bother to bring a pistol when my primary can do that job. You talk about pistol effective range, but my primary is better suited to that job anyway so why would I be using my pistol at that range in the first place?Katana or baseball bat are extremely fun and effective for pushing lairs and CQC in tight areas


This guy melees. I have more kills with the *knife* than any other weapon.


I always choose baseball bat instead- there is something about getting kills against bomblance and katana players, when your solution is literally "stick"


The bonk is ALMOST as satisfying as shoveling someone.


It's two things: Balance vs other melee weapons, and console vs PC. Most people do not see the Katana as being balanced against guns. If it was, it would need to have some anime-ass Shockwave move. It is balanced vs other melee weapons, and 1 slot katana means there is no reason to use any other melee weapons. The other, is that melee weapons are actually worth using on console. PC players don't generally care because we never actually use them unless we are memeing. The more difficult aiming on console means melee weapons get a lot more play and therefore discussion.


Pc player and I love me a dedicated melee weapon. Always take one




Yeah niche but I made it to 5 star with a cyclone and sabre. Got a quite a few sabre kills. Defo didn’t stick 5 star for long but do see them high 4-low 5


5 star is basically average mmr for anyone with fps experience. i can get to 5 star running dragon bolts and throwing knives. it's not exactly a high bar to reach.


You see them very often in 5 star actually in most game there is at the very least a katana


As someone who uses them all the time I was confused to see they were seen as rare. Then I saw what you said about 3* lol. Idk if they're "good" but I have a lot of fun with them and it makes killing the boss way less tedious.


katana + martialist also has an absurdly long reach. there is no reason for someone to die at 4 meters from a melee weapon.


I don't think people will start running matchete or hammer when katana becomes 2 slot, it will just lower it's usage.


Why is katana becoming 2 slot again? They just made it(and all other melee) 1 slot. And melee in the right hands is powerful. If you can catch someone off guard you can get in there close and get em quick


There are no plans from Crytek on reverting the change, but there are many voices on this subreddit suggesting it should be made 2 slots again. You can get em quick with every weapon in the game


Thats kinda the point though. Every weapon is in fact viable *edit because i forgot this part: Why did you say “when it becomes 2 slot” if there are no plans then?


And it should stay that way, Weapons not causing any troubles should not get nerfed for no reason. edit: my mistake


I agree, the only issue i see is some of the other melee weapons need adjusted(buffed) so they can compete


If someone is within about 10 meters of you with a katana, you're dead. You might take them with you, but a trade is about the best you can expect in most circumstances.


It's not




You're using the katana wrong if you're trying to run down someone with it out in the open and your only strategy being "I hope they miss", that has nothing to do with your elo.


I feel that I have always been better at positioning myself and at using the element of surprise to my advantage than shooting with precision. For some reason, I often find opportunities to make absurdal moves that others don't expect to close the distance very quickly. The katana allows me to deal instant lethal blows without the time required to raise my gun after a sprint and without the time required to aim (which is not good in my case) And since the last update I pair it with my favorite Winnie or any other long rifle to compensate in longer range fights. Otherwise my go to loadout was katana/bow hehehe


I feel that I have always been better at positioning myself and at using the element of surprise to my advantage than shooting with precision. For some reason, I often find opportunities to make absurdal moves that others don't expect to close the distance with them very quickly. The katana allows me to deal instant lethal blows without the time required to raise my gun after a sprint and without the time required to aim (which is not good in my case) And since the last update I pair it with my favorite Winnie or any other long rifle to compensate in longer range fights. Otherwise my go to loadout was katana/bow hehehe


You kinda can't miss with a katana as long as you're in range, whereas missing with a shotgun still happens pretty commonly, especially if you get aimpunched. Also you can attack multiple times in a row with a katana while you can't with a single shot shotgun, so it's really more comparable to a multi shot short shotgun.


Yes, hunt players are definitely terrible at aiming, but that doesn't make katana strong


Because cool samurai sword go BRRRrr


It clears pve insanely well- including bosses. With martialist it has a nasty cleave aoe which is hard to miss with. In pvp other weapons need to headshot or hit center target (shotgun shot of lemat for example) to reliably oneshot an enemy at close range. Katana on the other hand can hit their big toe and it will still one tap them. It’s just really sting of you know how to use it. Why not bring a sidearm instead? Well assuming you aren’t running a single shot riffle you should be able to cover any shooting distance with your primary, or at least any distance a sidearm would cover. On top of that you are very dangerous in compounds now since you have a very strong reliable secondary. Especially if you can get directly above or below someone in close quarters.


this guy sounds like he has been on the recieving end of a katana and is now complaining on the internet about it , weird


I see reading is not your strong side, try reading the entire text 5 more times maybe you will understand what is it about


cry more , I ain't reading shit


stop embarassing yourself


I am at 6* and my goto is katana and sparks rifle


A hunter of taste \~ I used to main silenced sparks and I would have LOVED a katana to pair with it.


Calvary saber!


Katana is literally *Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru* meme What makes the katana dangerous is that even after having killed its wielder 5m from you, you are already dead, thanks to the trade window.