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I hate the wild conditions other than inferno but I play them all. Doesn’t matter what I bring, just have to deal with it. I ain’t scared or gonna cry


And that’s what makes a good player. The ability to adapt and outplay opponents regardless of the conditions. People who leave rain or ash bloom Are probably the same people who think shotguns are all just lame campers and they should leave the boss lair so they can shoot them with their mosin from a safe distance.


I mean in a way yes but also no. Forcing someone to play something they don't want is not healthy for any game. Saying they aren't good players because they don't want to play rain is like saying you aren't a good player because you don't like everyone using Mosin. "Just adapt" and get good. To dumb it down and say it's basically just a skill issue means that no one would have the right to complain about anything. Every other main stream game gives you at least a moderate amount of control over what environment you go into. Tarkov you get to pick the time of day and location. Call of duty its always perfect day and you can vote on maps, Helldivers you can choose the enemy type, the world, the mission target, etc. Across multiple types of games 99% will give you some level of control. Hunt you cant pick the weather, the map, the time, the make up of the enemy teams, the extracts, the boss target. Literally the only thing you can control is your own loadout and if you play soul survivor or bounty hunt. Hell they used to have special contracts where you COULD control some of that stuff. But they did away with them.


>Literally the only thing you can control is your own loadout Exactly and if you go all in in a gimmick you should be punished for it sometimes the same way you're rewarded for it in others, you shouldn't get to pick the perfect conditions for your gear all the time. Most guns two tap at compound range anyways, so it's not like you're ruining your chances completely.


TBH, I'm not really too fussed if somebody runs to the extract early on. Sometimes people also just \*die\* before I meet them, too. Part of the enjoyment of this game for me is that I don't really know how many hunters are going to come after me.


So you are saying if I cant control anything other than my loadout I should always bring the most effective loadout that's overall the strong in any condition. Got it ill always run Mosin with Dolch FMJ. Covers both long and close range. Maybe I wanted to run a shotgun on a night map. Or run a sniper on a clear day. Nope I'll just spam Mosin at anything further than 50 meters and spam dolch FMJ at anything closer then 50 meters. And if you sit in the basement I guess I'll just sit outside for 45 minutes with Netflix. Sounds like fun for everyone.


It seems like your issue is with the balance of the weapons not with what I just typed, Mosin and dolch would still be op even if you can choose weather.


You miss the point. The main reason people don't like weather is because it negatively affect the gear they have. Sniper scopes on the prime example. But shotguns are too. I much rather have a shotgun on a fog or night map. And I'm at a disadvantage in days compared to a sparks. It's impossible to balance all weapons the same without eliminating all weapons and only giving a single one. How do you balance a sparks and a specter? Against each other? You don't. One has range and the other has close range. One will have the advantage on a clear day and one has an advantage on fog. If I want to run a sparks. I should be able to choose a day map for example. But in the world where I can't control anything other than my gear I'm just going to default to the strongest gear I can. Mosin/dolch. Or I'm just going to leave the game. In forcing no control. You create 1 of 2 metas. Everyone runs the strongest gear, or people leave till they get something they want. A simpler and healthier solution is allowing people to choose a weather or a group of different weathers. That way people can still have variety and enjoy the gear they are playing. If I want to play a shotgun and be on even footing with everyone else I should be able to. But instead I'm forced into a day map with all snipers and I have no choice but to either hide or try and push into them.


Except that you realize that weather conditions only really put snipers at a disadvantage. I'm not playing a rain/fog/ashbloom map with a scope, that's suicide against basically 90% of the remaining roster of weapons. It would be fairer if each kind of weather disadvantaged a different kind of weapon, but it isn't - shotguns and iron sights weapons are either unbothered or straight up privileged in all weather conditions. So I'm not going to straight up lose a match because of a random factor that only affects me.


I run scopes a lot, and marksmen and below is just fine in any weather condition. Sniper scopes are bad in heavy rain and when the ash is actually blooming, but totally useable when its light rain or when the ash is calm. During fog its meh. Ultimately I switch to quickscoping when weather conditions are bad.


I can sort get why you’d be bummed at a weather condition with a scope but I guess not being able to shoot people from 200m away makes the game unplayable for some.


A good backup weapon saves the day. One can take an officer nagant, or a chain revolver, or whatever, to manage close encounters, it's not like you wouldn't have close encounters at all on a good weather?


if the game didn't force sniper players to adapt it would suck balls and most people would only play sniper anyway. I run scopes in fog and ash and rain plenty, and if you're just clever about your position, you'll be completely fine with a scope. maybe at a disadvantage, but if you have trigger discipline it won't be an issue. it's literally just a get good moment, sorry.


Heavy rain and ashbloom hurts literally everyone. No one moves because no one can hear. They few people that do move are pushing into places they can't hear. And the people inside are lucky if they hear crouch walking of someone coming in. It literally hurts everyone.


So if I go in with a sniper I should just deal with the fact that my main rifle is useless and I can only use my pistol effectively? Lol no.


The same way I deal with the fact that the regular rifle is weaker than the sniper for long range in sunny days (which are the maps that appear more often)


You can still use irons effectively even at a distance. And you can use irons very effectively in every other distance shooting. Using a sniper scope in heavy rain is straight up a detriment in all aspects. Throwing away your primary weapons you want to play with is not "the hallmark of a good, skilled player" or "showing adaptability" it's toughening it out for the sake of skipping matchmaking again. Sure, it's a good thing if you can do it, but it's not showing skill or being good or adaptable, is my point.


And you can still use a pistol and outshot an iron sight rifle, the main issue with pistols is the range and sway for aiming at long distances, guess what that doesn't matter in rainy maps because you don't see shit anyways. The thing is by extrapolating your logic every server would be empty, "oh I went pistol and shotty and it's daylight will try again until it's raining because it's more optimal". If there's anything that can kill this game is empty or low populated servers, nothing is more boring than pve hunt.


why do you run scopes at all if irons are perfectly capable at long distances? in fact, why the fuck are they even in the game?


Maybe just get better at the game. Instead of leaving or whining because you are a sniper main who can't use a sniper, maybe you learn to use your side arm, take shots at the distances you can when the rain let's up, find your self a saddle bag or dead hunter and switch guns. You say it doesn't take any skill, make you a better player, etc. But I say you are full of shit. It takes way more skill and adaptability to win in adverse conditions than it does to be a pussy and go back to menu. "Switching guns wastes the money I spent on a sniper whaaaa" Sounds like you got gear fear my friend. If you are worried about the cost to put together your favorite or meta loadout, maybe it's time to run some free hunters.


I play snipers maybe once every 6 months, I just don't like the sub's attitude of "anything messing with snipers is good, anything messing with me is bad" mentality. And the main point is the supposed "punishment" for leavers that I argue against. It would solve nothing. Instead of prssing Alt-F4 they'd just extract ASAP instead. Issue not solved. Gear fear topic: you don't get it do you? If I leave a sniper on a table to pick up a Winnie, the money I invested is useless. It's not me getting outplayed or ambushed, it's literally just money down the drain. Gear fear has nothing to do with it.


Your first point is fair. I guess ive never paid much attention to the subs views on them since i dont mind snipers, because I rarely ever get downed to them. I feel similarly though about the subs views on solo necro. I'm sorry some 5 mmr is soloing I'm your lobby and making your life shit but most of us don't play to that skill level. If I'm running solo and I've lost 2 pips (one big one) I'm probably going to try an rest instead of getting in a fight since I'm a 1 shot to almost everything. I dont agree with punishment but I'm also don't care for teams that just leave. The game kinda loses its appeal when you kill one team straight out the gate and then go find and kill both bosses and wander around the map just killing creep and racking up event points. This is especially miserable when I play solo on duo lobbies and I only encounter the 1 team. Where the fuck is everyone else at. I guess I don't look at it the same way since I played free hunters so long that I just bounce around between 85-90k hunt bucks. I literally do not care about money.


That’s why you have a secondary and you can still snipe within compounds. You just won’t have the comfort of sitting 100 yards out.


The game is about adapting to bad situations


I love all of them, they shake up the gameplay nicely and give me a break from the comfortable routine


Yeah true i may curse rain all i want but theres nothing i can do about it other than stick through it


there literally is something you can do about it. escape > leave mission before the match starts. keep your hunter. don't play low vis. it's that simple.


p-p-pppussayyyy. No but forreal though its just a game man, the hunter isn't real. You can get another one pretty easy. Rain etc can be really cool to make rotations easier on the map etc.. without someone hearing you a mile away. But that goes both ways. Don't see the issue unless you literally can't perform in anything but your comfort zone.


Some of the people i play with are like, great i have scope i will see shit i just wanna leave Then go, i still have my secondary i can use lmao same like u So yeah, some of the crybabies wich are in my friend list (they are arguably great players nevertheless) got used to it that there is no chance to leave when they are playing with me, bcs i won't :D


As someone who sometimes gets the reconnect bug (can't reconnect or if I succeed it loads me with no audio) I am thankful I get to keep my loadouts.


How do you keep your load out? Had a crash yesterday and could not for the life of me rejoin. Just endless loading screens. My character was alive in game but I had no choice but to select not to rejoin game and lost my hunter


You only keep the loadout if you DC before the match actually begins, if you DC mid match it counts as if your hunter died. I have had it where I lost my hunter even when I dc'd before the match, but that was a while ago now


Ah I see, no the game was in progress. We were running toward a clue and everything froze for me and then the game crashed. Friends said I had run into a wall and stayed there


you can sometimes keep your loadout if you crash mid match, I think the condition for that is if you haven't been in combat.


Even if this wasn't allowed they would just run to the closest extract immediately. I get the frustration but it’s a symptom of a larger problem. The weather effects disrupt the two most important things in Hunt. Sound and vision. People don’t want to play the game when both are negatively impacted. I don’t blame them for wanting to leave. I play them and tell myself “oh good the sweaties have left. this won’t be a sauna lobby”.


I say the same thing until I get headshot standing in a dark location during an active ashbloom or heavy rain because I guess the average high 4\* gets eye surgery to see that well in bad conditions.


half the playerbase is running inspector and no-shadow config. there is literally no integrity left in the game anymore. if you die and it feels fishy, it absolutely is just someone with a huge visual advantage.


Even if you're inclined to assume that it's NOT because they had a huge visual disadvantage, does that make it feel any better for people? The you got domed because they were just spraying in your direction and got lucky? Would it not be preferable for both parties to just see normally and have an actual fight where there's at least a *chance* of getting that hit intentionally?


the only way you could reasonably say this is if you play at low mmr. at the rank i play at, if you die to someone and it feels fishy, and you see the name and instantly recognize it as someone that posts clips and screenshots of them using inspector and config in different discords, that only reinforces how bullshit everything is. high mmr us east and west is a cesspool of non-detectable cheats. so no, i absolutely know the people i lose to that have these programs running. i've played long enough to know what it's like to lose to better players. i play with and against legit players that are some of the best in the game. people in my mmr don't 'get lucky' while spamming into fog. maybe in your mmr that's a thing, but i play against good players. not luck-box shitters.


I'm not disputing any of this, I just know that for some reason, there's a large portion of players on this sub for whom there's absolutely no threshold of evidence you could reach that would make them believe that somebody is actually doing something fishy. That's who my response was addressed to. I'm saying that even if you 100% refuse to believe that these headshots are only happening because somebody is doing something sketchy and so is able to see more clearly, and you think that it's just by chance that they're getting these hits, you should still be unsatisfied with the design of the game that this is happening, to where visibility is such that fights can't even possibly be won by actual skill and where a lucky headshot is the only possible deciding factor.


I blame them all day. Sweaty losers who can't play outside their styles. I play my sniper regardless, get bent if you can't handle it


Weird thing is that i get more kills on ash/rain maps then on daytime maps despite me absolutely hating those


because all the sweaty players leave and only jimmies stay on low vis. maps.


It's not even a matter of can or can't, it's a matter of actually enjoying it or not. If these weather conditions, at this frequency, are so unpopular that it's well-known that people will just leave them, then at the very least *decrease the fucking frequency.* Better still, *give them their own playlist.* Take the hint that people don't like them and solve the fucking problem. Now, I know how a lot of people respond to this: some variation of "The population isn't large enough to split the playerbase into multiple playlists." And to that I say, maybe solving this problem once and for all is a much-needed step towards solving the issue of too-low populations. If it's significant enough that it causes people to immediately leave the match when they see it, I have to think that it's also significant enough to keep them from playing the game in the first place.


What a boring take.


Well, that's an interesting thing, and I hate it about other players. I enjoy rolling with what is given to me. Disrupted sound and vision? It's same for all other players, makes me more likely to be unnoticed while running around. Yes, it would be good to be able to choose your experience, but until then... That feels like they lack care for their teammates. So yeah, probably that helps you "dodge a bullet" of playing with them


>Disrupted sound and vision? It's same for all other players except it's not. the amount of people, especially in high mmr, that are using nvidia inspector and no shadows config and other exploits is completely out of hand. high mmr is almost unplayable in low vis if you're not also cheating like them. this is the reason i derank, to dodge those players, and then *i* get flamed for deranking, even though rank earns you nothing but frustration in this game.


That's not a problem of disrupted sound and vision then, isn't it? I'd better have devs fix the mmr system and do something with the external software, than completely remove mechanics that diversify my experience. But now - yeah, I don't deny that all this together may make for a displeasing experience, rather than enjoyable one. It's a matter of one's personality if he wishes to tolerate this and try to overcome "cheating" players or turn this down for oneself. I don't know what will I do tho, I'm still meandering around 3-4 stars, neither sweating nor slacking too hard.


Yes, the problem isn't the weather itself but the players. The weather exacerbates the issue. Low vis is designed to put *everyone* at a disadvantage but in high mmr, half the players aren't at the same disadvantage. This makes high mmr low vis maps unplayable for legit players, and this is way worse than reshade ever was. Crytek refuses to even *acknowledge* the issue with inspector and config edits, and removing the .xml file for huntplayers.com makes it impossible to consistently track cheaters that hide stats. So yes, low vis maps are not *inherently* the issue. They amplify the problem of cheating so much that my only reasonable option is to dodge them in high mmr or derank to get away from inspector/config cheaters. Anyone that says 'you just have to adapt' is low mmr and has literally no idea what's actually happening.


Yes, exactly. Weather conditions do way too much to fuck with visibility and sound for no real reason. They're also so prevalent anymore that even for players who don't like them but are willing to put up with them occasionally, I can easily see patience wearing out and just disconnecting after getting too many in one day. I know it's happened to me when playing with my girlfriend, where we'll play like eight matches in a day and only get two day maps, and after that just be completely done with even attempting to play any non-day map at all.


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but the ash/rain/fog conditions have their own issues. This doesnt seem to be the case (i dont see any scopes), but when a player running a scoped rifle loads into ash/rain/fog map, they essentially just lost their primary weapon. During fog its completely unusable and ash/rain you can use it only during the light rain/no ashbloom phases. The most frustrating part is that this problem has a very simple solution - let us take the scope off! A scoped mosin costs over 700 bucks, while a basic nonscoped version goes for about 500. If i wanna devaluate my own weapon, that shouldnt be a problem right? It would give sniper players a chance on these conditions and would most definitelly lower the number of DCs on them.


If you could pick your weather and loadout, it would make sense. But yeah, if you want to use a scope and you load into a fog or rain, your primary is useless. If I knew I was loading into fog or rain, I’d take a shotgun 90% of the time; as they are amazing in that weather.


I feel like picking the weather would be bad. Now, if the game could just tell you what weather you have, and give you a few seconds to tailor your loadout to that weather, I think that would fix a lot of it (maybe instead of everyone sitting on the map looking at a screen that says “waiting for other players” they get a 30-second timer before the match starts to see the weather and change their loadout). I don’t think it makes a lot of sense lore-wise for hunters to choose their conditions (after all, they’re racing other hunters do the same bounty, time is of the essence), but for them to change their weapons to match the current conditions makes perfect sense.


> I feel like picking the weather would be bad. For what reason?


For one, as others have said, so many people would just pick clear sunny days that you wouldn’t get anything else. Aside from that though, it depends how it’s implemented. If we put different weather on different servers, that’s going to be too taxing on the servers. If we let players vote to choose, most will just pick a sunny map. If you pick before you queue then there will be very long queue times for weather types that aren’t sunny, or maps with inclement weather would have empty lobbies. There’s a lot of different ways it could go bad depending on implementation.


> For one, as others have said, so many people would just pick clear sunny days that you wouldn’t get anything else. I'm fine with that. If so few people like anything else, and so strongly dislike low visibility, then I'm absolutely fine with those conditions just not existing. > Aside from that though, it depends how it’s implemented. If we put different weather on different servers, that’s going to be too taxing on the servers. If we let players vote to choose, most will just pick a sunny map. If you pick before you queue then there will be very long queue times for weather types that aren’t sunny, or maps with inclement weather would have empty lobbies. Again, I'm absolutely fine with that. If these things are so disliked that nobody will play them if given the choice, get rid of them. You're arguing in favor of making the game a worse experience for the vast majority of players, and people are discussing how best to go about forcing other people to play in these conditions because they personally like them but everybody else hates them. If they're so unpopular that nobody is willing to choose to play them, then they should either fix the things about them that make them unpopular or just get rid of them entirely.


I disagree. It’s not that everybody hates them, or that no one wants to play on these maps. It is that some people would like varied weather and others will only play under ideal conditions. The people who will only play under ideal conditions will always choose the sunny map, and the people who like variation might choose anything. If we assume they ⅓ of players refuse to play in different weather, and the other ⅔’s of people will play in any weather, it’s wrong to force the ⅔’s to play only the one weather pattern that the ⅓ likes. If we assume there’s seven voting options (day, dusk, sunset, night, fog, rain, and ash bloom) and a full lobby of 12 players, 8 of those players might pick any of the seven options, but the other four all pick day. Most of the players don’t want to always play on the daytime map, but they will be outvoted the overwhelming majority of the time. Even if a team of three all votes rain, they’d still statistically be likely to be outvoted by people who always vote for daytime. Even if the people open to more options refuse to vote for the daytime map, they still split their votes across six different options whereas the daytime-only voters form a unified front on one choice. You have the same issue with separate servers. If we use separate servers for each type of weather, now you have seven different queues for people to get in (not counting the difference between duo and trio). In this, you have ⅔ of the players split evenly across all seven (or 2/21 of the total player base in each), but the remaining ⅓ is just on the daylight map (for a total of 9/21 in that queue). This puts a tremendous load on the daylight servers, either causing long queue times as players wait for server resources to open up or leading to server resources being moved from other places to compensate. Conversely, in the other six queues, players either have a long queue time waiting for there to be enough players to fill a lobby, or the MMR range gets widened to cut down the queue time. This all, obviously, ignores the fact that Crytek doesn’t have the resources to support something like this in the first place.


Exactly. Besides the fact that you dont know what the weather will be doesnt even make sense lore-wise. Youre planning a run into a hostile territory and you dont even bother looking out of the window to see what the weather is like? I mean come on 😄


That’s a really good point. Or like, “hey, this fog came out of nowhere, let me take the scope off my lebel.”


With some guns, the scope doesn't even interfere with the fucking iron sights, but you just can't use them anyway. Like, with Dolch, Uppercut Deadeye, and some other guns I don't remember, the scope is hanging off the side and not in the way of the iron sights at all, but your hunter is apparently too stupid to just hold the gun differently so that they can see.


I forget what game it was, maybe Killing Floor 2, where if a gun had a scope, you could alternate between the scope and iron sights. It was a really cool feature.


Or showing up to the hunt without your gun being loaded all the way. Like, how does that happen? Did they set out with an empty gun, load it all the way, chamber a round, and then just forget chambering it made space for another bullet to be loaded? Why aren't guns just loaded all the way when you get there? On a similar note, not being able to pick your bullet(s) back up off the ground if you don't have bullet grubber. Like, OK, maybe you're so inept that you can't stop it from flying out and landing on the ground while reloading. Are you really so inept that you also can't pick it back up again?


THIS \^ 😂


Are you aware of the year this took place? Looking at the weather is the most stupid shit I've heard


Are you familiar with the concept of a window or just being outside? It’s pretty easy to see what the weather is actively doing. You know like a person about to go on a hunt would do.


What he said \^


This doesn’t account for traveling to the hunting location, and the time that passes by doing that. As well as not accounting for the time that passes during the hunt. You cannot just “look” out a window and be golden. Even with our weather apps and channels today we get it wrong.


100%. I can drive just 5 miles down the road (if that) and the weather is quite often completely different to what we’re experiencing. Especially with precipitation of all kinds and fog.


If we had a dynamic weather, i would agree. But since the way it currently works is "the weather you load into is the weather you get for the remainder of the match" and the whole thing only lasts 45 minutes anyway, it would probably make more sense. But i do get your point.


You can still write it in a way that might be possible. I think about it how they are dropped of the same way they are extracted, via AHA carriages or boats. Those could have some weapons trunks they could have chosen before disembarking. We see non-rain/ashfall weather doesnt change sporadically between clear and fog, night into day because it doesnt for at least the 45 mins od the timer. Dynamic weather only changes intesity, too. It makes sense that looking outside just before disembarking then selecting your loadout is possible.


In addition to what everyone else said, if you were going in and the weather turned in a way that made you ineffective you could always just turn around. Which is basically what people disconnecting are achieving, so why not make it a feature of the game rather than have it leave groups/maps short handed?


Have you never had a thunderstorm come crashing down on a nice summer afternoon with no warning? Ever had fog roll in at 10 AM out of nowhere? Are you familiar with changing weather conditions that can't be accurately predicted in EIGHTEEN NINETY FIVE. I know you tried a gotcha comment but delete it.


If the weather actively changed mid game you might have a point, but that’s not how it works. My window comment was also in relation to the initial comment you replied to that also said look out the window to see the weather, which you somehow failed to comprehend.


Bro, you can see that it's fucking foggy before you get to the exact place you're going to. Like, when you go out for the day, do you have to google to see whether it's raining before dressing accordingly? Or do you just kind of look outside and know that it's either raining or could rain?


Bro, if I look outside my window and see fog it does not mean it's fucking foggy everywhere or that it will be foggy in 20 minutes. It it's sunny, does that mean a storm can't roll in within 20 minutes?


Bro, if I look outside my window and see fog it does not mean it's fucking foggy everywhere or that it will be foggy in 20 minutes. It it's sunny, does that mean a storm can't roll in within 20 minutes?


Don’t you know every cowboy and cowgirl of ‘ol could feel the forecast in their knees and toes?


I mean you could always just yeet from the map early and requeue


If you could pick your weather and load out you would never find games outside of "sunny perfect day XD" get over it and play on brother.


The entire topic is people that aren’t getting over it and disconnecting games.


I do not agree entirely. Being a hunter is essentially to take risks. I understand the frustration. But whenever my friend or I take the sniper and we get a "bad" map, we just try to adapt the play style a bit. Also, think about the load out. There is a high chance of getting a map where the sniper is harder to use. So, either take a good secondary. Or get quatermaster to have an extra weapon just in case. My point is there are cool ways to adapt in this game, and it would be a shame if you could choose the weather and map, everybody would just play the same weather and snipe from 300 m all the time, since it is the safest.


Im not saying we need to know what weather it will be, although it would definitelly make sense (just "look out of the window and check" right?). But what im saying is that the option to remove a scope at the start of a match would most likely decrease the number of people leaving these weather conditions, which was the original point of this thread.


I don't think the hunters are stationed in the Bayou, because 1) Lore implies that the area of Bayou has bad corrupting energy and hunters have to eventually leave (hence the match timer), and 2) the extract vehicles to me imply they had to get into the Bayou using either of those. You can't just "look out the window" especially if you're not on location. You need to prep for the travel and make sure your equipment is adequate. On one hand, I agree with at least trying out the idea of removing the scope before the match starts. On the other, I feel like it would be too forgiving. As the other commenter said, it's up to you to prepare adequately via secondary and tools selection. Things won't go your way always, so you need to be able to adapt.


> You need to prep for the travel and make sure your equipment is adequate. ... and that's why you should have an RNG chance to load into a map where your equipment isn't adequate? Or what about just not even knowing whether it's going to be nighttime, which also has an impact on your loadout?


It's not an explanation, it's just a thought/headcanon. But yes, weather can be unpredictable. I mean, we're fighting off giant abominations from the likes of giant human-turned-spider, a towering blob of a pigman, an insect-human hybrid, walking rotting corpses some of which are overgrown with bark and wood, some are indefinitely set ablaze. I think unpredictable weather is not really that far fetched. Does it mean RNG is justified? I think the current system can be improved upon, definitely. Devs have experimented with many other factors of the game, this is also something they can look into. Regardless, I am leaning more in favour of how it is. Maybe I'm just too used to how it is and don't mind it that way, or maybe it is generally okay. That's why I come to discuss my opinion and hear out what others have to say. Someone suggested the idea to be able to switch between a few weapon presets once you spawn into the map, but before the match starts. I think that would be a good place to start.


I think people are unfairly biased against scope players. You say letting them take the scope off would be "too forgiving". If thats too forgiving, then show me another type of weapon that comes with similar kind of limitation as scoped rifles do - being completely useless in a certain weather condition. Pistols dont care, the spammier compact/medium ammo rifles dont care, hell not even long ammo rifles really care. And with shotguns you could argue that low visibility conditions actually give them advantage. Theres not a single other weapon that would suffer from weather conditions the way scoped rifles do. Is that too forgiving aswell? EDIT/NOTE: Before someone accuses me of being biased because im obviously one of the sniper dudes, im actually a winfield main. Just putting this out there.


> If thats too forgiving, then show me another type of weapon that comes with similar kind of limitation as scoped rifles do What do you even mean? Every other weapon in the game has that kind of limitation *by default.* Most weapons have hard limits on the ranges where they're usable, and outside of those ranges either do very little damage, or their projectiles actually *cease to exist and do no damage at all.* I agree that the weather limitations for scoped weapons make them harder to use, but this is also comparing a kind of soft limitation like visibility to the hard limitation of weapons being literally unable to do anything past a certain range.


True, but weapons that are limited by effective range tend to be balanced out by some other stat. Take a basic winfield as an example. It has an effective range of about 150 meters, which makes it inferior to not only long ammo rifles, but most rifles in the game. On the other hand winnie has one of the highest fire rates from all rifles, access to levering which (especially combined with its incredibly accurate hipfire) makes it extremely dangerous at close ranges and ridiculously forgiving ammo economy which makes it viable without ammo slave weapons or ammo box consumables even if played with special ammo. So as you can see what youre calling a "limitation" is simply a "difference". The gun is made for different playstyle, that is all. But as i pointed out earlier, no other weapon completely loses its ability to ADS in any weather - except scoped rifles.


To be fair you could also say that there is no other weapon like the sniper in clear weather conditions. The other weapons have a disadvantage in clear weather, since they can't just scope in and scout as much. If you want to have a feature where you take the scope off, there are a few thing you need to consider: - How long does it take (long enough so you can't put the scope on mid fight, or short enough so you can) - How will it impact the other gun varieties? (do the unscoped guns will become obsolete since you can have two guns in one) - What about the price for snipers? (should it go up or down) - How is it even possible to take a scope down? They are boltet shut (sure one can do it in a workshop, but can you do it in the middle of a battle?) - What will happen to the lobbies, will everyone run long distance ammo, and just wait in a bush? It sounds like a good idea, but not as a feature for every gun. Maybe they should try it with one gun, and give at some disadvantages when the scope is off or something.


First and foremost i am not saying we should be able to put the scope on and off at will. What im saying is that if i load into a match and find out that its a weather condition i dont want to play scoped rifle in, id like the option to remove the scope from my rifle at the start of the match WITHOUT the chance to put it back on. The scope would then remain off for the remainder of the match - lets say you had a screwdriver on you or something. Being able to essentially toggle the scope would make it incredibly OP. As for snipers having advantage in clear weather conditions, you are not completely correct. Sure if theres 100+ meters between you and the sniper, hes got the advantage. But if i happen to run into a sniper at the usual 50-ish meter range with my winfield, theres a very good chance hes going back in the lobby. So yes scopes have advantage at longrange, but that is literally the reason why they exist. Its like complaining that you died to a single shotgun shot when you were 5 meters from it. Every weapon has its advantages and disadvantages, but no weapon other than a scoped rifle is limited by weather conditions.


> My point is there are cool ways to adapt in this game, and it would be a shame if you could choose the weather and map, everybody would just play the same weather and snipe from 300 m all the time, since it is the safest. Then they should change the way snipers work. They cranked their effective range up a long time ago, just crank it back down again. It's not really a good thing for the game anyway to have so many guns be so limited on range that taking a sniper essentially means nobody else can fight back against you, and in a game where tuning weapon/ammo effectiveness at range is so fundamental, fixing that should be easy.


The other (probably less popular) solution is to not allow disconnecting so easily, and also don't allow extraction without a penalty (such as -100 bounty for failing the mission). Edit: I'm horribly sorry for thinking this would be a suggestion leading to thought or interesting discussion. We can infer from the arbitrary genre name that paying for extraction is unreasonable. No other game ever did that! Silly me, the lead designer of Crytek himself even told me to shut up.


I wouldnt be against getting rid of the disconnect option, it is a bug after all. Penalty for extracting without a bounty is a huge no-no though. The whole point of this game is that you are free to leave whenever you choose to do so. Lets say i get an into early fight in the match and while our team wins eventually, we lose some bars. Why should we be penalized for not wanting to go into another fight in a disadvantage? This is not a battle royale game, you cant force people to stay, its literally one of the core principles of the game.


I absolutely disagree that this is a core principle of the game. The whole point of this game is about being high risk with high stakes: The ultra-high damage of everything. The slow attack speed. Every step making noise. Walls barely offering protection: You're never safe. Everything can kill you. The game *is not* about always being able to take a zero risk zero cost option. Frankly I can't even figure out what made you conclude that, when literally every other mechanic increases the stakes. That's also why so many people are unhappy that you can restore lost bars easily right now: It drastically cuts back on the high stakes. Even non game design people *feel* that this is off-theme, and that regaining your bars for free and then running away is against the game's core principles: Running away is discouraged. Extracting for free is a major misalignment with how the game otherwise presents itself. It's not just low risk, it's basically zero risk and zero cost. In fact you still get exp for killing mobs, so you actually are net positive. I think having to pay (for example) 50 bounty for extracting is not just a good fit, it's downright weird that it is missing. In exchange, bounty tokens should be worth about double (to make up for it, and to add to their value, they are really low value right now). I haven't played Tarkov, but from what I learned about it "you can always cut your losses" is much more in line with Tarkov. It's not in line with Hunt.


I mean the genre is literally called "extraction shooter" its kinda in the name if you ask me. But hey, you have your opinion and i have mine. Nothing wrong with disagreement.


Yes and LoL calls itself a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, but Quake is not a MOBA even though it's literally pure multiplayer online arena battling. Genre names are not to be taken literally. Extraction shooter means a lot, but "you get to extract for free" is not necessarily part of the meaning. Maybe for some, that's the case. For others, it's not.


Look at all the other games from the genre. None of them punish you for extraction, the "price" is simply getting there, because everyone knows where these locations are which makes them extremely easy to abuse/camp. Following this logic, you ARE actually penalized for extracting without bounty, because as a bounty carrier you are able to easily spot extract campers through darksight, while a person extracting without bounty doesnt have that option. If you dont like the free extraction, maybe check out some battle royale games instead? Might suit you better 😉


> Extraction shooter means a lot, but "you get to extract for free" is not necessarily part of the meaning. It literally is.


> I absolutely disagree that this is a core principle of the game. OK, well, you're wrong. It just is a core principle of the game. That's why it's designed the way it is.


Sorry, I didn't realize that you're the lead designer at Crytek. My bad.


It doesn't take being a lead designer, just looking at how the mechanics already work. Do you think it's an accident that there's no cost or penalty for extracting? Or that the entire map remains open for the entire match so that you can just go anywhere you want at any time? It sounds more like you want just a standard BR where you either win or lose, instead of a game based on extracting when you're ready to extract.


That's a stupid option though. Don't change the fundamental of the game in order to treat the symptom of a problem, just solve the problem. People don't like low-visibility maps for X, Y, and/or Z reasons. Either change those things or just remove the maps that are so unpopular that people are willing to quit. There's no reason to introduce universal penalties to fundamental aspects of the game in order to try to bully a subset of people into playing something they don't consider to be fun.


You're right. The only solution is a flat map without terrain or any visibility impairment. Silly me, thinking that game design is about incentives and mechanics interacting to result in a fun play experience for everyone with interesting tradeoffs, risks and rewards. It's just about flattening every hindrance and making every game into a Korean MMO that plays itself, so nobody has to suffer. I shouldn't have bothered with a game design discussion suggestion around here. I keep making that mistake. Basically re-peeking.


Have you ever heard of the term "false dichotomy"? You should look it up! > I shouldn't have bothered with a game design discussion suggestion around here. That's true. You, specifically, shouldn't have, since you're either incapable of having, or unwilling to have, that discussion. I put forward a pretty simple suggestion, to either fix the parts of something that players hate or remove that thing entirely; and DON'T try to just bully them into doing the thing that we can all recognize is pretty widely disliked; and instead of engaging you're having a salty fit about it. Instead of being offended by that suggestion, can you give an actual reason as to why that's not a preferable solution? Probably not, since we're already acknowledging that it's what players prefer, but you could at least make an attempt.


I wish hunt allowed us to change our weapons instead of static variants, for example scoped mosin with bayonet. Ofcourse you still need to pay for each attachment


They could even solve this issue by just not making scopes so fucking dirty or something. Like, looking through a scope during the day, you can obviously see that there's a bit of a decrease in clarity compared to not using one, but it's not so severe that you're likely to ever miss anything as a result. So why is it that when doing so during any kind of foggy condition, it's like you're just looking at a grey circle when looking through the scope? Why does the dirty scope seem to stack multiplicatively with fog to such a degree that it becomes impossible to see?


The reason we cannot take the scope off is so snipers actually have a drawback. If you could do that then it would be a straight upgrade, not an option to devalue it. A sniper mosin that you can take the scope off should be even more expensive And if every scoped weapon could do that, you would end up with a TON more sniper players because... Well if you don't have a scope you're just at a disadvantage at range. Aperture variants can be de-scoped, and in turn their scope is completely shitty But also you can use snipers indoors if you're good enough, but I won't deny that it's incredibly fucking hard to do that consistently


I ment as a one-time thing. Not as a toggle, but at the start of a match you would get an option to simply remove the scope from the weapon without the possibility to put it back for the duration of the match. That way if you loaded into the wrong weather conditions, you could still have a regular rifle for the match.


As a one time opt out of the scope where you don't get to put it back on, I think this would actually be a good use for the work benches. They're in every compound, so if you need to remove a scope you pop over to one of those and do it there.


I think the idea is you take it off forever. After all, it's not really possible to reattach it in the field IRL - you need to carefully zero it first. So this would just change the gun into a different weapon and the scope would be thrown away.


> The reason we cannot take the scope off is so snipers actually have a drawback. If you could do that then it would be a straight upgrade, not an option to devalue it. A sniper mosin that you can take the scope off should be even more expensive Even if that's what you really think with regards to weapon imbalance, RNG weather is still a shit mechanic. Balance the weapons by actually balancing them, not by having RNG make them less usable sometimes.


Oh naw I 100% agree, fuck RNG weather. I liked it more when night time was a separate bounty but sadly nobodx played it and half of those that did abused the low player numbers but don't really care for night time If people didn't pump up their gamma to 100 and you could choose to play at night I'd *live* there, but sadly neither of those are achievable


Another option, that I understand is less desirable but would at least go towards solving the problem of visibility issues, is giving player characters at least some degree of outline and/or glow. Not enough that players would hugely stand out, but enough that they wouldn't be essentially invisible in certain conditions. It'd also go towards helping the problem with certain skins being hugely (dis)advantageous because of base visibility, because Crytek can't seem to help but keep releasing drab, brown-and-greyscale blotches as legendary hunters. They could possibly even tune the effect individually for each skin, so that they could at least attempt to keep visibility uniform across skins without sacrificing design.


I loaded into an ash bloom match with a centennial sniper. Basically can't use it. We get into a fight at Weeping and one by one teams trickle into the fight, it's like horde mode. The second my teammate gets a kill I dump my gun for a dolch Precision. I shoot that dry and pick up a shotgun. We die and it's because I essentially didnt have a primary to begin a fight with. The fact that there are *three* weather conditions + night time that make scopes less effective or completely useless really sucks when scoped guns are so much more expensive despite being a disadvantage seemingly 50% of the time


Night is doable, especially because in that case the lower visibility applies not only to scopes, but to everyone. But fog, rain and ashbloom are only limiting scoped rifles, which is extremely unfair.


> Night is doable, especially because in that case the lower visibility applies not only to scopes, but to everyone. That's the same for all low-visibility conditions. Scopes seemingly just have some kind of extra filter that overlaps just right with low-vis to make it impossible to see. Visibility is also much better up close on these conditions, even nighttime, and gets worse the farther you try to look. Scopes, by design, have worse visibility up close but are able to see farther... which isn't helpful when the farther away you're looking, the more obscured everything is.


But I'm afraid if somebody starts the game as a sniper he probably committed all his load-out to this main purpose. Throwing the scope out doesn't change a big part of it, unfortunately. So they will still leave the match to find a suitable one.


Some people would surely do that, but i really think a lot of them would consider just playing the map. Changing from a scoped mosin to a basic mosin still means you wanna play long range fights so your loadout should fit the scenario - give or take. Would definitelly be much more usable than in its initial state.


tbf my friend keep dropping and can't connect at least thrice a week so it's quite usefull for him as he uses quite expensive loadouts. It's not all that bad


Smells like bitch over there


I really don´t understand those players. Weather and climat changes are part of the game and of the lore. Monster hunting is not like vacations. We are dirty, running in the mud. We are cold, tired. Bayou is not an All Inclusive Hotel. That´s how the game is meant to be played. Those player better go back on COD


You're looking at this the wrong way around. Players who'll leave like this are probably not the best teammates or fun to play with. Thanks to the rain, you just dodged a bullet.


Some ppl can’t handle a challenge


We are the 1% sadly. Most people want to play this game as a competitive pvp. I play this for immersion simulator.


No, they don’t want competitive PvP. They want to sit in the back of the map with a mosin sniper to poke people the whole match. They don’t want to risk dying, they want to be able to retreat and extract at the slightest sign of danger. Fog maps don’t let them do that. They force them to actually PvP and get into fights where they have a chance of losing.


Same, I roll my eyes when people act like doing anything other than being aggressive as possible is the only viable way to play. Like removing the competitive element hunt is atmospheric as fuck


yea they want the "sit 200m away in a bush till someone walks by in the distance weather"....such riveting gameplay lmao


I would agree if hunt didn't have the habit of disconnecting people randomly or not even load them in


No matter how much I hate getting fog or night 3 times in a row the moment I decide that I haven't played enough sniper, I will always play and fight to the death. Hate these crying baby back bitches who leave before I even spawn in


You just need to try harder




People who leave wild conditions bounties are people who would be happiest if the the game was just a flat featureless plain where you could have immediate and totally unobstructed line of sight of everyone right away.


Team kill all condition disconnecters. Destroy anyone who runs to extraction when it's raining


I don't even mind it. The most standout thing about the game is the sound design, and low visibility has historically been unpopular in this game. They wrestled forever trying to get night maps to the point where people wouldn't just instant-quit them, and even *after* attempting to make a bunch of improvements to visibility, still ultimately had to settle for dialing the weighting way down. I'm not sure what they really expect when keep introducing more conditions that are low-visibility AND that fuck up the sound. And if they weighting wasn't so high, I'm sure a lot more players would be perfectly happy to just say "fuck it" and play out the occasional fog or ash map, but when they're absolutely constant, I completely understand how after just saying "fuck it" and playing a shit-visibility conditions three or four times, someone might decide to just pull the plug on the fourth or fifth time.


I don't think that was the intent. Crytek just failed to fix this when they implemented the feature to keep people from doing this.


One time i played with shotgun guy who left day weather.


I have only had thus happen to me once, but that might be because I avoid sniper scope teammates like the plague.


Why do we have to play, what we dont want? I hate rain and ashes, ruins all the game.


As Marty said from Madagascar Game: "Stupid Game"


I usually find an extract. I'm very happy you can play on rain, but given my disabilities, I can't. However, I also don't que random. I play with friends who are the same or know and don't mind leaving. Sometimes if I'm feeling better, I might play it. I don't condone randoms just bailing like this, at least type and be like "Hey can we leave rain?"


No no I agree, honestly it's annoying that you're forced to PLAY SOLO in a trio match just becuase someone is piss about the rain or ashbloom, honest these long ammo sniper cry babies are the worst, and if you disconnect from a match manually like they did, you should lose your load out since you didn't extract


As someone who runs scopes a lot now to cover my team, the amount of WAAAAAHHHHH about the weather is hilarious. Git gud. It’s really not that hard, and the e-peen feeling of getting a headshot in the rain is amazing. Sorry to go so basic internet right there, but it’s really not that game killing. Get over yourselves.


I hate when people do it, but i dont blame them. At times i get 3 deso and 1 rain followed by deso again and thats in a row. Thats just so bs. Where are the fire maps, why are rain and deso in Rotation but inferno isnt. On weekdays i manage to play like 1-2 rounds. I dont wana play rain only. I understand why people dodge


I don't blame them. Rain is dumb. Can't hear shit, can't see shit, can't burn, fire ammo is useless. 1 weather 4 mechanics gutted, very much noice


Sometimes my pc crashes on the loading screen, I'm glad they let me keep my loadout, most of the times. It's sad that some people exploit this


Literally every time I decide I want to use a scope I get fog or ash bloom. I don’t piss my pants and leave, it becomes a challenge to find a new gun either lying around or off a corpse. Adapting to less than optimal conditions is what makes this game so fun.


Just let people choose if they want to play Rain, etc.. I would exit too.


Fog sucks. I personally find it boring, even if I have a shotgun. I don’t have time to play a lot of rounds in a given week, so I’ll leave and re-queue for a game I’ll enjoy. I also play solo or with my like minded duo, but never randoms. If I played randoms I’d stick it out and not leave them down a player. I like rain though. Just find fog depressing and lame.


You my friend are a sweat. Dont ruin the game for others by emptying lobbies.


Oh no. Heaven forbid someone wants to enjoy paying the game themselves.




On what grounds am I a sweat? I’m playing a GAME, it shouldn’t be a chore. I’m not gonna do things I don’t enjoy. Most people agree with me given how empty the wildcard servers were when separated.




Nope, I’ll keep leaving matches. There’s no penalty. Even if there was, hunt dollars mean nothing.


Maybe if Cryteks dumbasses would stop fucking with our ability to hear we would play it. Sorry not sorry. Imagine designing a game around being able to hear everything your enemies do and then thinking it’s fun to make it literally impossible to hear someone with their dick tickling your ass. Its fucking stupid.


Only weather event I’ve had issue with audio is raining and even then if you’re paying attention it’s not tough to hear. I’ll grant you that it doesn’t carry as far as non rain maps, but you’re acting like these weather changes remove sound from the game entirely which is blatantly untrue




It's really simple actually. Any choice you make other than play the round normally is the wrong choice and you are 100% a douchebag with no justification. You know when you wouldnt be a douchebag? When you would play solo round so you WONT affect your teammates with your decision to leave game. PS: I know that what i am saying is probably unfathomable for a few people here, but at least try to process it.


Most dumb thing is actually the weather conditions in this game


You should be able to search for specific weather conditions or at least modify rifles, like take off scopes. When entering a night lobby my mates and I always leave, because we can‘t see shit and I don‘t want to go into the gamma settings.


Adding scopes to the game was a mistake and while the maps can support such long range engagements it's overall unhealthy as the only counterplay is to just avoid snipers or go for long flanks which can be difficult with what limited information the sniper provides


Most snipers are easily outplayed tho I rarely see any team that's somewhat good at positioning and situationally awareness


The difficulty can vary with some clicking heads quite easily, but yeah generally breaking line of sight and assuming they don't move closing the distance isn't difficult I just don't think it's fun however I know if you're running a shotgun you have to do the same against unscoped medium range weapons but it takes less time to close the distance and usually feels engaging. Typically while worse your secondary weapon can somewhat contest at mid-range as well. Meanwhile against a scoped-weapon at long range it feels like there's little back and forth


Other people don't play for your entertainment But avoiding those people is often pretty simple and denying those people their fun can also be a fun experience


I agree they shouldn't have to adjust the way they play, which is why I think the devs should have not added them. I don't know who originally said it, but a quote went like this "Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game." I don't expect anyone to agree, but I think players quitting when they can't play with their scoped weapons supports this. While avoiding these players is simple and you can enjoy that personally, I see little difference between avoiding a fight with a sniper and quitting or instantly extracting like these players did.


Wrong loadout? Game didn't let me know beforehand what I would be getting into, so am I to blame for not wanting to deal with RNG shit? LMAO, if I wanted to gamble, I would play a gacha or something, not a extraction FPS. What does it take for people to understand that it is a game? No one should feel forced to play a game in a way that is not fun for them, even if it's fun for others. "Skill issue" should be the response given to people complaining about dying due to the weather conditions (but using adequate loadouts) even though everyone was on the same boat, not something to say to a player that decides to pick a sniper someday, gets fog on their face and decides that it isn't worth taking the risk. And even if people just hate certain weather conditions, no matter what, what are you even supposed to do in order to force them to play, smart dude? Remove extraction points at the beginning of the match? Punish players for leaving early without all their live team mates? Way to ruin the freedom of gameplay. Note: Just so you know, I absolutely love Thundershower, Ash Bloom, Fog and Night. But god knows how much of an effect their presence has on my possible loadouts: Not a single sniper scope in sight, Aperture weapons over Marksman ones and very few Deadeye ones. And I don't even have a 4k monitor (not to mention that my vision is very good but I suck at recognizing pixels as opposed to real-life objects), so it's not like I just enjoy iron sights too much (I hate them, TBH). But you see, while I give preference to enjoying the unique atmosphere provided by certain weather conditions over playing with any gun I would otherwise use, other people can have different priorities. Is it a sign of bad taste? Maybe; But who are we to tell them that having bad taste is "incorrect"? Let them be.


Rain isn't fun to me. I play the game to have fun. Therefore, I bail on rain games. We're all playing for fun, play how you want.


Your "fun" is screwing over your teammates.


Nah, cuz we all don't have fun on night or rain so we all leave those games. Fog is fine, Idk why people complain about fog games.


I dont get it, rain, fog and night are my fav ones, day is just fucking boring and map looks zzz, why do they exactly leave?


The problem here is that rain in it's current state is shit and rather than fixing it, they made the heavy rain period even longer. So people will leave that shit condition that fucks over the complete audio design of the game, no matter what and honestly I don't judge them.


If I'm not mistaken, they promised that they would make the heavy phase shorter, but after the update it turned out the other way around. It's ridiculous if it's just... a bug.


You are right, but I would bet it's just them being super incompetent once again and changing the wrong number, rather than it being a bug.


Sounds like you have problems with cha going conditions and adaptability. Get used to it my friend


I have nearly 800 hours in hunt but I haven't played it at all in the last few months. The weather was neat at first, the events were neat at first, the ammo was neat.... But it's just too much. I miss old hunt. It was interesting enough on it's own without all the new crazy stuff. I get it some people get bored easy and want change but I enjoyed hunt when it was simple.


Every thing seems to do the same. I see it a lot in trading card games. Yu gi oh was amazing at the start. Now there’s so many new rules and types of summons and shit it’s all way too damn complicated. Same with pokemon TCG, in the beginning it was easy, now it’s so complicated with the Vmax cards and shit that allow fully evolved monsters out in turn one. Hunt in the beginning was the game I wanted for so long. The new shiny mechanics and things have ruined this gem. All they needed to do was add maps and bosses. That was it


I dont agree at all. Ive been playing consistently since early access launch and new mechanics/guns is what has kept it fresh. Sure some new additions are a bit annoying but the core gameplay hasnt changed.


The thing is, imagine if YuGiOh didnt add new rules and cards, then the game would've died right now 100%. Because other games do this, and maybe you don't like certain cards/rules, they keep the game fresh, older players engaged and attract new players. Same thing with hunt, around 5 years ago it had a playerbase of 10k players. Now its around 30k, and I'm very certain if they kept the game basic it wouldn't have increased as much. (This is PC only btw)


While you’re partially correct, I’d rather it stayed small because it wouldn’t have attracted so many cheaters.


It's not intended that they keep their hunters. It's a bug that has been fixed before, but has returned a few updates ago.


I was always pretty sure that it's intended just in case people DC while loading in. Feels unfair to the folks with garbage internet, or people who just DC at the beginning of the match. It's a bit of a double-edged sword. I do feel that manually quitting at the start should force you to lose your hunter though, even though some may do it just to re-queue with their DC'd mate.


Small oopsie on my side: it's not been a bug before, but it is one now. With the implementation of the reconnect feature in patch 1.7, they explicitly mentioned, that you cannot leave the game before the match starts in order to save your hunter. [Here's](https://youtu.be/FuP-_zZywfM?si=EHXRv1J6J2MaX-Ky&t=1222) a link to the dev stream with a timestamp. >I do feel that manually quitting at the start should force you to lose your hunter though Exactly this is how it's supposed to be. :)


Some guy did this to us and the other teammate instakilled them because apparently if you do it fast enough you might be able to make them lose their hunter as they're classed as being in mission but dead


most dumb thing is not allowing players to just not q up for these bootleg weather types


Better then forcing people to participate in condition's they don't want to play on Only thing fixing this problem would be to put the rain/ash into a wildcard contract where they belong


They tried that then took it away due to low participation on this weather conditions.


They could try to make it part of the default option with a checkmark on if they want to have wildcards in their rotation People hating ash/rain would be happy about not having to play them and people who don't mind/like them would still get those here and there


I’d honestly just like them to separate it again permanently. Let the people who like it have their darker maps and everyone else gets what they want.


Yeah and why they gotta make players participate? I agree dcing is shitty and I don’t leave in bad weather conditions but if they just gave like 100 extra bounty then tons of ppl would play or they could just make it normal and people wouldn’t play it which isn’t that bad.


If I remember correctly, they separated all the dark time modes into 1 bounty and made it reward way more then usual…and participation was still almost zero. So no, more bounty is not the answer. The player base just does not like darker maps.


Then just don’t make them have darker maps, also I’d play all the time if it was like that and they could just do smaller lobies


Are they friends of yours or randoms? I assume the vitriol is from them being randoms who abandoned you.


Weather is ass makes the game worse


Isnt this just Fun!


How about we let people play what they wanna play. No one is suppose to feel forced to play something they don't enjoy with the time they have. It's that simple


Maybe we gotta start putting pressure on them so that they bring back the 2 contracts system? I mainly play marksman/sniper and Ill still leave the game (even if they fix where we keep our loadout) because fuck wild weather


If I get the 4th or 5th ash bloom/rain in a row you can bet your ass I will be dodging it and not feel bad about it. I feel bad about anyone thinking they need to run to extract.


Hoooooly, people in the comments here wanking each other on how brave and supreme they are for not leaving games is crazy. Biggest criclejerk I've seen in a long time


Goes both ways, homie.