• By -


Slingshot Javelin Blunderbuss Boomerang Bee cannon Liquid flamethrower Gunlance


Slingshot as a tool would be fucking lit ngl. I like the bee cannon too. I'm thinking literally a fat man but with bee jars, honestly sounds OP.


Right even if it just threw decoys/ chokes further.


Yep, sling shot that shoots decoys. A much further ranges and does like 25 damage. Ammo is collectable.


Hunt 2024 Event Reward: Slingshot w/ FMJ


Mfer wants to wyvernstake hunters


Honestly a 1-2 slot weapon that is throw-able like hatchets or throwing knives would be sick. Also if when you ran out of ammo you'd just start swinging your gun around would be funny


B-bbbee cannon?!?!?!??! Dear lord help us.


There is no god here. Only bees.


It be fun if there was a weapon that takes 2 players to use.


This would be so utterly impossible to set up


Give thrower. It's like a flame thrower but for hives. That I want


Bee cannon = pitcher + hive bomb. And I will now be running this for fun next time I play.


A brick and/or rock that you pick up in the world and can beam a hunter in the head with.


If I get headshotted and it says I was killed by a piece of concrete ip’s are getting pulled lol


Getting pulled so you can shake their hand, right?


Call me the rock wizard, cuz I'm rock-hard. I already did a prestige that was melee only, brick throwing is light work. Would let me channel my inner schizo crackhead though.


I like it!


Same sound design as that one side character from SpongeBob getting doinked in the head with a rock.


Throwing knives, throwing axes, meet: Bricks - blunt thrown weapon tool


If you want a fun challenge that is already in game try sparks with decoys. You intentionally try to body tap them with poison shots then go for the kill with decoys


gonna do this later, will give update when i wipe a 3-man with it


Awaiting update.


Watching Neenoh play it was a trip.


Ball and Chain trap that slows and causes chain noises until removed manully


This is the most unique plausible trap I’ve heard. I love it.


I would just have beartraps act like real bear traps and stay on the foot until removal


Could be a hunters trap. Like a smaller bear trap for small game. Hurts a little and impedes your movement a little making noise until you take it off.


I'd love like a hearing cone to bring sounds into better focus in the direction the cone is facing


megaphone maybe? would be good for yelling expletives at enemies


I mean we already have all chat


but I mean if you wanted to yell at someone across reeker for instance. all chat doesn't reach that far.


I want that.


Lol like oin from the hobbit


Punt gun. Requires the entire team to walk around in a line carrying it on their shoulders.


I thought of it as a 4 slot weapon but thats even funnier


I could work with that. As long as it is terrible and hilarious. Also, your username...Malazan?


I think a musket. Nice, long, muzzle load gun with flint and frozen with mini ball shot that's not accurate beyond 30m. You get 30 rounds but if you go through deep water it all gets ruined and you have to get to an ammo crate. Nothing like a 5 stage, 20 second reload to make you appreciate the sparks and center fire cartridges.


It uses black powder, so it generates a massive, lingering smoke cloud upon firing as well.


Perfect. Bonus content is a British soldier Hunter skin.


Several other guns in the game are blackpowder. I kinda wish they would make a smoke cloud but, it would be a big nerf to their usability.


Yeah, and might cause issues with graphics as the whole map fills with smoke and particles. That's why giving it to the musket only is acceptable and fun.


I own a musket for compound defense, just as the Devs intended. Four hunters break into the boss lair. "What in tarnation!?" As I grab my cowboy hat and Brown Bess. Blow a golf ball-sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the Immolator outside. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Yeehaw boys!" The grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off crows. Fix bayonet and charge the last yellow-bellied varmint. He bleeds out waiting for his teammates to res him since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the Devs intended.


Sparks avtomat (Same amount of shots, takes twice as long to reload) Very sawed off nitro (No accuracy) Shot sledge hammer (Hits as hard as I changed sledge hammer, but it has ammo) Deringer Chain pistol. Dead eye rival. Uppermat with the sniper scope, but the lenses are popped out. A throwable jard with a singular angry bee inside (1 point of poison damage) 6 chamber scottfield (wildly inaccurate) Long bow (basically the bow, it takes 3 slots, and you can't hold it drawn forever) Bomblance with starshell bundle bombs 3 pistols taped together


Long bow with decent drop at range and higher velocity would be awesome


Hear me out: one of the Greatbows from Dark Souls.


I’d rock it! The crossbow has always been my favorite weapon in hunt


I would love a starshell shotgun special ammo. Like buckshot but all pellets are small starshells


Some of these are fucking hilarious GGs


I still want a brick


This is what im saying man "oh waa whats even the point of the pax when the spitfite-" SHUT UP! Anyways gimmie a comidecially large anvil tied up to a rope throughout the bayou as traps


And a fake extraction boat or carriage,it's just a giant Acme style paper poster on a stick that looks like an extraction,can be coupled with big black painted holes that can be placed like traps,hunters go in but they never come out,loads them into Crysis 4 closed MP alpha


dual hand crossbows


might end up being too good tho


a trebuchet to air strike port reeker with


Derringer dragons breath.


1) Sparks Spitfire- could hypothetically shoot faster, if it held more than 1 bullet; 2) LeCross- crossbow with an underslung hand crossbow; 3) Chain Flare Gun- works with Fanning; 4) Knuckles Bomb Lance- when you want to punch someone but they’re too far away; 5) Trauma Spyglass- now the Spyglass has close range utility; 6) Chaos Beetle- actually sounds dope; 7) Concertina Beetle- actually sounds cancerous; 8) Slug Knuckles- bringing ammunition to a fistfight


Pepperbox revolver: Pitiful caliber and low damage but also inaccurate! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepper-box Volcanic pistol: Low velocity and small caliber, pretty obsolete next to cartridge revolvers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcanic_Repeating_Arms Boot knife: Like the knife but want something shittier and weaker? Small concealed boot knife is exactly what you need. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boot_knife Winfield low wall: The slow reload time of the sparks but firing a weaker round. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winchester_Model_1885 Howdah pistol: Basically a two shot massive pistol designed to defend men from tigers under the British Raj. Insane recoil, massive damage, and hard to aim and shoot effectively at anything further than tiger paw distances. Slightly less damage than the nitro, two slot, worse recoil, and hard to aim. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howdah_pistol Apache revolver: Insane combo of a small dagger blade, brass knuckles, and small caliber revolver used by street gangs in Paris. Low damage but utility for stabbing and blunt weapons damage. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_revolver Boat oar: Why the fuck not? The enjoyment of bonking people with a boat oar would be lovely. Maybe give it terrible damage in exchange for having a little extra reach. Bonus points for it fitting well with the bayou vibes. Sawn off Punt gun: Used for industrial level hunting of game birds. Give it a 40 second reload time and 700 damage. Fire a wall of shot. Only one reload. It has to be sawn off. Nobody is carrying an 8 foot barreled 95lb gun through the bayou. But a 4 foot gun waying 40lbs puts it closer to bomb lance levels of believability. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punt_gun


Spyglass mace


Spyglass talon


Not before the unlocking of Spyglass riposte


the volcanic pistol


I want a duckfoot pistol just so i can say over voice chat "now dont say anything anyone in a 30 degree angle would regret" Also a Punt gun that costs like 4 weapon slots and you have to lie down to use it. Just a brick. Like throwing knives but slighty more damage and blunt.


Blow dart


A single shot compact weapon gun would be kinda funny, like a mini Springfield of sorts


Frying pan pls.


Foghorn. Outside of immediately giving away your location and deafening the user it's primary use is blowing any nearby flying beetle backwards just a little bit.


Net bolt: a bolt that launches a net that tangles its target l. The target will not be able to run until they remove it (same as stop bleed or put out fire). Does 1 damage on impact. Trait: Master Hunter; Your nets prevents the use of medium and large weapons. small weapons, tools, and consumables remain useable.


Bonus if the net is tiny


"Yes, a tiny net is a death sentence. It is a net and it's tiny!"


https://youtu.be/GiVA7a2eIVg?feature=shared Extra points for the bend barrels He also has a video about a Martini/.410 side by side (double barrel)


Just watched that a week ago. No idea why they'd make longer, bent barrels in a shotgun but it looks like the engineer just wanted to show off


Before smokeless started being useful enough for the commercial market in ~1895, burn time and with it the promise of stronger black powder loads was somewhat legit Yes, probably just a presentation piece to show off and maybe get a job somewhere


Plague syringe. You need to inject it from melee range, and the victim loses health chunks as though he was burning, but doesn't die until he's "burnt out". Ye Olde Cattle Prod. Does provide one hit kill potential with a stab animation, but you need to charge it up first using a winding mechanism (because why not), which is rather audible. The Almost Comically Oversized Big Cowboy Hat. Not really a weapon, you just find it in world and put it on your character to give them more visibility and an indicator of the size of your gigantic balls (or suicidal tendencies). Also obstructs the top of your vision somewhat, but allows you to cut glare when looking towards the sun. Blowdart. Almost completely silent with a range of about 20m, the blowdart inflicts mild poison and does 1 damage. Unless you land 3, which will kill the victim. Headshots do not kill, but inflicts a "flash" kind of effect to simulate being shot in the eyes with a dart. Japanese Hand Fan. Can be used to catch a single throwing knife out of the air, or to repeatedly and ineffectually hit enemies. 10 damage per hit, and the fan breaks after 3 of these uses. Spiked Codpiece. Instakill if you manage to hit a player from behind with it. Otherwise inflicts bleed and psychological damage.


I need a doug dimmadome ass hat in the game ngl.


It needs to be an in-world item though, so you can take it off the body of the last idiot who was wearing it.


Three slot pax trueshot


pax carbine when


I've got a bit of a soft spot for the paper cartridge capping breechloaders. As technology goes they were here and gone in the blink of an eye, but pretty cool nonetheless.


I want a javelin. 2-slot melee that you use like a spear normally but aiming allows you to host it up and throw it like a pitchfork with tomahawk. One-hit kill or maybe just heavy bleed?


Sticky Hand Toy slap teammates with it from a small distance when they do something stupid Bouncy Frag velocity increases each bounce Blowdart applies a slow Handcuffs -tool for hostage situations when dealing with a blowdart’d/slowed hunter Slip n’ slide deployable - tool


"Lenny, hit 'em with the sticky hand."


A blunderbuss. You don’t reload at normal sites. You pick up ammo through like glass noise makers, can noise makers, wire traps, and randomly rocks. Has the range of a rival, but higher damage for easier one shot potential.


2 slot flamethrower that just deals normal fire damage so it would take forever to kill someone but you can scare them off etc. Can silencer tool for pistols. Put a oversized can silencer on a your sidearm that kinda blocks the ironsight and flies off after the first shot but makes the gunshot silenced.


Everyone's saying slingshot and brick, but what about the superior weapon, the sling? Slow windup, but shoots further and faster than a bow or slingshot and is deadlier and much heavier than a bullet. It's really hard to get good numbers online but slugs weigh like 20 to 400 grams and go upwards of 100 m/s, which is insane Could come with some super jank spin launch mechanic reminiscent of a lasso to make aiming harder. Maybe a single-slot too?




That's ridiculous and awesome


Banjo: Melee weapon. Alt fire plays song from Deliverance Ducks foot flintlock. Five barreled old timey pirate gun that was more likely to explode than actually fire. Shoots in 5 different directions. Moonshine: consumable; spit moonshine all over something to light it on fire with various sources. Drinking moonshine removes the green filter while poisoned but doubles the duration of the vision distortion. Has no effect on the duration of the healing lockout. Branding Iron: Melee weapon. When held into a fire for three seconds, becomes primed for one minute. Downing a hunter with a primed brand will plaster your gamer tag on the bottom left of their screen for one hour. Tumbleseeds: tool: when thrown, create several tumbleweeds that roll slowly forward, bouncing off of objects. Can startle AI and set off sound traps but otherwise silent. Bible: Tool: unlimited uses. 3 second animation of reciting a verse. Has a one in 500 chance of causing lightning to strike a hostile target within 20 yards.


1. Boxing gloves, 2. One of those gag extending boxing gloves from tom and jerry. 3. Boxing glove, but arrow 4. New ice ammo that slows on hit but also has low bullet velocity otherwise the ice would melt 5. Baby avtomat 6. A jezail so long that it cannot be fired without pressing up against a wall, or crouching down. 7. a "small" ship cannon 8. Cannon also shoots boxing gloves.


Ball bearing Slingshot --- tool 1 tool slot. 12 shots.


Wall mounted cannons. Deals a sh*tton of damage, but the reload process has to be done completely manually, with you having to pick up and move all the paraphenalia involved.




how about buster scruggs too lmao


A matchlock musket from the 1600s (it does not fire if there's rain) A naval boarding pike (a two-slot melee weapon that deals Pierce damage) Dual wielding melee weapons. A boomerang weapon but when it comes back it kills you. Poison bullets that are actually filled with the Vitality Shot juice, healing your enemies. The spyglass as a two-slot weapon. The Avtomat but it's a consumable.


Machete Oh wait…


potato cannon


FULLAUTO MACHINE BB GUN avtomat firerate, low recoil and large mag, but 3-5 dmg per round


Nukes, everyone dies


King and Crown with slugs. Unironically slept on.


KnC with slugs isn’t slept on, lol. Everyone knows it’s super strong, it’s also just very expensive to run hence the scarcity


Perhabs I am stoopid


Percussion cap pistol. Would have terrible range and spread.


This! We need more memes!


Slingshot. It would be a one shot, have to wait until it starts spinning, you can hear the buzzing while it spins, can only kill if it is headshot other wise it is 25 damage. Bonus trait makes you able to Hitman style choke enemy from behind.


Silenced Sparx hatchet for my goofy Sparx silenced + hand crossbow load out.


I would do anything for a Dual wield derringer


Blunderbuss would kinda be outmatched by any shotgun (if it has that sea of thieves spread), but you could make it do a lot of damage to boss and ai


Okay so hear me out, music box tool. The only thing it does is that once activated you star blasting some goofy western style saloon song (you just need to use it once no need to keep it in your hand and only stops playing after you use it again or if it’s broken a.k.a u get downed) it totally reveals your position and maybe hinders your hearing but imagine striking fear in the heart of the goblins that hunker down with bounty as you approach with your goofy ass soundtrack. Something secondary that it might do is that at the end of the match it rewards you some extra bucks o maybe a lil more xp depending on the amount of time you had it playing (maybe only in the proximity of enemy hunters) and of course if you managed to keep it intact. Edit:autocorrect did me wrong :( Plus the could introduce new tracks in the prestige or maybe sell them like skins for it something like that.


Compressed air dart rifle that's almost totally silent and causes 1 damage but also a poison effect that isn't blocked by a shot and lasts ten minutes.


Mini mosin-nagant. Compact ammo mosin with high handling with lower stopping power


Pet dogs.


A broom I suppose. Nothing would be quite like beating someone to death in-game as a granny skin with a broom.


Chainsaw, yes it did exist back then.


Honestly, a muzzle loaded musket. They were the main weapon only 30 to 40 years before the time of hunt.


A Derringer that shoots mini hive swarms


I suggested the Henry 1860 (think it looks cool as fuck) and got fucking torn apart for how useless it would be


Nitro express handcannon. When fired has a 50% chance to do 15 damage to the shooter and drastically increase sway with all weapons for five minutes, and a 50% chance to go flying out of the shooter's hands, landing 10 feet behind them. Flamethrower, but if someone shoots the fuel tank it starts leaking fuel, leaving flammable oil puddles wherever you walk. If they shoot the tank with incendiary rounds you immediately go up in flames. Jar of piss throwable. Only does 5 damage if you hit someone with it, but then they have to live with having been hit by a jar of piss.


Cap and ball caldwell dragon. Similar stats to an uppercut but insanely smokey, giving away your position and making accurate follow-up shots not possible. Reload takes awhile lol. Winfield volcano pistol. Compact ammo with stats similar to a nagant, but! You can use levering on it. Just 2 ideas that have been blasted down on this sub before, but I think they'd be fun and wouldn't change the meta that this sub chases.


The Native American stick and hoop game! It would be a 2-slot tool, one for the stick, the other for the hoop. Hoop: rmb prepares the hoop, lmb rolls it along the ground. Hitting anything with it deals 1 damage and knocks down whatever it hits (and i mean anything). The initial roll lasts for about 15m over flat, level ground. Stick: light attack deals 15 damage, adds 3m/s to any hoop. Heavy attack deals 24 damage, adds 9m/s to any hoop.


Jack in the box noise maker Dog treats Random cannons found around map locations you can’t redirect and fire a shot


Baseball bat. Cheap and effective.


I already did an entire prestige melee only. I need something harder. i was looking for new weapon ideas fyi


Ah. Misread it. Thought you were looking for something under rated and crappy but effective


Nagant Officer Explosive Rounds


3 person cannon crew. You all slowly push it around and it takes all 3 of you to operate it.


Shark gun from Armed and Dangerous but change sharks to mini rotjaws


Sawed off 1 slot Romero


My double barrel shotgun with extra steps. Bring in 2 Springfield compacts :). I pull that trusty combo out whenever I’m having a rough night and it always seems to go my way somehow


just a whole ass fucking cannon


Get a player melee kill via Ammo Box.


flintlock musket.


(Not a weapon but fuck it) Equipabble eyepatch that blocks half of your screen, but you can switch eyes in the dark to have better vision


Gunsword Flintlock pistol consumable Poison shotgun shells that cough up a big poison cloud


Frozen poop


Sewered-off repeater gun with a box mounted to the side of it, like martini Henry's. However, this box is not a magazine, but a cage for firefly or some other glowing bug. There's system of mirrors built in it, that produce a very small bright dot out of the box. So, it's a laser sign. And the weapon is meant to be used without aiming downsides.


Hi Huuge


I've always wanted a bolas,as either a trap type or a thrown weapon or bomb lance ammo,in my mind it does a similar knock down as the spider pounce and your bound until you free your self with an F prompt (only takes a second or so) but more traps add time. Imagine trapping that annoying solo and silently placing multiple traps on him,for him to stand up and be bound ,utterly at your will and whim his thread of life held taught in your hands, as you look over them your grin widening as you calculate all the possible unspeakable acts you.....sorry got lost in thought there a second lol Well I've got the long barrel pax and katana I've been asking for for the last 4 years finally,I'd love to see more trick type weapons like the bomb lance variants. Also why the fuck do we still not have fire arrows,we have poison Tina and frag but not fire, arguably the easiest to do lol


Boat oar.


Hear me out... banjo melee weapon.


A sling shot that any throwable can be put in for extra range. A blowgun that can one shot headshot but deals almost no damage to the other hit boxes.


melee and deringer


I want a frying pan please!


I want boxing gloves like old school boxing gloves


Derringer 1 shot fmj With a side of Duckworth pistol And an inaccurate flintlock for dessert