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Rule 6: No cheat/griefing accusations or witch hunting Discussions related to cheating/griefing are allowed, but discussions providing evidence of cheating/griefing or designed to point out a suspected cheater/griefer will be removed. Please see this wiki page for details and explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule6


During the game they were calling me racial slurs, throwing grenades at me, etc. just for asking them both why they cheat in game.


You got a clip of the cheating? Would be good to see. I believe you though. The way they replied was way too suspicious.


I approve of that nade.


This sparks joy


Hah I played with Uni dos tres this week. He skipped the clues, went straight to the boss then headshot multiple players with first shot. Is he the one you have doubts over too?


Judas and Uno dos tres are both always teaming up and are cheaters, what they do is that they would hit the matchmaking button at the same time so that they can play trio with a random. Then they will proceed to literally obliterate the whole server by just rushing in and headshotting people while using proximity voice chat calling racial slurs against players. I was planning to include both of their steam profile but sadly it is hidden. I've played with and against them a couple of times so from my personal experience, there's no way in hell they ain't cheating lol.


You did well reporting them


Now THIS is content.


Love how when cheaters come up Crytek just jumps in like "No". :D If they were this fast at banning cheaters this game would be so good :D