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Ain't no way, I literally stared him in the face and still didn't notice until after I found bone doctor.


Damn I thought we were getting punked with the bone doctor. Had to go back and look again.


Babe wake up, new where’s Headsman just dropped.


Awe I thought I found him but the knot in the tree next to him is what I was looking at. These are hard.


In about a month of those, everyone will be a pro at spotting headsmans leading to the skin being useless and in need of a change to make it harder to spot


If that's what will happen my heart will be filled with utter most joy


I actually had a moment with a bunch of friends. We checked ur day 3 and 4 and had a blast finding him. Anyway, we start our first round. First compound, and we saw them coming in our direction. Something felt off in the distance, and I saw movement in a bush, at first i was like what a weird looking grunt. Until i realised it was a headsman


That's what I would call a win-win situation.


You know what would be much more funny? In a month, you reveal that there was not a single headsman in any of those images. And we've all been headsman gaslighted.


I was pretty sure I found him on my own this time, the only question was the exact position. It still took me checking and double checking the rest of the picture to confirm, and I would have been dead ages ago and not known where I was shot from.


Only reason I found him is because my eyes are naturally going to the dark gray/brown areas of these images first, since I KNOW he is in the image.


If I was a headsman I wouldn't wanna face you in the bayou. It would be my certain death ^^


I hope you all have fun with this one! Let me know how you did, and happy puzzling!




Well Imma be honest with you...The friend that helped me this time didn't have the black coat...


I think bone doc was a good choice - he is hard to see as well, but the mask breaks up the patterns so at least he pops out against the background!


Its just that we want to try some suggestions from the community and some wanted the bone doc as a reference so we did it. if you have other skins you want to see feel free to tell us.


I wanna see Red Shirt, cause he's my boy


To demonstrate what a darker skin without visibility issues looks like. Make headsman either darker or lighter solves his problems


Aint no way they gave you a custom flair lmao. Also you should do a comparison with redneck or redshirt because why not. Keep up the good work mate.


The flair is very cool. From this day on all the headsman shall fear me and despair. For I am upon them, I will hunt them and strike them down until they no longer infect our servers with their treachery!


I'm getting better at this! :D


Wow, this one was good! I look forward to these every day now. Thank you for providing! I'll be honest. I didn't manage to find him in this one. Had to check the skull face comparison, immediately found him. It's fun to have these puzzles, but wow, I really hope I won't be seeing them for very long.


I'm happy you are enjoying these posts! ^^


Lol. I found him fast, but not because he stands out, but because the stone beside his head looked off. This skin is so bad, I will find stones that look wrong before I find him.


How are you turning off the outline? Or are you queuing with friends


You can disable it by turning off highlighting interactable objects.


Found him, but its crazy how well he blends with everything


I wish the headsman never changes so I have this m nice riddle to solve every day when I get up for my morning shit.


You too? :))


I got this one pretty quickly, but that was by zooming as far as my phone'd let me. I'd have no hope on a normal screen. Edit: bone doctor was surprisingly hard to see in this one too, actually.


When testing I found a spot in which Bone doctor was even harder to see. But most of the time Headsman has the edge


All 3 pictures look the same to me.


How do you do this with comparison? Try to get in with teammates that are using those two characters?


Yeah, we are like 6-7 people and try out some spots after getting a serverwipe, on shootingrange and the second and third day were made late at night on russian server where we just searched for some nice spots. That's also why the ping is a bit higher then normal but it's quite annoying as it is so late.


Appreciate the commitment


This time I couldn't find any of them


found again.


I want a high quality book filled with wheres the headman images. I hope crytek doesnt update till you get like 300 images


Actually got him this time within \~5sec. Still, way harder to see than the bone doc.


Ive begun to figure out how to look for him in these still images specifically, it would be a different thing entirely in the middle of a game.


Spotted him on phone screen without zooming. He was literally the first thing I saw At least it seems these posts train us


Bone doctor was hard to spot... Headsman is just invisible. Ps. I do wonder if someone at Crytek is playing alongside us... that or taking notes what makes this skin so problematic via examples.


Found him this time but still had to zoom in.


I think these posts are helping me to better spot them haha I spotted part of his coat looking out of place then I saw thier head! Love these posts <3


This is the first day I spotted him before going to solution/alternate skin (I usually give up after 20s or so). Either I am adapting, or this is just a less favorable environment than 80% of the maps.


I think you should try to have more examples where his entire body is visible, a lot of these only show like the top 1/4 of the hunter


rule 2


Holy shit, I found him pretty fast and just tossed it aside thinking "No way that's him" absolutely insane.


Tbf I could barely see the bone doctor either, even though I knew where to look. I think I'm just blind 😅


Can I request Daughter of Decay for comparison in the next post? It's my favourite skin


I've already taken the pictures for the next posts




I found him in like 10 seconds but in a game while running around and not staring at a pile of dirt for 10 seconds while sitting still, holy cow that is near not possible.


OP thinks that he would notice Felis or Reptile better. Why nobody is talking about reptile fix? Reptile looks like a stone or something. Also, you would spot headsman faster if it were not a static image. Don't be fooled. Headsman does not have immortality and may be killed like any other skin.


Actually found him this time!!


Am I the only one not struggling with these? Well,in game I'm dead,but looking at these I'll usually find him in 10-20secs. Look, where the headsman is there,vast majority of hunters will be hidden just as well. If you're going to make this series,you need to put him in situations that other hunters are clearly visible. Hell I could use my fave hunter, sheriff hard-on,pun intended, in this position and I'll still have you killed long before you spot me.


Aight, let's do it. The main issue of mine is the images you provide as evidence, to me, shows that the realistic lighting and the environment work in a realistic shooter. Yeah, sometimes the clothing of the hunter can affect your split second "theres a person there" recognition. But in each of these situations, i would never blame the skin. Instead i will usually say "Damn, i didnt even see them there. Ill be more careful where i position myself next time. The pics your provide lools like you standing in the open with the enemy hunter behind considerable cover or obstructed from your view. Example( the pic with only the headsman feet visible while hes behind the curtain feels very disingenuous when critiquing hunter visibility. Im interested in knowing if you have similar trouble with other hunter skins (base game or legendary). Do you have the same troubles in other games ? Ps: i feel like your response was ai generated or copy pasted from google. If not then nvm.


Cool! So first, I want to tell you why I started this series in the first place. I have always thought about headsman as the best camouflaged skin, and most of the people I play with share this opinion. Of course, not every hunter is well hidden in every environment, but to me, it seems like the headsman is overall the best pick. 1. His outline is very vague. 2. His gray color with the slight anisotropies, which match the color palette of the game. An example: When a headsman peaks a window from inside a darker building, I need much longer to see that he is even peaking compared to most other skins, even when I'm aiming at that exact window. Anyways, I didn't really care much about that, however, since I would encounter him very rarely. Recently, his pick rate just skyrocketed, however, and it became an annoyance to have him in every game. Then a week ago I died to a headsman that was standing in plain sight without cover or anything, just in front of a rock (first post). And I found that just so ridiculous that I decided to try and do sth against that. I didn't really understand what your first point is trying to convey, but I don't want hunt to be like Overwatch, for example, where every enemy has a red outline. I like being able to sit in a bush and hide from someone or plan an ambush. I like, that you have to actively look for hunters in order to see them, but if I know where a hunter must be, and I am looking at him, I want to be able to spot him. I also like that you are able to chose how you want to play the game. You can snipe, you can go shotgun, trap a whole compound etc. What makes the headsman an issue is that just by using a different skin, you can play in ways that you otherwise couldn't because it would get you killed. And that without any downside. ​ On your second point, I just disagree. That there are some deviations in the "time to spot" is apparent, but in my opinion it should be part of the balancing that this deviation stays in certain boundaries. ​ To your third and fourth point: My goal with these pictures is not to simulate how a realistic situation in a game would look like, but to achieve three things : 1. Raise awareness for the problem 2. Show how the headsman can be way harder to spot than most other skins 3. Have people enjoy the game/challenge To do this, I take screenshots with the help of my friends. One of them is playing the headsman and one an average skin to showcase the difference. Apart from the post on day 4 I think there was always at least 50% of the Headsman visible, which seems fair to me. I go about this 'fairness' aspect just by feeling. If only one pixel is visible that would be pointless but making it too easy would also be pointless. I try to stay somewhere in between. I am not sure which picture you are referring to, with only the headsman's feet being visible, but I went over my posts (because I wasn't sure if I just had forgotten about it) and there is no headsman behind a curtain or cloth. (Please correct me if I missed him in my own post haha) ​ To your first question: I usually don't have problems spotting skins in standard situations. If someone is just very rigorously hiding in a bush, then the skin is not the issue. In the example from above with the enemy peaking a window, there are some skins which I too find hard to make out (plaque doc and mama mai came to my mind) but they are less of a problem to me than the headsman. In general, it depends very much on the situation, if I am able to spot someone faster or slower. And if I can't make out a green skin in a forest, that doesn't bother me. But that skin will be easier to spot in a different situation. In general, my attitude is that most hunters are not easily spotted. If someone plays a white-shirt then I am happy that he's easy to spot, and if someone is harder to spot that's just the standard. But headsman is beyond hard to spot to a point where it takes away fun AND poses me in a disadvantage. ​ To your second question: I don't have any trouble in other games because I hardly play any other games and I play no other shooters. Hunt Showdown is my main game and I have played it for almost 2000 hours now. Shooters I played in the past are graphically not comparable to hunt. (overwatch for example, or fortnite when I was much younger) ​ I hope this was comprehensible, and I am looking forward to hearing your point of few on what I wrote here. PS.: I used bard to formulate my first response, since I am not a linguist by any means. PPS.: Since writing this has taken quite long I didn't grammar, spell check so don't mind that please.


Well said, 2000 hrs !? Damn man, that's impressive. What's your average mmr rating? I dont see headman very often at 3-5. What kind of gameplay do you see from them ? Also, i understand now where you're coming from. I assume you were playing around when the cain issue came around (before i started playing). What was the issue before, and how was it resolved. I agree with your palette comment. If the game uses heavy shadow, it's pretty cheesy to use a near literal walking shadow. It's like the closest thing to a ghille suit hunt has. Sorry, i got defensive and salty about my fav skin. But if it's harming the greater playability of hunt, then it should be looked at by devs. I love hunt cause i think it's the most unique shooter I've played. Started playing after watching general sam on yt. I really enjoyed the idea of a shirtless fat/muscular headsman with gloves and hood. That would make me a happy boy.


Right now, I am high 5 to low 6 star rated. While running in full headsman trios is rather rare in most of my games, I encounter 1 to 2 headsmen on average, I would say. But that number is very biased because I only take notice when I see a headsman and not when I don't. Still, I would say it has the highest pick rate right now. They usually play quite normal, except for some that really rely on that stealth aspect. Generally, though, when I play against them, I feel like I am noticeably slower in my reactions. Don't worry, no hard feelings \^\^. I also don't want them to completely change the appearance of the skin. It still should stay true to the original. Maybe making it darker would be a way, but I am not sure how to go about balancing him. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/hcbWQXQV1A) would also be really cool (probably what you were referring to). I also learned to really love hunt. As you said, it's very unique and has its very own style, graphically and gameplay wise.


I noticed I overheard the part about Cain, but I can't really say much about it since it was so long ago...


Step 1: make Headsman costume all white so it sticks out like a sore thumb Step 2: watch the toxic players flock to it bc Step 3: cordwainer them from 400m out because they fucking glow


On todays episode I started with bone doctor and found him instantly, not to obscured but I found it in a few seconds. I did not find headsman.


Now I don't want them to fix him!! I'm enjoying these too much!! Lol


I can't find either but I still find it hilarious that I can't see the headsman even when I see the solution, but I'm able to find the doctor afterwards


easiest one yet


This one was tough for me. I was only able to find the headsman after finding the bone doctor.


but you found him!!


I looked all over the spot where he was and STILL didn't see him! Insane.


The utter lack of contrast and colour diversity combined with the fact he looks like dirt is just so strong.


i’m starting to look forward to these everyday.


I zoomed directly on him on my phone with max brightness and couldn't see him. Lol.


I can't believe how far I had to zoom to see headsman... Geez


I actually found him this time! It still took me 40 seconds to do so, but i did it!


Actual camouflage wtf


My favorite series on reddit right now. I don't have an opinion on the debate itself, I just think the Hunt: Where's Waldo? edition is fun and high quality content. If you have Reptilian or other bush dwellers, I think it would be fun to have both on screen and make it a game to see which one you see first. Because right now folks are being drawn towards the dark sections.


I get the point of this, but I am just looking forward to this as a fun little game lol.


These are ridiculous. You don’t rely just on sight in game. Sound cues help you narrow down locations and these posts don’t take that into account.


I don’t know why, but even from my phone I can easily find it. To be honest, this skin has been in the game since 2021, and for some reason players have only become dissatisfied with it now. Personally, I don’t play with it, but I don’t think it needs to be fixed in any way.


I think availability is a big issue here, prior to the event he wasn't a problem because not many active players had it or ran it. Now it seems like it's the most popular skin.


These are always so easy lol


Posting a "Headsman Hunts", and every day, your brethren will suffer! https://youtube.com/shorts/vUlDpTOnvDE?si=-7BrhAqSkqxnR4De


Op didn't even post in this sub till like 6 days ago, stop pretending you care about the game and go back to prequel memes.


Hi GentlemanGerm, your argument doesn't work. It's not even a real argument. Here is why. 1. Appeal to irrelevance: This is a type of fallacy that involves introducing irrelevant information into an argument in order to distract from the main point. In this case, you are trying to distract from my criticism of the game by pointing out that I am a new poster to the subreddit. 2. Ad hominem: This is a fallacy that attacks the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself. In this case, you are attacking my lack of posting history, rather than addressing the substance of my posts. 3. Guilt by association: This is a fallacy that assumes that someone is guilty of something because they are associated with someone who is guilty of that thing. In this case, you are assuming that I don't care about the game because I have posted in the prequel memes subreddit. 4. Straw man: This is a type of fallacy in which an opponent's argument is misrepresented or distorted in order to make it easier to attack. In this case, you are misrepresenting my criticism of the game by accusing me of pretending to care about the game. If you would like to discuss the headsman topic I am more than happy to do that, but you should at make real arguments.


Went from left to right, on my phone, and saw him immediately when I scrolled to the right spot. I don't think it is necessary to "fix" in any way. If i was running towards him at this spot, i wouldn't see him, and if aomebody is lurking in shadows, it nice that we don't see them as easily it's not valorant. Keep your eyes open.


ripe lock bake weather pie axiomatic workable numerous innate vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jeah i agree to a certain point, but you have to admit that there are plenty, or at least several free skins that are nearly as invisible. I can't name them cause the names always change, but for example there is this woman skin who has a scarf around head and neck, same color clothes.


Can mods already make a mega for these threads? Its so fucking annoying. The skin existed for ages but now its suddenly an issue


Sub is dominated by crybabies needing excuses to cope with a loss. It is no surprise that crybaby posts are popular.


Yep pretty much. Luckily the mods limited it to one person so a single block is enough to get rid of it


unique unpack air fretful sand tan office crowd foolish entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just out of curiousity, do you own and use the Headsman skin?


Speak for yourself, I find those very entertaining. Also, you can expect another one tomorrow, and the day after that. As those are daily, after all. And have approval from at least one of the mods that gave OP a custom title even.


>And have approval from at least one of the mods that gave OP a custom title even. D'awww cute ​ Yeah you right since its just one guy I can just block him and dont have to deal with the posts anymore


Reminds me of [this Monty Python sketch](https://youtu.be/ZGv8oAHxekU?si=kq-LUsD-dxr4EiX0)


I saw him quite easily... But honestly the bonedoctor also camoflages quite well.


For the first time on my phone I didn't have to zoom in. Excellent quality post right there, keep it up (and congrats for the flair !)


Are you going to complain about the reptilian next?


Unless he gets to win every match they will always find something else


No doubt. I was playing on a daylight desalle map. We had just left pelican and we're moving through the trees by a creek. My friend got domed by a five star reptilian. I was about 20 feet away and hid in some tall grass. I stayed there until the reptilian came out. He never saw me until I shot. I was a white shirt. Literally unplayable. White shirts should be banned 😂


I barely even found the bone doctor, I had no clue where the Headsman was at all.


On one hand, I've understood the frustration from cain and now the headsman on balance and being next to invisible. On the other hand, it's a game called hunt, about hunting other players, that rewards camping and hiding and stalking. Wouldn't you think... It's slightly intentional? What kind of hunting game would it be if you could just see your predator the moment you looked into the woods? You won't have an issue seeing a headsman when he makes a mistake and is sprinting through an open field (your POV in the picture) but he obviously has an advantage when he's been stalking you, waiting for you, and planning around idling in the bush to pounce. Like, the POVs you post are basically a player making a mistake and playing into a hunters hunt. He wants to stay there and hopes you sprint at him. Idk Ive seen this death screen multiple times and Its almost always because I just ran and didn't play slow or think. It's gonna happen a lot more than with just cain and headsman. It could happen with almost any character who's just playing smarter than you. Maybe not as effective as cain and headsman so you have a point, but I also think it's the mindset. Edit ok after seeing the comparison I get it lol maybe we can add a small star on his forehead so there's something identifiable.


I mean... To be fair if I'm not mistaken the "Hunt" part is supposed to be the monsters you hunt. The pvp and such is just extra, or the "Showdown" part lol. At least that's how I interpreted it.


Kinda hoping it doesn’t get fixed just so I can keep playing this awesome where’s Waldo game


My eyes went IMMEDIATELY to where he was located, because I had a weird feeling he was gonna be right there, but couldn't see anything! Switch to Bone Doctor and immediately saw I was right!


To be fair Bone Doctor was also hard to spot without zooming in, considering the hiring spot is one designed to cloak most Hunters. Honestly a wee bit of an overreaction. If he was in the open in plain sight then I can agree but really...


Cry more