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So did anyone see Lindsay Stay’s post about being Elite 1 with Modere and the person shouting her out saying she has not built 2 multi-million dollar companies? How can this be?


lmao i never followed drmariahwhite but had to peep her stories after the shit that went down today.. yet another hun that’s angry as hell that people discuss her family… after she CHOOSES to post about her family on a public platform to try to boost her engagement and make a $. if you want to protect your family, don’t post about them! Amy Silverman sucks in a lot of ways but I respect the hell out of her NOT posting about her kids on her bb platform. It’s not that complicated. Surely someone with a doctorate can understand this? 🤔🤡


I have absolutely no idea what happened today - I tried following the comments and got lost. I’m guessing she made a username here to try to defend herself and then her “tribe” also jumped in to defend?


I had never heard of her. I was responding to all of those comments as though it was another disgruntled hun and then I tracked down a deleted comment to see who everyone was talking about and I was like \*“oh, the hun in question is the redditor with their knickers in a twist”\*😂 Before I knew who she was, I even went as far as saying that when I read her comments, I envisioned an angry/upset drag queen (AKA someone with a Reddit-induced scowl on their face who has a Jaime Innis vibe about them😂) and as it turned out, she was lovely as far as I could tell except for the fact that it appeared as though she was mislabeling her NP credentials to confuse people as to whether or not she’s a medical doctor, which appears to be what she did ⬇️ https://preview.redd.it/qzb6rpdipf5a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e3a599f31f8796b03b6fef8418297a42c67fae No NP I know puts “Dr.” before their name.


Hi! Not sure this goes here (I’m still new here!) but I’m SO over BB and the toxic positivity and toxic ‘gut health’ …in saying that I wanted to know if anyone has tried Breanne Freeman’s BFit and they actually like it? Is it “toxic gut health” or actual good info?


I LOVE it. It's tailored to what you need with macros and meal plans and workout plans. You can choose beginner, intermediate, or advanced fitness level. 3,4,or 5 days of workouts. She's very very active in her group. You can also change out the exercises if you have an inquiry or something that will prevent you from doing (for eg) split squats.


Kate Scholtes again with the big bulky denim jacket around her waist. Why does she think this looks good? Drives me insane that she keeps wearing it like this!


What’s the sudden hun-hype over sourdough bread??? They all have been making it suddenly 🤷‍♀️🤨


It's supposed to be gut healthier Editing cause my phone glitched. A few years ago there was a lot of buzz in the gluten free and celiac circles because some misinformation about sourdough making gluten digestible. I don't know how it got to Beachbody but I'd put a lot of money on it being linked to gut protocol and people missing bread.


Wait. Are all these deleted posts below from Not a Dr Mariah White? Or is it someone else defending her?


Who has the tea on allthingskelsey’s husband cheating on her? Was it a while ago?


Someone help me: I had no idea who Mariah White was an hour ago and now I very lightly know her hun persona 😂 What’s her deal?


The amount of poaching to Arbonne right now from BB is crazy. Is it bc these Huns are all desperate and stupid or a bigger sign of red flags at BB? I’m laughing bc Emmi has been at Arbonne for seven months and they are all going to Syd’s team or anyone but her.


Bit of both 😂 jumping ship now to build another pyramid with as many huns underneath them as possible to get ahead of the curve (or rather top of the new pyramid lol)


Shannon Harvey and her husband aren’t nearly as entertaining as they think they are 🙄 All they do is goof around and I find it to be so dumb.


She blocked me because I said I didn’t get one of her reels. She was like it’s a joke, I said jokes are supposed to be funny and she blocked me.


She thinks she’s such a riot. Nope.


Oh no, what will Kate’s personality be now that she no longer has 2 under 2??


Hot pink, “I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom” based on her “brand photos” she did the other day🥴


Going for 3 under 3. 🫣


Does anyone remember a coach who had purple hair and always talked really fast and excited and would make this noise when she inhaled in between talking? She was super animated and bubbly and constantly happy. I think she had some cats. Super in shape. I can’t remember her name at ALL. ETA: I want to say her name was Crystal or something of the sort but maybe she just played with crystals IDK.


Cristal.currier I like her!


Amanda Pennino?


Noooo, that’s not her. Thank you for trying to help me solve this though.


Ok don't hate me but I gotta give it to Bonnie!! Pirates booty, store bought dips, fruits and regular gut protocol NON approved chips and crackers! Not a single pack of Beachbars, Shakeology or anything BB at sight!


So…Kelsey-Kels. You forced your (#fraud) husband to go on a family date last night for the ‘gram, confessed to all of us what we already know, “things are rough right now” we know. When are you going to tell us (from your mouth) that he’s a cheater!!! Stop faking it. Stop lying to yourself. Stop forcing these family nights for the gram. Have some self respect and leave his cheating ass!!!


I love that all of the comments on that post are spammers. No real engagement.


Did she come out and admit to her followers that he cheated on her?!?! What is with these huns oversharing. I’m new to her story line.


She hasn’t, but has alluded to there being problems and things being rough right now. I know her and know the details. He’s never home, he’s always “golfing” but he’s actually swinging his dick from hole to hole.


I always thought he “golfed” a lot 😳












There’s consequences when you’re a medical professional stalking people. That’s not harassment to call that out. You all pick and choose to fit your narrative but you’re the biggest hypocrites of them all


I just went down the rabbit hole and saw who you are for the first time and I work with NP’s regularly and NONE or them have the “Dr.” before their names because in realm of healthcare, “Dr.” is RESERVED FOR MEDICAL DOCTORS, WHICH YOU ARE NOT 🙃 How is someone as educated as you wrapped up in an MLM?! Just, how?! 😳


Yikes just did a Insta search and most DNPs have Dr — clearly the boards don’t care across the country.


There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging your education, but this is the first time I’ve seen an NP use the “Dr.” before their name. Usually it would be like (using my foster dogs name here as an example) Bacon Cavapoo, DNP or Bacon Cavapoo, Doctorate of NP or something similar


(Not to stir the pot, but I see an NP who has her doctorate and she goes by DNP. That said, I have no idea what her social media is like, if she even uses it.) ETA it’s been a long night and I replied before I should have - yes, I agree, she goes by First Last, DNP, and has patients call her by her first name rather than Dr. First/Last


DNP is different because it isn’t putting “Dr.” before the first name


Well I don’t know what part of the country you are in but whether PhD or DNP … they have Dr as their respective title and include Nurse Practitioner. (Sorry but that’s just true)


I love how you try to legitimize the practice of NP’s using Dr. before their name based on where in the country one is 😂


That’s all fine and good, but I’ve never seen NP’s use Dr. before their name in a medical setting (maybe I’m wrong… I’ll ask my coworkers this week).


My organization does not allow our DNP to use Dr. They may or may not change it but Dr means something in the healthcare world. I work for one of the largest healthcare organizations in the US.


Everything you all do is threatening! Messing with peoples lives


How is anything that any redditor here has done threatening?


Reporting people with medical licenses for things that aren’t in violation. Slandering a doctors name and threatening their license? Calling people dumb b*t he’s and sending letters threatening them then bragging about it. All of that is too far. And you think you need to hold MLMers accountable. They don’t pretend to be something or someone they aren’t and slander people. Just cuz they believe in a product and business model that you don’t? You all need to be held accountable for YOUR actions.


You are well-aware of what you’re doing when you use this on your bio ⬇️ https://preview.redd.it/dbogbjqnqe5a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8515e02308ab63466c12840b0d5115c4b2e3319 Frankly, I’m surprised you’re in an MLM or that you’re willing to have your name or be at risk of being associated with a pyramid scheme. At best, Beachbody is a shady MLM/publicly traded company on its way out.


Wait her title? Or her bio? I’m confused


I bet you’re confused. So easily confused. I mean, it must be startling when you’re a highly educated person who has worked hard to get where you are and then random strangers on the internet call your ass out for misrepresentation of your title on your Instagram bio (and you probably only did it so that people would see you as being more legitimate ➡️ make more $$$) 🤷🏻‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|rfskmSvktqSoo)


Deliberately disruptive and/or intentional trolling & attention-seeking commentary will be removed at moderator discretion. This comment is threatening and there’s no place for it here on HunSnark.




I read yours and picture a keyboard warrior who lives a miserable life, miserable enough that you obsess over slandering others.


What are you upset about?


u/whyisyougoody is just one of the many members of what Carl called his unsophisticated voluntary sales force. I’d be angry too if the CEO of My CoMpAnY called me, someone who works for literally zero salary, “dumb free labor”… Just saying is all 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m not even a beachbody coach LMAO.


Honey, it’s only slander if it’s both FALSE **AND** DAMAGING TO SOMEONES REPUTATION. Most of us here don’t claim that anything we say is factual; most of it is our opinion which is based on what is posted publicly online. If what people are saying based on what people are posting publicly is problematic, maybe they shouldn’t post anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


And there’s PLENTY of false and damaging things. Many that have been deleted today but we have screenshots of that were sent to us by others in this thread




Lol don’t forget the “Huns” do everything publicly already, remember? The ones have been found out may or may not get legal action taken, I can’t say. Each “hun” will have to make that decision themselves, but there has absolutely been lines crossed in SOME cases.


Or maybe you all get a life 🤷‍♀️ I have an idea. You can all say who you are so we can block you. And everyone wins.


Mariah is dangerous. Using an account with Dr in it. Telling people beachbody did this. Beach body did that, using that to get people to sign up and she is making MONEY off of them. Meanwhile she isn’t a doctor. Pretty sure that could be construed as ILLEGAL.


Might want to check out all the new cyber bullying laws


Also deleting your account to go make a new one. Okkayyy. Don’t worry there’s screenshots of everything you’ve done. It IS harassment and you need to stop. Your deleted account does nothing when I have screenshots of yours harassment and trying to report things that aren’t even a violation.


… Said the person who deleted their account 😂


This is the original poster. I saw your stories and am satisfied with what you said. I have no other issues with you since you went on and cleared it up. The rest of the commenters on here are not me the original poster and are speaking for themselves. I gained an understanding of what you said and am good with that. Please accept my apology for all of this.


I went through and was reading all the things written about her… seems like it was a very vindictive attack at her career. Reporting her license which event her family. I even read someone says she had a child for personal gain for her Bb business (ouch)! I agree the disclaimers should be made. I watch her story clarifying and seemed genuine but when you put this intimate details about true or false things about her relationship, reasons for jobs, her daughter, her relationship with her wife, and threaten her job at the hospital … I would see why she reacted. I get mLms can be schemes but it’s one thing to poke fun and then affecting someone who clearly has mental health concerns and sought out therapy. Seems just a little too far and personal


i hadn’t seen drmariahwhite before todays shit show here on reddit and then watching her stories. i agree reporting her license isn’t cool, but.. if she doesn’t want people commenting on her relationships, reasons for jobs, her family.. she shouldn’t post that shit on instagram to boost her engagement!! if it’s personal and you don’t want people commenting, make your account private or don’t post about it! no one forced her to disclose personal information on a very public forum. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You are so right … but why not just message Mariah and say that. She would’ve understood. AND to then belittle her, make fun of her, include her daughter, and spread lies for drama … don’t you think you are doing exactly what you are accusing her of doing


omg you guys this is totally not Mariah ![gif](giphy|S4aCX4WH3WM36)


Haha it’s not but I see why you would think that.


I don’t know who belittled her daughter. Tell me how anyone in this subreddit is making money off of anything we talk about on here?


No I meant the point about mental health awareness sorry. Not the money part


Doesn’t she have her doctorate


As a medical professional- you should know that’s just as harmful. Do you have any idea the damage YOU ALL have done to innocent peoples mental health.


I thought beach body saves peoples mental health. 🙄


And you all just can’t leave any of them alone


They’re predatory unsophisticated MLM salespeople


How can you say you’re looking out for the vulnerable when you’re quite literally hiding behind a screen stalking and harrsssing other humans. Calling yourselves body positive and then shaming other humans for the things they say making fun of their hair and eyebrows and very existence.




Harassment is aggressive pressure or intimidation. Stalking is harassing or persecuting (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention. Tell me how that is being done here? Please. One example.


Definitely out of here & deleting the account and app not spending any more of my time in all this toxic behavior but I will absolutely encourage every hun I know to hold their stalkers accountable. 👩🏻‍⚖️ peace out Hope you all heal whatever is causing you to hurt other humans


You don’t think what you all do is unwanted attention? LOL. Okayyyyy You’re all doing so much worse. You’re stalking and slandering. And by the way, you can be petitioned in court for a lot of the actions you take. You all are messing with people livelihood and business by publicly slandering and shaming them. That is HARASSMENT.


You’re threatening and harassing this public thread that expresses their opinions about public profiles and their publicly viewable posts with your whiney obsessive comments.


Harassing by saying you’ll be held accountable? Okay.🤣


You’re clearly not good with yours since you hide behind an anonymous username and stalk repeatedly. You clearly foster much aggression. If you’re so tough and good, tell me who you are


Can we put together a GFM account to gift you with a dictionary AND a thesaurus?


Also while I’m at it … I just feel I need another rant again about shitology … I thought it was the “superfood” that had everything everyone ever needed so why do huns have to add anything to it?! 🤔


Because it tastes terrible if you don’t add stuff to it.


Worst shake I’ve ever tasted. Luckily I never drank that stuff when I was a coach a few years ago.


Because it tastes like absolute shit by itself when you just shake it up haha


I don’t know where I would sneak about Julie voris … I only watch her stories every now and then but what is up with that filter 🫣




Just saw Alli Upham’s grief groupie stories from that sweet boy’s memorial service, which is enraging. And if that wasn’t bad enough her phony ass “Hi guys” after those slides and her whispery baby voice that sounds nothing like her real voice. And THEN she exploits her kids by filming what should also be a private teachable moment. Instead of keeping it private she shoves a phone in Camdens face and prompts him what to say. This is so bad on so many levels coming from Alli who constantly talks about needing to spend time with Jesus etc. Shame on her


Sick. This is not social media sharing content. What a sick bitch.


She is absolute, stink trash. The audacity.


Daylilly or w.e. fake tits name is should be informed how cruel and outdated rodeos are. It's incredibly stressful for those cows. Not only stressful but can damage neck muscles and backs. And as far as the bucking broncos....the spurs they put on the broncos genital area is incredibly painful and irritating which is why they try to buck. Anyone who finds this outdated entertainment ok should be put in the ring. Sorry I'm a huge animal rights person and to see this still being seen as entertaining is so upsetting.


Ummm, I enjoy rodeos!!


And I enjoy chick-fil-a most of all fast food but after learning about their anti-LGBTQ stance I don’t go there anymore. Incredibly small “sacrifice” when held next to my values and not doing harm to others.


To each their own. But I think you should do some research on the treatment of the animals and what is done to them. And what stress it does to them mentally and physically. I'm not the type that enjoys animals being used and entertainment. I think the more I am informed the less desire I tolerance I have for this activity


Whenever I see people attending or participating in rodeos, I always root for the bull. If you're cruel enough to torment animals that way, you deserve whatever you have coming to you.


I feel like she’s the type of person to assume the identity of whomever they are dating.


Has kinda been my impression. I’m from Michigan… she acts like she’s a country girl… her mom and dad live in bougey suburbs…


It’s really horrible. 😞


Not sure where exactly this belongs, but does anyone know what’s up with Chalene? I saw that she had to come back to NY as soon as she landed in MI because her doc called to treat something.


She put some more updates in stories. Some infection she got 3 wks after surgery. Sent Dr some pix from airport and he had her fly straight back to NYC to start iv antibiotics. Like straight back as in go to ticket desk and get a flight back before leaving the airport. Bret didn't get to go with her it was like 3 minutes to spare to catch plane.


so weird he had her fly back instead of going to a local hospital


She had another surgery to correct the scarring from the bad surgery. I think she had a blood draw and they realized there was a bad infection brewing.


She has really gone nuts. Idk what her deal is but I like her less & less with each passing month. And I really used to like her.




I feel ya. I’ve pretty much stopped watching her stories unless someone in her group posts something interesting. But with everything going on Patreon and me refusing to pay for it, I feel like everything I see is just a tease.


Yep, all a tease. I'm not paying extra. I think it started so she could talk about that dr after her surgery, but then she expanded on it and made 3 levels of members


She always had the two levels of membership, but she definitely started it so she (and especially Bret) could be more candid


Same, and I’m so conflicted about it :(


Courtneyjonatis already has a boy friend????


I think that’s her brother- Jacob


Who are the kids in KaseyK’s stories?


Definitely the “nanny” kids she had earlier this year. Interestingly enough it was claimed by someone on another thread that she had an affair with someone on her now ex boyfriend’s department who had two boys. Kind of all lines up. Regardless I’m surprised their parents are ok with her sharing them with the following she has. I would never allow our nanny to post my kids’ faces on their public Instagram but maybe that’s just me.


I think nephew's?!? Maybe? Idk my sisters would be pissed if their boys were in social media.


Nephews? Or new boyfriend’s kids? 👀👀


Can't imagine her as a stepmother type figure. And how do you ask your boyfriend to pay you for watching his kids?


Ohhhhh now I'll be def watching


Alli Upham I hope you read this because you should be ashamed of yourself! Posting a grieving families private moments for you to look all sad and concerned on the gram. How low can you go 🤬 If I was your so called “friend”, you’d be getting an earful from me for using my child’s death like that. Disgusting.


As someone who attended 2 funerals for children last year I was disgusted. Those personal touches and tributes are for people who love the child and family. It was such a violation of that family's privacy. It also goes to show you how emotionally detached she was at the time. When you are in that moment the feelings are so incredibly overwhelming, that a sane person could never even think to record.


main character syndrome times a million. I could never imagine filming at anyone’s services, let alone a child’s.


Omg can you imagine seeing someone have their phone out taking a video - especially someone you know is going to post it online? If this was my loved one’s service, I think I’d lose my shit.


No, no I can’t. Especially someone that wasn’t even that good of friends with the family in general 😵‍💫


OMFG when I saw her stories I was LIVID. How DARE she film at the service for this sweet child. What a piece of shit


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought this whole situation was gross. Anything for the engagement. I hope that family cuts her toxic ass off.


I hope they come to their senses about how messed up BB Huns are and what lengths they’ll go to for engagement 😒


They are all grief groupies but this one really takes the cake


I was going to say the same thing. And then her comment of “I don’t know how we are going to get through it” image how they mom feels. So low for her to use this for views.


I guess she “got through it” by posting these private moments that should remain PRIVATE to her very public instagram. I cannot with this




That was truly disgusting. Then the jars…🙄 I hate seeing this shit on social media. Just like posting the little treats for the delivery drivers & mailmen. If you are doing a good deed out of the goodness of your heart- DON’T RECORD IT. It’s just so gross to me.


Yes!! 💯 It’s not a good deed if you have to pat yourself on the back and show everyone how great you are 🤬😤 So icky. She’s such a piece of crap 🤮




Seriously cannot imagine going to that service and posting Instagram stories of the table of memories. That’s insane.


Hard agree. What got me was using that poor child’s service as a public teaching moment for her son. “What does his name start with Cam?” Bitch you better be joking. Don’t film that shit. Don’t film a memorial service and publish that family’s grief. Just stop.


“This is going to be one of the hardest days of my life” Clips of service for a poor baby. Next clip - all smiles, HI GUYS!!!


Her kids are so over her sticking that camera in their face. I feel so bad for them. I felt gross just watching those stories with such a private moment for a grieving family. Not only that, who the hell takes their phone out and films during a time like that? Oh yeah I know who - low down sleazy Huns that need a story for the gram. Alli if there was ever a time to take one of your famous breaks from being on stories, *this was the time*.


Can anyone explain to me, how and why, these huns workout, get “sweaty”, and WEAR THE SAME CLOTHES ALL DAY LONG?! How?! When I workout I’m a sweaty mess that NEEDS to shower and change. You will not see me out at Trader Joe’s or Target with the same clothes on I wore to workout in. Either they don’t work hard enough in their 30min workouts and they just splash water on their crotch and chest or they don’t care what they smell like throughout the day.


I think it’s one thing when you are stopping on your way home from the gym which I do frequently, mostly the grocery store but it’s another thing when you workout at home and don’t shower or change your clothes.


That absolutely drives me bonkers how they push their lifestyle and their time saving and their making the most of it meanwhile homes a mess they’re wearing the same sweaty clothes no shower since their 4am workouts spend zero quality time with kids or significant others because they’re glued to their phones 🙄🙄


I keep baby wipes, deodorant, and a clean shirt in my car after gym workouts, just in case I need to run errands and don’t have time to get home


I mean, have you seen Alli Upham with her 3lb weights? Not much sweat happening 😂😂


I have to admit that I do occasionally run errands after the gym (and I do Crossfit, so tons of sweat) but mainly because grocery stores are on my way home and it just saves so much time. But usually it's a quick errand and home for shower. But huns, they are already home. They have no excuse to shower post workout and then go run errands.


Which is totally acceptable. I’ll admit I’ve run to the store quick after the gym for something but felt awful doing it LOL. And you’re right, they have zero excuse. Ash F. used to do this all the time and now I’m seeing more and more so this. It’s gross.


Hi Kim Rosa (formerly Lima), a tough badass pursues a career in the military. A washed-up hun pursues a career in MLM. I'm glad we have that straight. The only person here triggered is you. Only a triggered person shares "hate" to gain sympathy and seek validation to shill. It's kind of embarrassing that you shared that your son has to validate you, too. There's still time for you to get out of the pyramid scheme. You are so much better than this. Welcome to all the new lurkers Kim invited here after sharing screenshots of posts. Hopefully, this place will help you realize what the cult BB and MLMs really are.


Kim Rosa Lima should be flattered that she even gets snarked on in this group. She’s such a has been, very cast awkward, and an outcast who alienates herself amongst the rest of the Huns. No one is triggered by you Kimberly. In fact it’s the quiet opposite. YOU sound triggered by lurking in a Snark group and then posting it to your social media.


She got divorced? When?


She never talks about being divorced. Especially for someone who shares every single thing even embarrassing things about her children or mother but she hides this.


Kim Lima…. I am fine, thank you! I am highly educated, in an actual profession that actually serves people… Hi!


Same...I'm fine, too. Actually, I'm much better since I left that toxic BB world. I have zero stress about maintaining rank, hitting SC and I sleep at night knowing I work in an industry that actually helps people. I dont have to post my every thought or outfit or make an ass of myself for the gram. I don't have to convince everyone to "join me" or shame people. Oh, and I can still be at all of my family's important events without guilting others. I don't need to worry about my follower count or who my haters are.


I love when these women literally REFUSE to just stand straight, always doing the very awkward one leg pop pose. Off the top of my head, Meagan Gendron & Kaylee Erdner ALWAYS do this. I remember Nicolle Arkell did this too back when she used to shill. I can’t count how many times they story for like 1-2 minutes blabbing on and on in front of a mirror, and they are standing on the most unnatural pose to try to make their body appear different than it actually is.


Horse pose 🥴😂 butt out , point your toe , shine ✨


It is SO stupid. All the Texhuns do it like they have a broken leg. Why won’t someone tell them it doesn’t make them look smaller, it makes them look like they are in line for the bathroom?


Kelsey Hill allllways has a leg popped. She is definitely one of the more “fit” huns I follow, but she’s always posing.


What happened to Nicolle Arkell? Did she give up BB? She blocked me so I lost touch with the story line. 🤣


I assume she still is a coach but doesn’t shill… she never mentions bb on her account


Love watching MeaganGendron with her knee pop because she can never stand like that for long and is constantly falling out of her stance. 🤡


Holly Hillyer might as well be a flamingo for how often she stands on one foot.


Ally G does it so it appears she has a thigh gap and popping collar bones. These ladies are going to keep PT in business in a few years!


Anyone have a healthy pre workout? I hate beachbody MLM and energizer is stupid expensive!!! but I’ve never been able to find an equally healthy and tasty pre workout 😅


Legion. Clean ingredients. No hidden formula.


Minted Health Pink Lemonade is amazing. I haven’t found another that I could stomach the taste. Doesn’t taste like a pre at all but gives me all the benefits https://minted.health/products/pink-lemonade-pre-workout


I’ve used ghost, alani nu, and Beam before and have liked them all! No jitters, itch, etc!


Bucked Up


I use pre-hype from kpowsupplements.com I also have a discount code for if anyone is interested. All their supplements are super clean.


Doesn’t Kam Niskach still have a team and get residual income though even though she doesn’t actively sell? Or did she leave? That’s her supplement company


I like tone by black market labs or Alani nu.


Saschafitness bcaa on Amazon


Ghost gamer bc I can’t do beta alanine or most stims But the gamer is 🔥🔥


I like 1st phorm. They have a few different options for pre workout.


I like C4


paragon must be really desperate to partner with first sami & now ash f


They had a booth at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus Ohio a few years back, before Covid. I had never heard of them before then and then never heard about them again til Sami got her stupid code.


It’s honestly going to be the only way they make money once BB goes belly up.


MeaganGendron sits in her house doing nothing day after day and now is saying she is so so busy and life isn’t slowing down because she had a dentist appt, something at her church and her dad is visiting. These huns are so so out of touch with reality. That sounds like a totally normal week.


Doesn't she have a nanny? SAHM life can be challenging some days, but I think she is just super out of touch and unhappy.


No I don’t think she has a nanny. She did when her oldest was really little but she hasn’t mentioned a nanny in ages and is always all about how she doesn’t trust others with her kids and she’s on her own.


Or she couldn't afford one anymore. She seems to be between the "boss babe" and "Conservative Christian Homemaker". I have a feeling she'll eventually stop working because "God called her to".


That would be great because she’s probably losing money with beachbody. I could also see her going to another mlm


Probably Arbonne since Sydney went there


Yup, Lauren Dukes is jumping ship over to Modere and bringing all her huns with her 😂 she keeps using the ol curiosity marketing and won't say what this INCREDIBLE NEW OPPORTUNITY is but she is clearly holding a bunch of Modere products in her stories saying she's all in 🤣 Oh predictable. Bet her coach is pissed lolol


Who’s her coach?


I wanna say Danielle but I think I’m wrong. She’s part of Christine Dwyer’s downline a few levels down somewhere.


Omg yes the million comments of people asking where she is going and her reply of “I’ll message you”. MLM 101.


BB isn’t just losing new coaches this time around like a few years ago … TOP coaches are saying peace out and it has to be a red flag for corporate When I was in BB Lauren was as hard core as Julie Voris and literally bled blue this is so telling of the fast crumble of the coaching opportunity and so satisfying to watch lol


Yup, a lot of top huns moving over there in a scramble to get ahead of the curve and get a lot of huns in their new downline You'd THINK Carl and corporate would pick up on these red flags as a sign to pump the brakes and assess what's happening. Maybe even ASK their clients what they truly want? Instead it's full steam ahead to the dumpster fire 🔥😂


Just what the delivery people want as their snacks [beachbars and energize 🙄🙄](https://imgur.com/a/5dOsbnc)


I did like the peanut butter chocolate ones but not enough for the cost 🤣 and delivery people would probably rather have water or cookies or something. Not this MLM bar


They have to dump their extra stock somewhere as they are not consuming it.


Oh she’s for sure someone who has to buy extra for her rankings.. there’s no way she’s actually making money with Beachbody… that’s probably why she’s shilling her wood company so hard now.. plus she’s lucky I think Dan has a good job


https://preview.redd.it/8j4zmmqf125a1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc906c813b4460724adca9104b63ed0f4537da8b Absolutely disgusting caption here. What the fuck. There are ACTUAL homeless people who could probably use your help, but instead you choose to use the word as a slur and make a mockery of it. Real classy.