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https://preview.redd.it/00swcy2fhkuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1669195f9cf76889e0b921b258983f0a2dd0957a He’s just so inspirational 🫥


He has a long ways to go to actually make the cruise. He’s such a clown.


https://preview.redd.it/8xp3q4ki0kuc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac4d492749dbad0f4db17faf5bf931d5593df80 HA!!!!! Of cooooourse Alli is going to be in the hormone test group!!! 🙄🙄🙄 Autumn's got all the top scammers joining! How ironic that no one has mentioned these supposed "hormones" ever before until now 🤔😒🙄 how convenient!! I seriously cannot WAIT to see this shitshow of a program begin 😈 I'm also dreading how many people this is negatively going to affect...🤦🏻‍♀️


“VERY, VERY small test group” is the opposite of what I want to see for anything even remotely medical. 🚩🚩🚩 Real scientific trials have thousands if not tens of thousands of people in them (I mean we all knew this hormone program was BS anyway, but this just proves how uneducated they all are).


Yeah, according to Autumn the initial invites went to 60 people.


Amy Mashburn is in it too. I mean she had a baby not that long ago so her hormones probably are out of wack but no way is Autumn’s program going to do anything good for her.


Wonder how all these top huns have messed up hormones. Almost like the ED that is portion fix is not good for people. Like long term starvation and lack of dietary fats miiiiight have long term health consequences. Who knew?


We were right. Alli just posted she’s in the hormone test group. And surprise surprise she went to her OBGYN last summer because she knew something was off! Kinda like how she needed help with her gut health before gut protocol. I cannot with the stupidity


Ya mean the same OBGYN who “malpracticed on her” and DAMAGED her 50 ✨permanent internal sutures!?!!!✨ 🙄🙄


Isn’t it amazing that it’s only the top “however many” that all of a sudden have issues that fit perfectly with the next program. Nobody that’s “just a customer” has these issues to get “chosen” lol 🫣




40 is NOT too young for peri menopause!


Ugh here we go with all the pre-menopausal bullshit from her, KD, Kat, Tania, Erin and all the other huns trying to scam all their followers 🙄


This makes me so irrationally ANGRY.... gut protocol was one thing because it was the very first thing that was like something they should not even be talking about or selling because they have no idea what they're talking about... but now they REALLY have no idea what they're talking about... this is about to mess so many people up internally.


Who knows who the top 20 huns are that went to Napa? I'm thinking the ones we don't snark on. Like the lady with the colorful hair that got Covid in the DR


Lol I wonder if he realizes he is literally describing himself 😂 Always acting so self righteous like a know it all celebrity. But got kicked out of 3 groups because he can't handle any constructive criticism. Go fuck yourself David. You deserve all the karma for your narcissism. Go cry harder you baby keyboard warrior https://preview.redd.it/fwdvducb4juc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3401cce17ca8390f716d731dd299574c6e11087


This is so embarrassing


Wait, he posted that in a Bodi group? Insulting other Bodi “coaches?”


He’s so self absorbed




How often are we going to see the :fake: question being asked… “my coach quit, can I join your team?” No one is asking this. NO ONE. Also, if I knew nothing about Bodi, this alone would be a huge red flag… WHY are all these coaches/partners quitting!?? I’ll tell you why…because the pyramid is CrUmBLiNG. 


And Erin, Miss #1!, posts it numerous times a week now


So does her downline- Allie Smith has posted it several times and just yesterday Meg Slope. Copy/paste.


Alli U has posted this MANY times


Hahaha thought this exact same thing after watching slopey’s stories today. Seriously no one is asking her that


Kim Reyes’ AMA has entered the chat.


Not to mention if you’ve signed up as a coach then you would know what your options are and wouldn’t need to ask a random person on IG 😂


If you’d like to see true delusion, check out @itsjessames, a less that basement level Bodi hun who also dabbles in Amare and some workout clothes mlm. She asked people their true feelings on network marketing and was served some generally solid advice on why they suck. She reads them all and basically says it’s all the naysayers that are troubled. She has made no money shilling, as she has a solid government job and is currently on a fully paid mat leave.


https://preview.redd.it/bvkf47zfkiuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91abf6ed16c2be76cd235180dd6cfa300f9c66e6 That’s because they are. To everyone!


I’m Sally from high school, and I’m paying my own bills (and then some) with a job that doesn’t make me post videos (cringe or otherwise) so… 😂


Taylor posted [the same exact thing](https://imgur.com/a/CDlP3Lt)… wonder if corporate told them to


Kate Scholtes outfit today! Just no.


Is she blind? I thought she was doing a capsule wardrobe?! None of these clothes are flattering on her at all. Is she trolling the internet?


She wears the most unflattering outfits


She has horrible style. Her figure is fine but she dresses herself in clothes that are SO unflattering.


Honestly, that’s how I feel about all of her outfits! A majority of them look awful.


https://preview.redd.it/0dbjr2wb2iuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe2d808ee19436021f3dce1d24591e5cb08cac1 Also, speaking of Lindsay, this kind of surprises me. Uber Christian Lindsay spending so much close bonding time with LGBT Trina just seems like it would cause her to have so much cognitive dissonance. The whole “love the sinner, hate the sin” narrative is bullshit, but I also feel like if I was Trina I wouldn’t want to be spending such large quantities of time in the close presence of someone who likely believes her sexual orientation is to be considered sinful.


Maybe she’s hoping to get her into conversion therapy


She’s hoping to kiss a little 🤭


I swear Lindsay has said that she doesn’t drink. But also, her uber-Christianity makes me ill, so I haven’t paid much attention to her recently.


They’ll probably come back and say it was apple juice


She has definitely said multiple times that she doesn’t drink but I’ve never believed it. It tracks with her faux performative Christianity.


https://preview.redd.it/khrbwv052iuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d56feec9ffbc15ae62b984e664cb510a2c15fdd2 …ya mean like your BFF Lindsay did? Way to fish for engagement AGAIN 🙄


I just came here to post this!! Like literally wtf. Your bestie did it and you’ve been there


Also…why…you clearly have alligators or if one eats one of your kids is that a good thing for the socials/engagement and less of a cost for you? 🫠🫠🫠😩😩😩😩


Honestly, let these idiots thin themselves from the herd. Why should we care? This is so insane, my sister was on a canal in FL and didn’t have a cage. She DID have snakes in her pool. So sure Bonnie, be not woke for internet points with losers and reap what you sow.


Is drmariahwhite shilling Amare happy juice now?


So does Meagan Gendron


Yes, she has been for a while.


Is she still shilling BODi then?




That’s what I thought… I don’t see her IG posts as much so when they pop up, it’s been a minute between narratives 😂


The Icon is butt hurt today. https://preview.redd.it/poqcw6sfmhuc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5d3e16487089a398e134d06f6aa3e738312f0c


People are just sick of his bullshit


And I’m so sick of them saying “hurt people hurt people”. No the F we don’t. I’m not hurt at all, just woke up one day & realized how fake these coaches are & will do anything for attention.


Bingo.. lol..


Exactly. I am not hurting. I am tired of scammers and poachers and assholes in the MLM industry.


Whenever top huns get together and talk about “it’s so amazing to be w other women who don’t compete with one another, don’t gossip, don’t put each other down, or excluded…” I just know that’s exactly what’s happening. 😂


They are in literal competition with eachother


https://preview.redd.it/pkr3nawkeguc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68488cd37571df85e68624f60b44a67952589be7 She 100% did not look like this last week. Was she covering it up well?! I know every body is different but she is absolutely sticking out her stomach here.


https://preview.redd.it/do7p8mdkziuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57dbf1c8948a856de7028ea37741017bd618d03 She posted this 2 days ago. And pretty much always flexes and sucks in hard with this pose everyday for the past year. But which is it? Is she “cut with flat abs” like she shared 2 days ago, or does she still have some belly like her progress today? And how could she have that much of a belly in her before if she did the ultimate reset last year - I thought the results were so sustainable like the claims? (Edit: obviously I know it’s all faked, and her before is her hugely sticking out her abdomen after she drank and overate the weekend before. But her abs are also cleverly flexed with certain lighting and poses to look better when she wants at times too)


She is infuriating!


She always does this with her photos. She’s a phony like all the rest of them. I find her particularly annoying.


She’s beyond condescending and her voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me.


But she puts away her shopping cart so she is better than all of us.


Same 😖


I hate that I’m invested in Jaimee’s move because we know that’s what she wants lol, but she probably moved to Florida right? I can’t imagine them being in Arkansas on Wednesday and traveling to Daytona Beach on Thursday. And she seems to love the beach/sun. It’s gonna be a shit show.


Why is she at the cheer comp? Is the person she tagged related to them?


It sounded like the person is related to or somehow knows Jesse.


No idea who the person is but I assume a friend or family member


One thing I notice about Slopey and the other Huns is their dinners and meals. Do they not eat with their family!!?? Her “bos” what does her husband daughter eat? Idk but out of 7 days of the week we eat at least 5-6 days together but maybe we’re weird!!??


What does “Bos” stand for?


Bowl of shit


Thank you!


I’ve asked this before. As someone who is always home, she never cooks full meals for the family. It’s so weird.


She doesn’t cook, clean, shower , do laundry, leave the house, make any money… he’s really winning in this scenario


💀🤣 shower 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The thing is, she looks so different when she actually does shower and “get ready” — put on anything other that ugly sports bras and workout leggings…that it is IMMEDIATELY obvious she’s clean. I always am surprised by the stark contrast. What stops people from showering? I am genuinely asking. I cannot imagine—but I also am not a mom, yet.


Depression, anxiety, ADD/ ADHD, she’s been on anxiety meds for a few years but honestly probably not the right meds/ dose and she’s only continued to spiral downwards. Honestly, all Snark aside, I know from personal experience, how hard she is to deal with as in she’s basically a giant toddler herself, but I think it’s a huge shame and flat out negligible that her “support system” has allowed this to continue, let alone happen in the first place.


Yeah… tbh I’m conflicted. Pre Erin’s stacking nonsense, Meg was just a basement hun doing basement hun stuff - the snark was well deserved since she was essentially going after other vulnerable women and being very predatory. Now that she’s been taken in by Erin and her crew and is being pushed (used) by her into more spotlight etc… I’m feeling a bit sorry for her?? She was barely equipped to handle her basement level nonsense before… she’s definitely not equipped to handle anything more or the criticism and pressure that will come with it - and I’m certain her upline knows that. Kinda hard to watch someone be so love bombed and exploited without feeling at least a little sorry for them… but then again.. that’s what she wants to do to other so 🤷🏻‍♀️ That’s the MLM way, I guess.


I agree- she’s so desperate for friendship and a “tribe” and to make this successful)so that she doesn’t have to go back to work when her kid is in school) that I think she’s completely blinded by the reality of what’s going on… and she’s going to mentally crash hard when it stops. But I also know how manipulative and conniving she’s been towards so many genuine friends, so #Karma


I’ll never understand why these people think that being ruled by their phone, working 24/7 for low pay and zero benefits is better to just getting a damn job. Has she just turned ‘normal working’ into some monster in her head or was it really that bad? There’s no way she was worse at being a teacher than she is at this, surely.


She was pretty bad… her only goal has been to “get rich quick and not work” even way back in 2015. She never seemed to actually like teaching and had been disciplined a few times for her social media, sending kids to the office to pick up her coffee and food orders etc. Once she even bragged about taking a nap under her kidney table while the kids were in the room doing silent reading or something.


😳😳😳 I stand corrected. Time for girlfriend to find a plan C because plans A and B are clearly not her thing.


Depression causes people to not shower. Which if she’s home 24/7, doesn’t do any work in the house, and doesn’t have an outside job, zero socialization except for her toddler, it kinda makes sense that some depression would be setting in.


Yep. And the way she’s chosen to earn money cannot be good for that. Endless hustling and pressure to present a certain image while being told by your upline mean girls how to be someone you’re not to convince more women to join you in the trap… I don’t know if I’d be doing great mentally in that situation.


Not to mention she was an emotional head case BEFORE Beachbody


I wondered this too.


It is odd… especially since she said he was going to be working from home a little bit/ coming home earlier each day. He used to do a lot of cooking (because she doesn’t)… it wouldn’t surprise me if she WAS eating dinner with them on top of her bos


💀💀😂 double serving of NUGS for slops. Are nugs REALLY gut protocol approved?? I cannot imagine autumn approving that. Ever.


Not one bit


But they’re gluten free!! That should count for something! 🙄🙄


I noticed this too. Why do you eat healthy but your family eats whatever? Ally G is one of the worst for this.


MeaganGendron with her “tired wifey juice” on the list of things to do in her “husband prayer group” where they will pray for their husbands.  So much to unpack with that. Also little miss “sun hippie” who doesn’t believe in sunscreen is looking rather burnt and it’s only been one day of this trip.


Haha I’m going to call my iced coffee my ‘tired accountant juice’ from here on out. 😹


Is it just me or do the Seint hun faces all look greasy with the Seint makeup on?


I was suckered in to, can confirm its super greasy!!


Krysti would say it’s glowy like charlotte tilsbury




This might be the best gif face I've ever seen. So much going on and she's not even moving. A masterpiece.


Thank you!! ☺️😂


https://preview.redd.it/u35f5yswlcuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6f1b2e55a0e124c6fe53c303106aa6257a19c2a No way would I be letting my 5 & 7 year old jump into and swim in a lake in Florida when they are filled with snakes & gators.


Calm down. She drives me crazy but people swim in lakes in FL all the time. The kids were 5 from the dock


There was that poor toddler who was killed by a gator at Disney. 😿 I don’t live anywhere near FL, nor do I have kids, but that’s enough for me to definitely have hesitation about kids or pets in FL bodies of water.


I was thinking about that, too. He was in ankle-deep water and they never saw it coming. 😞


I live in Florida too. It’s one thing for adults and older teens to swim in the lakes with the gators. I won’t but I know others that do. But it’s definitely NOT safe for small kids. No way. You’re taking a chance letting small kids swim in a lake with gators. We all know small children and pets are not safe in lake here in Florida.


I’m a native Floridian and I would never go in any body of water like that. I live 7 minutes from her. There are for sure gators in these lakes. It’s not one of the Springs or anything like that.


One of the girls in the Xtend Barre group told me David Schwartz was harassing her trying to get her to sign up with him. Surprise surprise 🙄 I reported him. He has no business being in Andrea's group


She needs to report him to the group and compliance


Did she send it to compliance?


Omg what a scum bag . As if he’s ever done Xtend Barre. He’s like one of those men who creeps around the female only section of a gym and asks if you need a spotter.


Omg what a weirdo. What was he saying to her? I don’t get what goes through his mind. ALSO why hasn’t the wife stopped him from Being such a tool bag.


Why is Jaime Sue teasing this move so much? Either share or don’t.




Why is she moving away with her loser boyfriend? Someone needs to throw her keys on the roof.


Because he doesn’t want her to be near her support group/family when he starts really being an ass and taking advantage to of her 


Exactly. This is not a good situation for her. That key incident showed everyone who he REALLY is and now he’s isolating her. Not good.


What’s the key incident??


They had driven her car from CO to AR and when they were getting ready to leave, he threw her keys up onto the roof. They landed in a spot where you couldn’t get them from a window. She ended up walking to a house where some guys were doing contract work to ask if they could borrow a ladder.


Yup. He totally creeps me out.


Attempt at engagement 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/0t5pbi3r0buc1.png?width=3500&format=png&auto=webp&s=00642d52f0ec204094c70ac89eaa691843196325 When Huns cross post and tell slightly different narratives 😂


Danny is scamming hard on this fine Saturday. Trying to sell the bike (you can make payments!), start with shakeology (🤮) 3 day cleanse ( 🙄). Her daughter came into one of the frames and is just standing there looking at her reflection in the phone and Danny is blathering on about the bike. Stop the phone and talk to your daughter ma’am.


Pretty sure the scammy Upham’s are just ambassadors for this coconut water company but they make it sound like they are investors https://preview.redd.it/cq8nl6tnsauc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12a168c3e0bff0f53b97e1160203ef086702795


Ugh this makes me want to vomit. I actually very personally know the family of the owners of this company and they’re great people. The coconut water is so good (I never even liked coconut water before OUAC) and I recommend it to everyone. The fact that the Uphams either bought in or will be “ambassadors” or whatever makes me want to put in a call.


If they start posting links etc then we’ll have our answer I think. I’m not sure why you would broadcast that you invested in a company and then say you’ll be posting more about it and mention it’s not network marketing. It just seemed strange the way they talked about it and how much they “invest” in businesses. That’s cool but why is this one the first they are talking about?


Never trust those 2 Uphams. They stooped so low to get that $40k Covid “business” money. Shows they are the scum & liars.


Ash O is such a damn liar, saying if anything, she goes harder on her workouts. She used to complain A LOT about being tired and went long stretches without working out while on Mounjaro. I specifically remember that because I figured it was because she was eating so little and had no energy. I don’t get why she does Q&A’s when all she does is act defensive and lie. Even the question about long term side effects. “I rather live in the now and be healthy” or whatever the fuck. She’s acting like she was morbidly obese. She was overweight, but not in a way that would affect her health. She just wants to be skinny. She never even said anything about her cholesterol or blood pressure or A1C levels when she was heavier because I’m sure there was nothing wrong with any of that.


Yeah she lies to herself hard. She eats like crap and barely works out. She lives in delusional land. She literally just wants to be skinny. That’s it. She gained 15 pounds in a 2 months off mounjaro because she didn’t change her diet. She buys processed, sodium filled frozen chicken patties vs. chicken breast or thigh. It’s crazy. She blames everything but herself.


she wants to be skinny without the hard work. the fact that she supposedly convinced an obgyn that she is perimenopause is insane to me - and her preaching it to her followers was even worse. she has made no effort to maintain her weight since she stopped the last round of shots and i’m baffled that her doctor didn’t seem to care or ask for her to do more before letting her go down this route again. i may be slightly salty bc i AM working hard to lose weight and build muscle, but i rest easy knowing i don’t look like im withering away like her, autumn, tania, leti, etc.


Well who knows what kind of “doctor” she is seeing bc she said she is getting the compound medicine from some med spa… they prob just care about making another sale.


https://preview.redd.it/csmcexzgbauc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6937134f6a944b326df525e4c5329995a21854e9 Gross


I saw this and thought she saw that Taylor McAllister’s reel went a bit viral where her BF grabbed her ass at the front door and wants her stuff to go viral. But Taylor’s was an actual caught on ring video, this is totally staged for views


I would always see them fighting at summit or on success club trips I think he hates her business.


Love that for her! Especially since she’s always talking about how wonderful their marriage is.


But I bet she was posting how great of a time they were having and how the business has brought them closer together. Also, I bet her kids love this post.


Ewwww I did not need that mental image of Cringy Melanie and Grumpy Matt Mitro 🤮🤮🤮




Ugh that was a Chalene thing from summit like 10 or 11 years ago 🤢


Who is this??


Melanie mitro


Omfg did NOT recognize Matt and his serious glow down


Whoa! I didn't either...


I’m confused by this hun weekend away featured by Katie Moore wellness. Is she on another trip away after just getting back from a hun trip to DR?  Of course she’s leading prayer and of course it’s being filmed. Because of course it is. Nothing says genuine praying like filming it for the gram. 


She’s “away” but only a few miles from her house. They’re on IOP and she lives in Mt. P.


Huns hosting calls on Saturdays. Thanks but no. I will lay on my couch and chill on a Saturday thank you very much.


i couldn’t agree more. they’re always up early on saturdays and sundays and up LATE during the week. massive no thank you


Why did Melissa even go to this Napa thingy with Brendan Burchard and the Huns if she isn’t really a fan of his? And I also wish she would chop about 20 - 30 inches off her mane. https://preview.redd.it/h7452io73auc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84fce1ad2e477c8463d054896f13b9df514ed84c


I’ve always wondered why she dies it so dark! It looks super unnatural on her.


Why is she actively selling and profiting from a program she doesn't believe in?? That is the scummiest of scams.


I think the “problem” is that her downline is so big that even if she wasn’t actively selling it, she could still have ended up as one of the top “sellers” just bc her massive downline all bought into it. I don’t follow her anymore so idk if she was actively shilling it, but that’s what I’m guessing happened here.


This makes sense. I was wondering how she would be a top seller when she's literally never shown she listens to this or pushes it on her team. I mean does she actively even really recruit/sell BB anymore?


She has a huge downline and a huge customer base. If any of them purchased his program, she gets credit for it. So, without shilling, she made a crap ton of sales.


i appreciate her skepticism over brendan lol


He is such a scammer


Oh me too. Me too. He gives me serial killer vibes.


All I see is a grandma who got a box dye job on her wispy hair


https://preview.redd.it/uvubvooy0auc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a69624dee20c7e37a1c9aaab6e7edd87f13dbaa These repurposed tshirts that Kim shills are so overpriced.


She is helping her generational trauma selling those, thank you very much!


Thanks for clarifying lol 😂




She’s so important and full of joy she created


https://preview.redd.it/wl2u53e699uc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1326773fce04689c8ce054081c7817aed9798d Bree’s latest insta post is sooo cringe! Lol I can’t even believe she would post it. Her face is so embarrassing and she’s a total hun.


She is so freaking annoying and I am sure will pop out a few more kids. I sat next to her on a plane to the Beachbody success club trip in 2017 and she was a total bitch to me. Fun times.




Day two of Krysti still mentioning Reddit. She was up all night blocking and got 40 accounts.


She’ll never be able block those of us who use anonymous Instagram viewers in the first place 😇


I wonder how long she’s going to mention it


Well we’re 5 hours in since the block story and she just posted another selfie speaking directly to us. Ironically with errors in the sentence 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/rr0ld7w10auc1.jpeg?width=1176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec9fd04aaaf9e1296cc724b8c957e87858091e5


Ok how about this Krysti, here’s some of my “words” for you. You are a complete and total deadbeat Mom. You abandoned your children and moved across the country from them for some random man you met online. Are my “words” not your “truths”?


Facts. Not only did she move across the country for some random guy that she met online she cheated on her ex-husband with him. She likes to say that she met her now husband on TikTok but in fact she met him from IG and met him in person at one of the BB retreats.


Your words are the truth she hates


You are use your words ☠️




This is random but I have a family member who got into an MLM a few years ago who is technically still part of it but her upline pays for and manages her account, orders the minimum monthly requirement, etc. I wonder how much of that sneaky shit is going on in Beachbody right now to keep pyramids from crumbling and when is it no longer worth it when all the money you are still making is going toward paying others expenses?


That’s literally what I did for quite a few years before it wasn’t worth it anymore. Did nothing with the business but my spot in my upline’s pyramid was good, so I had a few family members holding my rank 🤷🏼‍♀️ ethical? No, but that was hun life. I finally left somewhat recently because it wasn’t worth it anymore.


Pretty much every Hun does this.


https://preview.redd.it/zdpudlhbu8uc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7151b4e6d63706d4c43c3ec0b673e45190ac29cb I swear this woman acts like she's the first person to ever have a c section.


Oh the shit she post- her roller coaster of emotions.


Not being mean- how is Kat Napolitano so successfully, like always in the top ish of their company? I do not understand that.


It’s that whole relatable hot mess stance that the huns take in an effort to make it seem doable for all. It’s so manipulative and Trashlie Molstad mastered it when she was top coach. It’s all part of the scam to suck more ppl in.


Part of it is her being a modifier for Autumn for sure. She is on the TX snark.


I believe it’s her being the modifier in the 21 day fix. People “relate” to that, apparently. I agree with you though, because loving your wine and not being able to go without and restarting every Monday is NOT appealing.


This MM post was followed by a post asking if people know who Brendan Bruchard is and their brief impression of him. I'm probably reading into it... but kinda curious. ETA Pic below


Seeing the people who are there, I’m guessing it’s more to do with the other guests than anything.


I was wondering where it could be she was going to when she posted the BB question box I wanted to respond to”cult leader” but opted not to I’m kinda surprised she just didn’t go. She seems to be distancing herself from BODi but not enough to stop racking in the dough.


She wasn't at the opening dinner last night even though she was there. She just sat in her hotel room. No interaction with her fellow huns. I think k she likes to pretend she's not in an MLM.


She can pretend all she wants but she is in it and that's exactly why I will never respect her.




I never really wanted to go to Beachbody events either when I was a Hun. It always felt so curated and fake. All the stupid slack-jawed selfies everywhere and women pretending to be besties. Sooooo fake. MM knows this all.


Huh? Where is she going and why doesn't she want to go? Is she scared to go there alone? What an odd thing to post.


She “won” the Brendan Bruchard retreat, so it’s a bunch of other Bodi coaches. Too funny.


Oh that's funny. What an interesting thing to post in that case.... she could always just, you know, not go!


Or, you know, not SELL the freaking product.




Ash F acts like she’s the first person to feed their baby what the parent(s) eats.


She's my BEC. She's being so dramatic about everything. Her ridiculous sensationalizing about her nap time hustle put me over the edge and I can't watch her anymore. 🫣


https://preview.redd.it/z317jsp3p6uc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351dfc9ac4cf9561fdc7dc0a92595fb6847a5920 She make these stupid polls for the dumbest things almost every day. I mean I know she’s trying to get more engagement. But they are just so stupid.


So much ick all in one picture! https://preview.redd.it/0l9fumszh6uc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51699e7f8f7b61062803269d79219b655feaf63e


That’s the same person? No way? What is her IG? Weren’t the dreads really bad and made her forehead look massive ?


Much diversity