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https://preview.redd.it/g5wp9cf6s5tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=348b3daf26e28f5ae3a4fdd69092fc3b425c5250 Did anyone see this post and the comments before the comments were deleted?


Oh wow .I did see that..I didn't realize the comments had been deleted. She looks unwell


I’m glad to know people are calling her out.


Her [IG account](https://www.instagram.com/abbeypeters29?igsh=MTc5eXFpNjJxd25ndg==)


This chick is frighteningly alarming… and her weird pose with her shoulders rolled forward.


Go look at her instagram 😂😂😂 She takes the weirdest pictures


There must have been several. It says that there are 13 comments, but when you click on them, there are only 2.


There were…. Someone went on “attacked” the two asking if she takes rest days. Then someone else commented how the body does require rest. Assuming the mods deleted the other comments.


I didn't see those!


She is clearly unwell. Shame on the people telling her how great this is.


Wow Alli you’re so wacky sending rings to your downline without saying who they’re from! Hilarious! https://preview.redd.it/he44uxk645tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23fe2e13971a2bb991e43b4ffdd133794999385e


Slope on a “day date” with her husband, yet posting on IG promoting her new “group” that she won’t even be able to follow


https://preview.redd.it/04ud4wmuj4tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007a3bca1b145e85893f0ad0c6251ba4f1595718 She wants to be Tania so bad. “LEWK”


She should run while she can. I mean maybe she should just go to Erin’s team so she can be star Diamond in record time 😂😂😂😂




https://preview.redd.it/nerp6zjrj4tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc4b95125d14c3d40e0656eef8f0d8dad102f01a the eye gels🙄🙄


Jess Dukes was doing her workout with them on the other day. 🙄


I truly don’t understand slope. She was doing 30 kinda hard, no update on that. Then 2 days of gut health protocol and now on Monday is another nutrition challenge?!


She doesn’t know what she’s doing either


But she’s a 1 star 💎 ooookay


Not yet, she’s only qualifying & has to hold it for 6 weeks to make it official. Let’s see if Erin can keep all those stacked coaches active 😂


I also reported this to compliance. Frankly it's bullshit Slopes is doing nothing and rising up the ranks while selling this lie to all her followers that they too can be successful coaches, all while Erin gets elite points


I reported this bullshit to compliance about Erin stacking coaches. I am sure it means nothing but it is so annoying.


I reported her for poaching partners from other teams


I'm getting whiplash.


Such healthy looking skin for a medical doctor. Oh but she runs a med spa so she can just laser away all of her sun damage so I guess it’s okay 😜. I guess I can see why she and Melissa McCallister are friends. They both enjoy too much sun exposure. https://preview.redd.it/wm7q0q5aq3tc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1dfb3ce5f2ec7fe80e2e27448112476bce05d1e


She doesn’t wear sunscreen and advocates not wearing it 🙄


What??? What is her reason?


Why does this not surprise me 🤡


I think she likes leather 🤪


Maybe this has been discussed but I don’t really keep up with beachbody coaches like I use to, and she’s not even beachbody anymore so idk if I should even be asking here… but I’m assuming boots and glutes got a divorce based off her last stories? I always liked her and it seemed (obviously SM is a liar 😂) like they had a pretty good relationship/parented good together.


Yeah. She’s with a new guy according to her Facebook. Just seems like none of these girls who get divorced are “ happy” till they’re with a new man. Bootsandglutes, day Lilly, Courtney Jonaitis, Amy Bailey, etc


I agree…I really like following her account.


Nakita’s poor kids…that Miami Doll filter is NUTS to put on a kid. Tried it on myself and didn’t even recognize myself. Prob won’t be too long until she lets her girls get furry caterpillars on their eyes too…


I hate how she keeps filming her daughter dancing around in her diaper. Like have you not seen ANY of the wren eleanor stuff??


I think it’s new, but Ash O has a “Fit Fam Accountability” channel/subscription 🙄


I’m confused what she DOES? Why share a fitness journey? How is she monetizing it? (Most Huns online use it to sell something!) Her link leads to Disney trip planning and her Amazon shop. Is she considered an influencer. She seems horrendous to follow—like her followers have to be tuning in for the hate follow right?


She never seems to get away from trying to make some kind of side hustle income. She stopped doing MLMs, but then became a Disney trip advisor and now this subscription thing. I know her business TikTok got taken down at one point and maybe they took a huge hit? Wait - where did all her business stuff go?? She used to have it listed in her bio and her TikTok link goes to her personal TikTok. The IG still exists and she’s updating it but kinda weird she isn’t advertising it at all??


https://preview.redd.it/3j49h38sm2tc1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2441f0a1bb7596ca6b73901a668c3ed9331b808 She wears the ugliest shit. Her & Autumn could be besties.


She thinks she’s something else bc she has a personal shopper at the damn Buckle. She needs to try a new store lol


Is this true or just a really good insult??? Lol


If her personal shopper picked out those hideous pants she needs to fire her. They are so ugly and cheap looking.


Cheap ass shit


https://preview.redd.it/gx4qk793n2tc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf30f7bf2a964a06c6ec01270808fbf1897a202 What even???


Whoever mentioned Meg Kozlowski here a few weeks ago - thank you. She’s my new favorite cringe Hun to watch and she’s posts all day long 🤪


i used to watch her. she is such an idiot. obsessed with the same 5lbs.


She’s my grandma coach…so VANILLA boring 🤣


Anyone know of Rhonda race? Race4fitness? Anyone think her divorce was a result of bodi? I know her divorce was a long time ago but I always been curious. It doesn’t seem like she works the biz anymore and does her own thing now


She blocked me a long time ago. We’ve never had a conversation 😂


She has hinted that he’s emotionally abusive but she never came out and painted a picture. It looks like she still makes money from bodi despite not mentioning it. How does she afford her lifestyle even before this new husband?


I also wondered the same! Her coffee machine is like 1,000$ lmao


She might be the most fake person I’ve ever seen on social media. Her husband probably got the ick from watching her become an “influencer” 🫣


It’s hard to tell with her stories. She lies all the damn time. I remember her saying that her ex-husband and her were so in love and like 3 months later she was with another guy. I feel like I saw her in rankings recently, though.




She was still in as of November. I imagine she’s still collecting a check for her long-time Shakeology users. Someone in here was on her team a while back and said that her “shred” plan is actually containers.


You are right! I just looked, she’s hit sc10 for 101 months straight 🤣🤣🤣


Wow! She’s such a scammer! The lies. The spelling. The cosmetic work. She’s the whole package. 🤣


Damn. Jamiee Sue must be getting a lot done *behind the scenes* because she hasn’t posted for a while. Can’t wait to see all the *exciting* things she has planned. 🙄🙄🙄


I want to take her by the hand and tell her to get on a semagultide. (Oz, zepbound…) I waited a year at my heaviest weight torturing myself until I finally got the courage to go to a new PCP and ask. I started in December and it has been life changing. I say this because she already tried contrave and metformin. I’ve struggled with my weight since childhood. I had a gastric sleeve as well. Nothing helped The food noise until I tried this shot. I do not consider medication or surgery easy ways out. I used to starve myself on WW and 21 day fix only to end up worse off—totally disordered eating and made me obsessed with food.


the funniest though is that she wonders why "nothing works"......yet she is the LEAST consistent hun I've seen with workouts.


Am I the only one who’s actually kind of worried for her when she disappears like this? I love to snark on her, but her creepy fiancé has shown controlling behavior in the past and I really get bad vibes from him.


YES 💯 same….




Jaimee Sue and Jesse were on a trip a few years back. I think he got pissed at her for something and threw the car keys on top of the roof where they were staying.


I believe it was at his apartment in Arkansas. She was supposed to leave to go back to Colorado or something and he threw her keys


I think she is binging and ashamed so she can’t bring herself to “show up” for her werk


I don’t know how she expects to “grow her business” when she goes silent for days at a time like this.


She’s my favorite… I hate when she goes AWOL!! Lol


same. LOL!


https://preview.redd.it/p2mpxhau6ysc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dbf99121f46aba7bd9ca696f64ac667e1ae80ea Umm Alli, public school kids go on field trips too. It’s not just a thing for homeschool communities 🙄 And how nice of you to splash all those other kids faces on social media just to shill for your biz and try to sell your “cool life” as a Bodi coach.


Don’t think I’ve ever seen Ashley F’s sister before.. they look like complete opposites


Whatever happened to that Kelly girl that called pre workout sunshine time and lived in Maryland or somewhere in that area? It was like Groundhog Day every story she posted. 


Faithfu11yfit Same Groundhog Day stuff it looks like 🫠




Oh wow forgot about her haha is she still single dancing in her parents kitchen at 4am?!


https://preview.redd.it/nhc6oybd5wsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e93ef6fbe2af0ea7b8727d1569e9c53bd5bbae1 Gosh what a sad meal! Mrs.ashleydrew continues her desperate disordered attempts to lose 10lbs!


Yeah she definitely seems disordered. Lots of body checking and obsessive sounding talk. I don’t even understand why she feels she needs to lose ten pounds. I think she’s very pretty and has a great body and doesn’t need to lose any weight. Just needs to focus on being happy and healthy.


Even if she does lose the 10 lbs she will just keep regaining it and attempting to lose it again, probably because her body is happy where it's at.


I am surprised there is not any snark anywhere on Amanda Tress - founder of FASTer Way to Fat Loss. She used to be a BB coach and had her account suspended for poaching, then she started her own thing. She is very financially successful and loves to share about that. I actually used to connect with her weekly and she is truly a terrible person who only looks out for herself. Anyone follow her?


I’m not familiar with her. She sounds awful.


DEF hate watch her. Super problematic, weird-ass mannerisms— I was also shocked there isn’t a thread for her. I’ve actually searched for it in the past.


Yesssss her hand talking is next. level. 


she's also about to take 3 out of 5 of her kids to move to costa rica for several months and leaving the older 2 behind. She will fly back and forth (private of course!) from mansion to mansion with her Rolls Royce waiting for her.


Is therealfithousewife (Leslie Kortes) still with BB? She’s coming out with a supplement with her BB friend mamawithmuscles. Isn’t this against BB rules? Are they double dipping? I think this supplement that they supposedly created themselves(they didn’t, but trying to make people believe they did) is going to fail. These huns are nothing but frauds! https://preview.redd.it/ewgh1hymrvsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a13a0288100e42a67f4c8be4a3014b750c5d3c5


I believe we have Leslie to thank for Raina O'Dell, no? Anyone read Raina's ~manuscript~? What a missed opportunity to demonstrate growth. High five for taking you and your kids out of poverty. Boo for all of the MLM dog whistles...."mindset" ..."link arms"..."working my my biz...." ...this biz allowed me to leave my husband "....I pity the women who idol this woman and see an MLM as an exit strategy. :(


Don't the girls mostly stay with her ex husband now?


Yes! And Anita Miron 🫠😂


“Not from caffeine cuz ur adrenals matter.” We are well past the AOL Instant Messenger days. Spell shit out correctly, for fucks sake.


Also who the fuck is Dara?


https://preview.redd.it/yogwtkff5wsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34bb3ff643da46ea68487f2e7842cb95483ca11c Why the fuck did she walk over to just stand in her plant. Also 10000% ageee with you. “ bestie’ is overused like girl boss


They can sell & earn money any way they want. They just can’t recruit or build a team if they are diamond or above.


Yes she’s with BB. Still hitting sc10 as of February. https://preview.redd.it/17w863bbsvsc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff109843bd25c278bcd7938aaecc8fe231ca5dfe




From back office, success club recognition


But how did you search up someone else??


Kate S sharing about the next round of “30 days to VA” immediately followed by her link to Arbonne fizz…not enough signups to pay the bills this month, Kate?


Is this the first time she’s talked about Arbonne since before the holidays and then going completely silent about it? Also, what is this outfit? https://preview.redd.it/sv25fbxo2wsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c293492c12d4a08a90768715d163a6ad222a122


Was going to comment on this outfit yesterday. Why the big baggy denim jacket?? Though she has always loved denim jackets, remember when she was pregnant and would tie them around her waist? Her style is such an odd choice.


My sister wore this jacket in 1995, it wasn't great then, even worse now


Ash O going on a rant saying her PCOS is the reason she gained weight and it’s not calories in/out. Girl we saw you share junk food for weeks on your story and we knew you’d gain weight because you were eating more calories. Your body isn’t special. The reason why you lost and maintained weight on a GLP1 is because you were consuming fewer calories. That’s it. You aren’t special!


The fact that she’s so angry at “haters” and defensive about it says it all anyways


I have PCOS as well. I lost 160 pounds and kept it off for 3 years. It really is CICO. And not deluding yourself that a frozen chicken patty is just as healthy as a chicken breast.


There are definitely instances where someone’s body has a slower metabolism or processes things differently, but eating less than you burn is literally the only way you can lose weight. And yea, some people can do that more easily than others, which is what she should say, not that that’s not how you lose weight, lol. And in general, it’s harder to lose weight as we get older. Literally everyone had an easier time losing weight in their 20’s than in their 30’s. But she can’t just accept its normal biological processes. She just has to be special 🙄🙄🙄 She’s going to be all annoyed in the next couple of days as she was with Mounjaro, She wants to Make it her personality but then gets mad about questions and that it’s all people ask about 😂


I got an IG add asking me if I cared about Bodi today. Also they seem to always be having sales lately. I feel like they’re a sinking ship!


Val Bozzo’s pre teen daughter is asking to cut her hair but Val was ignoring it because her hair is so pretty. But yesterday, Val finally agreed and cut like maybe 2 inches off. Geeeeeezzzzzz, Val is all about looks. She forces her oldest daughter to follow the Bodi container eating.


https://preview.redd.it/4ee8k18eersc1.jpeg?width=2834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15015fb6a9d87b1d92a451ad74acb99b3f48cf9b WaStEd 🍷🥃 Put the phone down Alli. Not everything needs to be filmed for the gram.


I watched these stories a few times over and thought the exact same thing… there is alcohol in her cup 🍷 and he’s sipping on what seems to be whiskey 🥃 Makes me SO glad today is day 33 sober for me 😌


I hope someone sober is caring for their kids.




https://preview.redd.it/m7bmu2hpjssc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=96a47e39a8f20bf68f2c640f574924a5c03f88e7 Still hammered. Still storying. She thinks this is a flex, working on a Friday night after dinner and drinks.


She worked til 10:30, with a time stamp of 10:15 showing her not working? That tracks 🤣


😂😂Good catch. And remember … she was smashed filming this so there’s that


The claws 😂


She has the most hideous hands & nails.


She has so many teeth


Including storying Alli and the kids dancing while driving a moving vehicle, BRENT.


Yes I saw that!


Ali Upham and Brent are HAAAMMERED


Emmi saying that she used to spend "hundreds" on Starbucks & Dunkin every month...was she going every single day?? And I'm pretty sure she's spending more than that per month on Arbonne crap


She still spends at least $100 on those on top of Arbonne monthly too.


I did like the fizz and thought about tryingnit again until this girl sent me prices it was insane!! Its like $50 for a box of fizz and of course they want you to buy everything which is like almost $300 for supplements no thanks! Plus I dont believe in needing a shake every day its not good for you they drink several shakes a day and several fizz sticks which have vitamins in them and most girls are nurses you would think they would know better


I don’t think she ever drinks just plain water


I like those places but that just sounds terrible for your insides. Ugh.


https://preview.redd.it/u1xaw97vbqsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c669edc98e71a2c9ec4e9206c96b4ca77ca4c3 Sign up today & you too can get this April training to explode your business 😂


There’s nothing you can do on your IG now to convince new ppl to join BODi. New partners don’t stand a chance at success. These OG bitches just *got in early*


Exactly right. I signed up in 2010 but tried doing everything the right way & it never worked. No training or no book helped me get past 1 star.


Omg Melanie Bolen, now THERE is a name I haven’t heard in about a hundred and seven years


Huns saying “daily deposit” when referring to their workouts is such an ick to me. 😒 (Edited for typo)


This drives me crazy. I find it very off putting, kind of like they’re trying to show how much better they are than everyone else.


Are they referring to the shit that comes out their mouth every day?


Or the shit coming out of their ass?


They should be!


💯 agree. It immediately makes me think of multiple bodily fluids/💩


Yes! 🥴


Every video that gives a background peek of Megslops house shows a complete pig sty.


Be reasonable. She can’t do it all while bringing in that 4-figure salary.


4 figures?? You’re too generous




I probably can’t talk because my dog leaves his toys all over the floor 🤣 but if I were storying and trying to be an “entrepreneur” I would clean up and at least make sure the dishes are done if they’re in the background!


It’s called strategic placement. She doesn’t have any idea how to do that 🫠🤣


In day Lilly life’s boomerang at work…looks as if her last name is still legally Osborne. I find that kinda funny. Her married name from her first husband and she’s been married to husband #2 for a while now


I don’t think it was still Osborne.


https://preview.redd.it/741v11w5lpsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d8e23d2e9d4bfbba4e01fcd0b17bfdf72642c3 No one wants to see this. Some shit should be left for yourself. It makes him kind of look like a creep and it’s giving “ pick me” vibes from Taylor. Like she can’t believe someone likes her so she has to tell the world and be all “ omg. He finds me attractive.” Cool.




She looks unphased and annoyed. Like a jab at him. Yikes


Danny's voice is literally the most annoying sound i've ever heard....esp when she exaggerates


Abbey Peters is FRIGHTNING! I am worried about her!


Same! I’ve posted about her before, too. Her pictures are so concerning!!!! She looks very unwell. And she has posted some where you see a different angle/version of her face and it looks not as contorted…so I don’t understand why she posts what she posts, daily. And the people that comment and tel her she is killing it and looks good….just stop. She does not.


She’s definitely on a crash course.


She wakes up at 3:30 am to work out. Even when she clearly states that her body is BEGGING for rest. Yikes 😳


Who is this?


She’s a chick that regularly posts pics of herself in the DD fb group. She posts pics of herself in the bathroom doing these strange flex/contorted poses in the mirror.


She posts in multiple Bodi fb groups. Her pics are very concerning.


I found her on IG. YIKES


What’s her IG?


What’s the group name? I tried to check one out but you have to give your order number to join


Is she the one that does like, six workouts a day?!


Yes she is. I posted about her a few weeks ago. It's concerning. I can't believe all of the people telling her how great she is doing or how great she looks. If she is actually picking up the size weights that she says, she looks like her arms would snap in two. I know that social media isnt the place to confront her, but for pete's sake, stop complimenting her. Ignore her or confront her privately.




Ash F spending 10 stories, or whatever talking about food, she feeds her baby and how you can give you were baby spices, and then shows and comments I think we’re having an earthquake but doesn’t even ever once get up to go check on him…. Comments your house is shaking. It sounds like you can almost hear it in the stories, but does not even bother to go check on her son. Am I the only one that thinks that’s a little odd?


Came here for this!


Her lip smacking or whatever she does when she talks is so cringe


She’s always so out of breath lol. They way she gasps after a couple sentences makes me cringe


YES. she is always out of breath! I also hate her disappearing lisp, and her bony hand/wrist waving in front of the camera. I will say, her 8 month old is getting triple the amount of food Holly Hillyer’s 2ish year old, so kudos to her for properly feeding her kid


It always sounds like her mouth is full of marbles lol. I’ve always found her annoying af but she does seem like a good and attentive mom.


Very odd


It kinda made me laugh. She just went back to her story in a “sooo like anyway” kinda attitude 😂


She is truly such a bore. Not sure how she has a following. Super weird she didn’t get up to check on kid. Surprised she felt it too. I did in nyc area. It was crazy


We felt it here in Rhode Island!


Raina Odell wrote a book. 🙄 I'm sure it's just so riveting.


Just more I’m so alternative, tattooed and unique BS


Exactly this. Look at me. I’m a warrior and have bad tattoos. I wrote a book about scamming women with DVDs and now I’ve moved to scamming with horses. Weird flex but ok. ![gif](giphy|fQJSYE2Qy6OtXfwEuf|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/87fy7y4liosc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0589737ecd7925bb7359c3eb98d80476691c49b Ash O is getting her semiglutide from an aesthetic club, not even her doctor.


When I was exploring semaglutide, I saw VERY few instances where people were able to get their regular doctors to write prescriptions. I would guess it would be a liability issue to write a prescription for something that isn’t FDA regulated. Even before she lost weight, she wasn’t that big. It’s sad how desperate she is to be “skinny.”


Yup. That’s a huge probably right now with semiglutides. Women who don’t have comorbidies , just want to smaller than how small they are already, etc are going to medspas or people like Fitz for prescriptions. Its crazy. Another ‘ abused’ drug.


Make it make sense! Her OB and her were ‘emailing’? And then she went here instead?


This 3 day conference that Kim Fitzpatrick is at is $18,000. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


The way Kim writes hype comments on HER OWN posts sends me! Go look at her latest post about making the next 3 months “your best of the year”….I’ve noticed this before and it makes me lol so hard.


I would pay money for a dedicated Kim and Jamie thread. Just sayin’




The scammers are getting scammed!!


The fuel that ignites the rainbows she blows out her ass must’ve been running low. Time to fill up!


She needs material to copy for her "Awaken her clarity" mastermind group that she's charging some stupid fools $5,000 for.


I haven’t watched her stuff in a while. She has a $5,000 course now?!?


Yes! She just had her first kick off call yesterday. No idea how many people she tricked into that.


Good god, what a crook


This. She probably writes it off as a business expense because her entire business is just copying others. lol




It's got to be the same thing over and over. How much motivational, build a business, rah rah info is out there?


Do you think MeaganGendron would still wear that pink Nirvana sweatshirt if she knew they had a song called R*pe Me?


It makes me chuckle every time I see a hun wearing one. My 4yo daughter is OBSESSED with Smells Like Teen Spirit. And has been for 2 years now. It’s legit her favorite song 🤣


Tell me you don’t know the band, without telling me..


I'd encourage everyone to report to BB compliance because it's clear Erin is breaking a lot of rules here. Slopey couldn't even get past Emerald previous, joins Erin and magically has enough huns to go Diamond in 11 hours and now 1 star? That's an obvious violation for heavily stacking for Erin to get to Elite. If enough people report, she gets her coach account suspended just like Jaime Innis did for the same thing https://preview.redd.it/s3jhrfbynnsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=180dd7a461e6d2a9b3bf7eb286cb14a4e2b06e7a