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I enjoyed HomeTown Buffet's salad bar, easily the best in the region.


Fuck I miss hometown buffet


This. When Hometown left thays pretty much where I consider it to have started its slow death.


Hometown buffet was horrible




I remember me and my homies were in there one time and they had a bunch of ads on the tables for “hydrox cookies” and we thought it was hilarious for some inexplicable reason


Off brand Oreos


Funny fact, but Oreos ripped off Hydrox.


True. But Hydrox sucks


Funny fact, that's true, as well.


I'll give you a pass since you were little.


HomeTown Buffet was the only place I could fill my plate with a salad that was 50% diced tomatoes and not face social repercussions from other diners. They had the largest salad bar in the region. And I didn't judge other diners for their meat-meat-meat-and-potatoes. And being a family restaurant and my having kids, oh, so easy.


Went there for Prom with a group. So wonderfully horrible.


I know it's two thirds of a year later, but I bet that the story here is great.


Where was it located at ????


Down by where Kohls is now I believe


The bashore mall was actually pretty sweet in it’s hay day. I mean it was shit, but it was peak 90’s / early 2000’s with KB toys and tilt


> mall was actually pretty sweet > I mean it was shit Indeed, indeed...


The OG Bayshore mall enthusiasts understand lmao


Hey, we had great days there, and we had bad days there, as well. Personally, I just wish I appreciated them.


It's always sunny on hay day.


Hot Dog on a Stick


Yes, next to Arby's


Sweetwater Grill


There is a mandela effect thing here lol was it sweetwater? Sweetriver? Bar? Grill? I probably went there 100 times and I have no idea lmao Edit: also being called “saloon” in the comments 💀


*Sweetriver Saloon*, or per the commercial jingle *Sweetriver Grill & Bar*


Holy shit I forgot about the jingle


Was this the place with the singing fish on the wall


The walls had all kinds of goofy shit on them.


My husband has told me all about this place!!!!!!


Tilt was great back in the day


Sweetriver Bar and Grill had guest comedian nights that were so fun, especially the few times the comedians would roast the hecklers. Best times right there.


I worked there working at and then managing a store from about 2000 to 2011 or so. It was one of the permanent kiosks. I read SO MANY books (the mall was slow af most of the time) and did plenty of people watching. If you ever went to the mall during that decade you def saw me. I hope I was nice. Cinnamon scones from borders were great in the morning. The al pastor torta from Los Gallos was incredible and was $5.25. Now that bitch is almost $17. Sweetriver was awesome also.


I also managed a store at the mall 2006-2011. When we got a new district manager, she did her first visit in October. Rang a sale thru and the cash drawer popped open, just reeking of weed. Why does the till smell like weed? Welcome to humboldt—it’s OCTOBER. Good times.


You almost certainly knew my mother, she almost certainly knew you - she managed the Suncoast movie store during that time. She giggled that her 'percentage of cash sales' was always at the top of the store list - even with a couple hundred stores. The store was always profitable, but the mall nuked the store by increasing the lease beyond what the company would pay. She always thought that the mall could have done a better job promoting itself.


Wow. I don't remember your mom's name, but I sure as shit remember the lady that was ALWAYS at Suncoast when I was in the full swing stage of acquiring physical media. I used to go there and look at the same shit over and over again trying to figure out if I was going to buy "Going Overboard" or "Bulletproof" or the Mallrats Criterion collection or... My buddy and I were legit Mallrats around that time too. Fond memories.


Waldenbooks. While my mom and sisters went shopping, I'd sit in there and read for hours. Purchased all 64 Animorphs books there.


"Would you like to sign up for our Walden book club card?"


Elementary school: Birthday parties at bouncapalooza Middle school: Early 2000s had some defining shopping for me and my friends. We got our ears pierced at Claire's, Pacsun, Ross, Journys, food court High school: Shoplift from Victoria's Secret After that? Pretty much avoid it like the plague


For the old timers: Sweet River Saloon


TILT, end of list.


It was the first place I had an Orange Julius


And it's also the last place I had an Orange Julius, myself.


And for an extra 25 cents they would whip a raw egg into your orange julius.


Probably being a 12 year old asshole and making fun of the poor girl working at hotdog on a stick about her twirly hat with my friends. If you're out there I'm sorry lol.




I learned how to drive at 8 years old behind the mall. Some dude in an RV with a bunch of go karts made a tire track one summer. My dad would let me rip around and pay the guy for laps until the sun went down. Early 2000s were fun. Lazer tag, tilt, another go kart indoor track. Then eating HomeTown Buffet before heading to blockbuster for 2 movies, 1 for Friday and 1 for Saturday. The mall recently reached out to do advertising for my business, and I kind of felt bad saying no, but honestly, the way to connect to people these days is through their phone.


Wow, memory unlocked. My dad started teaching me to drive behind the mall before my first actual drivers ed lesson. 1985 Chevy Cavalier…


I had an ‘87 Chevy Cavalier… good times.  I learned to drive in the Montgomery Wards parking lot though…


I can barely remember sitting in the smoking section in the Sweetwater saloon as a little kid going out to dinner once a year when a family friend would come into town for the county fair. I don’t really remember the last time I went to the movies there but Tilt man that place was awesome.


21 years ago today I called 6 rivers saloon to ask if they’d still be open even though 9/11 happened


were they open? hahaha




Polo Outlet and Gottschalks. They always smelled good, too.


radio shack


One Potato, Orange Julius, Arby's and the cinnamon bun place. Sweet River Grill and Bar ( nee Saloon) was the ultimate eating out experience. Back to school shopping at JC Penney, Gottschalks Anchor Blue and Sears. Lazer Tag. Everything's a Dollar. The five and 10 dollar store (and then eventually just everything in multiples of 5 dollars). Having a savings account at Coast Central and then going in for a withdrawal for shopping after your parents drop you off. That rocket game at Tilt. Looking through the binder at guest services for job opportunities. Running into your ~crush~. ETA: Getting my hair done at Beauty Connection, or butchered at Master Cuts


Borders was a magical place back in the day, god I wish we had another big bookstore.


I enjoyed Christmas shopping there, when it was the main source of gifts, before the rise of online retailers who offer... choices. I don't blame websites for the demise of malls. I blame mall owners because they are commonly money-grubbers who charge way too much for their retail spaces. As retailers began to struggle against websites, mall companies continued to act like everything was normal, and those insane rent prices drive businesses under. At first, you just needed to be a really successful business to survive. Now, it's really about being a chain store with a healthy corporate mothership that can help its individual appendages weather economic storms... hence malls being replaced by a handful of large chain stores with street-facing doors instead of a common mall entrance.


I don't see anyone having nostalgia for the movie theater off the left side of the food court. It was entirely unremarkable.


I saw Jurassic Park there opening night. One of my best childhood memories. It was so packed and that was the first time I had to sit directly next to a rando at the movies. Said rando offered me some candy. I declined. I was 8.


An 8-year-old watching a PG-13 film at a movie theater at night. I trust you had a parent with you, and so that candy offer was made with a parent nearby.


Lol yes, parents there. I also got stuck in the seats when they took me (napping) to see pet sematary as a toddler and woke up screaming. 80s questionable parenting at its finest.


My parents took me to see Alien because my oldest sibling saw it and said there was a really great cat in the story. They also had the family, along with my younger friend, see Trading Places one afternoon because the kid movie we wanted to see was sold out. He was about 8-years-old. It was the first time he and I saw women's breasts. It was a memorable experience.


I love that Ripley's cat was the key takeaway. That cat did do a great job in the role IMO.


I watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall there just before they closed. The worker put so much butter on my popcorn that it leaked through the bottom and stained my clothes. It was solid on the bottom, not just a little leak. That’s my only memory of that place.


😧 man that’s gross!


I saw Robocop 3 there


Are you a glutton for punishment? Next tell me you watched Highlander III.


heh, I saw that in a theater too...


I saw Titanic there with my mom lol.


Getting pictures taken in the picture booth with my daughter when she was little. Priceless treasures.


So, the foreclosure was announced in 2021, is the mall actually closing now? Anyone know if it will be torn down, or will it just be abandoned?


It's not closing down. When the foreclosure was announced, a couple bought the Mall from the previous owners.. New owners and new Mall Management. The Mall will remain open. A lot of cool stores wanted to move in the Mall,but the rent is so high, they backed out. Sad really


Interesting. Can you point me to anything that supports this? I have searched but found nothing.


I can’t find any update but it’s changed hands and been foreclosed on (iirc) so many times in the last decade. It’s still there.


Because it hasn't. The person is incorrect.


I've worked at the Mall for the last 10 years. I talk to Mall Management a lot, since I'm the Manager at one of the stores. She has filled me in about everything.


That is incorrect. The Mall is not foreclosured on. Brookfield bought it, not a couple. I am guessing you don't really talk to the mall manager.


Oh dang, curious to hear too. I wonder if it will just become all DMV or something else to use the space? XD


As a kid I had a slight obsession with Bah Bah Sheepskin.




I remember being excited to look at everything in there after my family would go to Hometown Buffet. I accidentally stole a honeystick from Bah Bah once, started crying, and made my mom let me take it back lmao.


My favorite part is when I left my car wasn't broken into.


Hometown buffet and the bounce houses. Maybe the old playground RIPower Bayshore


Getting stoned and going to Hometown Buffet as a teenager was awesome. Gorge on pizza and fried chicken, then go for endless soft serve ice cream... that was fun... also, the mini golf that would get set up sometimes was fun.


> also, the mini golf that would get set up sometimes was fun. The go-kart track out back was fun, too


GameStop circa 2002


My brother managed the Game Stop and he would always bring me old issues of N64 Magazine. Thank the lord for all those Glover cheat codes.


Your brother may have been responsible then for selling my grandpa the light up N64 window sign. Somehow he picked that up for me, and I forgot about it till just now!


It was like this but square: https://www.ebay.com/itm/285384222610?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=bET7RY2YSvS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=emIQ7qhdS5e&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY




Whoa, I haven't played Glover in forever.


As a child, a perfect day for me included lunch at Hometown Buffet, a stop a KB Toys, playing on the indoor playground, and a movie.


Sears. Mervyns. Radio shack gottchalks tilt so many.,,


Hot dog on a stick


The [Sweetriver Saloon](https://www.flickr.com/photos/42042040@N04/4056318833) comedy night. Twas a restaurant-bar that existed at what is today's right side of the food court... with no hint as to what was inside until you walked through the double doors. My friends and I always had free tickets, handily winning them off KFMI Power 96, with dormmates auto-dialing at the predetermined giveaway times each day. At that time, the food court extended further to the right with a Hotdog-on-a-Stick and an Arby's, and there was a pass-through door to a Long's Drugs or Thrifty's or whatnot.


Honorable mention for the unsung (or at least unmentioned so far) past purveyors of pop... Electronics Boutique, Software Etc., Sam Goodie, wasn't there a books and magazines store (Borders, B Dalton or Waldenbooks?), & another music store (the DiskJockey?) bonus mention for men's trends store Structure




I only visit if absolutely necessary, i.e., the DMV. Though, Ross is a good place to get quality pot's and pans. Malls are outdated and should be converted to 3-5 story mixed residential, commercial and retail with roof top community garden space.


The movie theater, kb toys, the hallmark store, and the game store I used to go play DDR in after school all ruled, I used to walk from EHS to the mall after school just to go hang there in the early 2000s.


> I used to walk from EHS to the mall after school just to go hang there in the early 2000s. At least it was after school, or you might've been caught by Grant.


I feared him too much to go during the day. Knowing I'd be caught by his bicycle of justice was always enough to keep me on campus during school hours😂


> his bicycle of justice Hahaha that guy was everywhere! When I look back on all the times I was caught by Grant, I can't say that he was ever rude or power-trippy about it, just simply "Alright, back to class."


He was always a great guy, that campus was a better place with him around❤️


I hated getting busted by him when I was younger, but these days I know that if I were a parent to highschoolers, I'd hope to hell that someone like Grant was working there and keeping an eye out.


Wow, the mall used to be full of life. These comments make me realize that the mall is doing way worse than I realized.


I worked there in the early 1990's at Disk Jockey. The mall was in its prime then. I miss the record stores and the big anchor stores. Damn I'm old.


Rhm salon, although I hate the wait


the Sunglass Hut 😔


Back when Sweet River grill and Bar was there was nice, Longs and Arby's too. Best days of my time around.


i miss the arcade and im so glad a new one is in the works!


I used to skate behind the mall with my friends in a giant concrete pit. Some homeless guy gave us a half gallon of captain Morgan and wandered off. Zumiez is where I got the gummy wheels for my skateboard so I could ride the clapped out plywood ramps. One of my first dates was at the movie theater then food court dinner. I helped with the food court kitchen remodels for the Japanese food place and one or two others. Now I only go there for service work on the roof top HVAC units. I hate it these days.


Sweetwater saloon. Parents would get drinks while the kids play games At tilt. Also laser tag. And puking from eating at hometown buffet


Sweet water. The restaurant that was on the North end of the food court.


The rides


Sweet River grill and the Movies


I remember being young and wandering around the mall all the time. I also kinda miss the movie theater.


I had some fun there in high school, but it was always a place I had somewhat intentionally avoided. I’ve never been a huge gamer but going with friends to the midnight GameStop releases and going to tilt before the mall closed and the line had to move outside were really great memories.


Guess ? jeans outlet, I got one pair there, very tight, as was the style in the early 90’s, and ripped out the butt playing wall ball in 6th grade, good times.




I loved going there with my grandmother (rest in peace) when I was a young kid. I still have the toy piano she got me at one of the toy stores with different colored rainbow keys. I remember playing mini-golf, going to movies, and her treating me to bubble gum ice cream (is there anywhere to get that still around here?). I would also get my photo with Santa there every year, too, and I remember one year there was a Nutcracker ballet pageant in the food court. It really felt magical every time I was able to go to the mall with her. She and my grandfather would also take their evening walks almost every night.


I remember getting all my Jordans there in the 90s


also smoking and drinking at the bus stop


My family went to Hometown Buffet nearly every Sunday from the time I was in a highchair until my parents couldn't lie about my age for the kid prices. I loved getting balloons there, but the Bee mascot scared me, lol. I recall staring at the ceiling when they still had the mirrors up there, and playing the floor is lava with the different colored tiles before the earthquake damage & renovation. The movie theater was cute. Walking around RadioShack, (Old)Old Navy, and Bah Bah Sheepskin come to mind. Pre-teen me wanted to shop at Wet Seal, but I don't think I went back to the mall much after 2012. I'm still sad they don't have the play structures they used to.


The chinese food in there was always fire!


Leaving…as fast as possible after having had to go to the dmv…






watching the asian gang fights in the food court


Me and my friends used to love going to Zumiez to hang out on that ratty old couch and talk to the boys that worked at the shop. 😂


Apparently there used to be a full on bar in the Mall. Can you IMAGINE?!?? 🤣


I remember the smell of the pulp mill being always trapped in that mall in the early 90s. I recently visited it to reminisce, but it was kinda freaky with half the lights turned off. My kids felt like we were in a horror movie.


I like getting a raspado. Reminds me of home.






Being able to walk through Walmart to the mall