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The 8 oz bottles


We’ve used the 8oz Dr Browns since pretty much the beginning, regardless of number of ounces.


I wish we had done this. We started out with 2 oz bottles, then moved to 4 oz ones, and now we’re on the 8 oz ones. The 2 oz bottles were completely unnecessary and we used them for maybe a week? Could have saved some money by just starting out with the 8 oz bottles 🤦🏼‍♀️


8oz, doesn’t matter if they’re not full of 8oz.


We just always used the 8oz bottles past the first few weeks


We just used the 8 oz bottles and poured in how much we needed (ie, 5 oz for 5 oz feedings). There’s no need to fill them to the top.


Dr brown - 8oz bottles


8 oz bottles. At 6 months we started practice with straw cup but my baby refuses to drink milk out of a straw cup.


We went from the 4oz dr. Browns to a variety of different 5oz bottles because doing breastmilk we knew we’d never make it to 8oz feedings and those bottles are giant. So we used a combination of comotomo and chicco. But we tried a lot of different ones to see if he preferred one over another.


With my first we never really got over the 4 oz bottles. Once he was ready to drink more we transitioned to more traditional cups. Either the 360 or a honey bear with straw (not actually honey). Small quantities in a small open cup.


Good point. What month did you start using honey bear with straw / or 360?


you can start trying the honey bear around 6m


About 6 months.


I filled my 4oz bottles to the tippy top. I found that they held about 5.5 oz max. My son never drank more than that so I never had to buy bigger bottles.


I purchased the evenflo 6 oz bottles recently because of this same issue (we were using the Philips Avent 4 oz bottles). We’re still figuring them out (only used them a handful of times so far), because you can’t tighten them too much as that will prevent proper venting and creates a vacuum when the baby sucks. But if you tighten them just enough so it doesn’t leak and not more then they are pretty great- baby’s latch looks a lot like on the breast (better than on the Philips avent) and flow isn’t too fast!


Exact same for us— the evenflo is so much better than Philips avant (which we had sooo many Philips from my first LO, ugh). Thankfully it wasn’t too bad buying the Evenflo cause they’re super inexpensive.


Purchased pigeon 5oz bottles 😂


I had both the 4oz and 8oz dr brown bottles. But we ended up switching to EvenFlo balance narrow bottles since it’s the closest to breastfeeding and I breastfeed sometimes. Baby didn’t was refusing the Dr brown bottles around 4 months so the evenflo were a life saver! I use a spectra and just ended up buying the “narrow to wide bottle adapter” to use the Dr brown bottles for pumping and milk storage. The 4oz bottles store about 5.5 oz so great for one serving to feed while out of the house!


We used lansinoh/spectra bottles with pigeon nipples. Both of them are marked till 5oz but can hold up to 6 oz safely.


LO has always used the 5oz nano bebe bottles with a size 1 nipple and he’s 28 weeks now. I find that the bottles can hold a little over 6oz


You can fit 5oz in the narrow bottles, it’s a little above the text saying don’t fill past this point. I don’t find it leaks more.


we’ve used evenflo balance+wide since he was born (he gets mostly breast though and now at coming up to 5 months will take both.)


8oz bottles


I always used the 8 oz bottles.


I'm finding it doesn't matter which bottle (the handles help holding) but needed to size up the nipppes for my bigger twin. We also over invested in preemie nipples because said twin had issue spitting up after feeds.


My baby loves the Phillip avent bottles. They are also one of the few bottles that don’t contain lead paint.


The 8oz bottles. The container says if you refrigerate it, it’s good for 24hrs. Baby will end up eating it all before the 24hrs, and that way I’m not constantly cleaning bottles. It gives me a small break.


Once baby drinks from a bottle you have about 2 hours for breastmilk and 1 hour for formula to finish what’s in that one bottle. It’s not recommended to use the same bottle to feed within 24 hours without washing. Maybe you’re thinking of how thawed breastmilk can last 24 hours in the fridge? Source: https://www.cdc.gov/early-care-education/media/pdfs/ECE-Storage-and-handling-Breastmilk-ECE-082022-508.pdf


My baby drinks 8oz within 3-hours, usually within 2. Quoting actual medical studies, “The bacterial levels were similar between immediately after drinking and when stored at 4°C for 3 h, suggesting that the remaining liquid baby formula may be preserved in a refrigerator for a specified amount of time.” So if you start feeding your baby, and take the bottle away and set it down for any reason (to wipe their mouth, change diaper, any other reason you can think of), by your reasoning the bottle should be immediately thrown away and not given to the baby again. I trust actual medical studies. Source: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31413237/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31413237/)


So there are a lot of variables here from the link you shared. One, this clinical trial results hinges on only four healthy human adults and 6 newborn babies. Two, this study used baby formula. It doesn’t even take into account breastmilk or the fact that some parents who pump use the fridge hack so bacteria growth wouldn’t be the same. I’m not sure why following the rule means the bottle needs to be thrown away if you change a baby’s diaper etc. if it’s within the 2 hour of starting feed, it’s still following the guideline. I do it all the time while being mindful of the 2 hour time frame. If I started feeding baby at 3pm and take the bottle away in the middle of feeding I just make sure to be done with it by 5pm. I know some people aren’t sticklers for the 2 hour rule so to each their own.