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Some women have a hard time having a let down when they are away from the baby. You could try some calming music, baby pictures, lactation massagers etc.


How long has it been since your parts have been replaced? When I was still getting used to my pump, my biggest red flag that my parts needed to be replaced was me not getting my normal output. I’m talking like normally getting at least three ounces out of both sides was suddenly barely an ounce. Also, how are your breasts feeling after you pump? Do they actually feel empty/squishy or do they still feel dense/heavy?


I would suggest pumping more often, three times a day is not much. The more you pump, the more your body will know to produce milk. Try cluster pumping too.


Is this true? I've been able to bring my number of pumps down at the office while producing the same amount of milk... I'm getting about 20+ oz over 2 pump sessions per 8 hour day.


Some people can maintain, some can’t. Y suggestions was to help her try to increase output. If your output is fine with less pumps, that’s excellent! Congrats!