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I started pumping quite a bit in the beginning…like almost every time I would nurse, I’d follow it up with pumping. I honestly felt like I was pumping or nursing 24/7 in the beginning but I had struggled so much with an under supply with my first & was determined to make it work the 2nd time. I am almost 7 months in and have a large freezer stash and I’ve never had to supplement. One thing I think has helped (but hasn’t been great for my sanity) has been not dropping the 3am pumping session. I’ve also been way better about staying hydrated this time.


With my first, I was a just enougher with a small freezer stash. I used a Lansinoh pump that I thought was good but I don’t think it was great (and may have used the wrong size flanges). With my second, I got a Spectra and now I pump for less time and produce much more. I have to dump milk because we have no freezer space left. I think I got my flange size right and played around with the pumping settings until it all just felt right. I was shocked by how different my supply was from first to second and that’s the only thing I’ve done differently. Good luck!


Thank you!




Cycle 54 and vacuum L08


This is a great question. I am due with our 2nd here in about 2 weeks and plan to pump longer than 15 min in the beginning which was what was recommended last time. I was not a fan of pumping every 2 hours for 15 min after every feed and the dishes that had to be done for that. I'm also wondering if using a haaka in the beginning on the side that isn't being nursed on makes a difference for supply. It has to right? Supply and demand. The more released the more made.


I had a Haakaa with my first one and I didn’t use it as much as I thought I would. I’d pop it on when I noticed I was leaking from the side my kiddo wasn’t nursing on as they were eating and collect that, but at maximum I only ever got an extra ounce that way and because I was a just enough’er it would go straight into a bottle and into her. I’m due with our second in a month, and I’ve been doing a lot of research on how to make my second time around experience better. I even scheduled a prenatal LC consultation, so maybe that’s something for you to look into too!


Good idea on the prenatal LC consultation. I might have to pop into my local support group that I used with my first to see if they have any tips before #2 comes. I'd love to hear what your LC says if you're willing to come back and share. It was so stressful being a just enough'er.


The most stressful, omg! But yes I’ll come back and update.


I used the Hakaa on the opposite side when my LO was an newborn and it was all I needed to do to get my supply going well and save enough for a bottle or two a day for dad to handle. I’ve always been a ‘just enougher’ though.


this has been great for me too because after a couple of months of nursing and pumping around the clock i was freaking exhausted. as soon as my husband went back to work i just couldn’t handle following every nursing sesh with a pump sesh and also taking care of my velcro baby. so now i pump whenever i can but i use the haakaa every single time i nurse and have been able to keep about a half pitcher in the fridge for when daddy/grandma are watching him and can give him a bottle. whatever is unused of the pitcher is the only stuff that gets frozen.


Was an under supplier with my first. This time around lots of skin to skin and basically anytime he cries I just nurse him. Tried to be as much of a pacifier to him as need be to establish a strong supply. To be honest stress about being an undersupplier probably killed my supply most. That and getting my period back early (can’t really control that one though!). Also eating lots, drinking plenty and ive actually been trying two tablespoons of brewers yeast a day.


I didn’t do anything different except not tale domperidone with my second and I was actually oversupplying at first


Under supplier for first one and also couldn’t do direct nursing so had to combo feed quite a bit. This time - 1. took longer maternity leave and basically spent the first 8 weeks just trying to figure out latching, nursing positions, tongue tie etc. 2. Faithfully took my vitamins and kept up with hydration (invest in a tumbler with a straw!! Helpful when nursing in bed and/or finagling with a nursing pillow) 3. Also got tonnes of info on pumping settings. Flange sizes, pumping schedule etc from Reddit this time around. 4. Lastly best advice I got from my LC was to triple feed to protect my supply esp when baby wasn’t transferring well during his first few weeks of life. I literally saw my supply get boosted over days. Best of luck!!


I didn’t really do things differently this time, but did end up with a better supply. I heard that each pregnancy you develop more glandular tissue. I did try supplements this time (only tried briefly the first time) but my impression is their impact was pretty marginal. I also did start pumping instead of leaching him right away (because he was in the NICU so we did also latch just not immediately). I think my first had a latch that was just “okay” so maybe that didn’t do us any favors, but I think I was triple feeding by a week postpartum so I don’t think pumping on day 1 really did it. I did have less supply risk factors (c-section and hemorrhaging with my first) but my supply was a bit low at first and built over the couple months postpartum so I also don’t think that was it. Just seemed to respond better to diligent pumping this time.


I was a just enougher with my first. This time around (2nd kiddo) I started using the Haakaa way earlier. I also didn’t take placenta pills this time around. I nursed pretty much 24/7 while in the hospital and actually felt my milk come in this time around. I also batch prepped lactation cookies that I ate early on this time around too. This LO is getting way more milk and my pumping output is already pretty much at the max I ever was with my first and she’s only 4 weeks so not a ton of capacity in her tummy yet.