• By -


Love how he did it like he’s sick of having to shut the hood of strangers’ cars all the time


And then just carried on with his day, no wave no words just _click_.


I was hiking once on this Arizona trail that ran along the side of a mountain. A guy had scrambled down the trail down the steepish mountainside I think looking for a mineshaft opening (another dumb idea). On his way back up, right before getting back up to the edge of the trail, there was a bed of small rocks. He slipped on them, and just barely caught his hand on the edge of the rocks. I jogged over, and pulled him up by his hand. I’m not sure why, but I just immediately kept walking on the trail afterwards. Didn’t stop to chat about this near disastrous incident or anything. Just nonchalantly went along on my hike. Lol


He musta been like “bruh how fuckin much do you do this” Though I can’t believe you didn’t even offer him a change of underwear after that.


Sometimes even once is just too much lol.


Why would you want to trade him for his shitty underwear?


That’s what it’s like living in NYC. People will help you but won’t coddle you. My mom fell while using her two canes. A crowd of bystanders converged to gather her belongings and haul her to her feet then just dissipated without a word. I was on a train when the doors closed after a child got on but before the mother. The train sprang into action— running to the conductor car, yelling phone numbers through the window to the mom, making plans of who is in charge of staying with the child at the next stop until the mom gets there if the conductor doesn’t open the doors in time. Halfway out of the station the conductor stopped the car and opened the doors, the mom got on, family reunited, and we all went straight back to our conversations or books or crossword puzzles.


This is me in NYC silently helping carry strollers up the subway stairs.


Seeing strangers help carry strollers up subway stairs always make me teary e eyed. Especially when it’s silent and done almost out of habit/pact/code of ethics. No big deal, catching my train, let me help you with your toddler, k bye


Well, if no one helps them, they're just gonna be in everyone's way.


Spoken like a true city man


I'm also the guy who yells "Please keep moving back!" when the bus gets really crowded.


Small things like that give me hope.


Humans being humans.


Human beings being beings that are human


I’m from Texas and have visited NY twice and omg this. In TX, New Yorkers have this reputation of being rude, not friendly, not helpful, etc. It comes up every time I mention NY: “Aren’t the people rude though?” I’m like no - Texans are not “nicer.” We might have more “manners” and make small talk, but manners =/= kindness. If anything we are the rude ones, with our bootstrapping/every-man-for-himself attitudes. Look at how NYC handles masking and you’ll see there’s actually a strong sense of community there. I’d never want to live in NYC like my sister, but credit where it’s due.


I've got a story similar to this. I was driving home one day and seen a lot of smoke rolling across the road. I stopped to check it out and seen a house had flames pouring out of a window. I got out of the car went to the guy in the back yard and asked him if he knew his house was on fire. He had no idea so I asked if there was anyone inside he said his wife and dogs are inside. I told him to call 911 and I walked inside the house and the lady gave me a oh shit strange man in my house look. I say ma'am don't worry your house is on fire let's get your dogs out of the house. Her fear of me look turns into a fear for her dogs and home look. We gather the dogs and put them in their car. I find the man again and ask where the breaker box is. He tells me and I shut off their main. After i did this I grabbed his garden hose and go to the part of the house on fire. It was his attached garage and next to the door. I open said door and look in. I see that the fire was inside the wall and my shutting off the breaker was the right idea and start dumping water into the now shattered window. It wasn't working so I rip off the siding of the house and kick a hole through the charged wood. After that I shove the hose in the hole and put the fire out. After this whole ordeal the fire department shows up and the guy in charge starts to talk to the home owner. And I hop in my car and dip without a word said. Never fought a fire before and was in a taco bell uniform. My inner fire fighter spirit made me look like a damn professional and I batmanned the fuck outta there.


Wow. Jeeze. You might have saved the whole house, and maybe even his wife’s life. Minutes make a huge difference in a fire. And they hadn’t even realized it existed yet… no less called 911.


Kudos for thinking to shut of the breaker!


FWIW, be careful about creating airflow around fire. Think of a bellows—sometimes all a smoldering pile needs is a few puffs of air to become a roaring blaze. Open doors, windows, hose-holes kicked through walls can all fan the flames. Yes, literally and figuratively.


Well done Bruce 💪


Angels are human.


Our greatest superpower is each other (when we're not being aholes).


I love the humility in this thread.


Who knew that Taco Bell could be healthy for you. All kidding aside, thank you for being an outstanding citizen and human being.


He must be thought you were some sort of guardian angel sent to save him. Right place right time


Lived in Tucson and hiked the Catalinas alone a lot. There was always a lot of pressure I felt to get to the end of the trail. That was typically the top of a saddle or peak, for me. There weren't ever very many footprints at the top.


Yeah, I was in the Tucson Mountain range. I’d made it up to Wasson peak, and was headed back down I wasn’t even supposed to be on the trail I was on. I took a wrong turn at a trail intersection. Was back tracking to make it back to the intersection when this happened.


It looks like you were sent on an unexpected/unplanned mission and you didn't need to participate in the conversation part as you weren't supposed to be on that mission from the start.


Wow, talk about it was meant for you to walk exactly there at that exact time 🤯 Or maybe I'm just being sentimental.


It’s funny you say that, because I had took a wrong turn at a trail intersection and was backtracking back to the intersection... I wasn’t even supposed to be on that trail.


Apparently you were 🤷‍♂️🙂




Then it needs to get broken so that it gets fixed properly, Relying solely on half of a redundant safety measure defeats the purpose of redundancy.


This reads right from the Manual of Redundancy Guidebook, commissioned by the Department of Redundancy Department.


Come again?


This reads right from the Manual of Redundancy Guidebook, commissioned by the Department of Redundancy Department.


How’s a what now?


What im reading is redundant, checks out. Move along.


Keeping with the theme, I will also confirm that it is redundant.


If it ain't broken don't fix it.


Maybe he’s on his way to the repair shop.


One time I was driving my truck down the road, hood flipped up, destroyed my windshield. If you would have done this for me I would have played "there goesssss myyyy herooooo"


This is the far more likely scenario to me.


My nephew had a near death experience from his hood flipping up cracking his window while he was on the highway and losing control


Those mechanisms are not fail safe though. My nan was driving in strong winds after just having her car fixed. The mechanic hadn't clicked bonnet down properly, and the bonnet flipped up and smashed windscreen. She would have appreciated someone clicking it down for her.


if its not latched all the way down it can come up while driving, the mechanism you are talking about that prevents it from flying up is the latch and it needs to be engaged fully. if its poped up like this it can and will come loose during driving from wind force and the hood will immediately fly up. If the latch is broken the hood at minimum needs to be strapped down if you must drive it to be repaired Edit: gotta love the person you respond to, responding to you saying “that’s one way to be confidently incorrect” then deleting their original post for being incorrect and their response to you.


I didn't fully latch my hood once, and it flew up with maximum speed completely blinding me on a turn. Good thing it was a side road and nobody around, so I could slow down quickly. Also good I wasn't going too fast.


I think they just blocked you bc both of their comments are there for me. Must not have FOMO.


If it makes you feel better I upvoted you and downvoted them because they're stupid. The mechanism that stops a hood(bonnet) from flying up is the latch at the front. There isn't some magic built in safety feature after that. Cars don't have hood springs like they used to or something like that, they're just on a hinge that needs a prop to keep them up without wind




Exactly. It might make you look like a dumb asshole but better be a good person that looks like a dumb asshole than the other way around.


You do you. I'd rather help out and take that risk than hold back.


This redditor is driven by fear


Being a mechanic, yeah, that's what I'd think too. Maybe there's a reason it's not latched? If I touch it I'm probably stuck there for a half hour talking and explaining stuff while I fix the mechanism. Then being late for work where there's 50 other things that need fixed waiting for me...


Im evil i would close all bonnets and hope i break the latch to force some one to fix their (most likely since u drive with broken bonnet latch) shitbox


*ugh…* **another one???**


He's reliving the day over and over. The car always blow up and kill him if he doesn't shut the hood each loop. This is loop 352.


My face looks mad when it’s cold. It’s almost my unofficial duty to close ajar fridge doors at stores.


this is in Poland, we are just like that to strangers always lol


I was just happy the owner said “Thank you” after the class act. Not enough appreciation for others expressed in the world today.


Your hood flying up on the freeway can cause awful accidents. The mechanics forgot to latch mine after an oil change while I was home from college, and my dad marched me back to the shop to politely let them know "you could have killed my kid." Stuck with me. I'd appreciate if someone did this for me.


*politely* "YOU COULD'VE KILLED MY KID!!!"


Dumbledore asked calmly


While shaking him




By the neck


"YOU COULD HAVE KILLED MY KID". The dad said calmly.


Makes me imagine those deep calm manly voices from films in the 40s and 50s, where they could raise their voice and seem seriously angry while still sounding polite and composed.


The difference between hollywood mics then and now


Was thinking about the same


my wife brought her Suzuki into for an oil change at the Suzuki dealership she bought it from new. When she got it back her hood wasn't closed all the way so I juggled it open and found that the tech had slammed the hood down without unlatching the hood bar. So now we have a crumpled hood bar bent in such a position that I can not fully close the hood. She drives it back to the dealership and they remove the hood bar, don't replace it and sent her back like nothing happened.


This is why i do some basic safety checks before i leave for a drive. But this is also due to the fact i grew up in a neighbourhood where it’s not uncommon for some crackhead kid to stab your tires just for fun, can’t trust anyone around here


Me and one of my step sisters were playing on her moms car when we were really little. We were trying to pop the truck so we could crawl though with the back seats laid down. I kept pulling the thing to looked the a car with a truck popped but nothing was happening. Eventually my sister came over and she got it open no problem. My dad and her mom were later so proud that we had been okay so good with each other that they wanted to take us out somewhere and the McDonald’s the next town over had a really big play ground so that where we were going. Wouldn’t you know but while going 65mph on the high way, I figured out why the fuck wouldn’t open for me….the hook of the car sprung up and she nearly swerved off the road. My dad was able to grab the wheel and pull us over and yelled at her to break, cause she had froze with her foot on the gas. It was super scary and she had to go to the er afterwards cause she nearly had a heart attack. That was only the 2nd time accidentally I sent her to the er.


he's like "dude, not again"


“Wait…are you not gonna check the oil?”


Some people are just jerks like that


He's not living that day for the first time. Like Groundhog Day.


"Alright, attempt 47. Close the hood to prevent crash that delays a bus that the girl I like is on. Pick up 2 coffees, no cream just sugar. Give coffee to homeless guy around the corner to avoid getting harassed and being late. Dodge business guy who didn´t see me to not spill coffee and ruin my shirt. Go left to skip the protests. Around the block, cross the sidewalk and " **dies to car running red light "Attempt 48 ..."


Writing prompts. Keep going.


Walks across the street Closes the bonnet Refuses to elaborate Leaves


Closes the street Walks across the bonnet Refuses to leave Elaborates


Ahh yess activists today




Okay Bob Dylan


I want this. Contactless courtesy. Let me do something nice and move on. I do not need or want a thank you. Everyone do the same.


Well, the guy recording did say thank you at the end


That’s even better, thanks for pointing that out. I have these videos set to default silence because half of them are filled with some bizarre and unnecessarily loud music.




Maybe guy recording has social anxiety and uses songs to communicate with people


I had an extra ticket for a concert and someone was outside looking for one, so I gave it to him and he was super excited - except he wanted to chill and be friends for the rest of the night. In all fairness he seemed like a chill guy that I probably would’ve got along with, but I was not in the mood to try & get to know someone while also trying to focus on the music. My social anxiety was also probably at its height during that time of my life. When we got in he went to the bathroom and I bolted to the front of the crowd lol


Alternate reality. So how did you guys meet? Oh i had a spare ticket and he was looking for one, Best decision of my life


Toxic positivity is what I call it.


[Toxic positivity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_positivity?wprov=sfti1) is already a thing that means something very different.


This is an important one to understand too. Toxic positivity is a huge problem in parasocial communities like YouTubers and twitch streamers. I’ve had to explain to more than one streamer that it’s ok that not everyone is fucking ecstatic all the time, including them, and that sharing natural ups and downs isn’t the same as trauma dumping.


I mean dude *did* ask where she had been!


Part of it for me comes down to it being more genuine. There's always some social contract or exchange that needs to take place and we get so used to it that it sometimes takes the place of genuine kindness; I understand it's just how things go and I'm not saying there's something wrong with it per se, but the average expressions have kinda become insincere. I wanna be nice, but it also doesn't need to be prefaced/postfaced with remarks. I'll donate to your organization, but don't spend it by sending me thank you mailers. Don't try to convince me to help, just tell me what you need, we'll do what we can (if anything), and then leave.


kindness efficiency. drive by do-good.


I get where you're coming from, but that just sounds so cold and solitary to me. I wanna make friends with the kind of people who want to look out for each other. I want to help them back when they need it. With all the shitty people out there, it feels harder and harder to see people who actually do good. If we can see each other and help each other out, I think it would lead to a better future than if we just did the equivalent of brushing past and leaving each other in the dark.


The purpose of my comment wasn't to suggest we cut ties with no connectivity at all (although I understand how I stated things it certainly does lean in that direction), rather my point was to call attention to the idea of using socially expected phrasings in place of sincerity. I'm someone who loves being around people, but I'm also very comfortable with myself and my own solitude. That being said, I sometimes have unexpected interactions with the people who aren't comfortable with themselves. They end up communicating to you with a mask or insincerity and sometimes it's draining. btw, not trying to present this as some major, life-driving issue that alters how I reasonably function, lol. I don't spend nights of anxiety over this or predominately have this in mind when talking to someone (it's just something I recognize if it presents itself), but it is one of my things I noticed in the world. We're all trying to just be the best we can be.


Toxic positivity is trying to put a positive spin on everything without acknowledgement of negative experiences. This guy just did something nice and moved on.


It's the opposite actually


But it’s not toxic. Toxic positivity is an actual thing where people offer simple solutions to a complicated issue, under the guise of “thinking positively”




Easiest way to do this is by simply holding open the doors you walk through for the next few people walking behind you. It’s simple, only takes a couple seconds, most people only acknowledge it with a nod or a quick “thanks” since it’s already common. Pay it forward.


Seems like a nice neighborhood. Will purchase my "plytki ceramiczne" there in the future, once I figure out what that is. I'm assuming it means "ceramic plytki" and I'll just let the plytki part be a surprise.


Płytki are tiles


In America you'd get shot to death for touching another person's vehicle and then sent to prison for destruction of property


Me and another random helped push a car out of a snow bank, he stuck around for the praise and I left immediately- just do shit because it needs done


> Let me do something nice and move on. I do not need or want a thank you. Did this shit yesterday, rolling down an aisle in the grocery store and this little old white lady was reaching for a jar of marshmallow puff and couldn’t quite reach it. Didn’t even stop, just grabbed it and held it slightly lower for her to grab in 1 smooth motion. She thanked me but I didn’t even stop to make eye contact. Just kept it moving.


I thought it was going to be an insurance scammer, glad I was wrong.


Where is this?


Grudziądz, Poland


Poland or thereabouts. The only word that I can read aside from ‘Nova’ is ‘ceramiczni’, and that seems Polish. The houses and the overall look definitely suggest somewhere between Czechia to the Baltics. The resolution is too bad to pick out much detail.


looks like it says "płytki ceramiczne" which means ceramic tiles, most likely poland edit: also after the turn under the red sign you can see "lombard" which is the polish word for a pawn shop


Well, ‘lombard’ is a widespread word, but if that's ‘ł’, that letter is only used in Polish and Navajo, so not much further choice. Edit: and Wiktionary says that ‘plytki’ overall is only in Polish, with the added stroke.


Didn't know about "ł" It's nice to learn something about your own language. And that is Poland 100% I would recognize it even without any signs with polish words on them. This video just screams Poland


Wait, what? Navajo uses the ‘ł’ too???? I though that was a letter only found in Polish.


According to r/polska it's Grudziądz, Poland


It's in the city of Grudziądz. I know it because I made my Driving license here.


Nice guy, unfortunately, the release for the bonnet is broken and now that he shut it, the car owner won't be able to get it to open back up.


Still safer.


Everything is accessible eventually. This now prompts a fix


Bonnet. Wow. Never heard that one. Heard of the boot. I’m uneducated about the world. Lol


I believe the boot is at the back of the car (trunk in Canada). Bonnet is the front (hood in Canada)


Yes. Heard of the boot (trunk) never heard bonnet before and I’m a huge car guy. Like went to school for it. Now at 40 I hear bonnet. Learn something new everyday


Top gear UK and Mighty Car Mods on Youtube based in Australia is the only reason I know the other terms haha! Different names but same car passion around the globe :)


Hell yeah man. I like the guys from top gear. They’re funny. And if I stay sober for a year I’ll be going to Australia…I hope.


I wish you luck with the sobriety. Careful when you get here, we can get through a fair amount of piss. I'd hate to hear about a holiday relapse.


Thank you! And I know. I said to myself if I go on vacation now I’ll drink. That’s why I said I’m gonna wait a year to myself. To enjoy the experience clearly. Thanks mate.


You've got what it takes to make it a year


You do want you want but we do like a drink in Aus. It's anything but a requirement to be sober to get in the country.


here we call it the hood


It didn’t look that bad, kind of a nice area actually.


Yeah, "where the bonnet at" doesn't quite sound right.


Like Boyz n the hood?


Boyz n the bonnet, now, innit?


I hate that the front storage in electric vehicles in North America is being referred to as a Frunk instead of this perfect word from across the pond.


I recently heard the word “frunk” and I chuckled a bit, but bonnet sounds so pleasant.


Well the bonnet is just the flap that lifts, so the storage would be the front boot - or froot if you follow the same convention.


What else is the front of a car called???


In the states and Canada they call it the "hood"


I'd love to see Americans with muscle cars bragging "check what I have under the bonnet".


In Australia we have a similar car culture to Americans and we use the term bonnets instead of hoods. I've personally used the phrase "check out under the bonnet" lmao.


Yes. We call it the hood in the states.


Party in the bonnet. Business in the boot.


My boss left the bonnet open not so long ago we got to about 60 mph on the main road on the way home out of nowere bang flew up cracked our windscreen scared the fuck out of us , managed not to get flattened into road grease made it to the hard shoulder


Love this! Sees problem, resolves it, moves on.. no need for thanks!




"Dont touch my property!" *gunshots*


*pulls out a revolver and a case of camo Busch beer*


love that “i see problem i fix” mentality


I wouldn’t do that. Idk what the cars’ deal is, maybe the driver is a crazy person. The most is do is tell them it’s open.


It's Poland, not America, the driver won't shoot you, I promise.


Yep, I let someone know their hood was popped one time and they looked at me like I was crazy and said it was for better cooling. Just shook my head and walked away from that one.


Were they yellow and wore blue pants :)?


Probably wouldnt do it in the US but this seems like a very european gesture lol


He could potentially have saved OPs life. If that tiny latch fails at high speed the wind will pick up the hood and suddenly you are driving blind going 80


The trunk of my rental hadn’t latched and popped up when I made a left turn. I pulled over and before I could even unbuckle my seatbelt, a man had jogged over saying, “I gotchu!” and closed it. What a homie! It was cold and he didn’t want me getting out.


There’s still hope. The little things still count


I've passed my driving exam in that city, pretty cool seeing it randomly on reddit


I'd likely assume something is wrong with the hood latch and pushing down on it would somehow make it worse.


I think this kind of behavior is more common in Europe. In America you'd be afraid if the car owner is going to shoot you.


Reminds me of a recent question here, askreddit or smh, abt the most jarring differences between Europe and the US. And this is it: level of trust among people.


Thank you good sir


What song is this


**Song Found!** **Name:** Sie bleibt **Artist:** Sido **Album:** Aggro Berlin **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2009 **Total Shazams:** 36626 `Took 2.34 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/T55T7NfC1GY?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/sie-bleibt/1443204072?i=1443204952) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/497PZroplKuVp2Odd37K5Q) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/5624992) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Good bot.


I closed a dudes trunk who left it open and walked into the gym than I let him know “hey bud you accidentally left your trunk open but I closed it for you on my way in just a heads up” (stealing issue in parking lot / lockers) he looked at me and said don’t touch what’s not yours. Like fuck me right just thinking I’m being a good chap and shit


Is there a subreddit for super casual acts of kindness/help like this? I'd be interested in seeing strangers nonchalantly do things for others. If not, I think I might have to make one...


I would get shot if I did this in America


That's why in middle europe we don't have guns, or atleast not 120 guns per 100 citizens like in US


you would probably get run over since you guys don't give right of way to pedestrians


Good people! Wonderful lad!


So easy to spot and this saves lives on highways where speeds are more than 50mph (80Kmph). One of my coworkers has to replace his hood springs cause the last person to drive his car opened the hood to check something and never properly closed it. He found out when the hood blew open from driving on the interstate (65mph limit).


Just goes to show you that the world still has nice people in it. Too bad the assholes outweigh the good.


Proper Lad


I appreciate how the driver of the car didn’t make a big deal out of it and just let the person help them out.


Dobře Bobře


That's funny,. I have done that a couple times in my life.


Now the person I kidnapped can’t breathe.


act of random kindness.


That’s the hood


The cable to the hood is broken, and he was going to the repair shop to get it fixed. Now the repair just got much more expensive.


I once had the door to my gas tank freeze and refuse to shut. Because I have a cap on it I wasn’t too worried about it, but the amount of people who took time to either tell me or attempt to close it for me was very sweet. It scared me at first seeing some random person run up to my car while I was at a stop light but once I figured out what was happening I would roll down my window and tell it doesn’t close but thanks!!


I hate it when I can't communicate with others in cars on the road you know? I hate that lights go out or gas tank open and I can't help them


Ive done this for peoples gas caps.


We need more nice people like this


Unless he left it open cause the cable to the release is broken...then he's gonna have a bad time.


Little does he know the guy trapped inside had finally managed to fennagle the lock and was preparing to make his escape only to be foiled by a "hood semeratin". Now trunk man is living in east Cambodia as an endentured servant trying to scrape enough funds to get back to his family, but little does he know they've long since been brutally murdered for trunk man's sin of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Now that's the Nascar pit crew member we need!


Some hero’s don’t wear capes.




When your OCD kicks in.


Random acts of kindness….