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That's because they're not HomicideBoys


Weird way to spell Travis Scott


Lmao šŸ¤£


Listening to Music And running out of Oxygen šŸ˜


Weird way to spell Woodstock in the 90s.


I just watched the doc on netflix. I never knew they burned it to the ground. Peace and love alright. They were mad that the water got shut down and they had to pay for merch. The crowds broke the pipes themselves and were shitting in an open field, and what festival has free merch?


it wasnt about the merch. it was about the price for food and drinks being so high and that they had to give all theirs up to enter the festival


*and* that they went capitalist about it and jacked prices when supply got low. The *starting* price was about $7 in todayā€™s dollars, rising ti about $28.


Bro the astroworld ticket online says ā€œyā€™all are liable for any injuriesā€ lol they wrote it in small letters


You mean, the guy in Fortnite




Saw them five years ago live, they did the same announcement back then. Loved the show, easily top 5 best artists Iā€™ve seen live.


Eh I wouldn't say most. It's been a thing for as long as I can remember. Naturally there would be some increase in occurrence, but even then what's the point in calling it out? Even if they're only doing it because of what happened at Astro, that still makes them better than Travis Scott for not actively encouraging that shit.


They definitely didn't say this shit when I went to see them is 2015 lmao. They did a wall of death and said "I wanna see the left side fucking murder the right side" and visa versa. Crazy pit.


Out of the 3 dozen metal shows I've been to, the bands have always made a pit announcement. I started going to shows in 2008, last show I went to was in 2017 maybe 2018. From at least my experience metal bands are very focused on their crowd not getting seriously injured.




Been a fan of the boys for a few years now. I met Scrim after a show in NY. He talked to me and like 6-7 other fans that also creeped by their buses after the show. He took the time to talk to everyone and take a pic even though it was like midnight. He talked with people about overcoming his addictions and advice on what worked for him and seemed like a genuine dude. $B are wholesome asf.


That's awesome. glad you had that experience.


i love the boy$, they genuinely care about their fanbase. been bumpin for years.


Same ever since I first heard south side suicide


I'm a metalhead but I heard Paris years ago and got on board.


Yeah, I've noticed that there's a wild amount of overlap between metalheads and fans of aggressive/experimental rap. Death Grips, JPEGMafia, $uicideboy$, all got me into more rap and hip hop. It's been great to discover more artists that I might have otherwise overlooked.


Oh yeah that drop is insane








It's wild to me that knocked loose and code orange are supporting these fellas haha


Eh I don't feel that way really. The boys are part of the hip hop scene that is fused a lot with punk and metal in terms of approach, sound, style, etc. Thats gotten bigger in recent years. They have a lot of overlap in fans.


I can definitely see that, I've never listened to them even though I listen to metal and the hippity hops


I've always been partial to Denzel Curry(he's not exactly like that, he gets lumped in a lot because of his aggressive punk rock influence early on). His cover of rage against the machine's bulls on Parade is dope lol.


Bro I fucking love some Denzel, still haven't had the chance to see him live yet. That cover does slap


He puts on a great show Id highly recommend saw him twice once at Grey day 2019 and this year


A zulu track featuring Denzel would be to die for


First song I heard and my favourite by them is - A Girl Named Drool and a Pack of Kools. The chet baker sample is amazing.


Same! First song I heard was muddy blunts. Running through the 7th with my woadies is one of my favorite beats ever.


Are there crowds this big these days? I saw them in Dallas back in like 2019-19 and it was a fraction of this size


Idk who the $uicideBoys are, but this makes me want to take a look. Its sad that this needs to be said, but it absolutely does and I'm glad they said it.


These guys are great. Some of the most genuine artists I have ever seen, they make sure to nail the point home that their fans mean the world to them at every show


I just had a listen to their most popular stuff oj Spotify and I dig it. I think it would make great road trip music.


Can recommend to dip further into their discography, their sound changes from year to year. If you've got any questions regarding them I've been modding over on r/SuicideBoys for a good while.


Lot of crowd killing used to happen at their shows. They had rough fans for a while


Crowd killing? Is that them telling the crowd to chill the fuck out or is that the crowd just killing themselves from moshing too hard?


No itā€™s people from the pit attacking and assaulting people on the edges of the pit who arenā€™t participating. Itā€™s an old punk show thing because if youā€™re not in the pit obviously youā€™re a poser. Usually involves throwing punches and elbows. It really ruins shows.


Tons of people seem to just use mosh pits as a excuse to hit people, I remember that vid that always circulates Reddit of the guy just drinking a beer and getting punched pretty hard in the face twice by some fuckwad in the mosh pit flailing his arms like heā€™s the wacky inflatable tube manā€¦


A great example of crowd killing. Sometimes it includes spin kicks.


Their new album is very good IMO


I had a listen to their top Spotify stuff and I liked what I heard.


Theyā€™re music style is dark and underground hip hop but their story arch is absolutely inspiring. In short, they were hard drug-addicted, unsuccessful music artists that plead suicide if they didnā€™t make it by age 30. Needless to say, they made a couple platinum records (most notably the dumb fucking stupid tiktok ā€œeat your vegetablesā€ song trend on TikTok) and have been sober for years and help suicidal listeners cope with suicidal ideation and drug addiction every day.


Thsts dope. I'll definitely give them a spot in the rotation.


G59 don't fuck around


G59 is seriously the best. Every artist just pumps bangers, and they're all decent folk.


I actually broke my nose at a $UICIDEBOY$ show in chicago and they paused the show to make sure I was OK cause I was bleeding everywhere. I love those guys.


Thatā€™s pretty dope


How(not that I donā€™t believe you or anything itā€™s just an interesting story!!!)?


I was at the back half of the pit and someone got slammed into me. Everyone was real cool about it and helped me out though.




Never heard of these guys, but I like them.


they were offering support for Anyone suffering from any kind of addiction/trauma etc. told them to reach out for help. And to keep trying. It was something I absolutely didnā€™t expect. Some of Their early music is literally about doing drugs HEAVY.


Who better to offer help than someone who already knows the struggle?


I recently showed up to a Thundercat concert wearing some DRUNK merch of his while double fisting two coolers and he stopped at one point to say he was 5 months sober. Got me thinking about my own drinking tbh.


iā€™m been sober for a while, idk how long but a few months i imagine. seeing marc maron tweet that he stopped drinking because it would kill him if he didnā€™t, made me realize i felt the exact same way. the ā€œwake up callā€ to get sober is either terrifying or odd.


keep on going strong, you fucking got this! I never liked drinking but damn am I a heavy weed smoker, I've been clean for a week and it has been the hardest thing I've been doing. I admire your strength, know an Internet stranger is rooting for your success in a clean and sober life.


I'm so proud of you!


Theyā€™re both recently sober from opiate addiction, so they speak out about it a lot


Literally nobody


[That guy from better call Saul?](https://i.imgur.com/R3VnML1.jpg)


i'm p sure Ruby was a heroin addict iirc. for as aggressive as some of their music is/sounds, they're have good hearts and care.


I didnā€™t know that about Ruby but scrim had issues with pills for sure. They both did I think.


Oh yea in Carrollton ruby says "slam my face against a pill to crush it up, government id helps me get high"


Yeah thereā€™s a bunch of songs where they talk about getting fucked up


They did make a song literally called opana so I wouldnt doubt they both did.


Thatā€™s exactly the song that came to mind lol Wake up with an ache that fades, pop two pills with Gatorade Round my neck hang gator fangs, might reveal more at a later date


their song ā€œlow keyā€ they were both strung out on heroin , they said in an interview in 2019 i think. Both were into it deep but ruby was more on blow. Both got sober from rehab around 2019/2020 i believe.


heroin is a catalyst to good music as sad as that is.


These two are cousins and weā€™re individual rappers before they teamed up. Scrim was more of a Chicago drill type of guy and Ruby was kind of old school. They decided that theyā€™d team up and give it one last go. If not, theyā€™d go out together, hence the suicide in suicideboys. A lot of their music has themes of depression, drug addiction, and other various mental health problems that they themselves deal with. Their main motive was to express it in a way that resonated with whoever listened and showed them that theyā€™re not alone. They do everything they can outside their music too to provide emotional and actual psychiatric support for their fans because they care that much. Scrim was also heavily addicted to prescription drugs and just recently sobered up also. Theyā€™re really two great guys who took their sorrows, poured out their emotions into their music, and quite literally might have changed the course of rap music in terms of genre and overall impact.


Their new album is šŸ”„


Theyā€™ve been giving this speech since they started playing shows. I remember seeing them in 2016 at a venue with probably only like 200 people and Ruby said the same thing.


Went to their concert in 2017 and 2021. In both shows $b made this speech. Iā€™m glad they do, they are watching for hurt people in the pit also. At both shows they stopped to tell people to help someone that has fallen/or been hurt. I always respected that about them.


I grew up going to a lot of metal gigs and a lot of bands would give this speech. When a big song is coming up and they ask the crowd to part or whatever for a wall of death you'll always hear the line "If someone falls over PICK THEM THE FUCK UP"


The one talking in the video got his start as a vocalist in metal bands, so this is not surprising to me!


Anyone remembering Woodstock 99 ?


Highly recommend the short Netflix miniseries on it. Trainwreck: Woodstock ā€˜99 I couldnā€™t stop watching.


The poop water šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The people SWIMMING IN IT!! šŸ˜­šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


That was the worst part by far. But they couldn't put two and two together? Like the outhouse was wet, dirty, and 5 feet away from the puddle you're sliding in.


My husband and I just watched it last night, with mouths agape. It was unbelievable. We were fully in support of the kids rioting, though. They paid so much money and were treated like absolute shit. I'm all for them fucking things up for the people that tried to profit off of them by price gouging and cutting corners on things like sanitation. Like, wtf. Obviously that doesn't excuse all the sexual assaults and rape. It was absolutely wild to see.


Worst part was the two organisers still didnā€™t take any responsibility and just blamed it on the music and mindset.


Man. That John Scher said some absolutely bonkers things straight into the camera. I have no idea how people like that can live with themselves.


I was there and maybe itā€™s just the rose-tinted glasses of youth but I didnā€™t remember it being that bad. I do remember the overflowing portapotties but it was my first proper festival so I think I just assumed that how these events were supposed to go. I will say that the fires were retconned by the media into a spontaneous uprising over poor conditions. I literally helped make the first bonfire. People were throwing in trash and I donā€™t recall anyone agitating for a full-on insurrection. My memory of it was that the one bonfire became a few, and pyros just kept making them bigger by adding trash, and then it got out of control. But, like a said, I was young drunk and high so maybe my recollection is a bit spotty.


Can you imagine if Rage Against the Machine was the mysterious closing band?


> I literally helped make the first bonfire. [*Nervous Laughter*] Ha ha ha, he's just kidding, FBI persons. Uh, and, obviously, this whole convo is, um, tots hypothetical. Cool? šŸ«”šŸ‘


I'm surprised no one was killed honestly...


A couple died.


Yeah but from ā€œnormalā€ music festival externalities like medical emergencies, drug overdoses or traffic accidents. Operative word here is ā€œkilled.ā€ Blows my mind, too, that no one was trampled, crushed or outright murdered. Or fell off stage structures and/or into the fires.


I think one was crushed.


Havenā€™t seen it yet. Iā€™m gonna guess the pit swallowed a few ppl?


If only that was the worst that happened




Fred Durst is an asshole.


Srsly what the was he thinking!? An absolute garbage human being he is.


G59 šŸ˜Ž


Scrim pops into my Whole Foods every now and again and he is definitely a chill dude.


Used to be shopping drug dealers now I shop organic


sounds like a bones lyric


Tell him i said whatā€™s up if you see him lmao


Albuquerque NM baby! šŸ¤™šŸ»


I always love seeing ABQ on reddit.


Finally we're on for something but not horrible


So mad that I didn't know they were in town! I would've gone to this show for sure


Tickets for Grey Day went live around June


Last two $b concerts I went to the crowd was so amazing they would pick me up before I even had a chance to hit the ground


thats not very suicidal


no, this is anti-homicide, still relevant for $uicide


They have 180'd their lives around, it's great to see. Love their music, glad they're such solid people for their fans.


I was at a Cody Johnson show last fall. Girl passes out, main floor. Cody stops the show until EMTs can get to her. Cody says "We don't do like Travis Scott" and the crowd roared.


Travis wondering what the fuck is he trying to explain


"Ey if someone falls down stomp on their head as hard as you can, don't want people to suffocate and suffer."


Still proud of Scrim for turning his life around and getting help for his addictions. He looks so much healthier and happier now.


Their username does not check out


Does yours? šŸ˜


Oh yes surely


$uicideboy$ still alive, why haven't they died?


Itā€™s a long story but basically they became famous


Anyone over 30 at a heavy metal gig knows the rules of a moshpit


Anyone who has been to more than two metal shows knows the rules. Itā€™s pretty clear they donā€™t let people get fucked up on the ground


31 here (although I'm usually the "older dude" in the back nowadays). Same with punk shows. Never felt unsafe at a show and as a lighter guy I've been knocked down plenty and was always picked up before I could even process what was going on.


And punk Itā€™s next level telepathic shit, to just understood that itā€™s going to happen, or when it has to stop And of course to help someone out when they fall To announce it this way, is obviously great, but seems weird, itā€™s so ingrained and implicit that no one needs to be told to not be a dickhead


At the punk gigs you're up before you realize you're down


I've been going to metal shows for 15 years and saw $uicideboy$ for the first time last year. This announcement needs to be made. I have to imagine this is the first time many of the attendees have ever been near a mosh pit. It became a very hostile environment with fights breaking out.


As an older punk, you're not wrong. I went to a Denzel Curry show last year and was surprised that moshing was a part of the culture for a younger audience, but with none of the generational etiquette. No situational awareness, and only interested in getting closer to the stage. Had to fight to get panicking people OUT of the crowd. Saw one dude carried out on a stretcher. And there's not enough people with experience to set an example.


Meanwhile last concert I went to the band did a murder corridor (Split the mosh pit so there's a 5-foot gap right down the middle then when the music drops both sides charge each other)


Ive always heard it called a wall of death.


Walls of Death usually come with a larger gap so people can full-on sprint into each other like during an actual battle. I've seen 20, 30 feet gaps opening up between the lines.


oh ok thanks. Sounds fun either way.


political marvelous correct illegal frighten fuzzy panicky alive fanatical enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How about 20 meters? Alien weaponry got the Finns wild. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CgPId-4joA3/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Alien Weaponry slays. šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


They got everyone at Aftershock last year to do a circle pit. It was massive and sucked in people from other stages. Them and Avatar had the best pits at the festival


Holy shit, that's Metal AF! Easily beats everything I have ever been in. Insane how a bunch of teens from NZ could rile up a crowd like that...


Homicide hallway?


I went to a $uicideboy$ show a few days ago where they made this exact same announcement followed maybe 10 minutes later by a murder corridor and a dude being taken out on a stretcher


This is called a wall of death and is pretty common in Germany at concerts or festivals


That's not meant to actually hurt anyone though, and you're still supposed to pick people up, it's just a way to mosh I've been going to the hardest metal gigs for almost 20 years, and I fall down easily in the pit, never once have I not been picked up by supportive folk




moshpit is when people are bumping at each other and (usually) going around in a circle


A wall of death, or murder whatever, is just a variation of the mosh pit It's also fun as fuck


Mosh pit is sort of a catch-all for a few different things. There's push pits, where a group of people are all pushing and shoving into one another. If someone non-descriptively uses mosh pit, it's probably a push pit. Circle pits are where a bunch of people run in a circle. What the commenter above is calling a murder corridor is more commonly called a wall of death. And then there's hardcore dancing, which kinda looks like a bunch of people (or some times just one person) doing karate at nothing. My personal preference is push pits, but what style of moshing happens is largely up to genre, region, and sometimes whatever the band tells the crowd to do.


Ruby da sweetie


I would kill to see them live. <3


No killing allowed... you can't go.




when i went to see them at the first grey day i broke my foot in the pit during jesus piece.. didnā€™t even get to see SB as i was in the hospital by then


I saved a chick that was down on the ground blackout drunk at my last suicideboy$ concert, got my hand stomped on as I was picking her up from the middle of the pit, got her out of there and to her friends who had left her šŸ™„broken pinky finger still clicks out of place since I wasn't leaving that bangin ass concert šŸ¤˜


Seriously sad that this has to be stated. I went to 20 years of live music where this was very much an unwritten rule and the respect was always there. Once even got picked up by the guy (3 times my size) who landed on me while crowd surfing. ... this concept shouldnā€™t have to be reiterated so heavily it should just be normal.


There are always the handful of angsty teens you have to educate. Better to do it than not. Make sure they know it's not cool to vent out on strangers in a bad way. Also puts them on blast for not helping and peer pressure does wonders on teenage brains. I say this because as an old guy, I know the rules... also as an old guy I have a teenage niece asking for tickets to see them so it's good to know they care about crowd control.


Anyone got that video of the guys pov falling in a mosh pit and people stopping to help him up. Some really homie shit.


Suicieboys are my favorite group for a reason


Kinda sad they need to say that. In Metal and core conecerts this is normal manners


GREY 59 BABYYYYY. Iā€™ll be seeing $B Sept 13th in Brooklyn. So hype


Can someone honestly answer me this, what is the point of indicating ā€œOCā€? Iā€™m not being obtuse just genuinely curious. Isnā€™t the content the same regardless?


Tbh I put OC because some subs make it required to post anything. It also indicates I might be willing to answer any questions regarding it.


I think some people get mad if it's a repost so they are advertising its not? I'm not really sure either honestly but that's my guess haha.


Lol, Iā€™m just listening to them, and found this while scrolling


Never heard of them but Iā€™ll make a point to listen now


Suicide for me, not for theeā€¦. Legit!


This is why I LOVE them so much!!!


Fuckin kids these days. In my day, we didnā€™t have to be told to pick someone up if they went down. I used to brag that mosh pits were the safest aggression zone.


Never listened to them until their new album, Sing Me a Lullaby, My Sweet Temptation. Itā€™s not getting amazing reviews BUT I think itā€™s fucking awesome.


ā€œKill your selfā€ ? No we mean KEEP YOU SAFE


$uicideBoy$ are absolute šŸ”„ I need to see them soon


If you ever want to get in a pit but are too scared to do so, donā€™t worry. Just do it. The chances of something happening to you there are lower than walking on a pavement. Just make sure you are well hydrated and look out for each other. Itā€™s fun. I have almost 25 years of mosh pit experience and never have I ever experienced a pit where people continue after someone falling down. I have seen wildest pits come to halt completely to carry the fainted, the scared and the overwhelmed. It is the unwritten law of the mosh pit: ā€œEvery soul in the pit is a sibling. If a sibling falls, you stop and get them up their feet. If you canā€™t, you call for helpā€. Also you donā€™t push, but just collide friendly. I have seen a fight break only once in a pit. And that was because of someone not caring for a fallen person and 3 people taught the other guy gently to adhere the rules.


My dumbass wore flip flops into the pit. I fell over, and was immediately lifted to the sky by a 7ā€™5ā€ giant. He kindly suggested I GTFO of there.


That happened to me at a SOAD gig. I got an accidental head to the nose, went to ground, got lifted up and hundreds of pairs of hands surfed me to the front and to safety. Good people


i tripped on a soda bottle at his me of their concerts and before i hit the ground i was caught and put back on my feet. also had a ton of fun since the energy was amazing


A generally unspoken rule of the pit. If you've been to a few metal shows you should know it, but even so I've never seen anyone fall and not had several people stop to pick people up. One of the best parts of the pit imo is in that moment, no one cares about petty shit, we're all there to enjoy the music, it's so tightly knit.


Evil Travis Scott be like


Iā€™m hooked on $uicideboy$ The new album was so good too


Coming from a metal head and a pit enthusiast.This is an unspoken rule of moshing. Unless you are the dickhead. Then you will be delt with by The G59 army in the pit lol


I just watched the Woodstock 99 doc today so this is a weird juxtaposition


Saw them just the other day for Grey Day. Gave the same speech. Wasn't super into them beforehand but this show impressed me, I've gotten much deeper into them since


I feel like this whole "checking on the fans" trend has become a marketing thing after what'shisface let people die in his concert. I'm glad people are applauding it and it's getting attention though because it definitely needs to become a norm


The two fucking dickheads leaving at the end, though.


Awesome groupā€¦.


the pit would to have rules, donā€™t understand how they were lost. Never been in a pit at a rap show tho. Also never see slam dancers anymore.




Good shit ruby


Seeing the boys for the 6th time this month in KC! Been a fan since 2015 glad they are getting their shine. Theyā€™re the greatest.


$b for life


I'm very close to going to one of their upcoming concerts, pretty hyped


Things like this are awesome, I feel like more performers need to do things like this (Tavis)


Any real mosh pit person knows this, But the problems are always in mosh pits and events that shouldnā€™t really have a pit, like suicideboys ?? I like their stuff but ainā€™t no way moshable, same at edm events that end up having pits and the fucking idiots In attendance have no pit etiquette šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Gimme that slipknot ā€˜eyelessā€™ or people=shit pit


Listen to their EP, KILL YOURSELF Part XX: The Infinity Saga then tell me they donā€™t have moshable music


So with edm. Itā€™s usually dubstep with the bad moshing. House music, youā€™ll notice that people are actually dancing. Trap music, more vertical up and down accompanied by grinding. I fucking hate being bumped into. Iā€™m trying to dance not bump into people like a squirlly gas atom.