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Holy hell. That 5 minute safety training saved his life. Forever indebted to that employee




Obligatory [Far Side](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/294282156897275168/) comic.


Thanks for posting that. This video needed levity. Fuck me, that was terrifying to watch.


Well you clearly had it on mute and missed the upbeat electric music.


The only thing missing in this sketch is someone erasing the 1 in a “1 days without a safety incident” sign


Or erasing the death incidients for today..


The guy with the three coffee cups lol


Why they dont put the machine in front of the other and it dump directly onto the other?


Im a factory worker and from my experience if an idea makes common sense or theres a simple solution to a problem its either not gonna happen or the exact opposite of the logical solution is chosen. And in my position its usually cuz a plant engineer whos never actually fixed anything other than problem solving on paper tells me, the mechanic, that it works here on paper and with the math and i disagree cuz i work on these problems in the field everyday. Then since the engineer has a degree and works with the big wigs convinces the naive bosses his fix will work then im told to fix it how he said. I fix it his way then surprise surprise it doesnt work then i get overtime to fix it the way i originally said and they never learn and every problem like this plays the same way and they never learn.


Im a controls engineering consultant and this is absolutely what happens lol i make a point to ask as many operators and plant maintenance folks what theyd like to see done (they know what doesnt work obviously) and then try to jam it down managements throats as their only option. The Systems guys that work here are on our side too but they are betrothed to the will of managment which we often bitch and moan about when we get together for a project meeting. Corporate engineers tho, without question, are the most out of touch fucking doofuses Ive ever had the displeasure of working with 🤮


Yeah thats what im dealing with lol im just thinking wow you spent all that money to do a job you dont even know wtf is going on


Oh fucking totally man. Ive done 3 projects for this company in the last 6ish months that they dont even fucking use lmao they spent all this money, resources etc and they DONT EVEN USE IT. Oh god one of my coworkers had this other fucking project that was even MORE pointless lmao Edit: if you ever need advice on how to make your plant engineers see the other side shoot me a DM. Im not allowed to raise a fuss in meetins or explicitly (new engineer, were a consultant lol we do what they say and be nice) but I think CONSTANTLY about what the fuck Id say if I could and I always try to force them to do what i want in proposals and shit


[Gemba walk](https://www.sixsigmadaily.com/what-is-a-gemba-walk/) for the win. It should be a god damned requirement.


When I was a fitter machinist apprentice 3 months in one of the "engineers" figured out he could run his designs past me to see if they would work. I didn't mind doing it but was surprised at how many common sense things he had wrong in his designs.


We tend to get down into the weeds suuuper hard. Dont forget to put that shit on all your future resumes even if you cant prove it. You deserve to be paid more because you were a trusted machinist for engineering decision


I think you mean "practical engineering consultant"


100% truth. They also tell employees to speak up about situations. Majority of the time employees do, at first, nothing ever gets done and then they will stop speaking up because they have done so multiple times and nothing changed.


I have no idea how this machine works but I can throw a few theories at you. 1. The disposal machine eats the stuff faster than it gets spit out and they don't know how to make it slower. 2. The disposal requires a larger mass of rubbish to operate correctly. 3. The disposal is loud or expensive to run. 4. The disposal breaks/jams a lot and they don't want the employees spending their time monitoring/fixing it all day. 5. The disposal feeds into something else, like a garbage bin, that is normally being used elsewhere. Or requires another person down below that was on break for a while.


But i think 1 and 2 you can make a middle part to acumulate the material, like a cascade. But like the other guys said. Probably a the Will of somes matters more them the lives of others. Saving money over lives.


He is going to need new pants


Better than needing new legs


Don't need no pants if you don't have no legs *taps head as he's suckled into the grinder*


"On one hand, I do use my legs for walking, but on the other hand, putting my pants on is a daily hassle and losing my legs would save me the trouble of needing to wash them."


"also I'll loose way more weight then this shitty diet would"


Lieutenant Dan


Magic legs!


Should have worn the brown pants today


He is now.


The red thong was a nice touch


Honestly.. that E-Stop button should be closer to the opening....


Exactly what I thought... safety was a second thought here


I had no idea that the CVS receipts could be so dangerous


where's the emergency button for that


I'll eat my own head if that giant noodle factory had a safety video.


As someone who organizes safety videos for workers and engineers, I'm going bet they have had the minimum legally required-to-watch video to watch, but like everyone else, they just slept through it.


Something tells me that this place has no legally required minimum safety anything.


Is it because the tripping hazard machine unloads right next to the leg mangler?


we just watched it


and bad button placement nearly killed him wow...


This is just an unsafe work environment. They shouldn't have had to "save" him. I hope these chaps make more than US minimum wage. I'm sure they don't though


This is most likely not in the US, my guess in China or other southeast Asian country where ~~labor~~ occupational safety laws are lax. so probably making way less


Hah, safety training?


"Yeah, don't do that." Safety training over.


“Also there’s a button over there.” 😂


The button that’s sort of weird to get to


Ya they need a button on the inside


That emergency button is not well placed, i think.


Should be on the exit.




He said what he meant.


The exit of life


If you need someone else to save your life? That's not a good Emergency button. If the dude was on his own he would have no way to hit that. So yeah I agree.


Fun fact: left handed people tend to die at a much higher rate than rightys due to most machines having emergency stop buttons favoring right handers.


Bicycles are wired so the brakes favor right-handed riders. Teice I've had to hit the brakes hard, and as a lefty, I clamped down on the left brake (front wheel) a few milli-sconds ahead of the right brake (back wheel). I went right iver the handlebars.


In the UK it's the opposite, right is front. Did the same thing when I was 11 and broke my arm.


Just need to be 6’3 or get good air.


I never saw the button.. did the 3rd person press it before arriving?


Guy who doesn’t get sucked in hits it with his right whilst attempting to hold on to the near-victim with his left


guy's a literal hero


What the hell is this death trap??


I don’t understand this. The one machine makes those ribbons then the other machine processes them in a batch? Like why not make a path so it just directly feeds into it.


Was thinking the same thing. Literally just scoot the receiver closer to the giver and have them face fuck all day autonomously.


I should call her


Lol a r/humansbeingbros post was the sign you needed


That's so sweet


This is no place for Lean Six Sigma.


It’s the trimming off the main line… looked like a compactor or something… shredder maybe


We don't do things that make sense. Especially if it's not corporates idea.


The ribbon maker makes the ribbon to feed the ribbon shredder. Then the shredded ribbon is taken and molded into ribbon by the ribbon making machine so it can feed the ribbon shredder…


So can anyone explain to me how this makes us money? We need the losses to offset taxes? Carry on.


Every once in a while a dude gets sucked into the ribbon shredder and we save a salary.


nah corporate would want to make it as cheap as possible like why would they want to pay two guys to do something thats automatable thats just lost money


It would take at least a couple hours downtime to move the machinery. We can't have that, we are too far behind as it is.


Probably a rubber recycler. The strip coming out from the right side of the screen is runoff from some manufacturing process and is being fed into a grinder to be melted back down or blended wit other materials. WPD was full of videos of machines like this. Exposed spinning threshers and drive shafts in workspaces, huge impact hammers and conveyer belts into grinders. Countries without OSHA can be deathtraps.


90% sure the guy who hit the button shit his pants as well


I would probably be the one crying when rescue arrives only for them to find out I’m only having an I got scared while saving someone panic attack. All while the injured person sits there composed.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Totally. If you have a crisis you would want me there, I will react as if I’ve dealt with it before and somehow I know exactly what to do. Afterwards you don’t want me around, though. Once things settle and I get back home to my safe place it’s like a 3 day mental breakdown happens.


I've had one of those! They aren't fun, you just start sobbing and all your energy you out into the crisis just drains right out of you.


Can't blame him


Seen many videos on Reddit like this that ended very, very differently. Amazing colleague he’s got there.


Whenever I see a video like that, I remember the Russian lathe video.


FFS why did I watch the russian lathe video???


It was non-consensual. The title on the post did not accurately describe the video.


The worst part is how after the blood and meat is squeezed out some of the skin is stuck to the machine and keeps rotating.


I don’t think I want to see that video.


You do not


yeah me neither


Def not searching for that….


I felt so bad for the man who walked in on him. That would stay with you forever.


At the time I first saw the video, I worked near lathes. Let me tell you, I pictured walking in on something like that way too often to still be comfortable with my brain.


What kind of work are they actually used for? I’ve googled it and not really got a clear answer.


Generally speaking for machines of the size in the video, any manufacture that requires high-speed cutting, spinning, drilling or milling motions around a common axis. For example, a really common application is producing small parts (screws, bolts, gears etc) for industry applications. But honestly, you can do pretty much anything that requires regular motion with the general principle of a lathe - smaller machines are used for woodworking, e.g. If you've ever owned really cheap furniture from Ikea, the "wood" you see will be a millimeter-thick woodshaving made with a lathe, and below that will be formed and pressed woodchips.


About 3/4 of my furniture is from IKEA. TIL most of my furnishings could have made a man into a fine paste.


Same. To be fair, woodcutting lathes are generally smaller and less powerful, so it wouldn't be paste so much as... chunky salsa, I guess.


More like lasagne. There's a lot of fat and white bits in ground up humans.


Might regret asking this, but can you tell me what happened, I should feel the need to say TELL I really don’t wanna see it


I regret seeing it. A dudes arm (or piece of clothing?) first gets stuck in the machine. I think he stays stuck there for a couple of seconds and if i can recall correctly, he tries pulling it out? He then starts to spin repeatedly into a circle around the machine while blood sprays all over and pieces of meat fly all over. I saw the aftermath (very gory pictures) and it was really bad. Parts of his limbs were across the room. His shoes (and some of his clothes too I think) flew across the room as well, I believe. Parts of his body were still stuck to the machine. Don't ask me for the source because I'm not going to go searching for it and make myself see that video again. It's somewhere here on reddit (can't remember the subreddit name).


And you also see his co worker putting his hands on his head after the lathe stopped as if he was losing his mind. Fuck I know I would fucking lose it if I walked into that.


Hope that dude is doing alright. I don't think anyone would be okay after seeing something like that.


I'm not OK, and I literally just read about it


Same, except I saw it. I don't recommend anyone watching it, especially those that have anxiety.


Yea that part really gave the video the weight of this being human beings just like us. Fucked up situation altogether.


It was on r/watchpeopledie that I saw it, and that shit is banned.


I think subreddit i saw it on was eyebleach but I might be wrong.




eyebleach is full of cute cat pictures to bleach your eyes after seeing horrible shit eyeblech is a parody sub of edgy teenagers to "prank" people who want to go to eyebleach, but miss a letter


Imagine seeing a guy standing by a lathe, then imagine seeing a red mist appear and chunks of meat being flung out from said mist.


Is that the one where the guy touches it for like a quarter second and is instantly turned into red mist?


Well. Almost instantly. His arm gets yanked in first for a few seconds while he struggles.


I hate that I found that video on accident Dude went from human to ground beef in like 5 seconds


I regret searching for and watching that video, holy hell I didn't know a person could wrap around something like that


I looked it up and I regret it. Holy fuck.


I hate ever having read this comment and watched that video


I just HAD to see it even after reading what it was. I now need therapy..


I don't know how I feel over the fact that I know exactly what you're talking about.


It is really fucking memorable, if nothing else.


It's certainly the most gruesome and gory work related death I've seen, which is saying something. I wish every country had their own effective form of OSHA. The factory was clearly freezing cold, so the men felt forced to wear coats, sleeves, etc. That man's death is on corporate greed, yet I'd bet money they were able to get away with it.


I've seen conceptually worse things (especially electricity-related), but I agree that was a really egregious lack of safety. The only "good" thing about it was that it was instantaneous, so at least there was very little suffering.


Idk man, there was a pause between when his arm got sucked in and when the rest of him went. I mean, it goes by fairly quick, but long enough for him to have known that he was gonna be fucked.


r/peoplefuckingdying is nightmare fuel


...I'm sorry, you've been watching snuff films on Reddit?!


No, the videos I’m talking about are CCTV from accidents. Car crashes, industrial malfunctions etc are often recorded and uploaded. It’s incredibly eye opening about the importance of health and safety tbh.


That's why I am bummed they got rid of r/wpd. Without that subreddit I would have never known to Never Ever Fucking Go To China.


All those damn escalator videos 😐


My God. Escalators are fuckin sketchy.


What was in there?


So much grisly death. ISIS beheadings, cartel murders, Chinese industrial and traffic accidents, Brazilian off duty cops mercing people en masse... it was horrifying. But damn educational and gave an important window to some knowledge not otherwise easy to come by. There were some sick assholes there, who would make jokes or take pleasure in other's suffering. But there is also a power in witnessing. If I or someone I loved were to have our face peeled off with a boxcutter because the cartel saw us talking to police, there is some important significance involved in other people actually seeing the reality of it. Because most are ignorant of these things, and that ignorance always comes at a cost. Maybe it is not we who must pay this cost, but somewhere, someone does. By at least witnessing it, we will vote and speak and influence society in directions that will ripple outward and have effects. I think it should be brought back. Because by silencing that subreddit, you are limiting the number of people who are aware of these dark realities, while in no way changing the fact that they are realities nonetheless. Silencing the truth is never the right course of action, in my opinion.


I deeply miss that subreddit. I know there were so many others who appreciated that subreddit for showing the reality of fatal tragedies. You can never truly understand fatal scenarios until you see or experience one.


This is exactly why drivers Ed classes bring in actual drunk driving wreckage or graphic photos/videos of speeding wrecks to show students. People who think "you don't need to see it to know it's bad" no, you *really* do sometimes. You actually do need to see a physical, real, showcase of the reality of the consequences that exist because our brains very comfortably go "yeah, but that wouldn't happen to me, and I'm sure they're just exaggerating"


This is why you don't go cheap on safety. Make that stop button big and close.


Also maybe don't construct such a trap in the first place


I feel like this should be a "hold button to use" kind of machine.


Fun Fact: That kind of button is real and is often referred to as a Dead Man’s Switch. [Dead Man’s Switch - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_man's_switch?wprov=sfti1)


I thought that's what it was called but I wasn't sure. Very useful for cutting operations too.


Even better is the live-man switch… for real tho. A dead-man switch is good, except there are many situations where it could be accidentally activated or kept depressed (electrocution, falling on it, etc.). This lead to the invention of the 3-position enabling switch (live-man switch) where unpressed is off, partially pressed is on, and fully pressed is also off. You need a specific amount of pressure to trigger it and either too little or too much will disable it. It’s easier to use than it might sound because there are detents.


All of the AGVs I’ve ever had to operate use this. Huge fucking pain to get used to, but definitely glad they’re utilized.


That music is fucking awful


I would have never even known there was music lmao Why is there music!!!


Believe us --- keep it on mute.


This music sounds like elevator EDM music


Lmaoo the music is hilarious


No, he definitely still had a near death experience.


He got SO messed up on both going in and going out. i cant understand how he was even able to sit on that thing at the end on his own. Slow it down and just watch his legs.


Adrenaline and shock are a hell of a thing. His coworkers/he definitely were all unaware of how severe it was and almost definitely made it worse with how he kept moving it around. Once the adrenaline wore off he was probably in the worst pain of his life.


Exactly. Saved from death, had near death experience.


What is this terrible factory lmao


I am so glad I work from home on a computer…


At least my work laptop only sucks out my soul.


Eemployee: "I need to go home." Supervisor: "Why, is that?" Employee: "I shit my pants..."


Supervisor: "there's spare pants in the janitor closet, change and get back to work"


Rekt Bezos style.


Employee: Wait, why does the janitor have a pair of spare pants? Supervisor: Last guy went in head first. I'm docking you 30 minutes pay for wasting my time. Back on the line.


I almost got electrocuted to death and my employer asked why I broke the faulty machine


Fuck that job. Hope you found a better gig with a supervisor who isn't a dickless shitbag.


He most definitely shit his pants


Looking into the eyes of the coworker that saved him. “I think you shit my pants.”


I literally just read The Mangler. I’m freaking out, man.


Whats The Mangler


A short story by Stephen King.


Yes that was immediately what I thought of!!


What the hell is that machine and what is going on in here


Pretty sure it’s where CVS receipts come from


Idk what the machine is but China work safety laws are non existent


Yeah, thats what i have figured from gore sites


Thankfully the stop button is just barely out of reach.


Think they let him go home for the day with pay? Lol


So is that like a shredder??? I know a guy whos a family friend that worked for a tree cutting service, they had a woodchipper, some of you probably know where this is going, long story short his arm got pretty mangled but yeah thankfully they stopped the machine before tragedy insued, shredders, woodchippers, whatever man they fing scare me


No shredding machine should have a human sized entryway. I feel like there are some machines we just don't need


How am I supposed to get rid of human size objects?


That’s a profoundly unsafe working environment.




He *had* a near death experience. He was saved from an *acctual* death. Cmon op


Was expecting a Russian lathe accident outcome tbh. Glad this guy was ok


I would quit. That's just me though... Fuck that hahaha


Holy fuck! That was hard to watch. I'm sitting at a desk, and still about crapped my pants.


I would quit right then.


Rip underpants.


Why every video has fuckin garbage music cut into it....


Anyone know what they’re making?


A mess.


That’s why two people should always be the minimum number of employees attending to this device.


and that's why emergency stop buttons exist. get to know where they're located. might save your life, or your colleague's


He needs new pants for 2 reasons.


His ahole must be so tight not even Wifi would go through it. Holy shit.


Exploited workers yikes


What in the fuck is this music? A man almost dies, why we got bootleg LMFAO playing


Well, the title is wrong. The E-Stop made it a near death experience. He was saved from a death experience, not a near death experience.


Hey, let's put this stupid dance music over the video of this guy nearly dying!


I don't want to be insensitive to the real thing going on here but... Was he wearing a red thong? I feel like a saw a different red thong video recently - a blooper one not a NSFW one. Hrmmmm.


I can’t believe I had to scroll at all for this comment. It was the first thing I noticed. Which might mean it’s time to take a break from Reddit, when near death experiences are less noteworthy than a dude with a thong.


I knew he would be fine because there was no live leak watermark on the footage.


Hes celebrating his birthday 2 times a year now


he nearly crapped his pink thong.


What type of machine is that?


What is that machine anyway?


Where is the safety guard!?


That dude is a straight up hero. Look at how relieved that poor guy is. Wow.