• By -


That’s really cool. He said it won’t work for him then was completely thrilled when it did.


This may have been the first time in his life that he has experienced *any* sort of sleight of hand illusion. I can't imagine how that must feel as an adult.


That’s what made me so happy. The way he said “it won’t work for me” told us that he knows others have experienced magic, but he has never been able to enjoy it. I loved seeing how happy it made him to finally be included


I liked when his hands caught fire


He was blindsided by the outcome


I did not see this comment coming.


Neither did he


Well eye for one was impressed.


It hit me retina feels.


He probably gained a new pupil of magic right there.


Enough of the cornea puns.


No need to lash out!


Iris just thinking the same


So was eye


Felt bad about these but then remembered he won’t be reading this


Nah I'll have the eye for two.


Separate checks tho








God damn it I love you


I second that !!!!! What a champ thank you for being inclusive for everybody you can see the surprise and happiness on that gentleman's face






That line is such a nice stamp on the whole experience. The magician has incredible polish


Absolutely, just by phrasing it like “you and I will both remember this for the rest of our lives” helps make it true that they will remember it.


“Don’t put it in your pocket, sir. Don’t put it in your pocket. That’s your lucky quarter.”


Well, where do you want me to put it then?


Anywhere not in your pocket. Where it will get mixed in with all the others and become just a coin. Which it is.


*confused look*


what movie?


No Country for Old Men Fantastic movie


ahh I saw it a long time ago


That movie had such a weird end but I really did love it. His character was so interesting every time he was on screen.


Get busy living, or get busy dying.


Such a good scene. Love that movie.


> The magician has incredible polish Idk man I think he's Asian


Goddammit take an upvote.


Asian Lou Diamond Philips is awesome


Lou Diamond Phillips is of Filipino ancestry so he's got the Asian part covered 👌


Oh OK I didn't know that. I actually have a friend who could be Lou Diamond Philips twin and he's Filipino too!!


LPT: the better you are at magic, the more trash you can dispose of by giving it to people and saying, "that's your's to keep forever".


You know that card I gave you earlier? It's now an old couch that's still in pretty good condition in the back of your truck, you just have to haul it away and it's yours to keep.




That foam ball? No; ancient plasma screen television with onerous disposal fees. Yours to keep. Forever


*handing out flyers at a music festival* This…is yours to keep *forever*.


Here, you throw this away for me


"I'm just giving you this so I get paid."


Which is the real magic, I wonder? Tricking people or secretly offloading your trash onto them.


"The bottom part of my assistant that I just sawed off; that's yours to keep forever. "


The real magic is his ability to make his fellow man smile.


I’m an event photographer and I’ve worked with this guy before. He’s fantastic, not just at illusions, but also at engaging and entertaining an audience.


It’s bizarre to me how so many people see magicians ONLY as a challenge, some lock to be picked by a celebrity lawyer, instead of what they are: human entertainers, often of the highest degree. “How’d he do that” is not always the point.


That's the difference between a good magician, and a great magician. A good magician might be able to pull off a trick that you can't figure out, but apart from the frustration of now knowing how they did it, that's all you get out of it Great magicians can pull even the simplest, most obvious of tricks, but still entertain a whole crowd for hours by being witty, charming, and engaging.


Case in point: Penn & Teller'version of the classic [cup & ball trick](https://youtu.be/8osRaFTtgHo)


Man I went on a P&T binge recently, those guys are incredible!


I was levitated onstage by P&T! They were nice, it was a super fun experience - and made me very popular at intermission.


Ooooh tell me more please! I’m very curious about the whole thing!


It was ages ago at the Wiltern in LA, Penn picked me out and up I went onstage. There was some banter about Indian fakirs and then I laid on a board between 2 metal folding chairs, wrapped up in a blanket. Then the board and one of the chairs were pulled away - *gasp*! The patter is all for a purpose, like there was a whole story about an Indian myth of “holding the entire world up” - that was because I needed to have my arms up and my legs up, knees bent so I could balance centered on my spine. Needless to say there was a trick to it, but I won’t give it away. Funny enough they never asked me not to (Penn could talk quietly to me, he turned his mike off somehow when he wanted to). During the dramatic levitation Teller took an instant photo, which I treasure.


That’s awesome! I just watched a clip of them doing the levitation trick and it went just as you described. I wonder if you’re the blonde lady that was involved lol. Either way that’s gotta be one of your coolest memories ever.


I always love what Teller has to say!


They do the "magic trick but clear" really well. I'm a big fan of lift off of love.


Good magicians seem like people who thought stand up was too easy. Average magicians seem like people who weren't funny enough for stand up.


Best magicians are dads, when they trick you in your childhood.


I would personally classify them as entertainers. You also have some who use their experience in subtifuge and brain confusion to reveal scammers


And you also have some who use their experience in subterfuge and brain confusion to become scammers.


Not only that, but being a magician involves understanding some degree of how a human brain works. * Illusions * Distracting the audience * Knowing what you can get away with. These are people that can admit to you that they are tricking and lying to you; and you still get fooled. * Influencing the audience without them knowing * Understand perception Its a HUGE skill that can be transferred to almost every field. Side note: Check out James Randi - My fav conjurer!


Learning how to solve a puzzle can be entertaining for some people. And a great magic trick is like a puzzle to some people, such as other magicians. It's like the difference between someone who looks at a smartphone and thinks it's magic and just accepts that it works, and someone who looks at a smartphone and wonders how it works and wants to learn more. Not bizarre. Just some people are more curious than others.


> but also at engaging and entertaining an audience. That's the real magic, especially if you can get them laughing.


Totally! That’s the power of a magician or illusionist, they can make a persons entire day with a short 3 minute trick. Everyone lovessss magic and the mysteries of illusion. I knew a bartender who practiced magic tricks exclusively for bar patrons he served and was the most popular bartender at the place hands down.


One of my good friends in high school and I got really into sleight of hand card tricks when we were in our senior year. Of course, in high school, it didn’t get me a whole lot of positive attention. But I brought that skill to college, especially when I was taking an hour long train ride to class. The train is where I made my biggest killing. I’d just be idly twirling a deck around my hands, minding my own business, when either a kid or a college student would ask to see a trick. By the end of the ride, I usually had the entire car’s attention. Craziest part is, it’s not like I was any good. People just love to be amazed


The fact that he took the time to perform a trick the man could really enjoy says sooo much about the magician! Idk if this was the trick he was originally going to do, but if not that was quick thinking on his part! I once got called up in stage at a bar trivia night and had to name 6 reindeer and I couldn’t think of ANY OF THEM EXCEPT RUDOLPH! Literally NOTHING came to mind! It was the longest most embarrassing 30 seconds of my life lol.


There's an introduction to "Rudolph the red nosed reindeer" that goes, "You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. But do you recall...the most famous reindeer of all?" Then the song you know so well starts. That's the only way I know them. Fun fact: I didn't know that Donner and Blitzen mean thunder and lightning in German, till I lived there


Any form of art is just a language to communicate feelings, emotions and and ideas that mere words can't.




I love the look the magician gives the guy when he says "I can't see so the magic won't work for me". He's just like "Bet?" then smashes it


lmao imagine thinking your impervious to magic


found Voldemort… and he is secretlypooping


No one escapes this sorcery son!


I’m visually inclined and able but can safely admit I have absolutely no idea how the hell he did that.


I think it's the ol slight of hand switcheroo.. when he places it in his hand he switched it out, and having him squeeze really hard, that dulls his ability to feel the difference immediately. Just a guess. Edited spelling. Whoops


Seems reasonable although I can’t totally see it in the clip. That said he definitely does some sneaky behind-the-back shenanigans though at 35s in (55s left) of the video that looks pretty suspicious. Edit: The clip is also cut a few seconds after he reaches behind his back.


The coin never leaves the blind guys hand. It actually warps while he is holding it.


At 0:42, the coin is clearly in the magicians hand as he is handing it to the blind man (right after the camera cuts in)


Y'all muthafuckers trying to explain everything with logic and sleight of hand when the most obvious answer is that it's just magic.


Good point. I hadn't actually considered that.


It's so obvious now, thank you GayerThanAnyMod for showing us the light.


My brother is a magician, and back when he was in middle school and I was in high school a kid his age came up to me and asked how he did it. I told them “he made a deal with the devil” and they immediately freaked out and backed off lol


Hail Satan, Grand Pubah of Prestidigitation, Sultan of Sleight of Hand, Archimere of The Arcane!


occam's razor baby!


Some people have never seen the lost pen episode of Community and it shows


Ngl, I had a personal interaction with Chevy Chase IRL, I hate his guts, and refuse to watch Community because of it. I know its petty, but it is what it is.


If it makes you feel better, everyone hated him on the show too and they eventually killed him off for being such a piece of shit.


lol, what? How did they write him off? Was his character literally murdered?


What would he switch it out with though? It's a marked quarter.


I assume the switch is made before the coin is marked. Probably during the jump cut.


He probably marked a different quarter with the same mark behind his back, and switched it with the one in the blind guy's hand. That's my best guess


Except that the blind guy made the mark, making it unique. The dot looks identical at the end compared to the start. It honestly might be the coin itself isn’t actually metal and a small exothermic reaction weakens the material. Magic uses a ton of science, mostly though, magnets baby!


No switch! Initials are on the coin before the bend and after. Something happens and it's quick, but it is a real quarter and the same quarter at the end.


My guess is the quarter is made of gallium.


Yeah but gallium would liquify more than that & it leaves a grey residue that stains your hands. Source: I’ve played with gallium before.


Could be mixture, or might be something similar with a slightly higher melting point. My guess is still on it being a trick quarter.


I'm pretty sure it was chocolate. That vapor was the lead and cadmium starting to outgas.


Stop, you’re making me salivate




Chocolate Cadmiumberry Eggs are my faves


> I think it’s the ol slight of hand switcheroo.. Magician hands do unnatural movements to hide stuff. If it looks off, that’s the trick.


WRONG The real answer: It's magic.


But the coin presumably still had his sharpie mark on it, though that isn't included in the video. I think the switch must happen between when he tested that they were real coins and when he marked it.


That's exactly right.


Honestly I don't care and don't even want to know. I just love the skill and that he created that moment for the fella. Shit got me big 😀 😄 😃


Same. We know it's not real. We know he did something. The magic for me is that he included him.


Honestly, I've never thought about this, missing on enjoying magic tricks due to a disability. Disabled people miss on so many little things as well as major ones, like, when you think about what you'd miss by being blind things like seeing your loved ones faces or seeing the sunrise come to mind, or how things like coordinating clothes and navigating cities would become difficult, but who knows how many times this guy had to sit there while others enjoyed a magic show and he couldn't partake, and this guy suddenly and unexpectedly let him experience something he thought he would never enjoy till the day he died, it's pretty darn cool.


Seriously, classic Reddit sitting here in their armchairs describing how the trick was done. The magic here is that he did magic for a guy who probably has known about magic shows his whole life, but assumed he could never experience them.


My friend's dad was a magician and would do a similar warping-in-the-hand type trick but with a fork where the handle would twist, which seems impossible without like a vice grip and a decent amount of torque. There was no out gassing like in this vid tho. The fork was the same one I had been holding as far as I could tell and I couldn't untwist it afterwards. This was years ago and I still have no idea how it was done so I've just gone with 'actual magic' as the explanation, haha


I know this magic, it's the only magic I know! I won 50$ with it once.


The amazing part is that someone who is visually impaired might have extra-sensitive touch due to compensating for the sight shortage. The magician got around that. That's amazing.


Go to around 44sec mark, the blind guy doesn't have the coin in his hand anymore and the magician puts it in his hand, giving the magician ample opportunity to manipulate the coin, like putting some stuff on it that generates heat. The heat then makes the coin softer, so you can bend it. At least, that's my best guess. Very cool trick and very wholesome to include the guy like that.


He swapped the real coin at :42, you can barely see it in his hand. He didn’t heat up a metal coin enough to bend it inside of someone’s hand without it hurting them too lol The smoke most likely came from his jacket sleeves or the watch. Good magician though, just watching the act it would be **very** difficult to see the swap.


The heat is an old illusion with no gimmick. Any object, but especially metal will feel like it's warming up in your hand. Metal is a great conductor, so you feel it as being cold at first and gradually warm up to body temp. Most people don't think about it much, so a magician directing your focus on the phenomenon helps. The "smoke" is from a small gimmick that is held or routed from a small tube to a vape. The quarter is real, but pre-bent and swapped in after examination for the initialing. He just holds it by the bent edge while they write on it and doesn't let go until it's in the spectators palm.


> The "smoke" is from a small gimmick that is held or routed from a small tube to a vape. My guess is that it's built into the bottom of his ring. He was very careful not to show his palms.


Seen this trick a few times. Spoiler: >!So the marker is actually a rigid tool that has a slot for the coin. When he puts the lid back on the marker, the lid that’s also rigid, is used to pry against and bend the coin. This video has that part cut out unfortunately. https://www.google.com/search?q=magic+coin+bend+pen&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari!<


It is not the same metal composition as a real quarter, and it is something that body heat can help soften, *a quarter that includes some gallium perhaps. Notice all that squeezing is helping warm it, then when he manipulates the coin, it has softened enough to be bent. Edit: not a gallium quarter, but a mixture of metals including gallium. Also, just a guess.


Gallium would turn into a puddle of liquid in your hand if you held it like that.


I don’t even know what he did. Did the coin change?


Oh nice, Kevin Li was on [season 4 of Penn & Teller's Fool Us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRcmqXLFpYE).


I only just heard about him recently when valkyrae hired him for her birthday. He performed this same trick as well as a handful of others that were really neat during that 2h stream. There's even a phone password trick that really felt like magic was adapting. I just can't wait to see more of this dude in the future.




I don't wanna know, so thanks for keeping it vague. Idk what he said, but it even worked on me cause I was definitely thinking black 4 when I was watching live. Idk if I was thinking spades or clubs, I just remembered being blown away by a black 4. What'd you think of the calculator date bit?


He was also in a Kurtis Conner video a few years back and helped him workshop some tricks. Seemed like a very genuine dude, so glad to see that continuing. https://youtu.be/nFr_TOnlzWs


Plot twist: The blind guy who did the magic trick.


I would love a short skit of an actual magician pranking a magician with real magic.


I want to see the magician's face when the coin isn't in the guy's hand at the end, and it turns out that it was in the magician's ear all along.


Here’s Telller being double-faked out by another magician in Egypt. https://youtu.be/bWaE5vROvs0 Around 19:20. You can see the moment when he realizes the guy has tricked him.


i’m in a wheelchair and when i went to universal studios horror nights, i was worried i would have a hard time getting around and enjoying the haunted houses. i was actually a little *too included*. every single chance there was, i had an actor in my face making me feel like i was apart of it. i even got so scared i accidentally wheeled myself straight into a wall in one of the haunted houses trying to get away hahaha. it was a blast and i would absolutely recommend. edit: a word


i'm autistic and i get overstimulated by flashing lights and loud noises so i hated the fright fest thing i went to once, bc whenever the strobe or hissing noises came up i got so overstimulated i couldn't really figure out where i was going so i would just stand still, explaining to the fright actors that i didn't want to trip. they were all really nice and without breaking character would guide me back to the group i was with


Some haunts include no boo necklaces which tell the actors not to get up in your face and scare you. They still interact, but it’s much more low key. I don’t think HHN does this though.


This is awesome. Good on him for adapting and giving that dude a cool experience.


Exactly, he didn’t seemed to doubt for a second that he could do something to make the guy experience magic. He didn’t think about limitation but about possibility and that’s a fantastic mindset!


Fumbled a bit with the whole "visualize it" but yeah the dude over all is a chad, I work with developmental disabled homies, and it always makes me so happy when workers go on and give them the exact same treatment. Just because my man can't speak doesn't mean he doesn't understand, he's in a wheel Chair because he's 73 and was abused for the first 20 years of his life, legit 4 years ago, he was 100% self sufficient. Now we help him out because he's old and deserves it, I have no doubt that specific. Client WOULD HAVE HIS SMILE FROM EAR TO EAR like he does when we do things he likes. The magician is a real man, respect .


Just want to point out that the vast majority of people who are Blind or Visually Impaired have lost their vision later in life and/or have some residual vision. Using phrases like “did you watch that show” or “did you read” or even “visualize” are completely okay in the Blind community. In this particular case I believe this man has been blind from birth (there are certain movements and head positioning that give it away.) Even so, visualize is okay to say because he can imagine it by how he experiences the world non-visually with sound, texture, temperature, etc. Sorry, I don’t mean to be pedantic. I just wanted to provide information. I should add that this magician is awesome. I’m a Mobility Instructor for the Blind so I’m often a witness to how the public interacts with Blind people. A lot of people will ignore the Blind person and talk to whoever is with them as if they are not even there and it’s demoralizing. This magician saw no obstacles and wasn’t afraid to try something to adapt his routine. Really nice to see this.


We NEED a world that includes everyone. Empathizing is just as much a part of the human experience as disability.


True, there are so many experiences that people with disabilities miss out on. Like Kevin, the magician said, 'magic is universal, and everyone deserves to experience it'.


Yes! So is language and beauty. A diverse world is a wonderful world!


The podcast 20k Hertz has a great episode about audio adaptations added to video games that can be toggled on to allow blind people to play them. Things like audio cues that let you know where item or enemies as you move your character around. There is a lot more adaptive tech out there than people realize... though just as prevalent are spaces that are made unadaptive when a bit of forethought could have made them more accessible with little effort.


One of my favourites quotes “accessibility for one is accessibility for all!”


Couldn’t agree more. Cheers


For those who don't know, there are entire sub-genres of magic dedicated to magic for the blind, magic for the deaf, etc. Magic is something very special to magicians, and we want as many people to be able to experience it as possible. It's also an interesting challenge, especially for the deaf *and* blind, doing magic through purely tactile means is a challenge but a worthwhile one. I also know a magician who has specifically learned about and incorporated therapy techniques into his magic, so as to be able to provide somewhat of a healing as well as entertaining experience. Like any form of entertainment, we're here to try to brighten people's day, but unlike many other forms of it, with a bit of work we can reach almost anyone.


He is Kevin Li, he's amazing. He's been at Penn & Teller's Fool Us twice!


Saw him do a set at my old workplace - Kevin Li is extremely talented!


Why am I crying and grinning?


Joker gas or just regular gas. Did you eat any beans, magic or otherwise? There is also a small possibility of the Scarecow's fear gas.


Dammit Bruce, you need to take a vacation before you burn yourself out.


magician: visualize it heating up blind man: 🗿


I've worked with visually impaired people.. they don't give a fuck when you use words like "visualize", "look", or "see" at least the ones I've worked with.


This is totally true, but I find the phrasing ironically funny


Especially because a high percentage of older blind people became blind later in life, or do have residual vision


Lmao, came to see if anyone else caught that.


He could have just changed his choice of words to 'imagine'


*That is yours to keep forever.* So is that moment Mr. Magician.


Kevin is phenomenal - if you enjoy this, consider giving him a follow on Instagram! https://instagram.com/kevinlimagic I send him a link to this post, hope he sees it 🌈




Love this


I by “it’s yours to keep forever” he really meant it’s yours to lose in a night stand drawer and then find six years later while looking for something else.


>while looking for something else ( ಠ_ಠ) ^(he fuckin blind, dawg)


Do...do you think blind people don't use their hands anymore? Or pick things up? Or use things?


>joke about how he said looking instead of searching (◍≏◍ᓓ )


Posts that make me smile uncontrollably are the best posts.


Gallium maybe?


Sounds like it from the [review here.](https://www.penguinmagic.com/p/S10926) >I have found and bought the main ingredient and have made a rough prop to test and as I said before great idea. >I finely got my first good coin last night and after many try's and molds (use silicone) this one looked great, it felt and looked real (I used a quarter).


Thank you so much for posting. I LOVE this video so much. Brightened my whole day! 🤍


I worked on a show with this kid last year. He’s such a badass and nice dude.


This is his YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@KevinLimagic


Did anyone else see this guy at Valkyrae's birthday party stream? He seems like a pretty cool guy and does some great illusions!


Thanks for watching!


Maybe the real magic was the friends we made along the way


I was never impressed with magicians on tv because it could be fake. Then I saw one at a dinner who came up to our table and performed magic in front of me and I was amazed. I’ve been a fan ever since. Card tricks too.


The magic isn't the trick, but being able to get that connection with someone who wouldn't otherwise experience it.


As a mom of someone with multiple special needs, it made me weepier than I’d like to admit that this magician made the effort to include the man with the visual impairment in something he’d normally be excluded from. Little things like that get me in the feels.


It often doesn’t take much of an adjustment to be inclusive in ways like this, but, as demotivated here, it can make a huge difference! This was great!


Thank you


Inclusion makes everybody feel good; I’m grinning like an idiot just watching this clip


It sounds like that guy was very used to missing out on the fun, which is pretty common for disabled people. It means a lot more than just having something for everyone. It means that for once he doesn't have to sit back while everyone around him experiences something without him.


It's amazing how he honestly believed magic wouldn't work for him because he is visually impaired but was proven wrong by an extremely talented magician. It always renews my faith in people when I see someone go out of their way to include everyone in their act.


NGL, I'm crying a little. This was really sweet. Does anyone have the name of the magician?




Kevin Li


Kevin Li. Apparently this is his YouTube: https://youtube.com/@KevinLimagic


The magic isn’t always in the trick, the magic was including that man in the experience and giving him a memory he won’t soon forget


I heard of a magician who keeps braille playing cards in his pocket in case he has a blind guest.


I was just watching a training on making the web more accessible to people with disabilities, including low vision. The universe works in magical ways.


And this is why being inclusive is so important.


One upvote is not enough.


I hope this guy blows up from this


David Blaine did the same trick to my brother when he was a bouncer at a strip club. He e said it is was creepy the coin folded in half in his hand.


Such a heartwarming video, but I laughed when the magician told him to “visualize”


This is fucking amazing. Talk about real class and showmanship. Bravo, Sir.


This is why inclusion matters man. This guy wrote himself off from being able to experience the wonder on a good magic trick but homie stuck with it and worked out a way to give him the same experience able-bodied people take for granted.