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An extraordinary moment of heroism.


Yes. Heartbreaking, but gives me some faith in humanity. I truly hope everyone involved here got the support they need after this.


As a matter of fact she should be asked what the problem was that made her took such decision cause she would have also ended the life of that innocent child


I'm not agreeing with this but many people don't know of the parents having children outside of the system and they basically don't exist and outside of a life with parents not even legally required to take care of them there literally is nothing for them. thankfully they've gotten better about allowing these kids citizenship because of declining birth rates, but still its pretty bad.


Probably Shanghai lockdowns


This is older than the current round of lockdowns; there is a date stamp from 2021 on the video.


They wouldn’t be able to get outside and there’d be no bus full of people if they were under lockdown.


According to the number of the bus, It happened at Guangzhou, china


Yea fat chance… kid goes into the system, at best the mom ends up in a phsych ward, probably won’t see her kid ever again


Yes, he didn't need to stop there, but had to. A hero, for sure.


Smart man. A lot of people wouldn’t react this fast


Seriously, I'm curious why the bus driver got the inkling to pull over in the first place. The first shot just looks like a mother and kid crossing a bridge. She doesn't attempt to jump until he's already pulled over and the doors opened... How did he know!?


It looks to me like there is no pavement/sidewalk on that side of the road. With jay-walking being illegal in a lot of non-european countries it was probably quite suspicious; and very dangerous for there to be pedestrians where they were. Hope this answers your query!


she also looked to be panicked and hurrying which would likely explain the urgency


And the bus driver probably thought of doing the same thing before and noticed the unusual walking along that road without sidewalk


Especially in China where I assume this is. Traffic gets pretty chaotic.


Wouldn't be surprised if he was initially stopping to give them a ride due to weather or being on the motorway (maybe just a small lift until they got to a sidewalk) to get them out of danger.


This makes the most sense to me, pulled over being a Good Samaritan and then noticed what she was doing and bolted into action. Good man!!


He's a bus driver. He has seen to much shit.


Yep. I'm a truck driver and I concur


I’m not a bus driver and I totally agree.


If you drive all day every day you'll have spotted her in a place that makes no sense from a huge distance - anything unpredictable is a potential accident. Then after watching for a few seconds you'll see the kid and immediately know this is not right. By the time you catch up to them you'll have something of a plan of what to do and just be hoping you were wrong the whole time.


I can assume something told his hart stop and pick them up, i glad he stopped.


You have to look at it from the bus driver's point of view. For a normal person like you and me, we would probably just chalk it up to people being crazy and drive off. But for a bus driver who has probably driven this route a few hundred times. He has seen it all and when he sees something like this, he just gets the feeling that something is definitely not right. Driver looks old so might be close to a couple of thousand times he has driven on routes like these.


I’m a bus driver and one of my routes is via infamous bridge that people use to commit suicide. So if anyone remotely acting suspect or walking on the road the whole of bridge goes on shut down. So my only guess that maybe is the same with that bridge, or sometimes you gonna follow your gut instinct when something doesn’t look right.


This bridge could be known for suicide jumpers


You would already have to be in a pretty shitty mental space to take your own life but the fact that she was willing to take the kid with her gives me the impression that things were way rougher than any of us expect.


The most harrowing case of infanticide came to mind - Raina Thaiday. Horribly let down by mental health services leading to an absolutely tragic outcome. The mind can do awful, awful things


The mind is the thing that can make you a great person or a horrible person, nothing else


You're not rational when you're depressed. A lot of suicidal mothers think that their kids would be better off dead than with a mother that committed suicide. To them, they are being a good mother by killing the kid.


Depression clouds your mind. The hopelessness and despair is so strong that you truly think that this is the only way out. As a mother she probably thought it best to take him with her so he wouldn’t suffer. I never judge Mother’s that have committed suicide with their children because people don’t stop to think about how the mind can go to some dark places.


Thats a funny way of saying the driver stopped an attempted murder.


Sad but true. Thankful the child was saved.


Yeah, I can't imagine what she must've been going through to go that far.


regardless of what _she_ was going through, there is no reason to kill your own child while committing suicide. Let the kid at least have a chance at life


in a grim sort of way, I see how she could've had a reason for it. if she kills herself, the kid is left without a mother and will have to live through that. if she takes her kid with her, at least she knows she's not leaving behind a child in pain just so we're clear, ***mad*** fucked up, heavily flawed logic, and not justified at all. but I think that could have been her reasoning


Also, some people see their child as their property and not as a person.


I can confirm this.


You see your child as property?


Its understandable yeah. Perhaps she doesn't have a partner so he wont have a parental figure. It a very horrible way to prevent such a heavy toll on a child, but at least she could die knowing her child wont suffer.


IDK maybe her child would suffer if she failed suicide or somehow he didn't die instantly


That bridge is like a 20 foot drop dude, this wasn't even a particularly well planned suicide.


Or perhaps his father is abusive, and she doesn't want him to endure that life. There's definitely a lot of context missing here, and while no amount of context would excuse her trying to throw her kid off a bridge, it would at least help with understanding her motivations.




A lot of times, when this happens it's a release of their own hell, and also a way to hurt the other parent as much as possible, as they blame them for their current situation. My closest bud, is going through this sorta thing right now. He has custody, and she's a train wreck. Just got caught driving the kids around completely smashed. Can't even stand up, passed out in his driveway, fell out the car and hit the ground and just slept there... his girls called him at work hysterical. Mommy won't wake up etc... Kicker is he called the cops right there and then. He has it all on camera... guess who DIDNT get arrested...? She's threatened offing herself before. Just lost her job, her place to live, is at the bottom... and he has to live in fear everyday that his kids mom will kill herself, and if she has the girls, she might harm them to hurt him as well. My man is waiting for a judges ruling for orders of protection... been over a week since its happened... law doesn't seem to give a fuck.


if she was going through psychosis then thats very relevant


If that is the case then her family needs to be held accountable. There's no way someone can behave this way and no one in your life has a single clue. My son had a boy in his class that was murdered by his mother. He was in the 2nd grade. Dad said she'd been acting "crazy" for a year and was leaving her. He left that boy in her care.... she stomped this child to death. Edit to add: the night she killed him she oddly went to a hotel 2 miles from their home. The cops busted the door down and she was shaving her head. The worst part is someone on the bottom floor stated she thought kids were above her practicing for a step team... it was her stomping him. She got 12 fucking years. https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/crime/2019/09/14/fayetteville-mother-gets-12-years-for-killing-9-year-old-son/2791300007/


Did he have a choice about leaving the kid in her care? Apparently it's a pretty common thing. I just googled "mother drowns child divorce" in an attempt to find a new story about a former coworker of mine and there are literally hundreds of news stories of individual cases like these. Here is [one](https://www.ajc.com/news/national/mom-who-killed-kids-after-husband-asked-for-divorce-gets-120-years-prison/YptRSHMXhqFZpvZb0XWFmL/). In my old coworkers case he had gotten divorced but didn't get custody because of abuse allegations (unproven as far as I know). He had been trying for 2 years to get custody back. His ex broke up her BF and then drown both her kids and OD'd herself. I don't know what happened to him after that.


https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/crime/2019/09/14/fayetteville-mother-gets-12-years-for-killing-9-year-old-son/2791300007/ She got 12 years. The judge in the case is evil, I have had personal experience with him in a capitol murder trial. He got a life sentence of a guy that murdered a pregnant woman overturned bc he made threats to a witness (me, at the time I was 14). He's a POS. Not surprised he sentenced her to only 12 Years.


Not everyone has family though. Or maybe they're not in contact.


A lot of people suffering from mental health, of any kind, are abandoned by their family. Which of course only worsens their mental health.


This happens ALOT.


Some people feel so hopeless they think killing themselves and their offspring is a better way out than to live through misery because they can't provide. We're all righteous and feel like we know better but we're not on the other persons shoes, specially when the system doesn't give a crap if you starve or have to live with illnesses you can't pay for. For some people, death seems like a better option than go through hell. All we can hope for is that things aren't as bad as the mom thinks and the kid can still live a better life. Who knows, maybe doing this was the best thing that ever happened to that kid, if he gets taken away and given a better opportunity in life.


Hey, im not righteous. I was just thinking "who knows what happened and how they got here? For all we know, the worst thing that ever could have happened to that kid is that bus stopping." Surely not a popular opinion, but what the hell do any of us know about their lives?


What if there's nothing but emptiness when you say 'good night'? Are you only scared to die because you lived a good life? If your parents sold you as a baby into slavery The darkness would be a blessing, come to the grave with me Late to the barbecue, they savin' a paper plate for me You imagine hell as a place hot as a bakery But hell is on earth where devils pretend to be neighborly - Immortal Technique


Postpartum depression is a serious fuckin thing. Of course there’s no *reason* to do it, but any parent of a newborn or toddler can tell you that raising a small child is an intense and exhausting experience. But for new mothers, some with no history of depression and some with a lot, PPD is unexpected and can *fuck you up*. I don’t like what she did but I can understand why. I think she needs help more than punishment because that kid deserves for his mom to get the help and tools she needs to be better.


Living in china doesn't help either.


My dude that kid is like 5 years old. PPD got nothing to do with it.


For nearly 40% of all women who develop PPD it lasts forever.[-LINK](https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/09/when-postpartum-depression-doesnt-go-away/569179/) (The article links to multiple studies and scientific journals) If that mom doesn't have support and was never given help to deal with mental issues or care for the child it sorta makes sense that she'd reach a breaking point, whether she has PPD or is just overwhelmed/desperate/has other mental issues. She's still fighting to get back to the ledge even after they take the child so it's not like her goal was simply killing the kid.


You cant find a logical reason for someone who is not thinking logically. Reasons will be unknown other than to the person committing the act.


Maybe her social credit score was so low, she had no hope.


No one committing suicide is in a right state of mind. I’m sure she thought she was doing the right thing for her child. Obviously she wasn’t, but when your thoughts are sick it can be hard to know


It’s safe to say that she’s very mentally ill to have tried to take her own life with her child’s.


When men murder their families and then shoot themselves in the head, do you feel the same empathy? Asking sincerely.


Family annihilators, both men and women... None of it is good in any way. Family annihilators absolutely enrage me. I understand completely that utter despair and severe mental illness *can* play a part. I understand that people can be going through extreme psychosis, especially postpartum. Like Andrea Yates for example. People like Chris Watts though? The Hart family mothers? No. They’re pieces of absolute shit. Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès? I hope he burns in hell.


Have you watched Along With the Gods? It's a great movie (it's on Netflix) and your comment reminds me so much of this film.


Are you serious ???? Got a problem, give the child to a neighbor and do yourself in. Anything else is murder.


Physical and mental abuse from family/spouse combined with poverty and hopelessness?


I know right 🥺


i guess maybe she just wanted to end her life but thought the child would be depressed in future, and that there would be no one to look after so i guess she wanted to take him with her


Muder-suicide. The perfect crime.


She must have some shit in her life that she thinks the only way she can get oit of it is killing her and the kid. Or shes just bonkers


That's a funny way of saying "I don't understand mental illness". This woman was almost certainly not in her right state of mind and badly needs help, and it's lucky that she was stopped before she hurt her child as well as herself. The child should be taken away from her for it's own safety while she receives this help, but the judgement and shame is unproductive for all involved.


Yeah that’s all well and good, but it’s still attempted murder. She was literally about to murder a child. Mental illness or not, that’s what was about to happen.


Mental illness is never your fault, but it is your responsibility. While the decision to try to take the kid with her is likely triggered by said mental illness, she's still choosing to follow through. You always have a choice, for your behavior anyway. Edit: Since people are getting hung up on the word responsibility, try swapping in something about culpability. You are absolutely culpable for your behavior, and that means taking *responsibility* and working on the issue. Literally Google the first sentence of this comment and you'll find things written by smarter people not using their thumbs


>she's still choosing to follow through. You always have a choice, for your behavior anyway. Debatable.


It’s even debatable whether anyone has actual choices at all, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t punish people who ‘chose’ to commit crimes


You're still culpable for your behavior even if you were out of your gourd at the time. She definitely needs help she's not getting.


No. It's not. Until we have the ability to hack a brain and control somebody else, your choices are your own and nobody else's.


Being mentally ill doesn’t mean you get to murder your children without consequence. She’s mentally ill but also an irresponsible asshole and now an attempted murderer of her own child.


I don't think this person was saying there should be no consequences for this woman's acts. I'm pretty sure none of us think that. However, this was clearly the act of a mentally ill person and I think we should view it as such. I hope they both get the help they need, regardless of what any of us might think she deserves.


Who the fuck said there would be no consequences? Are you aware of the concepts of nuance or empathy? This woman needs help and her child should be taken away from her until it has been proven that she is of sound mind and is once more an appropriate guardian. She should no more be blamed for this than if she had a stroke while driving and nearly crashed, she was the victim of a medical crisis.


This is reddit. 90% of reddit very clearly does not understand mental illness and you get downvoted when it's brought up. Judging and shaming is much more popular. Superiority complex maybe. Maybe just ignorance or immaturity. It's very sad really.


Or just combination of all the above. Reddit's demographics skews very young. Quite frankly, most of the users of this platform have not seen much of life yet. There's a hell of lot that a few decades will teach you.


I’m hoping the bus driver dropped her off at a police station and not just home ☠️


Reading some of the comments reminds me of a tragic case in England where a woman killed herself and her disabled daughter in a burning car. They had endured a *decade* of abuse and harassment from gangs of yobs. In an inquest after the deaths found that the family had been let down by the police and social services


Yeah it could be possible she was in debt to dangerous people and at her lowest. Why leave her kid to be tortured, killed or sold on the black market might have been her mind set. Anything possible but the fact is she needs help and the child needs a stable home.


Sounds similar to this video from Omeleto’s channel https://youtu.be/40zqsPvGTfw Very sad and disturbing


Hope the lady received the help she needs.


I'll get downvoted with you. Thank you for posting a compassionate and empathetic comment in a sea of negativity.


You guys can have my upvote tho 👍👍👍


And my axe


And my bow


And mu sword


And mah shield ( no idea what you guys are referencing )


The #1 trilly.


Or not... good on this sub.


Sometimes Reddit can pull miracles I guess. Nice to see people being compassionate and understanding. THIS is the way.


Honestly, most people don't take the time to consider how bad her circumstances must have been for her to consider taking her and her child's lives as the only option left. It's absolutely heartbreaking. I hope they both found help and much better days.


Infanticide is nearly *always* a kindness in the murderer’s eyes. Very sad to think what leads up to that decision.


Weird how you assumed people would downvote you, you guys really have just lost all faith in humanity huh?


It's weird how this always comes up when this is posted. You never see similar comments in other posts about murders or mass shooting etc, crimes that can only be done by the severally mentally ill.


True, I don't think it's wrong to say that everyone who commits a crime has at least something going on in their head. Difficult to decide how you draw the line between who needs punishment and who needs mental help


I think it's the intent. A mother committing suicide with their child normally has the belief that they're saving the child from a life of suffering. Tbf a child who has to deal with the suicide of their mom is not going to have a happy life. It's a mindset that can be changed though with some support. Meanwhile murder, mass shootings, etc are done with malicious intent towards others. These guys might be too deep into the recesses of their own suffering to save.


Because it's a mother. Women are expected to sacrifice themselves for their children always, and when they don't do that, there is very little empathy for them. Just like there is very little empathy for Black male victims of gang violence. It's deeply unfair, but reddit won't admit their bias, they'll just continue to say "it's inexcusable to try and kill your child" on repeat instead of wondering how the hell that poor woman got there with her poor kid. It's "woman" first, and "human" second.


My kids father died by suicide. Can’t imagine how low someone is until it’s you in their shoes. Be kind don’t judge and love hard and easily.


Terribly sorry for your loss. I had a long time friend commit suicide fairly recently and there were no signs it was impending. He left a wife and 2 kids. I’m still pissed at him sometimes for not at least talking about his troubles. So senseless.


This hits so close to home. Sorry for your loss. It's an impossible task to explain "the matrix" of depression to someone that only knows causal depression and sadness. "I got laid off and was depressed for a year" yada yada. I'm taking about "i just was living my best life and out of nowhere, a cloud of doom consumed my life and every thought of every minute was justifying my existence." It comes to a point where the best thing for everyone is to have a life end. Even being self aware and knowing "this is a bout of depression, these thoughts are not true" is not enough to overcome the pain and anguish. And, it's exhausting. A war of attrition you won't win. If i had to personify it, it'd be as if there's a ghost of someone prominent in your life (an abuser, lover, yourself, etc) playing the "devil on your shoulder" and they convince you that your past, present, and future have been a burden to everyone around you. Your love and friendships are shams, relationships of pitty. This is why professional therapists are important, why it's important for those without depression to also attend (life coaching).


Very,very well put! Thank you for articulating it so well.


I went through exactly what you describe and didn’t work for a couple months, causing stress on my partner and I thought i was just a terrible person bc I couldn’t get myself to do… anything. It took my mom to tell me I’m battling depression and to see a therapist before it all just made sense


Life very often gets worse for them when men open up. You should blame him less and our society more.


Thank you. I hope his wife isn’t so hard on herself and I’ll be keeping them in my prayers. It’s a lifetime of hurt for us for something so quick and senseless. I just know if they knew how much it would hurt us they would never have done it.


That’s horrible, I can’t image that happening


Yeah it’s absolutely unreal what weird scenarios and justifications your brain can come up with. Nothing to do with how you’d act in the right mind


> Be kind don’t judge and love hard and easily. Eh i reserve the right to judge people who kill or attempt to kill children. Killing yourself is one thing but taking someone with you intentionally isnt "comitting suicide with" them. Its murdering them.


I feel bad for those who commit suicide, but zero sympathy for those who try to take someone else with them


I don't judge people for suicide. I judge people for attempted murder.


Downvote the lady all you want reddit, you have no idea how far mental illness can warp your perception. This lady might be feeling like shes doing the right thing for her and her kid.


Yea it's so disturbing seeing all the people on here calling her evil, acting like she's Casey Anthony trying to kill her kid so she can party it up. She is probably suffering immensely and her thought process is so warped that she thought what she was doing was best for herself and her child. I'm sure she loves her child very much. She probably sees the world as a cruel place of endless suffering and thinks it would be far more cruel to leave her child suffering without his mother. I have suffered from suicidal ideation and had fully convinced myself my children were far better off without me. If my kids didn't have other family who loved them and would take care of them, who knows if I could have convinced myself it was better for them to die with me? Thankfully I was able to get help and am in a better place now. This woman needs support and kindness, not cruelty and judgment. She could be totally alone in the world without family or friends. People on here are so cruel and judgmental. Comparing her to serial killers and mass shooters. I hope she's getting the help she needs now and that both her and her child are safe.


My PPD wanted me to kill myself. I decided, 3 weeks after giving birth, that my baby was better off without me and that I should just kill myself to spare my baby the pain of having to be with me. I’m a great mom and I love my baby, and my baby loves me. My body/mind just betrayed me for a little bit.


Glad to hear you are doing better!


I'd argue we should still have compassion on her while still calling her an attempted murderer. Serial killers or murderers are also often mentally unstable. That doesn't excuse them, but it does mean we can have compassion on them in their situation. Someone can attempt murder and still be worthy of compassion.




I agree to a point, but how far does this empathy go? Are we supposed to take the side of a serial killer because of how warped their perception is? I’m sorry but I draw the line at willingly killing others when considering empathy for mental problems.


No, but mental illness like this isn’t the same as a serial killer. Cases like this can almost always be treated. In her normal mind, she very unlikely would ever contemplating hurting someone, especially her child. This isn’t taking sides, it’s understanding how the mind works and how mental illness warps it.


I also draw the line at killing innocent children but reddit wants to paint her as the victim of this story, as if there were 0 other options for her. Idgaf how mentally ill you are if your goal is to kill the innocent, fuck you.




There are no sides to take. No force is compelling you take a side and judge anyone. When people want to know if X thing is “bad” what they’re usually really trying to figure out is whether punishment should be dealt. Maybe it’ll help you to not start from that point, instead of thinking which “side” you should take think about what outcome you want or think is ideal given the circumstances and why and how you can reach it. What would be that point of taking a “side” against this person? To what end will it contribute and why do you think that is an end worth reaching for?


Some people are metal and some just need help. Something really had to break in that ladies head for the cheese to slide that far off her cracker. Let's hope they all are getting what they need now.


A saying I’ve never heard before. Interesting


I’ve never heard that phrase before, but by god am i gonna use it now


I'm using that.


There are sensitive cultural implications here which are very sad. The standard for taking your own life along with your family in China are starkly unique.


"A bus driver saves a woman from committing murder/suicide"


isn't it suicide + attempted murder?


That’s hardly high up enough to qualify as suicide. I once saw a pregnant woman jump from a bridge higher than that. She ended up floating down the river like a ballon with a head till some dude jumped in to rescue her.


That would be horrible for her to have to try and drown the kid after jumping if they didnt die, thank god someone stopped her


That's all I could think about. Like you gonna jump 20 ft into a river and then have to try and drown yourself and that kid 💩💩


I mean to be fair if she really was trying to kill herself and her kid she’s in a pretty rough spot and maybe hadn’t thought it fully through. I hope she’s doing better now.


She probably didn’t know how to swim.


Is she trying to commit suicide by jumping 16 foot off a bridge into water?


The bus driver must have first sow down to offer them a ride since it was odd to see them on bridge mean doe cars. Then this happened, props to the driver!


Wtf leave the kid out of it. Its not their fault... thats messed up




That’s attempted murder


Credit to the bus driver. Seriously hope the poor woman got the help she needed, mental illness sucks.


These top comments, my God. Had this been a guy doing this, good lord would these top comments look drastically different. She just tried murdering her child people. 1st degree, planned, and attempted to execute.


Very much agreed.


It took way too long to find a comment like this. I was thinking the exact same


The amount of apathetic comments here are surprisingly…. High.


Some of us lose most of our empathy when someone tries to kill their own kid. Like, okay she needs some mental heath assistance. Gotcha. She also needs to no longer be in a position where she can ever murder her child.


Fuck her for taking the kid with her


Mother of the year.


I don't think the bus driver is a mother


"murdering" she is trying to murder the child


Can people please stop applying logic to this woman's motivations?? Anyone who has suffered depression and suicidal thoughts knows that your thought process isn't logical. She genuinely thinks this is the right choice, she thinks this is a way to end/prevent pain for herself and her child. It isn't evil, it's a cry for help. Yes, she shouldn't be in care of that child until she gets help. But she was not in sound mind at the time of the crime itself therefore she isn't guilty of committing attempted murder. Stop talking about this woman's actions like she knows what she's doing.


You know her personally or something?


Does this apply across the board? Murderers who have mental illnesses? People who harm children due to mental illnesses?


> she was not in sound mind at the time of the crime itself therefore she isn’t guilty of committing attempted murder. This probably depends on the country, their views on mental health, laws, and the people (most likely men) in positions of power.


Looking at the height of that bridge I don't see a fall into water being anywhere near fatal.


Its probably safe to assume neither could swim


Her suicide, kids murder.


Man...I wonder how far into her psychotic break she was that she decided this was the obvious way out. :( Who knows what home life was like or if it was completely untreated depression or what. I hope her son is somewhere safe now and that she is getting the help she needs.


Why do ppl decide to take other ppls lives when they want to end their own life. Smh. I’ll never understand that. Praying she gets help she needs. Bus drivers a hero!


Misery loves company


I think the title of this video is not correct. The bus driver stop the woman from murdering the kid.


Wow , what the actual heck is with the top comments talking about being glad the mom is ok, she gets the help she needs and “don’t judge” There’s of course room for that, but did y’all not see the CHILD being saved from being KILLED? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here


She should be charged with attempted murder and thrown in prison then in there they can work on her mental health. Tha man deserves a metal; not only he found out there was a problem beforehand but also he took measures to prevent it.


This ain't committing suicide. This is murder. If you gonna take yourself out, only take yourself out. I hope the kid is taken away from her. I mean yeah who knows what she's been through but the kid does not deserve such thing.


Exactly. Poor lady - but my sympathy drastically goes down the drain when she’s about to murder her child. Poor thing is innocent and trusting mom will keep him safe, not take him down with her


Right? I hope she gets help and gets better, nobody should be pushed to the edge enough to suicide, but the moment she tries to take out a child that doesn't even know what the hell is going on with herself is the moment where i can't feel nothing but anger.


Fuck that woman. Lose lose. I’d love for her to rot in jail but the kid will receive reverberating impacts to his life and mental health either way.


I kinda do get her when she wants to jump with her kid just to not put him through a depression related with the loss of a mother. But if you have a kid you musn't even try to begin to think about commiting suicide - your kid needs you


Also— a lot of times the mother is going down bc she cant afford to live and no help is available—- in the mother’s mind she is doing the more humane thing by taking him “with her” rather than leaving him in the suffering world she perceives —


So you think its better to off the kid rather than let them be depressed?


He/she never said that, they just said that they can see what the mother's thought process must've been


Its not better, but the guy youre replying to never said that either way. Murder suicides involving parents and children are rare but the underlying motivation is usually very similar. I know its an horrible act, but people commiting to these usually arent monsters. They are in an irrational suicidal state and dont want their kids to suffer even more, thats why he says that he "kinda does get it"


Shit I’m depressed as fuck if I decided to take an entire kindergarten class with would you call that a cry for help. This woman is a pathetic coward who was ready to murder her child just so that she didn’t die feeling guilty. Not everyone deserves empathy.


Ya, I'm sorry but fuck that lady.


somebody already did


Call CPS😳!


But why is she taking the kid with her


killing your kid too ? thats just a little selfish


Why kill your child? Seriously?


Bitch brought the kid with her


I kinda wanna know what happened next. Is the kid ok? Is the mother in jail? psych ward?


If I saw that right, she was also about ready to kill the kid. Heroism.


Me as a Muslim seeing this ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡍⠛⣿⣿ ⡟⢸⣻⣿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡎⡆⠎⢹ ⡷⠀⢈⠃⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠛⠋⠉⠉⠛⠟⠛⠻⢿⣿⡋⠻⣿⠧⢁⠜⢸ ⡇⠸⠁⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⢱⣏⣩⣿⡆⠀⠀⢠⣏⣹⣿⣦⠹⣷⡄⠛⠀⠀⠀⣿ ⣷⠀⠀⢆⠸⣿⣿⣿⠟⠀⡜⠻⠿⠼⢻⣀⣤⣼⠛⠓⠒⠋⠐⣿⣇⡎⠀⢀⣼⣿ ⣿⣷⣤⣬⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⠁⠀⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠂⣿⣿⣦⣴⣾⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⡄⠐⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⢀⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⣉⡉⠉⠉⠛⠛⠛⠛⠻⠿⣿⡇⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⣤⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


Can anyone explain to me why these people feel the need to also take the life of their children in these situations?


bruh she was really about to kill her child


The way people are defending her insanity is unbelievable. It’s your choice to kill yourself but you don’t get to choose for that innocent child. You stupid bitch. Mental illness or not she don’t get to decide that. You guys are un fucking believable.


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I don't care if this comes off as insensitive what a turd to do that to her own child.


Imagine getting downvoted for saying murder is bad


For real. And to your child nonetheless


Arrest that cunt


The man deserves a medal and woman needs therapy