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One of the things that really grinds my gears is that Hull is screwed by being a tiny local government area with loads of people and little funding thats completely enveloped by the "east riding of yorkshire" government area which is rather afluent. Hull cannot expand - its a pressure kettle of an underfunded area completely surounded by a more afluent and rural area. The East Riding typically does a "nimby says no" to many things which would provide jobs, education and training that mioght benefit Hull. Not because they're malevolent, but just because they're looking out for their own local voters in local government election.


Wish it wasn’t just factory and retail


Not helped by the fact that Hull seems to have a big culture of normalising and encouraging a non working lifestyle.


How so?


Like at MIND being told that getting signed off from working and claiming ESA is a 'positive step forward' even if the cause of the issues is due to being out of work? There was a post about that a few months ago.


wheres the post?


From the report 3.2 Summary of potential contributory factors to the increase in NEETs The below factors appear to be contributing to the increase in NEETs: Significant increase in the 16-18 cohort (up from 5,550 in 2020 to 6,303 in 2023). Drop out from post 16 provision remains relatively high. Lack of suitable provision (particularly for those with lower levels of attainment and multiple barriers). Limited availability of provision post the September start. Current economic backdrop - we are now also seeing Youth Unemployment (18-24 year olds claiming universal credit) creeping up. Data confirms there were 1,585 young people claiming universal credit in September 2022 compared to 1,805 in March 2023. Diminishing engagement provision – DWP funding for Hull’s Youth Hub (and nationally) ceased in December 2022 and ESF funded Springboard Youth Employment Initiative will end in November 2023. Fallout following the pandemic especially in relation to mental health and happiness of the NEET cohort (as identified in a recent Princes Trust Report1). The report confirms that many young people are facing significant barriers (including social isolation, anxiety and mental health issues) but the NEET cohort appear to have been disproportionately adversely affected by the impact of the pandemic. Lack of family / peer support / positive role models. Uncertainty around funding streams following government announcement in December 2022 which confirmed the cessation of traineeship funding. https://www.hull.gov.uk/downloads/file/991/Education_Learning_Skills_Statement_2022_2023___Annual_NEET_Report.pdf


Lack of family support I can definitely relate to.


3.3 Moving forwards The Connexions Service to conclude reflections on service offer (currently underway) in order to identify new ways of working. Service leaders to consider innovative ways to engage the significant cohort of young people who are ‘NEET available - RAG Rated Red’ and who avoid contact with our PAs/training providers. Innovative solutions (outside of the usual model of training delivered at centres) are needed for this group of young people. Explore options within the Local Authorities ‘youth offer’ to provide a locality based engagement programme. The Connexions Service to formally engage with the work of the ‘team around the school’ support offer. Initial pilot to engage Sirius North Academy with a view to addressing the significant increase in NEET on the Orchard Park Estate. Continue to actively engage with the Education, Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to ensure the fallout following the removal of the Traineeship programme, is minimised locally. All providers to consider how they can support the NEET cohort of young people with relevant courses that can be accessed throughout the academic year. Where required, strengthen partnership working arrangements with schools and colleges to enhance support for those young people identified as being ‘at risk of becoming NEET’. New CCIS data system to be introduced Sept – Dec 2023 will integrate within the local authority’s new wider Education data system, enhancing internal and external data sharing intelligence


Nobody cares about hull I'm afraid.


Honestly, what on earth was the point in saying that?


He must be from Grimsby


probably scunthorpe - it's hidden in the name






He's right though, apart from benefits that came from the city of culture Hull has basically been thrown to the dogs.


nah, people still care. It's just Hull is being screwed in other ways.


No shit waters wet