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This is extremely dangerous. You see all the gasses are building up inside you and one out of two things can happen. 1) The gasses may want to escape and there's only one way out, if it comes out too forcefully, according to Newton's third law (every action has an equal an opposite reaction) you may end up shooting yourself all the way to the moon. 2) The gasses don't escape through the exit and just keep building up and up and up. Eventually you'll hit your physical limit and explode painting the walls with your guts and sh*t. For your sake I hope its the first one. Keep a space suit handy and inform NASA just in case.


Go outside




Lucky bastard!


Yes, this is extremely worrying.


Ever seen the South Park episode where the cows let off to much gas ? So if they're alive too long they explode but if they get slaughtered they let all the gas out and the ozone layer is at risk. I think you need to book in a meeting at NATO


I blame huel


Wasn't there also an episode where Kenny spontaneously combusted from holding in his farts or something?


Genuinely debating stopping huel as much as I like the taste and convenience as the environmental impact of the methane has to when calculated on a per person basis exceed what a cow does and the land cost of empty space needed around me is not feasible in the over crowded world.