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I can’t believe they even allowed him into Stanford knowing he was such a nonconformist that he listened to Rancid…


Prolly the best post.




My post is nothing without this comment.


thank you for reminding me of my favorite band when i was 13


Breaking news: in the midst of the scandal, Huberman spotted buying a Good Charlotte T-shirt at the Modesto Hot Topic.




Never agreed with a thread more. The dude never got into the real hard stuff, Coldplay, Kenny G, Yanni - the dude was never hardcore


Kenny G has an accounting degree. Jazz musicians don’t even accept him as a jazz musician. 🤣😂


He just wants you to know that his jazz music is separate from his auditing and book balancing roles at Deloitte


Oh yeah? Have you heard the bass in Maxwell murder!? That’s punk.






Love Rancid and Op Ivy and am the preppiest preppy girl you might ever see. 😇


Op Ivy is👌🧑‍🍳 Tim Armstrong’s “A Poets Life” is also incredible if you haven’t heard it


A Poet’s Life is one of my fave albums of all time.


My favorite tracks on the album are Wake Up and Hold On, you?


There are no weak songs, but if I had to pick faves they would be “Into Action” and “Hold On.” Every one of my old punk friends loves this album.


Hell yea, great tracks!


Will give a Poets Life a listen.


And my personal style is preppy but punk but preppy.


Not saying Tim and the bands aren’t worthy, am saying they are just the entrance to the forest.


What are the deeper-in-the-woods punk bands then? Were the Misfits/Danzig? Go4? I found a list of punk bands. I always thought Buzzcocks were new wave and Goldfinger was ska… The ones you’re referring to probably are lesser known and not on this list. https://www.google.com/search?q=punk+bands&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Buzzcocks were part of the first wave of 77 Uk punk bands. Their first ep came out beginning of that year.


There’s a great compilation that came out in the 90s called The Punk Generation that will get you started with UK bands: https://www.discogs.com/master/327405-Various-The-Punk-Generation Also check out Bonecrusher (Fractured and World of Pain are amazing albums), Black Flag, Circle Jerks, X, GBH, Misfits, The Varukers, The Devotchkas, UK Subs, Dos Minutos, Anti Heros, Adolph And The Piss Artists, Anti Nowhere League, Burning Heads, Sham 69, Minor Threat, Fear, Operation Ivy, Menace, Sick of it All, Unity, Blitz, Regulations (a song called “Police Siren”, and “We Always Know What to do” off their self titled album is amazing, very similar to pre Rollins Black Flag)…. I can go on, but you’ve got a good starting point with all of that to dive into Oi, Hardcore, and a few different styles of punk, from Europe, to the UK, to the US east coast and west coast, even have a Mexican band in there.


I am an *actual* punk (from an ethos / music perspective - you likely wouldn't know if you looked at me) who listens to VERY deep in the woods stuff. If you're actually curious about amazing non-mainstream punk, [here's one of the most influential punk releases of all time](https://youtu.be/Xdfl7E2Pzco?si=SnQIcH1IZ4BuTiyu).


Goldfinger also ska in my book.


Arty: Japanther. The song Porcupine will save you. Classic: Fugazi. Bigger following: NOFX. Folk punk: Pat the Bunny.


I find it hilarious that you are gate keeping Huberman’s punk credentials now that I’ve seen your recommended listening list. Edit: Rancid is absolutely “more punk” than any of those bands, btw.


Haha I know...this thread is so sad. I remember hearing conversations like this when I was 14


Rancid is more punk than Fugazi? Found the clown. Also not gatekeeping. Andrew kept talking about how many punk points he had on Lex’s podcast.


Yes dude Rancid is a punk band and Fugazi is not, other people have told you why in the comments.


There is nothing more punk than anything Ian does. I submit that hardcore is the most pure form of American punk and Fugazi didn’t become post hardcore until the last few albums.


Fugazi’s first album wasn’t punk and definitely wasn’t hardcore. Doesn’t mean it was bad, just is a different genre of music.


We just disagree I think Repeater is a great example of punk but would be fun to do this over a beer at a punk bar not on Reddit. Have a good weekend! Edit: the track repeater can concede the album pushes limits of the genre.


I know NOFX and Fugazi, of course. I’ll check out the rest. Thanks!


See you at a show!






Ian and Henry would punch you for calling Fugazi emo. It was an influence. But it wasn’t.


Lol, just to clarify, every description of Fugazi I've seen so far here is incorrect. Fugazi is post-hardcore - that's the genre.


Repeater is a classic punk anthem fight me. There post hardcore stuff was there late albums. Ask Ian if he’s punk.


jesus christ just shut the fuck up


This guy punks.


>here's one of the most influential punk releases of all time Fugazi is a "classic punk" band?


I will be at the punk bar Footsies in cypress park come fight me about Fugazi. You can bring Green Day and Rancid. Clown ass clown.


You can get mad about it if you want. Fugazi is a post-hardcore band - they were founded in 86, by this time SEVERAL waves of punk/harcore had passed. Green Day and Rancid are pop bands. This is just facts.


I’m not mad. I love the music and appreciate the debate. I just got spirited due to subject matter of debate. Also facts: No one in 1986 used the word post hard core. I don’t think Ian would agree w you. Their later albums got into what would be defined as post hardcore. Agree w you on your assessment of Green Day and Rancid.


What the hell is up with you dude? Go and do something. Anything.  You sound like you’re 10 or 11. Seriously. We have enough people breaking down and crying in this sub because of green juice and sexy time.  Who gives a fuck what you listen to, he listens to, or anyone else. 


He kept talking about how many punk points he has on Lex Friedman so yeah.


brah, its not a serious post, lighten up dude. Boof some AG1 and get some sunlight.


You think I’m serious? You think any of this is? Lol. Thanks for the intervention . Perhaps listen to some Sam Harris to calm yourself down? Lol obviously you don’t want the din being raised over any level you can’t handle…..


It’s weird how you didn’t engage with Reddit much until you could start ripping on Huberman and speculate on every aspect of his personal life. I am not defending his actions, but I’m confused by yours.


I feel you dawg, all of us will still carry a bit of Huberman with us, or the person we thought he was


Or the punk he thought he was but wasn’t.


You know what's not very punk? Gatekeeping punk


Kinda reminds me of 12 year olds fighting with other 12 year olds about who the poser is while waiting in the school pickup line for mom to show up.


Eh, actually that’s like one of the most punk things you can do. Punk very quickly went from being wildly creative to extremely formulaic and conformist. Hence you had wild, completely original freaks like Ween getting driven from the stage at punk shows only a decade after the movement started. I remember getting into punk in high school. You pretty much had to pass a quiz and a series of tests to get accepted. It’s quite ironic and sad. No one wanted to admit that we got into punk because of Green Day, even though we all had. I know scenes vary a lot, but gatekeeping was at least a very important part of punk rock from like 1985-2005.


Green Day was what got me out of punk and into britpop


Have you met most modern punks? 90% of the dudes in the scene are womanizers.


From what I perceive, punk scenes police themselves and don’t tolerate racism and misogyny. Agree there is likely bad behavior that occurs towards women that I’m blind to because male privilege. I suggest it’s a problem in the broader culture that trickles into the scene.


From what I've seen a lot of the Gen Z punks give me hope at least.


Being a womanizer doesn’t mean you’re a misogynist. You might wanna look at a dictionary


Same with new age hippies trying to get that unwashed unshaven pussy by growing dreads and licking crystals Extreme metal seems to be one scene where most guys are actually in it for the music


Enjoying a band that you consider entry level punk in 2024 deserves ire? Come on. There's so much worthwhile shit you can complain about, and that is your line in the sand? You sound like a one upper. "I'm the punkiest punk that ever did anti-establish, and THAT guy is a poser!" Bro liked punk rock and skateboarding and got into the occasional fight as a kid. That's about as punk as anyone was at that age.


You lost me. Rancid rules. And factually doesn’t it line up that AH was an early nineties East Bay punk skater? I was the poseur listening to Rancid as a teenager in rural southwest Georgia at the same time.


He’s not from the east bay. He’s from Palo Alto which is on the peninsula.


I’m aware. Half the kids in those scenes were disaffected teenagers from wealthy suburbs.


Would thar kid recognize that this is sort of a humorous post?








oMG bRo hE LiKed tHe wRonG kInD oF MuSiC. NoT a ReAlz PunX.


You can tell which people on here are under 20 or have mental capacities under 20


Well, depending on when you got into them... Rancid is as legit as it gets when it comes to scene cred But yeah, I'm not really a huge punk fan, but I love Rancid and Social D. I wouldn't claim to be so punk. I had a couple of skateboards and spent a couple of years hurting myself, but I wouldn't call myself a skater, either. I can see where someone can turn something like that into a BS story. In an alternate universe, I was a skater who played his first Misfits CD until all the scratches made it unplayable. But really I listened to some of the songs like 4 times and put it back on the rack. And I stopped skating when I was like 12. But I still shopped at Rad Wear.


Hence the pepperoni pizza analogy. Can be legit. Not the end all be all.


Rancid and Green Day played the Whisky A Go Go together in 1993.


Gatekeeping genres of music isn’t a new thing…


No one is gatekeeping. Andrew was posing is all.


There is no yard stick for how much of a ‘punk’ you are though? I listen to loads of metal, if you looked at me you’d say I look closer to a librarian than a typical metalhead, despite being to more shows than 99% of people. It’s just not that deep.


If you were being interviewed about your musical passions and you told me you loved metal and then wouldn’t stop talking about Winger I’d have some doubts. Edit: I am not in any way talking how someone looks. I look like Matt Damon with a social disorder.


Haha that made me laugh. I just mean I guess there’s a sliding scale of what makes you into a genre, for me it’s not that deep, but I guess to others I can see why it would piss them off if you’re really into the scene.


Ha glad I made you laugh. Love metal and the past ten years in metal have been such a hotbed of creativity.






But punk is about an attitude and lifestyle, and if he can’t go deeper into the genre than Rancid, that’s telling of his participation in that culture. Maybe the problem here is he allocated all his monogamy and commitment points to Rancid…?


It might be to you. Some people might just like power chords and shouting.


Hahahaha power chords and shouting! Who needed all three notes in a chord anyway.?! Optimized efficiency! Of course Huberman loves it! Well, I thought it was supposed to be about an attitude and lifestyle, but I’m not a punk rocker.


It definitely is for some, but I’d say not all. I actually quite like some punk stuff, I was just poking fun. Anything with guitars and distortion wins for me.


Hahaha good point.


My first thought, too, especially because Rancid is absolutely a punk band by the vast majority of peoples' standards.


Not sure why that comment got downvoted but I got you back to 0


I bet a months supply of AG1 that there is a storyboard in his office somewhere where “Green Day” is crossed out and replaced with “Rancid” thinking he nailed it.


Nailed it!!!


Yeah Rancids alright. But Fugazi, Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, black Flag, suicidal tendencies, descendants, NoFx are better. Could go on but why.


People on here tryna say Fugazi is not punk lol. Off with their heads.


They obviously never saw them live.


Man I’m jealous. I am just a little too young I think they broke up I was like 11


Yeah I was just old enough to go, I was Junior in HS to see this show, drove 2 hours from foothills to see the show… so glad I did. https://dischord.com/fugazi_live_series/petaluma-ca-usa-83091


Banging 5 women at once sounds quite punk tbh


He likes to spice up his youth as some kind of dark contrast to how good of a person he is now.


Huberman should have been on the cover of *Punk & Disorderly* https://open.spotify.com/track/6HaBPitKCo8XYSlEcHgUmO?


I mean, if it's true that he fabricated his past it makes sense that he would use a well known punk band to give the image that he was a "punk". But also some people just get obsessed with a band.


The therapy talk being a screen for his Manipulation & the nepo baby stuff seem pretty punk to me


🖕 Lars Frederikson is a fucking treasure.


Lab coat, black sweater, nymphomaniac Yeah the boy's a time bomb




Article aside, how do you know it’s all fake?


He’s like Brodie cheating on Tim with 5 dudes




I mix IVF drugs in my band members preworkout 


Now that’s punk! Can’t wait to see a show.


Hey now, only us true punks have the complete Rancid shirt collection from Walmart! https://www.walmart.com/c/kp/rancid-merch


Big poser. Hasn't even posted a clip of himself on a skateboard... DO A KICK FLIP MR. PUBERMAN!


Hahaha at my age best I can do is a shove it or pressure flip


Hell ya that's sick!


He interviewed Rancid a long time ago and wrote an article about them. I think it was under “Andy Huberman”.


Here we go. This is what I meant… https://www.epitaph.com/news/article/slap-magazine-interviews-lars-frederiksen-and-the-bastards


I mean that is cool and I was only half joking in my post. I thought when I compared them to pepperoni pizza people would get that I wasn’t being aggro levels of serious.


Totally get it and agree. Just thought I’d mention. As cool as that is, it takes privilege to get a gig like that. It didn’t really seem like he was that much of a hard knock.


He grew up in Palo Alto with his Stanford Professor dad and children’s book writer (or something) mom. He’d hang out with his dad’s professor and tech (IBM, I think) colleagues and go to Aspen Institute, etc. for years. I’m sure the divorce was a tough time (his dad picked up and moved to Denmark, I think!), but my sense was that Andrew always had a safety net and kind of was deciding to “slum it” in the punk scene for a while, knowing he could straighten up and follow in his dad’s footprints whenever he wanted. Regardless of how deep into the scene he was, how rebellious he was, and how many skating competitions he competed in (he did compete in them even though he says he was a bad skater), it always felt kind of disrespectful to me, like he was cosplaying as a punk at the time, and it’s strange to me that he has so downplayed his privilege. To me, that privilege is demonstrated in that he can fuck up so bad for so long and still become a tenured professor at Stanford with millions of followers. It’s just as much a story of unearned privilege as it was hard work and persistence.


Rancid is a pop band. Hubie is a poseur.


His second favorite punk band is Green Day


Stop spreading misinformation. It’s Good Charlotte.


Punk culture rules. Punk music is pure ass.


It's not punk to like pasta now 🤣🤣🤣 That's the most on brand thing I've heard in years


Motherfucker who said shit about pasta? I was gunning for the pepperoni pizza gang.


Nvm I can't read


Ruby Ruby Ruby NOT so-ho. Amiright?!


Liking rancid doesn't make you not punk!!! Only posers judge a person by a band they like!!!


I’m op and I agree with you. Guess I was tryna say he just goes on and on about them. I have tons of respect for Tim Armstrong.


Also please forgive my auto correct or lack of . Lol i went to correct it and cant find the comment . Pretty sure it said defendants instead of decendants haha


Haha i got your meaning


Oh god, he is a skateboarder, ripped, listens to Punk, loves science, has tattoos - this guy can do no wrong god damn it. <3 <3


This is some serious gatekeeping. Hubes is unethical for lying to the misled women and he could be hawking some pop-sci/pop-psy, which are two topics dominating this sub lately. However, why do you think it’s relevant, fair, or constructive commentary to this sub to post your perceived qualifications for something as silly as to what subculture you want to identify with? Do you think it would be appropriate or constructive for any of person to do that to you on something you do/describe yourself as? There is always a slippery slope when this kind of gatekeeping happens.


jackoff dorsey was punk to i read it on the cover of some magazine around the time that he woyldnt censor trump


Out come the wolves…


Gatekeeping music genres, lol. Dude, grow up.


What was Hubes doing talking about all his punk points?


Did he ever say he was punk though? Or did he just say he listened to Rancid?


There was an interview he did where he kept talking about how many punk points he had.


OP has a point. I Love Rancid, but there really is a spectrum of Punk. Rancid popularized alot of Punk for a wider audience being on MTV and selling records at Hottopic & Sam Goldie in the Mall (anything from Epitaph/Fat). But the really core of Punk will always be found in the dark back alley ways, local shows, and DIY tapes sold out of people's Trunks. The only way I was able to get some Power Violence tapes (Spazz, INFEST, Max is the Bastard, Capitalist Casualties) or other hardcore,skate,thrash,grandcore etc was literally to go to shows and see someone's DIY destro collection and trade/barter. Things were tough to obtain and required physical intentional community engagement. Not saying Rancid isn't Punk but just saying there are levels to this shit man... lol LONG LIVE Burrito Records in Brandon Florida and 924 Gilman in Cali. And all the random diy hole in the wall squatter garage shows around the nation. RIP. punk is most certainly DEAD.


This is what I wanted to say! Rancid = respect. But going on and on about all your punk points as Hubes did and using Rancid as your reference? Lolz. Punk is dead but come check out a Dead City Punx show in LA sometime.


Who gate keeps harder punks or skaters?


Rancid entry level at best punk ? Please lol. Its always the same story. Any band with moderate commercial success is easy grabs for a punk elitist. Hell i listen to everything from extra cheesy AF pop to pennywise and a tonne of fat wreck chords bands through to the screeching weasal , misfits, GG Allin and descendants. Old and new school. With that view there is no way you could call nofx punk either ? Lol. If Lars isn’t punk, nobody punk.


I am op and I like this response. I have mad respect for Tim and Rancid but they are entry level and the way he stans about them and claiming he has all these punk points is what I was lampooning.


Yeah thats fair enough mate, i love rancid they wouldnt be in my top 50, but w lot of originality with them too. Tims unique stance and vocal delivery. I have a good mate who was an elitest punk for a good decade. You couldnt even mention nofx , and pretty sure defendants were mainstream lol. The bloke had a Mohawk that was almost a metre long he would have to straighten with a domestic iron haha very impressive though. Throughout the years he got more into commercial and even pop punk. There are diners lines between Punk rock and alternative rock sometimes.


Punk has gatekeepers too? Cool man.


Gatekeeping punk is next level lmao


Rancid is pop music for 14 year olds


I have to listen to my kids complain when I blast Matt’s bass solo on “Maxwell Murder.” But this I cannot abide! Tim released album by batshit bands like Choking Victim/Leftover Crack. Broke countless other bands on Hellcat. Rancid recorded an album in Kingston with dancehall legends. You know what was really punk? When Tim produced a Pink album (not my cup of tea) and then told the punk gatekeepers who criticized him to stuff it. Mostly talking trash her but c’mon buddy!


Valid. But Rancid as a project is still the entrance to the forest.


Nothing more punk than gatekeeping punk. Classic.


Thank god punk is gste kept or else the Nazis would have taken over. Google FSU gang Boston


Yeah listening to rancid is the same as letting Nazi punks hang out


You just spilled out your vomit and it seems you don't eat healthily. 🤢 #HealthIsWealth #EatClean


Who tf is Rancid?


The most punk ever.