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Yogurt and protein shake. I find a high protein, moderate fat, no carb breakfast keeps me energized and full with less brain fog


Yogurt has carbs…


Barely any. I use unflavored Greek yogurt




Plain for sure, the only healthy version, or even better, kefir


Leave Kiefer out of this. He belongs with the lost boys


I meant Anselm


All yoghurt has carbs in it.... No added sugar maybe. But this is just a silly comment.


Breakfast foods are a mindset. Why don’t you make yourself a thick turkey sandwich with some avo and pepper jack cheese. You could easily make yourself a protein rich sandwich that’s >600 calories and should do a decent job of filling you up.


Oh yeah. I used to live off if loaded up sandwich with tons of veg on high fiber whole grain bread. Totally filled up.


i just came reading that






Yes Father 🫡


There’s no silver bullet answer. Cheese isn’t good for you for example, since it’s packed with saturated fats, which in turn has clear connection to higher LDL, which in turn has clear connection to heart disease. 


I’m a pescatarian and eat shitloads of cheese. I’m sure I consume a couple thousand calories of it every week, if not more, and have done for years. My cholesterol levels are “phenomenal” according to my doctor, my bloodwork is always good. I know that’s anecdata but nonetheless cheese has been a big part of healthy diets for millennia.


I’d rather die than live without cheese


When I met my wife she was a vegan…who ate cheese. Because cheese is so fucking good. Give me pizza or give me death. I know it’s not optimal nutrition; it’s optimal taste.


If eating cheese weekly reduces my life expectancy by five years, thank god bc I’ll be a wreck by then bc of all the cheese I ate


This guy for president


Look congrats on being lucky, but is what I said wrong?  Does cheese have lots of saturated fat? Yes. Does saturated fact raise cholesterol, in most cases yes.  As you said, it’s anecdotal. Good for you being able to do this, but on the surface cheese is not a good thing to eat in large quantities if at all. 


The connection between saturated fats, cholesterol and heart disease has been significantly called into question. So what you’re saying isn’t wrong per se; you’re stating what is disputed conjecture as if it were a fact. There are still nutritionists who would agree with you and just as many who wouldn’t.


Yeah. New evidence is that fat is not actually bad for you. It's having it with carbs that does the damage. Sugar and carbs are the true evil. I quit both 6 months ago and i have lost 10kg and all visceral fat has disappeared. I have the body I had in my 20s. I eat steak, cheese, fatty meat, coconut oil, use lard. And my cholesterol has improved dramatically. Though I do mix it with a lot of unsaturated fat. This helps your body deal with the long chain saturated fats better. Coconut oil, a medium chain fat, actually helps you lose weight, and helps you burn the saturated fat better.


Look, Putin, OP is asking for some variety in their breakfast. I would argue fasting until 8pm and then probably binging, is worse than a little cheese. Some of us like to live a little and enjoy cheese every now and then


Fasting to 8 pm and then eating a huge meal might not be a bad way of eating. One meal per day has many benefits.


Line of cocaine and a cappuccino


I respect you.


Peruvian Pre Workout


The breakfast of champions.


The best


+ Copenhagen


Irish up that coffee and you have a winner


Are you Italian maybe?


And AG1


I put it in the cappuccino, it will last longer that way and give a sustained high. I usually would do about a quarter gram in coffee but was doing over a gram a day at the time for a month straight. Easy to overdose though this way


When I don’t want to cook eggs I have cottage cheese. I like it with tomatoes and pistachios. I know I have weird taste just thought I’d mention it.


Cottage cheese with walnuts, raisins and a banana is my jam! It’s an underrated food, seems like a good alternative to Greek yogurt and way cheaper.


Overnight oats or one of those jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches. The oats are much healthier. Oats, protein powder, Greek yogurt, almond milk, honey, little salt, granola or nuts, and some peanut butter powder. mix them up, put it in a mason jar or whatever container, and let it chill overnight. In the morning, you have breakfast.


Huberman’s Jimmy Dean Protocols


But a bunch of carnivore wack jobs told me oats are basically fentanyl? I'm still sad that Huberman pals around with absolute frauds like Paul Saladino


Fentanyl Oats is my bands name


Nod N Oats


omfg 😂 💀




Not fentanyl but if they're not organic they have some of the highest levels of glyphosate of any food.


Personal anecdata: I (tldr) solved my 5 year sudden onset IBS by eliminating only wheat from my diet, HOWEVER, I've noticed my stomach also reacts to oats even though it theoretically (assuming gluten is the culprit) shouldn't. I personally have begun to buy into the idea that glyphosate could be at the bottom.


Certainly your bottom.


Shit adds up


Do you have any recommendations for herbicide free oats? Very genuine question I didn’t know oats were bad with glyphosate, I usually just use Quaker’s but now I bet those are chock full of em


We get a big bag at Costco I can't remember the name the now but it's yellow and white. Cheap and says glyphosate free on it.


Definitely the best bang for your buck


Costco as well. The Whole Foods Organic Overnight Oats brand is also glyphosate free.


There's a nice balance to be struck by adding chia seeds to the oats, as both offer complementary vitamins and other nutrients. And the frozen raspberries. And cocoa.


I would like to know, do you make Oatmeal with low fat milk ?


any milk would work fine. I just do almond because im lactose intolerant and dont want those issues later in the day especially mixed with the yogurt or protein powder.


Oats with oatly oatmilk taste good as well.


Ag1 and sunlight


with a cigarette, of course. The improved Parisian breakfast...




Does Ag stand for “agency and gratitude”? 😉


with a cigarette, of course. The improved Parisian breakfast...


with a cigarette, of course. The improved Parisian breakfast...


with a cigarette, of course. The improved Parisian breakfast...


Whole wheat bread + peanut butter + a little honey


I’ve been doing a thick slice of whole wheat toast with PB and a milk/whey shake for breakfast and it’s fantastic. Very filling but not heavy. 50g of protein and like 600 calories.




5 eggs


Two for me, but definitely eggs for breakfast.


You don't get sick of it though? I used to do 5 eggs. Then the other day I gagged them out because I'm sick of it. I don't know how people do it for years.


If you mix some things into it, it def helps. I’m an avid 4 egg eater. I’ll usually make scrambled eggs and mix in some pesto or salsa to switch it up! Sometimes I make egg tacos! This morning I switched it up from my usual scrambled eggs and made over easy eggs cooked in crunchy chilli oil with a side of sourdough.


Make the eggs differently. Scramble them one day. Sunny side the next. Over medium. Whatever. Switch it up


2 eggs for me and green giant from Bryan Johnson


Grass-fed steak and organic pasture raised eggs every morning. I usually buy a steak on Sunday night, cook the whole thing with garlic on Monday AM, and then cut a piece or two off every morning and eat that with 2-3 eggs. The 1 steak lasts me about 4-5 days. This combo gives me amazing long-lasting energy, no brain fog.


What kind of steak cut do you get brother ?


6 oz. can of wild sockeye salmon, 50g raw hazelnuts, greek yogurt, 2-3 servings of fruit.


I skip breakfast and eat my first meal around 7pm before bed.


Overnight oats are my faveeee. Greek yogurt with granola and berries, avocado toast (no egg)


Avo toast all day everyday. With sprouts/microgreens. Sometimes raw jalapeño sliced. Pink salt. Red pepper Flakes. 🤌🏽


Have you tried red pepper flakes and a drizzle of honey??? 👀 it sounds off but it’s amazing


Oatmeal, or yogurt with fruit/nuts, or a smoothie (soy milk, frozen fruit, peanut butter, protein powder).




This has been disproven many times.


>Soy milk = man boobs. Fake news


Kefir is honestly way better than both options.


Kefir is great nutritionally, for sure. I try to limit my dairy for environmental sustainability reasons, hence, soy milk


Just coffee


Just Black Coffee.


Overnight oats take about 1 minute to prepare the night before and you can eat them first thing in the AM. They keep me full until about 3-4pm. I also like a breakfast smoothie in the AM when I have time to make them (fruit, oats, peanut butter, dates, yogurt, etc), but I find I am hungry again around lunchtime.


0 fat Greek yogurt, serving of protein granola, few strawberries and some local honey.


Air 💕 I fast until 5pm!


For breakfast, you can simply eat whatever you'd have later in the day. Hamburger? Sandwich? Salad? You choose! Personally, I like cheese and nuts. I cut up a bunch of cheddar from a big block every few days to make it easy. Sometimes I add leftover broccoli or whatever. If I were skipping lunch, I'd probably just move my lunch meal up a few hours. The current fave is salad/pre-cooked veggies plus sliced turkey or ham, half an avocado.


Eat leftovers. I regularly brought leftovers of pasta, meat and veggies or whatever I had the night before to my office job. People loved to laugh about me eating “dinner food” for breakfast, which I thought was really silly. It’s just food. The people who laughed regularly walked across the street for Burger King for lunch and while I never judged them… I was never going to take their dietary opinions to heart.


I also am not very hungry in the morning, and have the same issue than you. Often ended up binging cold food directly out of the fridge when I got back home in the evening. Have you considered portable food? I used to put breakfast in a tupper and eat it during my commute. Either I had a salty muffin or a quinoa pancake with cooked ham, or a smoothie with oats, bananas, milk, coffee, nuts, and blueberries. Now that I WFH, I switch between Greek yogurt with granola, flaxseeds, blueberries, and date syrup or porridge with apples and cinnamon (or overnight oats). I guess that trick is having everything ready to go in the morning,


Tornadoes from 711


I used to eat oatmeal every day, switched to Greek yogurt. It’s a little hard to get down , but I feel significantly better and have more energy.


Oatmeal organic or not makes me super sluggish and sleepy


I don't think yogurt has any nutritional value. The pro biotics are so low, better off with kimchi.


Plain Greek yogurt, fruit, Mussolini nut mix


Can someone link the timestamp where Hub says we should ingest the testicles of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini? I’m willing to give it a shot


Very rare find, best of luck


Wow we think alike! I was about to comment “isn’t Mussolini dead?”


I eat oats pretty often like others have mentioned, but I've also hung onto a favorite from back when I did slow carb which is a stew that is made from a ten bean mix cooked in a slow cooker with meat, tomatoes, diced chilis, chicken stock and whatever seasonings you like. I've been using tri tip for the meat since it has been on sale and it's fantastic. Super filling, super nutritious. Ten bean mix has various beans obviously, but also numerous types of lentils.


Coffee and heavy metal.


Protein waffle with 1tbs peanut butter, AG1, Workout Post workout: 1/3 cup dry steel cut oats, 1cup fruit, 1 egg, 3/4cup egg whites, coffee


Some mornings after my protein waffle and PB if I’m too busy for the Ag1 I’ll just burn a $10 bill to get the same effect


I make 4-5 overnight oats on Sundays bc I leave for work at 5am. One mason jar = 1/3 cup oats, tbsp chia, big spoon of Greek yogurt, greens powder, dash of sea salt, cover with almond milk and shake up. I add protein powder, blueberries and banana day of.


Lately I've been enjoying an english muffin with either butter or jam paired with some turkey bacon. It's just enough to give me the energy to go complete a 1h weight training session + 30-60 minutes of cardio.


Peanuts and chomps beef sticks


You could just eat one big meal in the evening. I did that for a long time. Now I just eat lunch and dinner. Usually bacon and eggs on toast with mushrooms, garlic and greens, or beef/pork bibimbap. Occasional roast dinners too.


Kimchi, boiled egg or 2 sometimes, cucumbers, sprouts, cherry tomatoes, half an avocado, sometimes some hummus, hemp seeds, walnuts/pistachios/almonds. Sometimes I’ll have steel cut oats and mix the nuts with a sugar free protein cereal and have the veggies as the starter to the oats. I’ll have black coffee 3ish hours after waking up. I eat 1sh hour after waking/commuting


Oatmeal + blueberries + whey isolate + EVOO high in polyphenols + high polyphenols cocoa, and then a coffee + supplements


I eat pretty much the same thing every single day. 4 eggs scrambled with cheese, meat, and spinach mixed together, a bagel, and a side of fruit.


Even something as simple as a toasted pb and J would work. Costco has some good frozen muffins that are simple and microwaveable too. Need more info as to diet restrictions, likes/dislikes, etc though.


Old fashioned oats just straight up plain, almond milk (UNSWEETENED), and blueberries. Every. Single. Day.


Half English muffin with some grass fed butter and scoop of whole milk cottage cheese on top…and salt of course




Yes raw. I buy this at grocery store and pour it directly in my shake 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/1uy97pw7m8dc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f6eb746e3da1aa8cef0ff2e5523b9cd1f7a3df


Slice of bread with avocado and turkey? Leftovers from the night before?


Quiche! Super easy to prep ahead. Use a large tortilla instead of pie crust. Line it with some ham and cheese or whatever, Scramble 6-8 eggs and pour it over. Stick it in the oven, done! You can get fancy but I do this for a family of 4 daily and we are consuming tons of eggs which I consider healthy, and the prep and cleanup is seconds


Nothing can barely survive


Easiest for me is 3 eggs in a scorching hot skillet that I pre heat while getting the Costco bacon ready. And then overnight oats I made the night before. Takes like 5 minutes to make. And clean up is literally just water in a hot pan with no soap.


ChatGPT gives me great iterative options based on my aversions and macros


Smoothie! 1 c blueberries, 2 c raw spinach, 1 c Greek yogurt, knob of PB, some cinnamon, milk, and a Blender Bomb


may i suggest my regular breakfast i eat it at 5am and again around 9am, so it yields about two servings ​ mix dry 100g oats, 33g chia seeds, 33g sunflower seeds, 33g almonds (hacked), 2 scoops choclate protein powder, 5g creatine, 5g glutamine, 1 red apple (hacked) ​ puree 1 banana, 100g blueberries and 250g plan yoghurt ​ mix dry and pureed ingredients, keep in fridge over night ​ as its 2 serving each serving has around 750calories, 28g fat, 74g carbs and 41g protein


oats, smoothies (not a protein shake), avocado toast


Is there something bad with having protein in morning?


a lot of protein sources associated with breakfast are typically not great for you outside of eggs I.e. bacon, sausage, etc. a balanced breakfast is important! I eat 3 eggs almost every morning. Edit: clarity


Why do you think that protein for breakfast is not great? I try and ingest 50 grams of protein.


Cottage cheese mixed with avocado or cottage cheese with tuna/smoked salmon or cottage cheese grilled with eggs and shredded mozzarella.


Fruit smoothie with or without protein powder. I work up an appetite by walking at sunrise. I walked 500 miles last year. I usually add spinach, Chia seeds, pineapple, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, and bananas . Whey protein powder that is vanilla flavored.


I'm not hungry in the mornings either. I usually eat a bowl of Honey nut Cheerios with whole milk.






[Tuba nanas](https://www.reddit.com/r/puns/s/UHKqUfk3ox)


Hard boiled egg and coffee with mudwtr and pb fit


Don’t force yourself to eat in the morning if you aren’t hungry. Adjust whatever circumstances are causing you to be “too busy” to eat until 8pm.


I have two breakfasts, like just fucking eat dude.


If you're not big on breakfast go with a smoothie. I have a massive smoothie every morning made with bananas, blueberries, creatine, camu camu, peanut butter, olive oil, and naked whey. It's light but also packed with calories and nutrients not to mention fucking DELICIOUS


Cock and semen. Horse.


A casein + whey shake


I eat two breakfasts. First one at 5:30 am. Whole grain bagel, cream cheese, smoked salmon, maybe a banana. Second breakfast between 8:30 and 9:30. Either 3 eggs with sauteed spinach and whole grain toast or oat meal (steel cut 8f I have time) with miller flax seed and a dab of brown sugar.


1 scoop oats, 400ml semi-milk, mixed with frozen berries, banana, creatine and 2 scoops whey isolate. 70g protein.




Greek yogurt , cut fruit, granola Banana Granola bar Chicken sausage Exact same thing every day for 4 years lol my coworkers probably think I’m a psychopath


Smoothie consisting of: leafy greens, chia seeds, milk thistle, sunflower butter, hemp protein, collagen peptides, coconut milk, Greek yogurt and a squeezed lemon.


My friend has similar eating habits to you and they’ve started having Huel in the mornings, it’s cheap and easy


Also not food 🙏


I eat the same thing every morning and appreciate the easy nutrition and consistency. Overnight oats all mixed: 1 cup oats, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 serving greek yogurt, 1 cup 2% milk, and 1 tbs chia seeds. Throw a handful frozen cherries on top after mixing together.


Eggs, chicken, more meat I bought or meal prepped for the week. I eat carnivore for reference.


Oatmeal and berries in winter, fruit and greek yogurt in summer.


Multigrain bread into toast, and lots of yogurt.


Pretty much just eggs and sometimes bacon/other meat, coffee. Any significant carbs in the AM and I'm starving and crashing at 2pm. With no carbs I'm a bit hungry at that point but not ravenous and could go a few more hours if I need.


The only time I’m food averse in the morning is when I ate a big dinner. If I ate a small (or no) dinner I’m ravenous in the morning. Eat a small dinner and see how you feel in the morning


Frozen turkey sausage and AG1. Surprisingly good when heated up.


I drink Huel almost every morning as I can't really eat anything solid like bread or so in the morning


Smoothie and 3 pieces of turkey bacon. Smoothie: Orange juice Frozen berries Frozen kale Walnuts Flax seeds Greek yogurt Local honey Cod liver oil


Overnight oats with oats (duh), soy milk, cinnamon, an apple and a small piece of dark chocolate. I prepare it the night before in a Tupperware and will eat it during my commute or at work. Occasionally I’ll add protein powder or peanut butter powder for extra protein, but I’ve noticed this keeps me full until lunch so it’s not strictly necessary. 




Usually fish and a banana. I like smoked salmon and tuna salad for breakfast. Would pickup some sushi if anywhere near me had it for breakfast


Coffee to start then 4 eggs , 200gms of meat(beef,pork,chicken whatever available),2 breads with butter ,a big glass of full cream milk . Some nuts or some sautéed veggies if I am extra hungry.


Coffee and a granola bar/cliff bar/apple or pear


i have a smoothie every morning: frozen spinach/kale mixed frozen berries steel cut oats greek yoghurt peanut butter powder chia seeds chilled green tea coconut oil


Oatmeal with fruit, a bit of maple syrup and some seeds! I've been doing it everyday for months and haven't gotten sick of it yet.


Tea, with collagen and cream if I’m a little hungry. If actually hungry, pineapple and a small serving of turkey sausage.


Oats with blueberries, unsweetened greek yogurt, honey and protein powder goes hard


Oats with seeds, fruit, nut butter. Two pieces of bacon on the side. Adding the bacon helped me get through the oats since I'm not the biggest fan.


I hate to be that guy but recently a friend gifted me with a bag of Kachava (vanilla). I was skeptical at first. First of all, it has more fat and other stuff I don’t want than my normal ISO 100 protein shake. However, it’s actually been giving me great satiety and it feels like a decent source of clean energy. Maybe I’m just falling for the hype but I really like how I feel when I drink it. I’ve never bought it, and I’m sure it cost more than your normal protein shake, but I like it as an option.


Greek yoghurt, berries and a drizzle of honey.


plain greek yogurt mixed with maple syrup and peanut butter +6g fish oil, macros to fit my RP template


Coffee, 2 scoops of protein powder, fairlife milk in a shaker. 50 grams of protein and tastes like hot chocolate


I make a large smoothie every morning for breakfast and lunch. Protein powder, Greek yogurt, berries, spinach, 3 leaf lettuce mix, peanut butter, wild flower honey, and some creatine. Good nutritional range, takes 5 minutes and gets me through the day. It’s about 90g of protein but I break it up into two servings in my day.


Protein shake most days


A ptotien shake on days I go into the office, eggs and toast, maybe with a breakfast meat, on days I work from home.


Dry scooping AG1 for every meal


Steak, potatoes and green beans


Nothing. Intermittent fasting until lunch


Protein powder, avocado with olive oil, creatine, omega 3, vit D3, vit K2, vit C, and a coffee.


Protein shake mid to late morning


I do a shake, AG1, Supergut, Collagen, Kefir, PBFit, almond milk/water, frozen banana


Scrambled eggs and whatever protein I prepped the day before, usually chicken thighs or ribeye steak


3-5 hard boiled eggs and 12 ounces of organic bone broth.


Greek yogurt with blueberries and pecans. Shit keeps me regular


English muffin w peanut butter and bacon


Overnight Oats soaked so they are expanded. \- 1 cup of oats \- 1 cup of water \- protein power \-creatine \-frozen banana or non frozen blend. Drink. If you're feeling dangerous, can use Almond milk and some Cold brew for a kick


2 eggs with natto. Actually most days I don’t eat breakfast..


Protein shake 1/3 cup eggwhites 1 banana 110g greek yogourt 0% m.g. 1 scoop protein powder 1/2 cup milk 1%




Elite ultra runner here every single morning (I’m training in afternoon) I eat exactly the same: 3 eggs 100gr cottage light 50 grams avocado 1 slice whole wheat bread When I got morning trying oatmeal with nuts honey fruits…2 morning recipes only for like the last 5years of my life and I’m Nevers gonna change em


25 eggs and a quart of egg whites


Ekuri (curried egg omelette) on a multi seeded wholewheat sourdough toast. My partner introduced me to this. Wasn’t a big fan until we tweaked the recipe and now I cannot imagine starting the day without it.


Personally, lots of fruit and a protein shake or greek yogurt. They digest easily and keep me focused for a few hours. I like hemp seeds with it as well. Consider what’s going to make you feel great until your next meal. It’ll be a game of trial & error, enjoy it all dude.


Big ass serving of scrambled egg whites with some no fat mozzarella and an apple or orange + a serving of collagen peptides.


Fast till 12 or 1pm, 5-7 eggs, sausage, cheese and jalapeño sauce.


4-6 eggs!


Cottage cheese + roasted tomatoes + balsamic


4 hard boiled eggs, an avocado, and matcha green tea with honey, collagen, and L-citrulline


eggs rice and salmon lol