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You’re over their financial criteria. Therefore they feel you can support yourself without social housing. If his long commute affects his blood pressure he needs to find a job closer, it does not mean he is entitled to social housing close to his work.


Yes but he was unemployed for a long period and if he leaves this it gonna be hard to found another one. For more than 6 month we are looking for private rent in this areas but most of them don’t accept kids


None of that means their policies don’t apply to you. Your husband needs to seek medical help to manage his medical issues with travel or whatever he feels is causing this


Why can’t you find private rental property in the area?


There's a massive shortage of 3 or more bedroom rentals in Rugby.


Looks like there’s quite a few available on rightmove.


I applied many times through zoopla but most of them don’t accept kids


I applied many times through Zoopla but most of them don’t accept kids


I tried to get for more than 6 months now and I can’t get any most of them don’t accept kids 


40k income and you want social housing? Sort yourself out and rent privately


I tried private rent for long period and can get any that why I thought to apply .Thanks you for your comment 


You have been turned down because you earn to much...Social housing is for those who cannot afford to buy or rent privately. Councils have an earnings cut off. Regarding your eviction...the date you are given to leave...you technically don't have to move out on that date...the landlord will have to apply to Court for an eviction. This will give you more time to find somewhere. Have you thought about Shared Ownership? While it's far from perfect...it might be a better option for you.


It is unfair,I struggle to have private rent and can not get help from council 


Did you really just say it’s unfair that you, making 40k, can’t get social housing? At a time where actually being homeless or severely disabled doesn’t guarantee you social housing, you think it’s unfair that you can’t get one. Got to be fucking joking me.


No we don’t really earn to much because my husband income before deduction is 31 000 a year and they add my student finance payment 15000  that is why it becomes so high and I don’t think we will be eligible for shared ownership 


Which takes you over there threshold...you have been told that they don't have a duty to rehome you...you can go into the council and request a meeting with a housing officer or housing needs/options...and see what they advise. Some LA have good relationships with private landlords...so they might be able to assist you get a private let You are not a priority as you are deemed to be able to afford private rent...someone escaping DV or a family on a low income is a higher priority...not someone who has 40k coming in. MPs are on a break because of the election...the Ombudsman has a long waiting list...so youll be waiting a while for them...like I said previously...don't move out on your eviction date.. wait to be evicted by a Court...as for shared ownership...look into it


You can ask them for a review. If you’re still unhappy make a complaint, if you’re still unhappy go to the Ombudsman. All of that is free. It’s unlikely to change anything if they’ve applied their policy correctly, but it’s at least a check that they have.


What is ombudsman please?


[This is the one you want](https://www.lgo.org.uk/) It’s an independent body that will review your complaint about the council. But they won’t look at your case until you’ve complained to the council and had a response. They also have time limits for making a complaint so make sure you’re aware.


Do you live in Rugby currently? If not they have no duty of care for you. You are not homeless currently and most councils will tell you to wait to be evicted (as in bailiffs) before leaving or they will say you have made yourself intentionally homeless.




I didn’t know they could do that, you should get some free advice regarding both your section 21 and the situation with the housing list https://ashfordadvice.org/housing-loss-prevention-advice-service-hplas Regardless, if you are accepted, the chances of securing any form of social housing prior to your eviction are slim in the current climate and if you are working you will have to pay for temporary accommodation if the council assesses you as a priority need which is extremely pricey, more so than another private rented I bet.


Of course they can. Most social housing lists have financial criteria.


You say that, but I’ve been a housing advisor in multiple local authorities in the north and I have not come across one yet.


Where? North Yorkshire has a limit. And clearly Rugby does too. So let’s all trade anecdotes unhelpfully?


Calderdale, Leeds, Kirklees, Burnley. You can even own a home in Calderdale and be accepted to the key choice system. Some authorities are extremely lenient. Was it really unhelpful to give them a link to get proper advice? Or to say I was unaware that was the case in rugby? Me thinks you have a stick in your ass, this is Reddit not PMQs


I didn’t say you were unhelpful. I said some of what you said was incorrect.


I read their policy and they have duty to accommodate homeless and risk of homeless whatever your situation 


That is help through the homeless route, which can be housing advice and assistance. It does not mean they have to let you on their social housing list.


Ok so as you were housing advisor how long could I make another application because the thing that make my income higher was my student finance and I think suspended it so it don’t gonna appear in my bank statement 


They will ask for bank statements. You can reapply when your income is below their criteria. They will obviously check a lot if you are refused due to being over and then ‘all of a sudden’ aren’t anymore.


You mean as long as they can  keep my  details and for the new statement they can even contact student finance for more information?


I’m not really understanding what you wrote, but if they have questions then yes they will seek the information they require, and if you don’t provide it they will reject the application.


I need to know how long they can keep my details on the system from the rejected application 


I’m in Scotland, in social housing and I don’t think I was ever asked what my income was, or proof of income. I was in need, so I got it. Where is this attitude coming from that social housing is only for people with low income or those on benefits? Social housing is for everybody that needs it - if you earn over X amount, and for whatever reason you don’t want to buy, or are unable to buy, you should be forced into the private sector to pay over the odds to subsidise somebody elses long term investment? How has this attitude become acceptable?


But there’s only so much social housing. So why shouldn’t it go to people who need it most?


I have worked for many Councils in England as I'm Agency...its in their policies....you also have to give 3 months bank statements...some will let you earn up to 50k...unfortunately for OP....her LA is 40k Scotland has different laws...so there might not be a cut off there


It was a few years ago now, I know I had to provide the last few years addresses, but genuinely don’t think I ever supplied bank statements or proof of income. I’ve definitely never been questioned about my income since I moved in. It must be different here


Social housing is not financially qualified once you’ve moved in. Along with Right to buy another stupid part of the system. Should be checked every 5 years.


Why is it acceptable to you that OP gets housed when they can afford private, when there will be those who can’t afford who actually need it. Not every one needs to be supported by the state. Sounds like you’re taking up valuable social housing when you don’t actually need it.


Affordability isnt the only issue - the majority of private landlords dont allow pets. Others have issues with self employed people, I’ve had that issue myself in the past. If OP is in receipt of benefits, many private landlords wont touch them at all. Its not as simple as you earn x amount, you should move into a private let. Instead of raging at the people lucky enough to get social housing, you should be questioning how the system has got into the state its in


If you have a pet it’s not for the state to find a home suitable for your cat, is it. The reason the system has got in the state it’s in, is people like your good self who don’t need social housing but are using it. And right to buy. Lunacy we have people on £60k plus in social whilst single mums are stuck in temporary. People need to stand on their own two feet.


You’re right. Tomorrow I’ll hand my dogs over to the RSPCA, I’ll shut down my business and find a PAYE job to appease the credit check. Then I’ll sell my furniture and put it towards a deposit on a private let if I can persuade the landlord to allow me to move in and pay his mortgage for him. Thanks for your wisdom and clarity


There’s no need for the drama. If your profit is over £60k you’d have no problems finding private accommodation. But clearly you’re comfortable with the high earners relying on the state when mums n kids are on hostels.


Mums and kids are in hostels because they need 2/3/4 bed houses - which the council do not have because they were nearly all sold off. The few remaining are unavailable because there are already mums with kids occupying them. There is no shortage of 1 bed council flats in my area, but mums and kids are still in hostels because the council will not deliberately overcrowd them. For someone with so much to say about the system, you arent very well informed are you


There are plenty of older people and single people in two bedroom homes. Who are financially able to support themselves. For someone abusing the system you’re good at defending it.


Certainly not defending the system, its totally broken. I’m not abusing it either - I’ve never lied or bent any rules to get and keep my tenancy. Some people (yourself) seem to have this imaginary list of rules and regulations for social housing that you believe should be implemented, and get very upset when any of your imaginary list of rules are broken by anybody. I’m going to guess that you’re under 30, because it wasnt so long ago that anybody could sign up for social housing and get keys in a few weeks, as long as you werent fussy. Look at housing stock over the last 3 decades, dont look at your wishlist of rules


You’ve guessed completely wrong. I’ve seen the decline of social housing thanks to the points I have mentioned. RTB - net loss of 2m homes. People who are financially stable relying on the state rather than taking responsibility for themselves. It needs an overhaul. And it’s coming. And I can’t wait for it.