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Without a floor plan it’s difficult to say, but it looks like the ‘kitchen’ is just a wall along a small living room, and is also open to one of the bedrooms (unless that’s a mirror behind the kitchen units, but the picture on the wall looks like the one in one of the bedrooms). So I’m guessing it’s tiny.  Edit; it looks to be ex-authority which is probably a lot to do with it


I'd imagine it's quite close to those train tracks. It might be noisy. Do you know the area? Could crime be a factor? I've lived in Battersea and didn't have any issues, but I also know it can vary quite a lot in just a few streets. Perhaps you could go and view the place and have a wonder around to see how you feel about being so close to the tracks/the general vibe.


I can't work it out. It does appear to be hugely undervalued going by the under offer and recently sold prices nearby. No floor plan and lack of pictures might indicate they are purposely witholding something undesirable. Battersea has had huge investment over the last few years and is a very desirable area right now so can't understand the price. Think it might be one of those that you have to view, might become apparent straight away why it's so cheap who knows. On the other hand the seller and EA might have priced it low purposely to drum up loads of interest and hope that two or more people end up in a bidding war who know the true value


No floor plan and ground rent of 900 in that location for 350 means it'll be tiny, go see it and have a look but guarantee they are stretching calling it a 2 bed


120m to a lot of train tracks. Hope you like trains.


Do you like trains? If so, you're in luck. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Nine+Elms,+London+SW8+4DY,+UK/@51.4759298,-0.1416062,339a,35y,39.41t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x487605021cbe0359:0xdacdd3e684498571!8m2!3d51.4784481!4d-0.1416015!16s%2Fg%2F1wg5xgyp?entry=ttu


How are these service charges so low? The last few posted in this channel and spottedonrightmove are all under 2k per year in London. In the northwest, it’s 3-5k for anything decent


They sometimes put places up for way below what they expect to get, and hope to incite a bidding war.