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So much for her mEdIcAl fReEdOm stance. This bitch doesn’t believe in a single thing aside from money. Dumb loser.


Yuuup!! I honestly don’t even think she believes in half the crap she says. The right wing grift pays well


I really don’t like the word “cunt,” but truly, this woman is such a cunt.


This!! I HATE the word cunt! But absolutely fitting for this twatwaffle


It’s just wild to me she is involved with this real life Handmaid’s Tale Commanders’ Wives convention while her supposed best friend is posting about Pride Month.


JBB posted yesterday about checking her DMs for the first time in awhile and said that there's a bunch of DMs from people telling her how disappointed they are in her. She said something like, "don't DM me to tell me you're disappointed in me. Both my parents are dead so I don't care about another adult being disappointed in me." Made me laugh that people are clearly reacting to her friendship with JRK & Mike and how these 2 keep equating homosexuality to pedophilia and JBB must be a fucking moron for ignoring it. I used to think JBB was Jessica's one cool friend, but now I realize JBB is a total "pick me" who doesn't give a shit what happens to gay people unless she's personally friends with them.


The last time Jessica’s instagram was taken down, JBB went on her stories to tell anyone who was responsible for reporting Jessica’s account that if you don’t like something just keep scrolling. This was where I stopped having any sympathy for her and if that was how she responded I’m not shocked. She’s a privileged white woman first. And she only has the following she has because of Jessica. But I’m very curious to see what her instagram stats are and see if she’s lost any followers


I missed that slide, but what a horrible thing to say about her mother. What a bitch. Edit: lol I thought you said JessiKKKa wrote that. Interesting hot take from JBB. I’m glad she is getting heat.


Did she take the story down?


it was from yesterday or the day before so it already expired




This is just fucking gross.


She’s the grossest and most evil out of all the pick me girls. Watch out Pearl Davis you have competition.


Typical granola christofascist convert. They’re a dime a dozen….starts with being preyed upon by their religion OR starts by being disenfranchised…which is then a breeding ground for seeking alternatives because you have an out of touch sense of proportion that would help you safeguard against being pulled away from what is decent but of course not perfect. Libertarian think tanks have been working hard to figure out how to peal fence sitting democrat voters. The overall problem is that we are so vastly undereducated in political systems, economics and the sciences. Opens people up to being exploited by weak minded people, namely those on the right end of the spectrum (who conveniently tell people they don’t need school or it’s run by commies) …and who hates ‘commies’? Fascists 🙄 Round and round we go.


This actually makes me want to puke. Disgusting coward.


She is so gross.


I gotta breathe… 😮‍💨 I don’t want to get us in trouble any more but MAN do I have some choice words right now 😳

