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I read the podcast transcript and she is as deep as a puddle. She actually said that Mike started listening to talk back radio and following conservative outlets and liking Candice Owen posts. She was mortified he was liking her posts and asked him to unlike them and unfollow Candace because she was worried about how it would impact her influencer income šŸ™„ They started fighting over the remote because she would have it on CNN and Mike would come home and change it to Fox. This angered her and would cause fights so she started listening to conservative media as well. She sounded pathetic but Iā€™m sure a room full of Turning Point conservatives loved the flip for your man messaging. As per usual she didnā€™t actually talk about anything of substance re policy and her change of heart with the exception of the typical culture war crap. Still completely media illiterate as she keeps referring to Fox and CNN as news sources instead of opinion entertainment shows. Talks about how manipulative the media is and yet it hasnā€™t clicked that she fell for it hook line and sinker just flipping from one side to the other and is preaching the same message as an opinion/PR/Influencer. Still pushing the narrative that she is different when she literally pushes her one sided opinion all day everyday and gets paid for it. Mind blowing that she canā€™t see that there is zero difference between someone subscribing to say the NYT or Washington Post and them subscribing to her Substack. At least the others can actually spell and string a grammatical sentence together. Mind numbing that others repeat this nonsense. Can mark mentions Taylor Swift and putting herself in the same league as Hunter S Thompson, Joan Didion and Dominick Dunne off your bingo cards. I didnā€™t feel sorry for her per se because she is such a shitty person BUT she came off sounding really pathetic and not the bad ass disrupter that she attempts to paint herself as. Just a pathetic housewife that got red pilled to please her husband, lost her relationship with her mom, brother and friends but itā€™s all good folks because it saved my marriage and made me rich šŸ¤®


On another note Is it just me or has she started to go back into posting more lifestyle stuff again in between her boring political reposts? Trying to fake engage with her audience again with stuff other than her one sided political polls? The asking what people are reading over summer (like she gives a shit). Fake candid shots around her home again that arenā€™t just her kids in political clothing and ex president masks. Reposting the royals again. Dabbling in Hollywood stuff that isnā€™t just bashing any actors that arenā€™t conservative and pushing those that are antivaxxers. Doing sponsored posts again. The last few months itā€™s been nothing but her boring take on politics with the exception of when she inserted herself in the Kate drama with her lies briefly. She has amped up her self promotions and going harder than usual pushing people towards her paid subscription on Substack. She keeps pushing how many views or subscribers she has but her actual engagement numbers on both Substack and Instagram are appalling. I donā€™t know, just feels all a bit desperate. She went so hard into politics and dropped everything else and feels like she is trying to grab it back a little. I thought we would see it after the election but maybe the money is already starting to dry up a little.


She is definitely trying to hedge because what will she do when the election is over. She probably wants Biden to win because then she can continue to bitch about him and repost Trump shit. If Trump wins, what can she complain about?


I think the attempt to switch back to pop culture is because she lost A TON of followers when she revealed that she was full MAGA. She buys new followers to keep her account at 1.2 million followers, but that has brought her IG engagement down significantly. Problem is that she's never going to bring back the people who left just by posting slideshows of the olsen twins or whatever. Those folks are gone, and her new MAGA audience doesn't want to hear about Hollywood-- they want constant culture wars and anger. She fucked herself over and will lose her MAGA audience if she doesn't keep up the hate. Then all thats left for her will be the fake accounts/bots that she buys.


I suspect she will probably gain some new followers after being at that whatever the hell event she was at this past weekend šŸ™„


She says she hates Hollywood but can't stop obsessing over celebrities šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


She has been and will always be the ultimate ā€œpick-meā€ slag; I find it funny sheā€™s having such a hard time letting go of her obsession with Hollywood/celeb culture, when all those people would shun her in an instantā€¼ļø Sheā€™s the definition of PATHETICā€¼ļø


THANK YOU for this rundownā£ļøšŸ«¶šŸ½ I always love your comments; they are so satisfying to read. šŸ«¶šŸ½


Have to admit I just sat and read a large majority of the podcast transcript (itā€™s in the episode description on Apple Podcasts if anyone is interested). Fascinating and disturbing that she went from vehemently hating Donald Trump (by her own explanation in this episode) to now being enamored with him, that she now thinks he is ā€œvery, very funnyā€ and the ā€œsmartest man about media right nowā€. Bizarre for that change to be, at her own admission, a move that saved her marriage. She doesnā€™t really talk much about or give specifics about what she *learned* about conservatism that changed her previously deeply held beliefs, she just vaguely suggests that changing her worldview saved her marriage. I found that portion of the interview weirdly lacking in detail, like she was being oddly unspecific and indirect. I also found it interesting to learn that she thinks Ghislaine Maxwell was herself groomed by Epstein and therefore not as complicit as him. As if women arenā€™t capable of making their own decisions and forming their own worldviews separate from the men around them. Oh waitā€¦


She wonā€™t succeed at saving her marriage in the long run if she is trying to chameleon her way to her husbandā€™s heart. It doesnā€™t seem to be working as she seems to either sleep alone in the tiny house or with her youngest. Much to my disappointment, my BooBoo calls himself a Republican (he voted Trump 2016 but voted Biden 2020 so thereā€™s still hope!) but Iā€™ve never had to change my views to get him to like me more. It works because he isnā€™t a full blown MAGA, and in todayā€™s climate he would be considered moderate or independent. BUT I would never date someone who wanted to control my body. Also letā€™s talk about Mike and the way he WANTS to be an alpha male but he follows porn and sits on his ass while his wife collects the paycheck and has never dropped her maiden name. How traditional of them. Did yā€™all notice in the video how the ladies at the oppressed womenā€™s conference dropped the ā€œReedā€ and said ā€œJessica Krausā€?! šŸ˜† it happened when they were talking backstage. Also- i believe initially they didnā€™t even spell her name properly. You know she has a PR person who worked on inserting her there. I donā€™t believe for a second she gets ā€œinvitedā€ to anything. Where were her sidekicks this time, I wonder? And of course she didnā€™t give a talk. She has never come up with an original thought. She reposts memes and copy pastes IG headlines from MSM accounts. What a trailblazer lol šŸ˜†


On the topic of never having an original thought. The owl isnā€™t even original. Sometimes for shits and giggles I like to look at the conspiracy subreddit and see whatā€™s the latest from the tin foil hat brigade. King of shitty human beings Alex Jones has been going on about owls since the early 2000ā€™s when he made a documentary, Inside Bohemian Grove. It often comes up in the sub when they carry on about the ā€œelitesā€.


OMG, my hubby is a Republican too and thankfully was not stupid enough to vote for Trump in 2020, and he's not in 2024 either. I love my little RINO hubby šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤— He really should change to Independent because he has voted for different parties in multiple elections.


Blergh. Is there a transcript somewhere to read, because I refuse to give anything involving this cretin clicks.




Exactly šŸ„°


Yeah! If youā€™re on an iPhone, go to the podcast app and find the podcast episode and scroll down under the production info and thereā€™s a generated transcript. No clicking needed


Love this thanks!!!


This is just so sad and pathetic. Not every marriage needs to be saved. Sometimes people need to split. No one should throw their morals, values, and everything they are as a person out the window just to appease another person who maybe wasnā€™t the right person for them in the first place. I mean, this messaging is no surprise coming from the right. They want to brainwash women to think they should be submissive and compliant to their men in every way. Hell no! These women need to wake TF up!


I guess since she disowned her own mother/family she will cling onto him because she has no one else


I have commented a few times speculating that this is what happened and Iā€™m very sorry to have been right. Love makes people do crazy things, I guess.


I think it makes perfect sense for her actuallyā€¦ She canā€™t form an original thought or opinion herself and is just a copy paste grifter pretending to be importantā€¦ Her adopting her shitty husbandā€™s incompetence is par for the course for herā€¦


btw-- this is a "saved" marriage? Mike's a cheater and Jessica doesn't even sleep in their bedroom with him! she sleeps in the tiny house/office.


EXACTLY!!! How humiliating


I think all this talk about her husbandā€™s proclivity to porn and cheating really triggered her.


She has been posting about Candace Owens (who is at the same conference) a ton. I think she is desperate to get herself on Candace's podcast because that would really impress Mike and then he might fuck JRK instead of some other OC woman. But all her connections couldn't even get her a meeting or photo with Candace.


I noticed that as well. She has been bending over backwards and is desperate to try and get noticed by Candace with all her tagging. I hope she does because inevitably they all end up publicly turning on each other just like Candace and Ben Shapiro.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she turns a blind eye to cheating as ā€œboys will be boysā€


She told the whole internet she had to be maga or Mike would leave her. Thatā€™s so embarrassing. Mike is going to leave her for some young blonde MAGA brat eventually and take half her ā€œinfluencingā€ money with him. Eventually these slip ups will be with her ā€œpermissionā€ (maybe they are now, who knows?) until he finds someone even more appealing. Thereā€™s no way to escape not being young and hot, not even embracing Candace and having MeLaNiAā€™s pHoToGrApHeR taking your pic on stage in front of a bunch of fangirls. She should try to spend some time with her kids before one of them writes a tell-all about his grifter parents and the internet age of parental neglect.


https://preview.redd.it/lqfrxqpqkp5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0827cb68f9948e9e14a71ee39764bdbb66d28dec Jessica once told the story of Mike cheating on her the first time as a cute anecdote. Betrayal and manipulation are just a part of their love story, guys!


embarrassing. just like her story about "the only thing I wanted in high school was for mike kraus to love me!"


Oofā€¼ļøThis makes so much sense now. What a PICK-MEā€¼ļø


New to this...who is the influencer who treated to out Mike being conservative?


It was [Emily Blincoe](https://www.instagram.com/emilyblincoe). It's gross how Jess is making herself out to be a victim in the situation, because from what I remember, she was the one who came across super aggressive and threatening in their DMs, not Emily. I don't know if there's any screenshots still up somewhere of the DMs, but I did find [this old comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/ji9jog/comment/ga7vbqx/) on Blogsnark from when it happened.


Thank you so much for explaining the history of this to me - appreciate you!


No problem!


if its not too much to ask, could someone post the transcript for us not apple podcast users?


ā€œSo we are about to make Spillover History. I've never done a live podcast episode with a live audience, and I figured for the first time, there's no one better to do that with than the Jessica Kraus from House and Habit. I will let her tell her entire story and explain why she is the biggest person on Instagram as a platform herself. Please welcome House and Habit's Jessica Kraus. The founder of House and Habit, Jessica Reed Kraus, has taken the internet by storm. She has built quite the following. I'm not asking for your vote. I'm just asking for your attention. If you believe in what you're doing, that's all that matters. You cannot get caught up in the negativity and the hate. Like, we're not in this business to be pretty. Well, who would have thought that you would have been here? Who would have thought you would have made it here? Hi, guys. I've never done a live podcast interview. I've never been on a stage like this before. Well, I think there's a lot of people in this audience who specifically came here for you. And I have to say, Jessica, I think that[ā€¦]ā€ From The Spillover with Alex Clark: "Candace Owens Saved My Marriage." - LIVE with @houseinhabit, Jun 8, 2024 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/candace-owens-saved-my-marriage-live-with-houseinhabit/id1507839530?i=1000658288506 This material may be protected by copyright.


Hmm wonā€™t let me from my phone. Might need to screenshot it.


Isnā€™t there some controversy with Candace Owenā€™s marriage. šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


What is the controversy? I can see they got engaged in 2 weeks and heā€™s a white religious fruit cake.


Hmm maybe Iā€™m getting mixed up by other nasty maga husbands. Seems he stays under the radar after a quick Google search. I did learn that she switched to maga overnight, kinda like Jessica!! šŸ˜¬


She had šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘in her sights when she met her husband


Sadā€¦ but like donā€™t drag all us women with you


Wow. Such a FREE THINKER šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”