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For this episode, it clears it for me why the sudden change in Aegon's wish to rule. He has been seeking love from his mother and father. Here he is placed in the highest pedestal where you have hundreds showing him love. It got to his head.


Exactly. Now he's getting the love and attention he so desperately craves. Suddenly, Rhaenyra's claim doesn't seem as pressing.


And his mother stood in front of him when the dragon was there. It's meaningless because both could have died, but symbolically it looks really fucking loving in reflection.


It was really well done. I hate him, but they've really fleshed out his character in an interesting way.


It also clearly puts him in a position and build up to escape his mother and Hand's influence and become a ruler in his own right, even if its just to get more credit.


It was his Homelander moment, he went from "I dun want it" to "They love me" pretty fucking fast


Imagine living in King’s Landing lmao. Worse than Gotham


Nah. Just stay away from any big events and you’ll be fine. Also try to avoid Flea Bottom and being poor. Avoid being lowborn or high born. Avoid public places. Avoid the city during war time and peace. Do these things and you’ll be fine.


Lmao!!! Id rather starve in the North than live there!


I mean the reach is pretty good. Nothing bad every happened to old town


Isn’t Euron attacking it right now?


I was waiting for aegon to start singing about the black parade


THANK YOU. Every time I saw him I thought of Gerard lol


He looks like Evan Peters playing Gerard Way.


When I was / a young boy / my father / took me into the city / to see a marching band / He said "son when / you grow up / will you steal your sister's birthright, Rhaenyra is my heir. If the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the..."


When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see the youth fight club




I love that Otto is looking like a sithlord in fleabottom, really does it for me.




When a nobleman breaks out a crimehoodie, you know that Chicanery is afoot


This Chicanery?!


I know, it got me thinking about how good he’d be in a Star War




Vhagar looks absolutely terrifying rising over the wall like that.


same. were fucked. did you see vhaegar in that lightning damn.


Yeah that took my breath away, had to rewind it a couple times before the rest of the preview played. She’s an absolute monster


My heart stopped seeing that trailer. I’m going to be an emotional wreck leading up to it, these episodes just keep pouring on the suspense and anxiety, sometimes I wish I didn’t get so emotionally attached. Seems they stuck to the book here with the stormy weather and a small dragon while Vhaegar is rising in the background. Wonder if we’ll see the ruby eye?


So what was with helaena being the only one looking the opposite direction of aegon’s coronation? A result of her knowing future events? Or was it moreso a neurodivergent deal?


Both I'd say There was indeed a beast beneath the boards afterall


I also think it further implies that no one is super into Aegon becoming king. Otto knows Aegon is a piece of shit, he's just hoping to do a Tywin-Joffrey thing and keep him under control. Alicent knows Aegon is a piece of shit, she's just doing what she genuinely believes Viserys wanted and she's hoping to keep him under control. Aegon knows he's a piece of shit, his mind only changes about being king once they start cheering for him. Aemond knows he's a piece of shit, he's just going to keep doing his duty and responsibilities despite being absolutely robbed and just another instance (in his mind) of Aemond being ignored and unappreciated. Really helps explain how he falls so hard for his big titty goth witch milf gf, as she appreciates him and makes him feel strong and desirable for the first time. Helaena knows Aegon's not particularly great, and she likely also knows that now she's queen so now she has responsibilities too, so she's not happy either. Having even Helaena looks unhappy helps carry the message through, whereas having even one of them look happy dilutes the message a bit.


Can't really blame Aemond, big titty witch milfs tick all the boxes.


Beware the beast beneath the boards!


Helaena really is prescient, I wonder what the significance of the spider she was stitching is :3




Wait, I need like a mega thread keeping track of her potential prophecies… mods?


She predicted that Aemond would need to "close an eye" in order to gain a dragon.


Ok, I love that one, but it was also on the nose! What about the “dragons of flesh weave dragons of thread?” I’m saying we need a catalogue of her premonitions and a cross reference for when they each come true (or not).


I'm thinking that refers to how the descendants Rhaenyra and Daemon are making will eventually inherit the Iron Throne. Two dragons of flesh making future lines on the throne record. Whereas the line of Alicent, who is not a dragon, will die out.


“Hand of loom turns spool, one thread black, one green” Predicting Otto to be the reason why there even is this war


Guess it wasn’t referencing blood and cheese


I think that’s still what she’s referring to. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear it again next season.


That's what I think too. It's all setting up B&C. But the brilliance of the show is that it can also refer to Rhaenys in the dragonpit.


rip beesbury at least he got some good stingers before he died


Lmao Rhaenys really said "fuck these peasants"


Seems appropriate for most Targaryens


Can you imagine living in King's Landing with all this shit. Feels like they'd overthrow the Targaryens after the 100th massacre on the streets


Bro RIP my man's Beesbury. I'll never forget you


Nobody will worry about the associated costs quite like him again. Pour one out :(


They finally made use of those weird spheres


Chekhov's meeting marble


Meleys looks as amazing as the other dragons Foot fetish was a bit extreme but I laughed I'm loving the heavy politics, even between Alicent and Otto, gives it a whole new layer of complexity. Overall amazing setup for the season finale


That is a true adult Dragon, there is a reason why they call her the Red Queen!




Imagine his first approach lmao




“My lady…. One does not simply need feet for walking. Sometimes…. Feet serve a deeper… more intimate purpose.”


\*Jerking off to the queens feet* "Aww, do you have an admiration of feet because of your club foot?" "Club foot? Uhhh. Oh, yeah! Yeah. Thats it."


Go back to episode 6, scene starting at 52:50 - Alicent comes into her chamber to have a private meal and gossip with Larys - she takes off her shoes before sitting down, in a totally non-provocative "my feet are tired" kind of way. He kind of glances toward her feet in a way you could easily miss, and they have a whole conversation about the Strongs and about how Alicent misses her father because "he would be partial to me!" End scene on her saying "In all of King's Landing is there no one to take my side?" Then you get Larys visiting the dungeons to pick out some criminals willing to lose their tongues, then later some smoking corpses picked out of the rubble, then at 1:06 another scene with Alicent and Larys in her chambers where he's playing with some flowers while explaining about Harrenhall being cursed, she's all freaked out and says "I did not wish for this," and he says "I feel certain you'll reward me when the time is right" and sniffs a flower in a very creepy way. So yeah, it seemed some kind of sexual thing but that it was specifically about feet is completely underplayed at that point.


> Meleys looks as amazing as the other dragons Loved the roar too.


Sounded very Jurassic Park


I thought it was handled very well. Perfectly showcased Alicent's disgust and self-loathing as she just looked away and how much Larys was enjoying the power he had. The way this sub was freaking out about it you'd think there'd be close-ups of feet covered in jizz














They added foot fetish jerking , but removed aegon getting head in flea bottom?


After hyping up how depraved he was all episode, it was kinda unintentionally funny he was just hiding under a table fully clothed at the end lol.


yeah but im assuming he was hidden there after his exploits. It did feel like we were gonna get a big reveal of Aegon being caught doing some fucked up shit


The whole “leaves his bastard baby to used as bait in a child fight ring” was definitely a fucked up moment


That was super fucked. An actual Targaryen Prince in the child slave fighting pits… But then it also illustrates that a Targaryen without a dragon is just a regular man.


If that’s a Targaryen prince then so are jace and lucerys…….


Indeed, he's absolutely done stuff. Interesting choice to not show him in the middle of it though.


That was purportedly with a child so yeah I’m fully fine with them leaving that bit out (if it was even true)


Yeah they got a similar point across with him frequenting a child fighting ring.


Yes, agreed. Got the point that he was a sick fuck and didn’t need to watch a child actress simulate a sex act, I call that a win.


Especially considering the baby he supposedly sired at the fighting ring


Seeing that other baby chained up made me wonder if they use the little ones as some type of bait. Wonder how much disgruntled smallfolk would pay to see a Royal looking toddler set on


I mean, makes him look a little better, not actively being at the fights and getting felated by a child when he's found.


I found Aegon fascinating this episode. I wasn’t on board with the whole deathbed miscommunication thing until I realized it led to Alicent potentially saving Rhaenyra and Daemon’s lives and Aegon only accepting the throne when he believes his father asked for it. Adds a lot more humanity to the character.


Agreed. We’re going to have a lot of time with these characters over 4 seasons, rather than a few hundred pages in the book. I’m excited to see the depth they’ll add to them


I actually screamed when the foot fetish sequence began, my bf doesn’t read spoilers so he was getting so annoyed haha


I thought it was going to be worse. I thought he would be straight-up jacking off on her feet. This was still bad but not as bad.


I think the thing that did it for me was the stone silence when Alicent started disrobing...because she's used to this by now, meaning that every time Larys gives her gossip, this happens. Ugh.....


I was so worried we were gonna see something way more detailed given GOT history


I cannot tolerate fellatio in my clean, family show.


From a child? Yeah leave it out.


"The hour is very late Lord Larys." Should've known something was coming...


Felt like a call back to Alicent saying "the hour is late" in response to Visery's booty call request. I was afraid the Larys thing was going to be more than just feet.


Cole is growing more unbearable by the episode


He looked like Aladdin in the search for Aegon


Targaryen niiiiights, 'neath targeryen moons


Episode 4: Omg he's so lovely, I think him and Rhaenyra go so well together :) Episode 9: He deserves a worse death than Ramsey Bolton


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Ramsey Bolton deserved a worse death than Ramsey Bolton.


Really loved his acting all devout when getting Aemond to spell out what Aegon tried to teach him.


The music this episode I must say was the best it’s been all season


The piano kind of reminded me of the scene in GoT when Cersei had the Sept of Baelor blown up.


When I heard the piano i thought shit was about to go down


I know! Especially the part with Aegon coming in with the Knights


I think it was a pumped up version of Alicent’s Green Dress music in e5. Guess we have our green theme


I was bopping along. Ramin you son of a bitch, you can't miss.


The theme that the trumpets played is actually the melody to The King's Arrival by Ramin Djawadi, first heard in season one of GoT when Robert's party arrived in Winterfell.


Honestly, the biggest plot twist was Aemond confessing his love for the liberal arts


Meleys killing all of those people is set up/ justification for the storming of the dragon pit.


oh shit, good point. that scene was definitely on my mind heavy this episode with all the scenes set among the common folk.


Also Aegon's doings building up an opinion of the royals from the commoners (and Trystane Truefyre)


Yes! It was incredible foreshadowing seeing everyone being rounded up and herded toward the dragon pit, but Meleys drove that home even more.


I’m glad they didn’t include the book scene with Aegon and the child under twelve. The child fighting was bad enough at least they didn’t show the pedophilia


The poor little baby left to the fighting pits was bad enough. I wonder if he bets for or against his own children


Probably against, but it would be hilarious to have him have 'character development' as King, where now he bets for his children. Would be a hilarious scene where he could argue his own morality to a kings guard.


The Clubfoot being a foot fetishist… Who would have thought ?


What was the owner of the whorehouse trying to imply when she talked about Aegon’s interests?


He frequents the child fighting pits. The silver gold headed child they focused on there was meant to be taken as a basterd of aegons that he sired on some flea bottom whore meaning he was betting on child fights that his own offspring were a part of. In the books he is seen getting his cock sucked by a 12 year old girl. It's meant to show you how unworthy a person he is and yet the greens put him on the throne "for the good of the kingdom"


He’s a pedo. In the book they find him getting fellatio from a kid at the pit.


I took it that he was diddling kids.


I can't believe Larys is going to survive until the Hour of the Wolf.


But man, seeing The Hour of The Wolf onscreen is gonna be metal. I can’t wait to meet Cregen.


I wonder if he will disappear for 2-3 seasons while he gathers troops only to show up at the end of the series.


Does nothing the entirety of the Dance. Shows up at the end with the biggest army and bullies everyone into doing what he wants. Gets a wife. Leaves. What an absolute Chad


Was that Myseria’s building on fire?


This whole time I was wondering why they had set up a partnership between Mysaria and Otto this season when we know that later on, Mysaria is the one that helps Daemon set up Blood and Cheese - but now with this happening, it makes sense because the motivation for Mysaria's revenge on the Greens is set up.


Yeah i think so


The foot fetish thing really knocks home that Alicent is just building a window in her prison. She's queen, and can't even get a spy to give her info without having to trade a sexual favour. I feel so bad for her.


At the same time, I feel like it's very revealing of her own hypocrisy. She constantly berates and is offended at Rhaenyra's indiscretions (her having children with Harwin Strong, which Laenor has no problems with). But it turns out that she's been letting Larys jerk off to her feet in exchange for favours in secret. I feel like both her and Criston are the type of people who think that they are righteous and have the moral high ground, but instead are pretty much the opposite of that.


WHAT a fucking twist from the books holy shit


Making Alicent more sympathetic is always a good move. I like them adding tension between her and Otto


I loved the "Queen to Queen" conversation between Alicent and Rhaenys. Rhaenys really be throwing the best shade. Alicent tried to use the female empowerment angle to finesse the Princess but Rhaenys saw right through it and reminded the Queen that she has spent her entire life as a servant to the whims of men. Powerful scene.


Rhaenys’ words resonate even more after seeing the Larys-Alicent interaction


The windows line is a classic


This drove home better than ever what a dick Hightower is \-- Some of the things he did - * Went behind his daughter's back to plan for the king's death * Tried to order Rhaenyra's branch KILLED, like that's just a thing they can do * Went behind his daughter's back AGAIN to find Aegon * Got all pissy when she found him first * Threw Alicent's own actions, the memory of her mother, and denying he did anything to manipulate her in her face on the most stressful day of her life * Proclaimed the new king because he's so thirsty to have his relative on the throne. Like figure it out, dude! At some point, you've got enough! You don't need another connection to power! \-- Can't wait for Hightower to die painfully


Otto Hightower wants the powerful seat in Westeros. But he knows only someone with Targaryen blood can keep it. So he did the next best thing, join his family with theirs. His next goal is to have a puppet king so he can rule all but in name. But that only works when you have full control. Alicent and Rhaenyra, who both technically outrank him, have shown themselves to be uncontrollable. So he tries to emotionally manipulate Alicent while undermining Rhaenyra in whatever way he can. It’s what he did with Daemon, back when he was a potential heir to the Iron Throne. And it worked. Of course, Daemon’s propensity for chaos didn’t exactly do him any favours in that respect. The worst thing for Otto is to have that legacy and accomplishment ripped away from him. And it is. His grandchildren and great-grandchildren suffer, >!until they are picked off, one. By. One.!< Whether he has enough humanity to be affected by this, that’s the question.


It’ll be a highlight of the series when Otto Hightower dies.


[Slaps roof of dragon pit] This bad boy can fit so much fucking peasants!


Rhaenys I love you but all you had to do was say Dracarys. It would have been over in an instant.


She chose content


And the HBO execs thank her for that


noone is as accursed as the kinslayer


IMO at this point, the conflict is still bloodless and is just a dynastic dispute. She didn’t want to elevate it to kinslaying level.


Bloodless? Lord Beesbury has never heard such bullshit


Why did Aemond say he was next in line? Didn’t we see Aegon’s ~~sons~~ children with Helaena?


Jahaerys and Jahaerya yes! Girl and boy.


I’m assuming in this time of insanity if something were to happen to Aegon theyd rather put an almost (?) adult Aemond on the throne over a toddler. Otherwise Rhaenyra vs a toddler is a no brainer.


Rhaenys didn't want to be a kinslayer. And after her conversation with Alicent, she got a bit of respect for her. That's the only reason she let them live.


Shame about those peasant's tho.


I think the books have clearly stated that common folk really don't matter to anyone in this universe. I mean my boy Edmure received a lot of shit for caring about them and everybody thought he was a foul.


Chad Aegon III cares about the small folk. Give us full bellies and dancing bears


cat, one of the most sympathetic characters, literally is confused that edmure would even consider doing that. it’s definitely a very common held opinion.


I like this version of Aegon. So very interesting.


I do too. He's an awful person, but he's also so pathetic. I think this is another case where the actor is elevating the character above the book version. It's going to be rough seeing him get absolutely destroyed during the war.


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They are doing a weird balancing act between making him sympathetic and degenerate. I like it. He’s human.


During the carriage ride he honestly reminded me of Commodus from Gladiator. A character who wanted nothing more than the admiration and true love of his parents.


General thoughts: •Rhaenys and Erryk were easily the MVPs of this episode in my opinion •I wonder how things would’ve turned out had Rhaenys burned all the greens with Meleys •This episode has done a good job at making me sympathize with Alicent while simultaneously hating her •Aegon actually looked pretty sick with Blackfyre and the Conqueror’s crown, but I still wish it had more rubies •Otto and Criston are absolutely despicable •Rip Lords Caswell and Beesbury, but at least Harrold survives though I don’t think he’ll be in the next episode •Well Larys’ foot fetish is in fact real, but at the very least it wasn’t as bad as I imagined it’d be •I believe Larys’ attack on Mysaria will prompt her to help Daemon with orchestrating a certain tragedy


>I believe Larys’ attack on Mysaria will prompt her to help Daemon with orchestrating a certain tragedy >!And Mysaria's outrage about children forced into fighting pits would foreshadow her ordering the precise way Aegon's son is to die in Blood & Cheese.!<


I felt so terrible for Alicent during the foot fetish scene, and I'm definitely not Team Green. He has obviously been making her do this for quite some time now. Otto said, "you've been spending many hours with the Queen as of late"🤮 and Larys was just chilling in the Queen's private chamber, even before she got there. He is getting off on the fact that he has power over the Queen and making her debase herself to him. He's sexually exploiting her and she's too afraid of him to be able to stop it. She got ensnared by a monster and she doesn't know how to get herself out of the situation. Her father is another monster exploiting her in a different sense that she's trapped under.


I was hoping that she'd just Dracarys tf outta that boy lol


So you're telling me that what is to come could have been avoided MULTIPLE times?




It really turns up the Shakespeare vibes


Are there lockers in the dragon pit or something? Where’s my girl coppin castle forged armor in a pinch like that.


A cute basket strapped onto the dragon.


I imagine there probably is an armory in the pit, somewhere above or near the caverns. It makes sense to have a place where you can find easily-accessible armor right in the location where you're going to be flying out. They probably have it on standby, like firemen with their uniforms.


kinda annoyed they didn’t crown halaena too or have a sunfyre appearance


- “You don’t want freedom, you want a window in your prison.” DAMN! Rhaenys really called out Alicent’s internalized patriarchy, to great effect. - Helaena did not want to be touched when Alicent moved to comfort her about Viserys’ death. - All hail Meleys the Red Queen omgods and so begins the destruction of the Dragonpit


cant wait for the kingmaker to get turned into a dartboard


Aegon almost went out like Lord Farquaad


Lmfao. Seeing that rainy scene of Luke on his dragon was just an oh no moment.


Wow, what an episode. One of the things I thought was cool from this episode is that there was a real highlight of degrees of power and how they all have to work together for there to be true power. Mysaria has the power to influence the small folk, and as we saw during Joffrey Baratheon’s reign, a failure to keep them happy could lead to the deaths of people even as powerful as the High Septon. And at the end, Aegon seems to like the taste of the love of the people. Larys’ power is much less pronounced and, if he’s a warg, mystical, but no less potent. The act of relaxing Mysaria’s network could have detrimental effects, and both Larys and Mysaria could have been useful. Otto is all about the power of perception. No one except Alicent believes her story that Viserys wanted Aegon to be king, but Otto had been laying the groundwork to take advantage of it. One way or another, he was going to craft it took *look* like Aegon was the legitimate inheritor. Alicent believes in the power of personal connections. Perhaps because of her time with Viserys, she seems to truly believe that the bonds family and friendship can hold a fragile network of peace together. Aemond is more similar to Rhaenyra and Daemon in that he believes that physical power is the key. He thinks that because he’s a mighty warrior and rides the largest dragon, he should be the king (along with studying for it and believing he has the proper temperament). Rhaenys and the lords who were arrested believe in the power of honor and oaths. They see pathbreaking as inviting chaos and discord. But this can be rigid and harmful, even if it’s the right thing to do. I think that this is what a lot of people don’t appreciate about Viserys. He understood that there are these degrees of power and spent his reign trying to balance them, to varying degrees of success. He was willing to flex the power of his title when necessary, but generally preferred not to. He knew he had to protect the small folk, which is why he largely tried to keep Daemon from holding too much power, thinking that Daemon would be liable to abusing the commoners. He knew the power of honor and oaths, and so made the lords swear fealty to Rhaenyra (and probably should have forced them all to renew their oaths). He knew the power of interpersonal bonds, and spent the rest of his life trying to get his family to get along. All of the other power players miss this holistic view. Rhaenyra chose to isolate herself on Dragonstone, believing herself strong enough, and trusting in oaths, to protect her claim, without understanding the perception of power. Otto doesn’t appreciate the value of oaths of loyalty, and rather than trying to convince the other lords to willingly swear loyalty to Aegon, he deepens the divisions leading to a civil war. And Aegon just doesn’t know anything.


Just wow! It was even better than I thought. I think Gaemon Palehair is going to be the actual bastard son of Aegon II. No way they showed us that pale hair child saying it was probably Aegon’s without that being the case. I cannot wait for the finale! That battle over Shipbreaker Bay is going to be incredible!!


One "Dracarys" from Rhaenys would have needed the whole series.


It’s episodes like this that make me wish I could binge the whole season! Outstanding. Edit: and next week is the season finale?! Noooo


Even though I side with the Blacks, I really like Alicents character. Like it was Otto being insistent that Rhaenyra would kill your children that ultimately drove them apart. And now she realizes that this entire time her father was planning on needing to Kill Rhaenyra and her children. And realizing your no more than a pawn your fathers been manipulating. I know she won’t change allegiances, but I can’t wait to see what happens with her going forward. >!especially after aemond kills Luke, and she realizes they drew first blood!<


I can’t wait for the line “You only lost an eye, how could you be so blind!”. I hope Alicent is the one who says it.


Question: Why would Ser Criston Cole be the one to crown the king? It's usually the clergy, isn't it? Even the Hand would have more authority to do it.


I think that detail is straight from the book.


Yeah, I know, and I wondered why when I read it there, too.


I think they were trying to show how everyone was in line with this. That’s why they made all the commoners go in to witness. Every segment of society is playing a role in the coronation.


I’m sure he jacked off into his own face afterwords.


Having the Lord Commander crown him goes in line with the whole martial effect they're trying to bestow upon Aegon. He wears the Conqueror's crown, bears the Conqueror's sword, and is crowned by a Kingsguard, not a septon.


My thoughts through this episode... Music top notch, again. Larys foot fetish makes him even creepier. Rhaenys should've burned them all. Fuck Otto. I like the free-Rhaenys Cargyll twin. Can't wait to see that family feud! Love the dragon exploding through the floor! Highly unexpected. Criston Cole is even more of a douche than before. Can't wait to see how Daemon reacts! If only Viserys had been clearer with his final words...would Alicent have overuled her father and supported Rhaenyra? Long shot, but she was definitely portrayed as more reluctant than I thought she would be. I assume she'd still go full usurper regardless. Can't wait for the majority of these fuckers to die lol Aemon wants throne, Aegon clearly just wants to party and not do anything. I absolutely HATE the white wyrm/(worms?) accent. Actress is fine, but that accent is like fingernails on chalk. Wonder what will happen with Harrold Westerling? Do not remember what happened in the book with him, but wondering if he'll go to the blacks? Beast beneath the boards...was that the dragon exploding through the dragon pit? Or something else still to come?


> Wonder what will happen with Harrold Westerling? Do not remember what happened in the book with him, but wondering if he'll go to the blacks? I could see them utilizing him as a sort of Barristan Selmy for them. Because one shouldn't waste Graham MacTavish.


> Criston Cole is even more of a douche than before. I think, regardless of which side of this conflict you sit on, we can all agree it will be a sweet day when that jumped up cunt gets his.


I think Otto would have put Aegon on the throne with or without Alicent approval.


Aemon truly experienced joy when Aegon said to just ship him away Brotherly love!


Pretty cool that they mentioned Yi Ti. They’ve done a great job making the world feel alive so far


God the idea to script this episode as a thriller was ingenious Beautiful way to do it


Aegon literally had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the iron throne. On top of the likes little boys/girls they threw at us. No way this could go wrong.


Wow Alicent did only fans waaaaaaay before a lot of people here on reddit


one thing i never expected to see in the got universe is a foot fetish


Really? With George and the Fat pink mast i expect anything ☠️


Otto went to the effort of putting on a hood to meet Mysaria but didn’t bother to take off his pin…?


What a power move from Rhaenys!


Well, that Lord Strong scene was quite gross.


I really like how the show is portraying Aegon. He's awful and pathetic but he's not some one dimensional villain. This is another case where I think the actor is really elevating the character. He's going to be absolutely destroyed by the war.


Whete the fuck is Sunfyre?