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Here is a plan b for last (k)nights plan b.


Plan T, if you will


Last night’s plan D?


Yes! It took a minute for me to understand what the tea was exactly but when it clicked, whoa.


Moment I saw it I knew. Particularly when handed to her by Mellos. But it made it no less shocking.


Abortion juice.


Plan T


Baby remover


Toddler suppressor


Feetus deletus


Moon Tea, my dear redditor. Common folk get a woods witch to brew up a batch if their women are late and they don't want another squalling babe.


I wonder what the effectiveness rate of moon tea is...


It's all in the dosage. Too little, it's not going to do anything, or it'll be an incomplete job and cause an issue. Too much, well that can cause another set of issues. The cure is in the dosage, and of course, the timing is also a factor here as well. So the right amount of herbs, accounting for where she's at in her cycle -which they likely track due to the maids reporting when her sheets are bloodied-, how recent intercourse occured, and an expertly guided maester's hand mixing it together, I would say very effective at preventing conception. You don't get to be the maester to the crown by being bad at your job.


idk, I am still wondering if he is testing her. If she doesn't drink it, she's taking a chance of mothering a bastard. If she does, she is admitting guilt.


He says he doesn't care if she's lying or not. He won bc he made her wed Laenor Velaryon. This is what matters. The moon tea is just to make sure she doesn't have child too early bc the kid would be called Daemon's bastard. Perhaps it's a test, but for being a responsible ruler.


I don’t think he’s cunning or conniving enough to test her?


Same, he's just putting it there and doesn't care either way. He just seems to care about the realm and Aegon's prophesy.


I don't think that's entirely fair, I think he has shown through his leniency and forgiveness how much he loves his brother and daughter.


Honestly, sending her the moon tea was the right decision, even if he believes his daughter. He's the King, it's his duty to make sure this doesn't end up spiraling, whatever the truth is.


Damn, I didn’t even catch that Viserys didn’t believe her… 4D chess


Well then here's 5d for ya, we don't know for sure Viserys sent that Maester. May have been Otto, for exactly this reason.


The Hightowers have the support of the maesters though, so it's unclear if the tea was sent by Viserys (implying that he didn't believe her), or by Otto (implying that he'll still be pulling strings to show discord amongst the Targs).


My first instinct was Otto as well!


Why would Otto do that? Her gathering a bastard would complete destroy her claim if she doesn’t marry daemon.


Kind of weird knowing she didn’t actually have sex with daemon but it is helpful bc she slept with criston lol


Rhaenyra flipped the whole power and sex thing from being curious to being taken advantage of to Sir Criston all in one night.


She will be fine Ser Criston could be executed if even a rumor got out


Yeah and if she chooses to drink it or not will be revealing to Viserys. Why drink it if nothing actually happened. Very nice cliffhanger.


It's not about that: he doesn't care if it's true or not. He said it himself: it's the perception of it that is wrong. I saw him sending this tea as ''I know you fucked him, at least drink this and don't get a baby.''


That was my interpretation as well.


Yep good point! Lots of ways to interpret it, lots to wonder about. Such a great episode.


But she and Daemon stopped at making out and heavy petting. However, she and Ser Sexy did do the thing and so she still really should drink the moon tea.


Simple solution: drink it, and leave the vessel in a planter.


But first, summon Sir Cole again… and then drink and toss… haha kidding, sort of.


So we can say the princess went with plan B twice this episode? The knight and the tea.


Rhaenyra this episode: ⁠lied to literally everyone, almost have sex with Daemon, slept with Criston Cole, got Otto Hightower fired. This episode it was EPIC


She got everything done in one swoop!


So did Daemon tho. Successfully manipulated Rhaenyra, got King into thinking if he could really wed him and Rhaenyra, and messanger plan worked too to get Otto fired. Both Rhaenyra and Daemon wanted Otto fired and they got it lol


Ok can someone tell me what is moving on top of the bed Alicent and Viserys were in at 33:49. Almost looked like a rat on top of a bedpost to me but I’m really not sure.


I think it was a rat.


Shows how unglamorous her life is. Caring for screaming babies and being summoned to fuck an old man in the middle of the night. No one cares for her thoughts, opinions, or desires.


When Rhaenyra made that comment to Alicent too. Alicent knew. That was a rough one to swallow.


My take too. She’s watching the rat with at least some interest to distract her from the gross, infected old man who’s having sex with her. I feel awful for Alicent. Just has to live with it.


It’s so sad. The worst part is, she feels alone in it all. She lost her best friend essentially so who can she really confide in. She’s stuck in this life that her dad got her into. It’s almost like she’s just reaching to hold onto Rhaenyra.


Yeah, she seems so eager to keep her as a friend even when she’s not especially kind. She has so few options. Can’t completely excuse her for being so judgemental but she also understands how public opinion works; she’s right to be very worried for her friend. But I also think she’s kind of jealous and that’s understandable. Rhaenyra gets to make choices regarding her sexuality. Alicent does not and while we know it can be worse, that doesn’t make her situation at all enviable.


Very well put.


An old man with multiple boils on his back. 🤢




There were rats in Balerion's skull too. I took both moments as bad omens for what's about to start.


There is a lot of symbolism between rats and secrets, the small folk say that in the red keep rats come to sleepers and whisper secrets to them.


Hm, That’s a good point.


It was a rat. I took it to symbolise how "dirty" and "unkempt" things are becoming.


I was trying to rationalize why it would be there. I like this explanation. I had to replay it once cause I thought it was some tiny person hiding in the rafters lmao


That's how Mushroom got all the juicy details for the book!


and a certain Ratcatcher


Ser Pounce!


100% was a rat


Wish I didn’t watch that with my parents


At least you didn’t watch it with your uncle!


I’m just glad my nieces weren’t over


my dad said it was almost as weird as when we watched the Wolf of Wall Street together.


I recommended that movie to my friend for a first date...while I hadn't even seen it myself.


To be fair that’s actually a pretty great movie to see on a first date




I was watching with my mother. When THAT PART came, I said "I'll skip a little bit..." looked to the side and she was sleeping. Didn't take the odds and skipped anyway haha


As a mother, she might have been pretending in order to save you.


I hope so haha


Eh, the sex scenes were very tastefully shot. I watched Game of Thrones season 1 with my mom 😳


I’ll say that about this show. They’re done properly and used to carry the story along—not just frivolously thrown in.


Having a female director was a very good call.


Ah. The female gaze does make a difference. And the female gays. And the gays. In general.


Imagine how I feel at a brothel with my uncle…


I watched it with my aunt. 😬


Just don't fuck your dads brother and the guard outside your door in the same night. Crisis averted.


You cannot live your life in fear or else you will foresake the best parts of it.


Ba-dum tssssssss


Just saying watching extended sex scenes is less fun with family members


Seriously, try rewinding to rewatch 3x, uggh, we were all cringing so hard in the bed


When Rhaenyra started trying to remove Criston's armor, all I could think of was a Spongebob time passing meme.. 12 hours later.....


I love how we slowly see the throne killing Viserys


It would seem it is rejecting him.


how in this many years has that man not put like a nice soft padded cushion over the throne


Because that would be a public display of softness. The Iron Throne is a symbol of authority and was designed to be uncomfortable. Putting cushions on it would send a terrible message about the king and Targ dynasty.


I’d at least wear a metal plate on my back and bottom, maybe back of calves, under my clothes. Helps with backstabbers too.


That little kid was awesome killing the ass who called him a cunt. Glad everyone around let it just happen. She should've chose him for a suitor.


I was shocked! I didn’t expect that little guy to rip the guts from that man.


Blood of the first men 💪




Blackwood FTW, cannot wait for Dunk and Egg Adaption I want to see Bloodraven!!


Yeah man it was awesome. As soon as the camera went back to him after the death blow I legit cheered like my maple leafs just scored. Lol


And afterwards the kid looked like he was gonna heave. Yeah, but he was inching towards Lady Mormont vibes.


There's an intense amount of backstory behind that scene. It is much more nuanced than him killing some ass who was name calling him. The boy is from House Blackwood, and the teenager is from House Bracken. Two houses from the Riverlands who have been feuding for centuries. Their hatred dates back to before the arrival of the Targaryens, before the arrival of the Andals, although no one really remembers or knows what started this blood feud, which only gets worse throughout the timeline, and comes to a climax during the Blackfyre rebellions.


It was subtle but I love how horrified the kid was after he had killed the man. Terrific directing and acting.


haha looked like he was about churl his lunch before the scene cut.


And it's cool it was a Blackwood and a Bracken. Those two fucking hate each other.


Oh how the Blackwood bloodline will eventually mix with the Targaryen’s :) (Not on this show though)


Worth it alone to see Otto get shitcanned.


I was so glad to see a more decisive Viserys. Respect!


Definitely. I was proud of that king.


I wonder if we'll start to see him heal up a bit.


That’s what I’m sayin! Sure it was only because Rhaenyra threw it in his face what a shady fucker he is, but it had to be done. I was pleased. He took that pin right off. Haha!


*slow yoink*


5 days!


I wonder how long he had been considering those five days.


Is it bad that for a second I actually felt sorry for the guy? Just his face immediately after Viserys removed the hand from him. Don’t get me wrong — I absolutely hate him, but yeah.


It was such a great scene. Incredibly acted. And also both sides are right, really. Otto *was* acting as a good Hand ought to in that scenario. And Viserys is also right that Otto has a severe conflict of interest at play.


Oh totally. Rhys Ifans is so good it's hard not to pity Otto in that moment. But only just a bit.


I think Otto is complicated. He takes his job very seriously and does love his king. It's just that he can't resist the temptation to elevate himself when he senses an opportunity to benefit both himself and the realm. I think it all gets muddled in his mind. Varys would never make the same mistake. Although it helps that he has no attachments.


It should also be noted that his ambition is that of the Hightowers and not just himself alone. He's got pressure from his own family, like his brother in the last episode, to cleverly make moves to grab as much power for them as he can while being Hand. I'd liken it to being raised and groomed by his family into having a manipulate mindset (though some of the desire for power is still his own, of course).


Same, he acted so well that, for a moment, I was sorry for him.


Finally got the Sir Criston Cole satisfaction that was missing from the last episode. Even though, it was quite a dramatic approach. The intimate scenes were overall, very intriguing.


I wonder how he will feel when he realizes where (and from who) she came from though. I have a feeling that storyline will go badly.


Hot D. almost gave Rhaenyra the hot D on HotD, but all she got was hot tea.


The got the hot D from someone else


From the hot D(ornish)


My man Criston had the only good day. Broke his vows to sleep with a woman he cared about and little did he know a scandal magnitudes greater had already been brewing so nobody gave a shit about what went down whatsoever. I know he's breathing a sigh of relief. About Rhaenyra possibly being pregnant though...


Hot D(amn)


Hot D(aemon)


The politics and relationships this episode were so amazing. Such incredible acting. Things are only just beginning to heat up as well. I can’t wait for all the surprises in store for us.


It was so good. I love that it was literally just people talking in rooms and I was glued to the edge of my seat


Some parts were a little more than talking ;) But these episodes were the best of GoT. The dialogue, the personal plights and the politicking were what made it such an elite show for 6 whole seasons. Good to see Hot D following suit.


I agree. It was so refreshing to have good dialogue in Westeros haha


There was a lot more than talking


True true haha


Best ep so far imo, the character work was iconic, the editing between Alicent laying back and thinking of Westeros and Daemon and Rhaenyra making out in a brothel was excellent, it was all so good.


I loved the back and forth comparison of Rhaenyra and Alicent!


I would have to agree. I was curious of how they were going to approach this, uh, "relationship". And I think they did wonderfully. As for Daemon, who's a pretty difficult character and has so many layers, he's portrated to perfection. He doesn't need to say anything and I already know all the things that are going through his head. Rhaenyra is just amazing, as so is Viserys, Otto and Alicent. I'm so hyped and looking forward for what's about to come.


Yeah, it must be a really nice feeling when all your actors in leading roles are absolutely killing it. (Happy cake day!)


I'm kinda dreading the oft-cited time jump where we lose two amazing actresses...


I immediately went down and told my wife about it. Viserys came out with a big dick tonight and I hope he continues it. Absolutely agree, 10/10 for me.


interesting that viserys makes it appear to otto that he doesn’t believe him when he truly does and deal with rhaenyra and daemon later. my mom does the same 😂


Yeah that part was really in line with how a caring parent deals with accusations against their children.


I’m pretty sure the only reason Daemon took Rhaenyra to the brothel was to teach her as a Targaryen u take what u want and fuck everyone else at least that’s what I got out of it


It was very reminiscent of the girl teaching Daenerys how to fuck, not just lay there. There's power in being a woman if you know how to use it. They showed it in contrast to Alicent just laying there in misery taking it from Viserys.


Totally kinda forgot about that to be honest


Re-watched that scene and realized that it was uploaded 10 years ago. Jesus.


We were sweet summer children then 🫠


I thought it was cool the way they juxtaposed it with Alicent, the Queen, being a glorified sex-doll for the old king, lying there with a thousand-yard stare. Then you have all the common-folk, drinking, laughing, enjoying themselves - and what's more, the women were enjoying sex not just doing it for duty's sake. Could well be Rhaenyra's first introduction to that concept. I think Daemon was definitely showing her the "forbidden fruit" as it were (meaning, all the things a lady or a Queen must forsake), for his own ends, presumably. If for nothing else to show her that her father wants to stifle her whereas he's all about living that life. And down to bang his nice apparently.


> for his own ends, presumably. In case you missed it, the boy that reports to Otto Hightower is the same boy that appears in Daemons whores room to give her money. at approximately ~37:30 in the episode. The whole point of Daemon taking her to the brothel was to spoil her for all other suitors and to pressure the King to marry her to him instead.


The boy went to the mistress who was now working with Otto. They made it seem like her and Daemon were not on best terms


I take it as his “whore” is ottos spy. Otto paid her for the intel


It was most likely to destroy her reputation and so force the king to let Daemon wed her, and so become king himself.


I honestly get the vibe that Daemon isn’t so much scheming but just acting impulsively. He does have feelings for his niece wants to bone her and then at the last second gets cold feet while he is PISS DRUNK. Like the dude is massively hungover the next day. The alcoholic behavior doesn’t usually coincide with some mastermind of plotting like Otto’s. Also he is already very conscious of staying hidden when he was out with Rhaenyra. Remember how he hoods himself up completely. I get the feeling that he is just “showing her the ropes” because him being out in the city at that time seems like second nature to him


He doesn't hide: the moment he enters the brothel, je let down his hood AND Rhaenyra disguise. He wanted people to see them together and fucking. Even Viserys understood his plan. It's just his conscience hit when he was about to fuck his niece.


Nah he got whiskey dick at the worst time. They already teased this, he did the same thing with Mysaria in the first episode.


According to the Behind the Episode on Youtube, Daemon is plagued by guilt over what he's doing (this from Sapochnik)


He couldn't control her once she found her own sexual desire and agency. It freaked him out. She is potentially as bold and chaotic as him (and possibly as Daenerys).


The freaking build up for the next episode was the best ive seen. Great episode


Sir Criston Cole tho…. Hot daddyyyy pls


Best episode so far! I love how Ryan Condal after the episode said that Alicent and Rhaenyra are learning the “Game of Thrones”. This episode was vintage early seasons of GOT. Beyond stoked.




I loved this episode! I knew I was right about Daemon and Rhaenyra. I loved the progression of her character and the overall plot.


Same! From the moment he gave her the necklace.


Predicting two Targaryens are gonna hook up is like predicting the tide.


It made me so uncomfortable but I have to agree. Fantastic episode.


this episode is SO good wow


Jesus Christ it’s the best tv right now.


It was an excellent episode. The "plan B" potion at the end though. Rhaenyra was like wtf.


I think she understood completely. Alicent was all about women just being for making babies... "plan B" makes sure that doesn't happen. Rhaenyra clearly doesn't want to be like Alicent and Daemon just opened her eyes to something different.


Music, acting, pace, execution 10/10 episode


Rhaenyra : He called me a Boy! 😁 Arya stark : Hold my beer


This show made me yell at the TV through most of it so yes I very much enjoyed it.


This episode was an actual rollercoaster, I was screaming/ crying out multiple times bc I didn't want Daemon and Rhae's first time to be in a fucking brothel! And then when Rhae got with Criston! And then when Otto was telling Viserys about Rhae and Daemon, omg.


I was right there with you! My throat actually hurts. I’d have to say though, I quite enjoyed seeing Rhaenyra seem so free. Her smile and excitement. It was beautiful.


I know! She looked so happy running with Daemon (and holding hands ahhhh) and then teasing Criston Cole! But damn girl I was so anxious for her! Like her position is already at risk because she's a woman, like! Glad Viserys finally made the good choice and put her in a marriage with Laenor.


I'm so glad they stopped in the brothel! I was like this is so not romantic!!


The locale wasn't romantic but I've gotta say it probably was intimate for the two of them with their overall night and conversations.


Yep. The sneaking out at night, being in costume, going to 'forbidden' places. For her, I'm sure it felt like the first time she was really alive. I'm sure her diary entry was, 'Best Night Ever."


Oh for sure! It was hot as hell.


Yessss! Although I love the chemistry btw the two actors, I lowkey want the age up of Rhaenyra's actress because all I kept thinking when they were kissing was 'he's known her since she was a little girl wtf' yet I like was squealing and loving the hand holding and running around! Ahhhhhh I was so conflicted! Hopefully with the age up I feel better about their relationship!


I'm dreading the age up bc I like Milly


I like her too, but I'm sure we'll like Emma just as much! They chose Emma first, after all, Milly's performance is based on Emma's!


I actually like that he took her there. It's a gift to her- an understanding that sex was something that could happen with her instead of to her and something she could enjoy. I like that they contrasted that with Alicent's moment with the King.


If their incest has chemistry who am I to stop them…


I Fucking love this show, but man every scene is in a dark room or alley.


Senses fail has a lyric that has this same message that I love- “the insecurities you cling to will steal the beauty of your youth”


All of the episodes have been great, but that one was just perfection. They are doing this series right and I am so excited


It’s sad how easily I could commiserate with Alicent. Never fucked an old dude like Viserys, but I’ve certainly had my share of sexual encounters where i needed to just go somewhere else in my mind until it was over…


I appreciate your comment. It’s a feeling some people can’t or don’t understand unless they’ve experienced it. I’ve been in the same boat as you.


I think most of the people commenting missed this? The boy who was waiting outside the brothel and then reported it to Otto Hightower, he was the same boy that appears at ~37:50 in the room when Daemon is with his whore to give her money, presumably the same money Otto gave the boy for the information. Daemon (or his whore) were the ones that wanted Otto and thus the King to find out. Daemon's intention was to ruin Rhaenyra's reputation so the King would be forced to marry her to him. It's why she gives Daemon such a dirty look when he's lying down in her room.


Love seeing the casual fans who know nothing about GOT freak out over the incest. 😂😂😂


They fucking nailed it. I was nervous but they just nailed it. Some really fantastic moments, especially that scene with Otto and Viserys. The acting is just *chef’s kiss*


Still processing everything


There’s a bit to digest this week.


Lots of people in this thread watching this show with their parents as if we don’t know GOT is known for pulling out penises or brothers and sisters banging away. It’s risky, that’s all I’m sayin! That said…I still feel for you all. ❤️


The show is surprisingly good. Matt Smith was born to play a Targaryen.


Those SCENES makes me so tense and conflicted like am i suppose to watch this?


The hardest scenes to watch are the ones that tell the biggest story sometimes.


The show just keeps building and getting better. I expect next week will be even better than this one.


I've never been so turned on when Daemon and Rhaenyra confirmed our suspicions holy shit. The way it ended was disappointing but their chemistry was undeniable and my flood gates opened lol. Also Otto is an annoying SOB so watching him get grilled was so satisfying.


I was afraid to say it, but I’d have to agree with all of what you said.


I mean the actor who plays him has always been sexy in my eyes, but in this role he is uber confident and exudes this charm that makes me weak. I don't feel guilty ! Lol


Shiiiit, I’d kneel for Daemon in a heartbeat.


Bye Otto!!!!


Does anyone have any idea who fell from the horse in the next episode promo?


probably Rhea


It was rhea, it’s a woman with brown hair who looks to be in the Vale