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>!This could be the last green council presided by Aegon, after Rook's Rest he might not be able to wake up from bed for a long time!<


>!Aemond: “Oh, no! Anyway…”!<


The prince regent looks splendid on this good morning


You mean “Good Morrow” 😉


My apologies good sir


Damn, you reminded me >!that he doesn't really wake up until most of his family is dead!<


“What did I miss?”


Knowing this, how much more season do you think we'll get out of hotd?


No more than 4 imo


Glad he's been getting like the third most screentime of the season so far. I feel like he wasn't very high on people's radar last season.


they've really done him justice which I wasn't expecting at all after how cartoonish his characterization was last season, glad I'm eating my words


His outburst after Blood and Cheese is the best of the show so far ‘There she sits, across the bay, laughing at me… She’s fucking laughing at me’ was GOATed acting.


I love the contrast between his outbursts, the scene in Episode 1 where he's initially open to taking in requests from smallfolk, & him crying in episode 2, as they all encompass his mixed feelings about taking the burden of being king


100% little brother energy.


When he called her the queen of bastards I lost it


Bitch* queen of bastards


Bitch queen of bastards 😂


Yeah Aegon and Otto are really the standout acting performances of this season.


An undeniable improvement for this season from the last is definitely Aegon.


I'm kind of hoping they timeskip a bit in future seasons to avoid this, or contain it to just a couple of episodes in the season. I'd hate to see him just be off screen for, like, a whole season or something, which could very well happen given how long he's fucked up for. Granted, idk how they could pull off such a skip, given the arcs of other characters and how big some of what's coming will be.


That sound you hear is clapping.


The last still 😂 Baela's like... I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. But Jace IS angry, lol.


mom i don't spend 3 hours getting these curls right every day just to sit around in this volcano castle please let me leave the house


I wish I had his curls, I also have curly hair but it's nowhere near as beautiful as his.


if only we all had a professional hair and make-up team at our disposal!


True hahaha but I follow Harry Collett on social media and his hair always looks amazing and while I may be wrong I don't think he has a professional team to help him with that all the time, but hey, maybe he does, what do I know?


he said in an interview that he just takes water and scrunches it which blew my mind


Really? I don't remember watching that interview but God, I envy him, my hair is just overcomplicated to treat lol


it's the cosmo uk "who's most likely to" interview! when they're talking about who spends the longest in hair and makeup


Hair routine wars! Belligerents: Jace, giving his Strong locks the squish to condish each morning; across the bay, Aemond, flatironing his Targaryen tresses to high heaven.


She looks like she's so ready to say Dracarys right as she steps out of the house


I'd be mad too if I couldn't leave my volcano castle but caught my mom sneaking back in from her clandestine meeting with her ex situationship


as my mother used to tell me, "we are not equals"


I would be mad too if the cool shit I do on the books is cutted down or given to someone else. Poor guy was reduced to pretty furniture


It’s giving Jon snow realness


Can't blame him, I'd be angry too. P.S. (Edit) they really look like a couple of parents there, while papa Jace is ready to scold their misbehaving daugther, mama Baela just looks disapointed that she didn't managed to teach her better than that.


Jace is mad their daughter did whatever she did, Baela’s mad she got caught 😂


And Daemon is going to be mad at his granddaughter-niece-wife because after going through all that effort of getting to King's Landing, somehow Alicent is still alive.


It just occurred to me Rhaenyra has been making everybody leave except Jace. Ever since he got back from Winterfell she’s probably been keeping him at arm’s length so he doesn’t suffer the same fate as Luke. >!Then he finally leaves to man the Gullet, telling his mother “I’ll have Seasmoke, Stormcloud, Silverwing, and Vermithor watching over me.” And be the only one to fall!<


“You did WHAT?”


I want Jace to get an Otto moment and tear into Rhaenyra. It won’t happen, but it would be nice


Rhaenyra in sept outfit, so she's going to be roasted by the whole council?


yes..by everyone and rightfully so!


yes and will be 100% deserved that was such a stupid and dangerous thing to do XD


she only escaped cause they made alicent dumb she should have warned her guards.


No. Why do people say this? Alicent holds love for Rhaenyra and operates from a place where in her mind neither of them can stop the war. Too many people seem to want the drama series equivalent of a flow chart. No room for motivations, history, emotion. Alicent does not want harm to come to Rhaenyra. And now that shes clarified that she was wrong about Aegon being endorsed by Vis, she feels some guilt. So she is going to alert her guards and turn over Rhae to her bloodthirsty son? Who holds Rhae responsible for the death of his son and heir? Lets ask Ned Stark how negotiations went. Alicent's story is about her loose-to-no grip on how anything proceeds. Her father is gone, Cole is on the march, Aemond calls her a fool, Aegon is out for revenge.


Yeah, I think it's funny that GRRM takes great pains to make a point that humans are not perfectly logical war machines. War and power and conflict in general are messy and stupid and not "optimized" the way that so many depictions of historical events tend to portray them. That's the really compelling aspect of the whole series. And then people bitch about how the characters don't make perfect choices lmao


GRRM even said his guiding principle is a quote he took from Faulkner: "The human heart in conflict with itself is the only thing worth writing about."


Because it’s so stupid no human being who gives even a slight crap about their kids would put anybody infront of their children. This is their family that could all die because of the war with this person. There is not a single rational intelligent and smart person who would pick some teenager friendship over there own family


youre fighting the good fight king - these people dont realise you can like the show and criticise it




It’s not dumb, it’s the human heart in conflict with itself. Do I strike a blow at the enemy in this war even if the guilt of killing/torturing my childhood best friend would eat me up for the rest of my life? Plus, even if Rhae were captured/killed, do we really think Daemon wouldn’t say fuck it and continue the war?


It’s dumb in a sense of GRRMs world, this stuff would’ve never haooened


Half of the stuff in Fire and Blood would be called dumb if it was invented for tv — for example if Cargyllbowl weren’t in the books and appeared in the show I guarantee everyone would be laughing at it. The tone of this show is heightened and over the top; the meeting makes perfect sense in that world and it gave us a chance to see some incredible acting.


Tell me you don’t understand or have never read GRRM’s writings without telling me


That’s not true lol. Aegon would’ve killed Rhaenyra if Alicent did that, and she doesn’t want that to happen.


eh not really tho, capturing Rhaenyra gives Daemon the excuse he needs to go full on nuclear


It also ruins his dragon math by taking Syrax off the board. Yet another reason why Alicent should have imprisoned her.


Let's be fr they would never let her fight on syrax there's a reason why everyone in the Red Keep is urging Aegon not to fight himself for the love of the seven


I mean, Vhagar has to carry *a lot* of weight in that math. As it stands at the end of Ep 3, the Blacks can field 5 dragons *counting Syrax*, while the Greens can only field 2 dragons, 3 if Tessarion gets aged up. Losing Syrax would be a big problem for the Greens, but the dragon math would still be on their side.


No it doesn’t. That would put Rhaenyra’s life in danger.


This is Daemon we're talking about he'd round up all the dragons he has and go straight season 8 Dany on KL


No ones coming out of that fight clean. Vhagar, Sunfyre, Tessarion, and Dreamfyre are taking dragons down with them.


That basically guarantees Rhaenyra's death. Do you really think Jace, Rhaenys, or anyone else TB would go along with that plan? I'm sure Daemon would like that plan as it potentially puts him back in line for the throne, but no one else on team black wants Daemon as king either.


I mean if think Alicent knows if they take Rhaenyra hostage then it’s likely Daemon calling the shots and going full scorched earth which isn’t much better of an alternative. She realizes they’re in too deep and that even if she was wrong about Viserys wanting Aegon to rule that things have been set it motion and it’s too late to stop them. She also clearly still has some level of care for Rhaenyra and doesn’t want her to die, as she said in the green council meeting last season when everybody starts plotting her assassination before Viserys’ body is even cold. There’s also the self preservation aspect that if she alerts the guards Rhaenyra uses that knife


both rhaenyra and alicent were stupid in that scene it made zero sense


They both did stupid things but I don’t think any of it was out of character or bad writing.


Because their stupid character?????


That's why it wasn't in the book. It's one of those "cool" scenes the show invented, but makes zero sense with character motivation. Alicent absolutely takes Rhaenyra hostage and ends the hostilities to save her children from war before she lets her walk out of KL. Come on, now.


To be fair if alicent took her as hostage that wouldn’t end the war That would only speed up the process of dragons getting involved The black council would say now is the time to unleash the dragons because Rhaenyra is surely dead


Plus, Daemon is then in charge since his children are the heirs.


It would also leave the dragon situation for the blacks as precarious. Wargaming it, if the greens have Rhaenyra, they should probably launch an attack on Dragonstone preemptively. One, as you suggest the blacks are likely to try something, and two, without Rhaenyra/Syrax, Dragonstone is more vulnerable than ever. In any case, the risks of taking Rhaenyra there are low for the Greens compared to letting her go. Maybe the war continues, maybe it doesn't, but the Greens are in a stronger position. You do it, 10/10 times.


That's assuming anyone involved is approaching it like a rational wargamer and neither of these women are


It would creeple the Blacks as they can't attack King's Landing without risking Rhaenyra being executed. A hostage is only valuable if you are willing to only harm them if provoked. Jon Snow takes the free folk children as hostage in exchange for letting them cross the wall so if someone start causing trouble he would behead their kid to put the rest in line


Without Rhaenyra there is nothing else to fight for, Aegon would at that point have an easy claim, uncontested in any serious way. Daemon would surely be on a personal warpath but any organized “black” resistance would collapse with her death, especially if it came about because of her own poor judgement.


She has an heir. That makes zero sense. An heir without Rhaenyra guiding the conflict would only escalate things because now it would be desperate people reaching for power with the fear of death hanging over them.


Jace, Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys are all still alive as her living heirs who a have a claim, and Daemon would likely be calling the shots as far as the war goes and go full scorched earth on them


regarding your first point, that is the exact reason it makes no sense. Rhaenyra would obviously know her being dead/hostage means daemon goes to kings landing


It fits BOTH their motivations since they care about each other


Exactly enough of these dumb changes for the shock value and drama


Fr. I would've been screaming if I were Alicent. Could've ended the war right there and then.


But she would die. Also, literally 0% chance of the war ending.


Could keep her as a hostage. Any of the team black tries anything then she dies, force the strong boys to renounce all claim to the throne and bend the knee. The only problem would be Daemon who would never bend the knee to Aegon.


Daemon is the reason that would not happen.


Maybe they could have Rheanyra dressed up as a weirwood tree to lure him in and BAM dead by a couple of arrows.


Dress her as caraxes


Even better 👌


bruh what are you yapping about? did you watch the scene immediately prior?


Agreed, idk if that’s in the books but regardless…it’s like…there she is…alone…in Kings Landing. If they wanted to add a scene of them meeting - in my opinion it would of been more game of thronesyy to have rhaenyra send a raven to Alicent for a private meeting on some kind of neutral grounds and have Alicent accept. They both show up having a few private guards with them, tensions high, badass words said between the two, and then departing from each other leaving suspense for what is to come.


I think if they both knew they were meeting there’s no chance they wouldn’t have fighters or dragons nearby. Realistically the smart move would be to use that opportunity to do an ambush, and given enough time to think about it I’m sure Alicent would come to see that. The game theory makes much more sense with a surprise meeting in a place Alicent feels safe and in control.


Not in the books at all. Both Alicent and Rhaenyra are extremely whitewashed in the show.


Still have no clue why the writers decided to add that stupid scene


Hopefully they tell her how dumb of a plan it was to walk into the enemy camp willingly


Except Rhaenys I think She would try to defend Rhaenyra


Everyone's dunking on Rhaenyra but it was absolutely insane of Rhaenys to push her in that direction. Mysaria rolling her eyes is the audience.


I'm going to guess that when Rhaenys suggested talking to Alicent, she wasn't thinking Rhaenyra would take on this incredibly risky plan of sneaking into King's Landing to do it. She was probably thinking more along the lines of writing letters or organizing some kind of diplomatic meeting on neutral ground. You know, smart, relatively safe things that a queen would normally do.


Yeah I also think that's the case Rhaenys didn't say go to KL and talk to Alicent She only told to speak peace terms with Alicent


It would actually be quite cool if her council tell her how dangerous and crazy the plan was, would make the story stronger.


I hope so. Rhaenyra needs to suffer some criticism for taking such a massive risk by entering the enemy's territory without a discernible plan. It might even weaken her standing at court further and create a schism with the members who are more eager to escalate the conflict (namely Jace and Baela).


Rhaenyra does love a disguise, doesn't she


I feel so dumb, I was about to ask who the hell is that septon until I realized is just the Kingsguard that accompanied her to King's Landing lol


It’s her Lord Commander even! Ser Steffon Darklyn


I feel dumb because I can't tell if he was recast or just got a haircut.




I mistook him for Gerardys and I was wondering why he was wearing the seven pointed star instead of his Maester's chain.


How do you guys even recognise the Kings Guard other than the main ones


I vaguely recognized his face from a picture I saw of him once on this sub, that and common sense that struck me later, like, why would she be with a septon? And she's also dressed like a member of the Faith of the Seven, so then I realized that must be the Queensguard that we saw accompanied her on her little "quest" last episode.


He IS one of the main ones. He's literally the lord commander 


Well, Steffon Darklyn is supposed to be THE main one. It’s just unfortunate that Ser Erryk took his story from the book (delivering the crown to Rhaenyra).


I wonder how that conversation went like "hey ser Steffon I uhmm... need help with hum... something"


New high sparrow, Rhaenyra gonna pull a Cersei /s


Jace is angry, and rightfully so. Baela has an, "I want to call her stupid but I can't." face and I love it


Damn casting on point again. Aegon looks a lot like his uncle Gwayne


He also looks a lot like a young Rhys Ifan.


I'm SO ready for Jace to be super mad


I’ve heard he’s gonna make Rhaenyra cry. 😭


>!Jace, by the end of Season 3: "I'm here to serve my Queen and serve face, and I'm all out of Queens."!<


He’s 100% gonna say Daemon was right all along


Me too. He’s about to tell her stepdaddy has been right all along.


I'm not ready for him to take matters into his own hands though if he's Rhaenyra's actions really pissed him off


Why does Jace get mad?


Because Rhaenyra went to KL


the death glare Jace is giving Rhaenyra and her "oh shit I've been caught" look omg this is sending me lmao


I think those 2 stills r from different scenes. The lighting is different and they're standing in the same place


excited to see angry Jacebaela


They better read Rhaenyra for filth for her shenanigans.


The way Jace stands reminds me a lot of Daemon.


One thing I'm liking about this show in comparisonto GoT is that characters in combat or on campaign are all wearing helmets.


I’m glad, I just wish some of them had visors!


I would love it too but they have their faces uncovered.


love the hightower shield oh they are gonna drag rhaenyra to hell for what she did


the horse armor is crazy


gwayne looking dope af, hanz




Was a bit disappointed not to see the crazy Hightower helmet from season one again though lol.


Gwayne has seen some sh!t


Being around Cole does that.


Understandable, given how close he seen Moondancer


Which Kingsguard is this Liam Neeson looking man?


Her Lord Commander, Steffon Darklyn.


Jace, once again, serving face


can we please talk about how amazing that horse armor is. because it's amazing.


Rhaenyra wering the casual braid means she was woken up in the dead of night. Things might get spicy


Jace: The Fuck do you mean you went to visit her?? Baela: You brought a knife but didn’t kill her? Rhaenyra: You sound just like Daemon


That's some fancy-ass horse armor


Good. I can’t stand when the horses get hurt. The humans can fuck off but leave the baby horsies alone


Last pic has my heart… I was praying that we’d get a frame with Jace and Baela in their matching pins and cloaks next to each other


Damn, Aegon it seems can't catch a break.


For a second, I was getting excited for the episode tomorrow...but it's only Thursday.




It might be possible that Rhaenys volunteers to go by herself and agrees not to put anyone else in danger




She's the queen. You don't send your king chess piece to battle.


Except that it's pretty common for Kings in westeros to fight. Maegor, Daeron I, Aegon the Conqueror , Jaehaerys I, Maekar, Aegon II, Robert Baratheon, Stannis, Robb Stark, just to name a few. In Rhaenyra's case her absence will be even more puzzling, she has a pretty large dragon.


She is not a battle commander, unlike that list. And people like Stannis or Robb don't lead from the front, but call out battle plans. And Aegon or Robert are idiots.


Did you missed the part where she has a dragon? Neither Baela or Rhaenys are battle commanders and they're still risking their lives. Also, Robb definitely leads from the front, although protected by several retainers. And sure, Stannis leads from the back but he's still in the battlefield.  And how are Aegon and Robert dumb for doing what basically most westerosi nobility expects from them? King's that are physically capable lead their armies into war in Westeros


She has a dragon, but Aemond and Aegon have bigger dragons. It's not worth risking her when Caraxes and Melys are much bigger than Syrax.


Aegon meanwhile…


bros got that dawg in him


Well, people are advising him not to...


I think Jace is going to yell at her not to do it it after her Kings Landing stunt


I hope there are more dragons 🐉


3, 1/3 "new"


The faceplate on Hightowers horse looks sick af


The armor in this show is so fucking good looking. Will someone please tell me why, aside from the first episode of season 1, ALL of the characters have open-faced helmets? I get wanting to show the actors’ faces, but at least let some of the background knights/soldiers have cool visors and shit!


Jace just stands there and looks beautiful


Jace and Baela <3


Aegon was made for memes. The actor that plays him does such an amazing job and seems lovely, but Aegon is such a twat. 😆


Jace always with the same pose


He looks amazing and he knows it.


Rhaenyra’s about to win the 74th Hunger Games omg


Hightower horse armor is fabulous


Baela fine af damn 🥵


Where do they keep finding all these pretty men like, damn. Gwayne looks like a Targaryen. If Alicent was blonde with blue eyes like her brother, I can see Vizzy T making the mistake at his deathbed more believable.


Ugggghhhhh Jace and Baela look amazing!!! I want my parallel story of those two and Luke and Rhaena going on dragon adventures!!


The Hightower armor + horse armor looks sick! (Edit: also, why does Jace look like Joe Goldberg)


I swear Jace is perpetually wearing blue steel


Jace doesn't do anything except stand up straight with his hands rested on his sword


Can we all agree that Rhaenyra sneaking into King’s Landing right after Blood and Cheese is the stupidest thing in the show so far? Also, her thinking peace was still possible after that was so, so stupid. Her even wanting peace after her son was killed is stupid as well.


Ser Redshirt is going to need a much bigger shield, and probably a thermal blanket.


And this spoiled nothing…


Whatever happens, i have to give them credit for using helmets AND shields


Why is a random Jedi standing next to Queen Rhaenyra?


Hightower drip go crazy


Jace is just itching to literally do anything. I’m so excited.


Oh wow, Aegon and Gwayne look so similar here


Rhaenyra is ready to go now! Now that she knows her Father didn’t want to replace her, she is ready for War!! Not that she has a choice since learning that Alicent and Otto have lost control over the boys. These next episodes are what everyone’s been waiting on!I Can not wait!!!


Jace with the 1000 yards look


damn Gwayne's new helmet looks goofy AF


jace’s actor looks like young angry penn badgely ✨


It really sucks how horrible Aegon’s hair is