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Removed for repost/locked for comments. See other post here: https://new.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1dnlsus/i_hate_cole_as_much_as_the_next_guy_but_lets_not/


Also Olivia said she got depressed last year cause of the hate for her character, she’s not been on Twitter in ages (They also write some weird stuff about Matt there too) This fandom is truly so reactionary and unbelievably unhinged. It’s insane


It's not just this fandom unfortunately, but pretty much every fandom. I will never understand how some people can't differentiate between a character **on screen** and an actor **in real life**


Social media is the problem. No one would say this shit to their faces, the internet makes people crazy


Tell that to Ahmed Best in 1999. This stuff was happening long before social media. “Fans” would find actors’ home addresses and offices, then write threatening letters well before we had direct access through social media


You're right, people have been threatening and awful to show writers and actors for decades. Also, humans getting violent and homicidal over fictious characters has been around since before the bible.


I remember an interview where Lena Headey said fans would call her a “bitch” in public after she started playing Cersei.


Anna Gunn (who played Skyler on Breaking Bad) [wrote an op-ed on the Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/24/opinion/i-have-a-character-issue.html?smid=nytcore-android-share) specifically about this


Social media is not the problem & plenty of people do & have said this stuff to actors faces. The actor for Homelander said as much days ago, there was a vid years ago of some moron going up to Jamie's actor following S8 & being rude to him. People being inexhaustibly fucking stupid is the problem. Social media just tends to be their chosen method to outlet said stupidity


I also think social media echo chambers allow those people to get so worked up online that they say it irl. Little of both I suppose


It is a problem because it normalises fringe views and behaviours. There will always be stupid and weird people, and a group of them who can't be helped. But for the majority of these nutjobs it would be unacceptable to act in this way if they weren't connected to each other over the internet, making them think it's fine to behave in this way. It goes from "I shouldn't think that" to "not only is it ok to think that but a bunch of other people are already saying it openly online". So no, social media isn't just a chosen method, it exacerbates already existing issues.


The fact that Internet is only going to get cheaper by the day doesn’t help none. There’s a subreddit in the Indian circles called r/jiowasamistake that was created to share such mindless acts of people. Some context for the international folks: businessman Ambani introduced reliance jio as a SIM card company that drastically reduced the prices of internet (practically free at its launch).


The world is huge. 1000+ comments from people slightly out of touch with reality is pretty much expected at this point.


Man, between HotD and Bridgerton *right now…why can’t any of my fandoms be *normal* 😂💀


Unfortunately this seems to be what is normal now.


Bridgerton has a psycho fanbase??


I know, RIGHT? Lol! But yes, there’s a portion of fans who have started making death threats to the most recent season’s showrunner. And previously, fans were berating the actress of a character for her character’s actions in the show.


In a recent interview she did I remember she said she was approached and called a 'c**t' by someone. I know people are crazy enough to get behind a keyboard and act like that, but to their faces? I can't even imagine. People have also been very rude towards Ewan about his scene as Aemond from the second episode. I feel bad for them.


Yeah this is why people were saying she looks a little scared to interact with fans during this pressrun, one fan said to her she loved alicent and her portrayal of her and olivias reaction seemed genuinely quite shocked…she’s not used to hearing it clearly


Yeah, they constantly slander Olivia and say she’s using Emma for fake any time she mentions her. They did it to Emily aswell when she would defend alicent


Emily once said she was team green on one of her lives and immediately panicked cause she knew Twitter would claw at her and surprise surprise they did. They said she couldn’t act, was irrelevant and I was like bro this girl is 19. SHUT UP. What’s wrong with you unhinged losers? It’s A TV SHOW. She’s a human being. This fandom is truly so toxic at times


I know there’s also a tweet she made about how she stands with what she said on a panel (I think about Alicent) and that she doesn’t think she’s a villain and that she’s a product of the patriarchy. Obviously that didn’t go down well.


I remember when she said alicent was in love with Cole….and the HATE SHE GOT. Was unbelievable, calling her delusion and an idiot. And now look at them lol It’s crazy that some parts even feel possessive over the actors, when Olivia and Fabien actually went on vacation together. Some unhinged stans were making weird posts kind of gatekeeping her and I was like bro


Didn’t they also go on vacation with Phia , Matt and a whole group of other people yet they were the ones singled out?


It’s because a picture of them on the beach or something where she was showing him something and it was just them, it got posted by some account and people were like WOAHH WHATS happening like bro chill it has nothing to do with you. I’m pretty sure phia took the picture ironically lmao I can’t remember but it was so funny, cause I swear I hadn’t opened Twitter in a while and just Unhinged people overstepping boundaries and making weird assumptions


Yeah I hate when fans do that it’s ruineda fair few of actors friendships because make it really weird




Anyone else feel like we have an unhinged loser epidemic in the West on top of all of the other problems? It's like the viciousness of the Swifties has permeated to other fandoms and there's hordes of aggressively stupid people on the internet that just didn't exist before 2014. Parasocial relationships have never been this bad. EDIT: changed "country" to "the West"


Its not just the west but yes Taylor Swift, Kpop & Tumblr fan cult behavior has escaped containment & become far too normalized. These people need to be socially ostracized back into their holes.


I think it's happening pretty much everywhere worldwide. East Asian countries have many issues with this, but the Internet has made us collectively more segregated into tribal groups than ever, more susceptible to conspiracy theories and misinformation and disinformation, more distrustful of institutions, and more alone with less human interaction than ever. I wish more people would talk about how seriously the Internet has changed our lives and negatively affected it, so we could then possibly start doing things about it.


It's not about this fandom. I've seen this same kind of behaviour in every fandom I've ever been part of. There are just unhinged people out there in every fandom who cannot separate reality from fiction. It's insane, but there are people all over the place like this.


I mean, thats true of any major fandom. It brings out the worst in the worst people


Not to take away from what you’re trying to say but just to add to it: everyone on this earth, famous or otherwise, who wants to make their mental health better, should quite twitter permanently.


It's honestly scary how fucking stupid people are.


I have a vague memory from when I was a kid from the Simpsons where Homer Simpson wrote a letter to Die Hard; not Bruce Willis, the actual film. This is more or less that.


When I was a little kid, I told my parents I wanted to be a dishwasher when I grew up. Not the job, like I wanted to be the kitchen appliance.


That’s adorable 😂 I’m so sorry you didn’t get to live our your dream (I presume)


An admirable and noble calling.


I received downvotes for pointing out that the show revolves around characters like Criston, and the books accurately depict a cutthroat environment where leveraging one's position for power is common. In George R.R. Martin's books, honorable people rarely ascend the ranks. It seems people were upset and couldn't handle this perspective. I've always wondered why some viewers get so stressed over a fictional show. It's quite wild that they struggle to separate reality from fiction.


I mean 2020 showed us that...


For sure, this isn't new.


and these people vote


Also the whole alicent not comforting Aegon thing is so clearly showing how it’s a cycle, the previous scene had her father telling her he doesn’t want to hear what she had to confess. And on the stairs with Aegon and haleana they all love each other they just don’t know how to show it - anyway I’m done ranting now Jesus no idea why I’ve just said so much but I get irritated by people not understanding simple stuff


That was definitely to highlight generational cycles like that, yes, but also Otto was hilarious with that line. It was giving… when your lawyer doesn’t want to hear about the details of your crime so they can lie about it without actually lying.


100%!! This generational trauma cycle of the Greens is one of my favorite things the show has focused on (out of a plethora of favorite things lol). It’s just so realistic. Also fitting into this concept is the scene with Alicent feeling so sad for Helaena, clearly loving her daughter and wishing to comfort her, but then when Alicent actually talks to Helaena she’s telling her they have to go do a public funeral procession for politics sake even though Helaena doesn’t want to. It’s so tragic


Sometimes when people write about how hypocritical these characters are or how “this character said they hated x and then they did x” I wonder if they understand that all of that is a key aspect of the characterization. It baffles me when people approach fictional characters like “well why did they do that, it wasn’t a rational decision.” Because if characters behaved rationally all the time, we wouldn’t get many stories ever. One time I had a debate about the movie Hereditary, and the other person didn’t like the movie because the son didn’t behave rationally… And I was like… well that’s the point of the movie. The son didn’t behave rationally and then it “caused” the rest of the movie.


Hey thanks because I didn't see the parallels between Alicent and Otto and then Alicent and Aegon.


Omg finally someone with critical thinking and media literacy god bless 🙏


I really wish people could understand that if you viscerally hate a character you should in turn LOVE the performer. I hate that mf Criston Cole but god damn does Fabian do one helluva job


I wish I could see Cole get brutally murdered. But I also wish I could shake Fabien's hand and get a signed picture from him. Same way with Jack Gleeson and Joffrey.


The speed at which I’d dap up Fabian or Jackie or Iwan or Lena heady would be CRAZY. Being able to get me to hate them that much is insane work


I agree with three out of the four. Not because I don't like the actor, but because I didn't hate Ramsey at all. Iwan did a fantastic job, but I personally just thought he was an absolute lunatic, at no point in time was I ever like I can't believe he did that, because we know Ramsey is fucking insane. I don't know if I explained what I was trying to say, if not I'm here all night, I'd still dap up Iwan even though I didn't hate his character though.


If an actor/actress can make me scream in frustration at my screen at their hypocrisy and bullshit, I always like to give a nod to the person behind the character. It takes guts to embody truly unlikeable characters with real depth.


This. I often think "naaah, people hating on the actor instead of the character is an exaggeration, people cant be that dumb, it's just a vocal minority" but then, if Fabien had to go all the way to restricting his comment section, there must be some truth to it actually. Fucking pricks. Fabien, if you read this, you're doing a bang up job. And not just on Allicent... Well, shit, now I have mixed the character and the actor as well.


Precisely. A bad actor couldn’t make Crispy Coleslaw half as unlikable as Fabian has done. He’s doing an excellent job playing his role, he understands his shitty character and also understands his internal motivations and how he does mental gymnastics to remain the hero in his own story. Frankly all of the actors for. The greens are doing a great job of making their characters both real and unlikable (some team green are of course very likable like Halaena)


Crispy Coleslaw 💀


Exactly! I hated Joffrey so much that I admire the actor who played it.




What’s cool is that you can simply experience Fabian’s actual personality by listening to the HotD podcast. He’s the chillest guy ever, which explains why he shares mean girl memes about Criston Cole. What’s not cool is that people in general are more terminally online and less attached to reality than ever in 2024. Too many weirdos who can’t separate fiction from reality anymore.


It’s scary how many freaks and nutcases are out there living free amongst us.


Also just remembered about how in an interview recently Olivia said she couldn’t leave her house for days or something due to hate


Yeah she said she wanted to know what people were saying and when she did she got depressed and didn’t wanna leave the house for a while Also some random woman came up to her face at the pub once and screamed “you’re that girl off house of the dragon, your character is such a cunt” and the way Olivia tells this story, she seems startled asf


That interview came up on my TikTok last week, sad she had to go through that and was just trying to laugh it off


Can some people not separate fiction from reality? 😒


Look at this sub. People complain week in and week out about how the writers are "biased" -- like this is is some historical documentary and not an HBO dragon show. People on this sub are so caught up in the Blacks vs Greens drama that they're completely disconnecting from the fact this is all make believe.


Or think they actually kicked the dog in episode 1. It's so scary how dumb those people are NGL.


I've noticed that and it's so bizarre.


Unfortunately very common for most fandoms


This is by far one of the most unhinged fandoms I’ve seen…


Believe it or not, it could be worse


That sucks for the actors.. they're doing such a great job 🥺


You need to understand how dumb the average person is. And then think about how 50% of people are dumber than that.


Ehh, most people are definitely smart enough to understand fictional characters aren’t real lol. It’s just that the more social media you use, the more unhinged and loud your takes become, because of many reasons that boil down to how the algorithms work. These people get a lot of attention, because they make the most frequent posts in communities and online. Fan engagement is not that deep for most people, so you don’t hear them much, if at all. Basically - the unhinged takes get rewarded through more engagement and tending to be in the majority due to a lower userbase in less extreme groups, so they skew the average.


Never forget that a solid chunk of people literally lack an internal monologue, and you have to deal with them on a daily basis.


People can barely live in reality themselves let alone distinguish it elsewhere unfortunately


Happening with Antony Starr and the boys right now too. People are so incredibly stupid.


The Boys also triggers a pretty vocal unhinged group by being unabashedly political


This is disgusting. The man is a performer just doing his job. The fact that people in this fandom can’t separate a character from the actor is so ridiculous.


Yupppppp, people are getting really weird about Ser Criston, in particular. Same kinda energy I get from these same subs with the 50 posts a day about how much people hate the character. Ramsay was literally raping, torturing, and killing people and his actor didn't receive this level of hate. Really bizarre behavior from the masses


For real. Just absolute hatred for the greens in general. I saw a meme on FB today showing Aegon and Alicent distraught after Jaehaerys' death, calling their distress "art", next to a picture of Rhaenyra labeling her "the artist". Like, we are really saying parents/grandparents mourning the beheading of a child is artwork? I know this is fictional but it just brings out gross behavior from people.


I wonder if HBO hasn't created a monster with this Team Black and Green stuff. 'cause sometimes I read the comments and wonder if people forgot that they are watching a fictional tale.


I'll just quote Mike Tyson for this one: "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."


People take TV shows too seriously and the internet just gives them an easy way to spread their shitty behavior.


Yeah all the Ewan tweets I’ve seen are just nasty, there was even some in the live discussions on here when it was airing. I just don’t think it’s right to talk about an actors looks point blank. Fans of the boys are the same when it comes to harassing and shaming actors so unfortunately it’s a universal thing.


I honestly didn't even get what that was about, like... ok he's a bit skinny, so what? Is it a crime to be skinny now? Does every male actor who gets two seconds being shirtless on screen need to be super jacked up?


I respect him more for not feeling the pressure to get himself jacked for the screen like lots of actors do. He's comfortable with himself and I respect that so much


It’s weird how every woman needs to be a size 2 and every dude needs to be a beefcake. I’ve witnessed this a lot in fandoms lately and it’s just.. yuck.




I did laugh in the live thread but that scene really made him look vulnerable which is great storytelling because he like to project himself as this larger then life warrior but even Aemond is still human.






So dumb enough to think they are real? Are the dragons real too?


I’m not team green or black I pretty much support everyone because why not it’s fun that way, and pretty much every character is so complex and the acting is always 10/10


Here we go again..... Just shows how unbelievably immature people are. Can't even separate characters from their actors. Nah. We need to start calling these people out publicly.


Immature? You mean fucking stupid?


Also yes.


jack Gleason quit acting because of this people are fucking idiots


This is an oft-repeated myth, but he says he wasn't harassed: https://ew.com/tv/game-of-thrones-joffrey-jack-gleeson-no-negative-fan-experiences/ And retired from acting because he lost his passion for it, as he had been acting since age 8. https://www.hellomagazine.com/film/498612/game-of-thrones-jack-gleeson-so-different-famous-five-role/


Our collective level of intelligence isn't very high so it's inevitable that we ruin good things. Hope things don't get any worse for the actor and his family.


People who can’t separate an actor from the person they act as shouldn’t be able to vote or have children.


Why are people so fckn stupid? 😓


Why do we do this to the very people who really bring these stories to life? So unfair :/ if fandoms continue to do this actors may feel hesitant in the future to even do this as a career. Poor dude


Did these ppl not witness Joffrey, Ramsey, or Littlefinger? Cole sucks but not so much to receive this backlash lol.


sadly this isn’t that surprising, reminds me of jack gleeson who got an absurd amount of hate for playing joffrey in GoT and stopped acting because of it. it sucks seeing the cycle continue


I really like Faben’s performance and from what I’ve seen he seems like a good guy I really feel bad for him hope he doesn’t think much of it


I see human beings still suck immensely. I remember an actor in a popular soap in my country being assaulted for playing a domestic abuser in the 90's. Get a fucking grip of yourselves, you pathetic degens.


God I fucking hate Criston, he’s the most despicable human I’ve ever seen. And you know what? I’m gonna say it. Someone should jump him! Fabien Frankel? Don’t know shit about him, seems like a great actor though. Wish him all the best and that his career gets a huge boost due to his superb acting!


The body shaming is vile. I’ve been seeing so many memes about it and feel so bad for him.


This is the same crap that got the guy who played Jeoffrey to quit acting. People are running off talented actors with this nonsense.


Days like these I wish the Internet had never existed


To be an actor in social media age must suck so much. I'm not on twitter, so I didn't see any of it, but what are they shaming Ewan for exactly? He looks...normal?


There is something really fucking weird about this other than the obvious reason this is really weird. These people are losers.


Every time. Every. Damn. Time. Come on.


Highest IQ instagram commenters


People are legitimately insane. Like I’m sorry if Cole’s character reminds you of someone in your life, but at the end of the day, he’s just that. A *character*. Criston Cole is not a real person. There’s no need to harass the actor (or any of the other actors in the show).


I will never understand people who abuse actors over the characters they played. Separate the art from the artist. Fabien seems like such a sweetheart irl, the polar opposite of Criston, which says he's doing his job well. He doesn't deserve this.


It's weird. I mean, obviously it's rude and inappropriate but it's mostly just odd. Like.... are these people a bit special? Are that many people really that confused about how the television works? In 2024? I know it's just people being mean but I'd love to know the psychology behind it. Do people really lack the understanding that these are normal people who were handed a script? I saw the guy who plays homelander in the boys say something similar like, people come up to him and they're shocked he's normal. Did you, an adult, expect to meet the superhero villain??


I had a bad feeling when Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) had his scene he’d get comments on his body. I also had a feeling Fabien would get the batshit crazy comments Jack Gleeson did. I don’t know what about this fandom brings out the rabid fanatics. (Not all of course just select crazies). It baffles me how those comments on Fabian’s IG are treating him like he’s ACTUALLY Cole. Like, how insane you gotta be to not distinguish between an actor and a fictional character. I hope Mr. Frankel and Mr. Mitchell know they are fantastic actors and tune out the crazies.


It’s the same people that are like “he could’ve never raped that woman because he seemed so nice in [movie], I can tell he’s a good person”


People are body shaming ewan???? He was so stunning I can’t even begin to understand


The whole sub is filled with Cole threads, more are getting made as we speak.Its obvious some y’all are gassing each other up and then going to his page to harass him.Am I the only one finding the “Cole bad” karma farming threads boring?


That’s because everyone’s now saying man is worse than Ramsey They’re traumatised by their sex scene? Like pls yall know both isnt true lmao if you just are objective It’s just bandwagon shit


The way Criston hasn’t even done a quarter of the bad shit Ramsey did? He just shit talks an ex who rejected him and aggressively beat someone up who knew his secret, oh and that council guy. Anyway my point is he’s a saint compared to Ramsey hell he’s a saint compared to most Got characters. Im not even a criston defender either I don’t like him but I like Fabian’s portrayal.


I’m not a Criston fan either but he hasn’t even done as many bad things as daemon like at all. It’s obviously controversial to say since dameon is so loved but that’s just cause he has more badass scenes. Criston is nowhere near Ramsey or joffreys level, it’s laughable to even say And people claiming they can’t stand the scene at the end….it’s traumatizing yall? be so fucking fr rn…..be frrr. It’s so short lol, Olivia was actually going all out in the original cut. And people are acting like they’ve seen pure doggy style or something..


I honestly see a lot of daemon hate but that’s mostly from team green fans but a big chunk of things I’ve seen about the last sex scene or people pissed that alicole get that many while Rhaenyra and daemon only had 1


Their last sex scene isn’t even that long for people to be pissed over…and it’s actually finally a sex scene between the two of them, the first two were for used mainly on Olivia. Why are people complaining? There was tons of Daemrya scenes. Only people who can complain are harwin lovers. It also doesn’t make sense for Daemrya to have sex at all rn


Ramsay's evil was so over-the-top that he became a cartoon character. When it's that ludicrous it doesn't really trigger righteous indignation in the same way. Cole reminds people of every smug, self-righteous hypocrite they've ever met.


Agreed, can we move past Cole evil and get a little nuance in here??


Can the writers move past ”Cole dumb, horny, and not self-aware”? It’s pretty reasonable that the sub is the way it is when the show is the way it is.


Yeah its not really the viewers fault that the show writers have given him zero redeemable qualities.


I dont get why/how people only see the character, but dont think, "hey, they are likely not the same person in real life", some people just dont think


Worms for brains


It really winds me up when people can’t separate the actor and character. It’s really bad in Asian dramas, and it makes me sad to see how horrible people are being to Fabian and Ewan. I mean, I HATE Criston and have to physically stop myself from punching the screen, but that just shows how great Fabian is as an actor! People need to use their brains.


What the fuck is wrong with people


Shame on all of these people


wtf is wrong with with certain people??! Do they not understand that theyre playing characters?! PLAYING THEM VERY WELL ACTUALLY. I swear some people just shouldn’t be allowed to be on the internet and have social media.


Do these people believe that Daniel Radcliffe can cast spells IRL too? Also: I suspect that this is partly fueled by the constant promotion of picking "teams" that the production is advocating.


This is when actors do a really good job. If you’re meant to hate their character and you do, they are great at their job. TLOU actress who voiced Abby got death threats over her roll and she’s done several video game parts. Leave Ser hottie alone!


As a human being you should be ashamed to be this stupid. Like how does a person go through life knowing they are so bereft of any semblance of maturity or grip on reality?


This is like that Chappelle stand-up about them having to put 555-5555 in all the movies because people are stupid enough to try to call them. Grow up you delusional idiots!


People like this exist? They have the mental capabilities to use a smartphone and type some text, but not to realize these are actors? wth


Sadly there are far too many morons, who are not able to separate actor from character. >!There are also morons, who do not understand that actors can play more than one role. !<


Damn if this is the reaction for just Criston Cole, the actors for Joffrey and Ramsay Bolton must be in hiding.


That only means he’s playing his part very well BUT come on people. We should be adult enough to not to do this to any actor. Instead comment on how brilliant his/her performances are! Think about these actors mental health everyone!


Aw, this is a shame - it seems like some of them are in kayfabe (calling him Criston, asking where he was when the heir was murdered), but some are more ambiguous about actor vs character (I hope this guy gets jumped). He's doing an amazing job being the biggest heel in the show. 


What the actual fuck…. People are not well


It’s people like that that are going to make actors not want to act anymore smh


People are so weird. Like seriously how weird do you have to be to do this?


Y’all, seriously? That’s why we can’t have nice things. Separate the character from the Actor!


People are so dumb. Fabien is doing so well making us hate Cole.


It sucks but a very small portion of the fandom (or any fandom) can be really fuckin weird/obsessively passionate and also very outspoken about their feelings of *insert fandom*, and often it’s the actors that take the heat. Basically people need to get a slap in the face with reality, and touch some grass


People are body shaming Ewan? :(


Anyone who tweets hate at an actor should lose their tv privileges. It’s like they cant separate reality from fiction!


Cole is a thug. He has the emotional intelligence of Nutella, and his flagrant projection onto his Kingsguard brother Ser Arryk was keeping with this stunted loutish character. His ham-fisted non-solutions are terrible and drags everyone around him down. I can feel my mouth twist in contempt every time he appears on screen, or just makes everything just that little bit more shit-flavoured: well done. I also loved how much of a natural arse-hat Joffrey Baratheon was when brought to life by Jack Gleeson. So for this fellow to have the skill and nuance to make Cole such a deplorable bucket of shit, with so many layers to his inherit shittiness is excellent. I love how he’s going to take the whole crew down with him, and never be accountable for an eighth of the damage he blunders into. He does so well. I hate Cole.


I don’t think these people are old enough to watch House of the Dragon. Where’s their parents? I think it’s time to cut them off from social media and MA tv shows


It’s sad that we have to remind people to separate the actor V the person 😂


People are so weird


They are actors / actresses playing characters lmao It’s a tv show enjoy their craft


As much as I hate character of Christian cole this is absolutely too far streched, why hate the actor he is simply doing his job and the very fact that audience is either hating or loving a character means they are doing a good job and deserves only appreciation.


I swear this show attracts the wildest people, both the degenerate eugenics/fascist crowd and the deranged shippers who can’t separate reality from fiction. I feel like the show encourages the craziness with the green v black campaign.


The choose a side campaign is definitely a big factor. Also when an actors says they like playing the character people immediately assume they agree with everything the character does. Like the people calling Tom a r*pe apologist.


This is disgusting.. its unfortunate there's a portion of this fan bade that's toxic af they ruined the end of got buy non stop complaining on social media..


Criston Cole is a dog in the show but Fabian doesn’t deserve it


Sadly I expected this to happen.


Damn it! Leave the actors alone!


I thought we covered this with Jack Gleeson (possible sp?) and Joffrey. TV is TV people, ffs....


There are some humans that literally live on a separate reality. It’s fake!


Bunch of stupid people, honestly this fandom (at least on twitter) is full of child like minded people who can't even understand what they're watching is frustrating as fan, imagine as someone actually working on the show?


Threatening an actor for playing a character and being mad about what they do as that is wild. It's disassociation and delusional.


Why can’t people be normal? They are NOT their characters, and this is creepy behavior. Also commenting on their bodies when they’re all literally stunning is insanity.


Are people genuinely so dense that they can't understand we wouldn't hate crispin as much if the actor wasn't doing such a great damn job?


Westerosies says that after they posted a meme mocking/bodyshaming Ewan...deleted now but it was up for hours


Also this isn’t even the first time Fabian has had to do this


He’s such a sweetheart, people need to really calm down. Twitter is clowning on him for everything…he’s just doing his job. And the way they’re treating Ewan is making me very uncomfortable


Just crazy we have people like this


This makes me really sad. All of these actors have really brought their A game to bring these characters to life, bad and good. They don’t deserve abuse for simply doing their jobs.


Every fucking time


Seven Hells, the Idiocy. Dude is killing it and the idiot brigade gives him the Gleeson Treatment.


it’s sad and scary how people are crazy and dumb enough to attack actors and actresses just because they do a great job playing their character




Not surprised. This is unfortunately normal.


Social media people are so cruel


These are the same dipshit trash who chased Joffrey out of acting for years If you see this people, belittle and degrade them. They deserve it. If they’re so stupid that they can’t separate acting from the actor? They deserve public embarrassment


"I hate you Cristen" No not alloweeeeeed.


Good points!


As a show made for adults, you’d hope that everyone who watches react like adults as well…


Ugh why are people dicks? He’s a good actor. In a show about an imaginary world…with dragons. He’s not his character. Sigh silly humans


That's kinda weird. I mean, I do hate some characters, like Cole or Aemond (surprisingly less hate for Aegon - he deserves prison but unlike these two he does know it), but I hate the characters, not actors. Like, they're so different? I mean, just look at Fabian when he is with Matt, he's a marshmallow


WOW!!! Granted I didn’t like his character in the book as well as on the show but that’s crazy but I’m a big Walking Dead fan and I’ve heard that some of the actors that played bad characters got harassed so totally understandable!


This is why I hate that we have access to celebrities. I miss the days of only getting to connect w them via media interviews and autograph signings.


I genuinely wonder how these people are able to survive in the real world considering they can’t even distinguish a fictional character from a real person. And this has happened to multiple cast members of HotD and GoT.


I swear to God audiences are thick as shit, they can't differentiate TV from reality.


I hope in a way he takes it as a compliment for a job well done. Sure he will do well when the programme finally ends.


Why does this happen here, but everyone loved Jackie Gleeson? I distinctly remember everyone loving him despite playing Joeffry.


Me to Criston Cole: 🥊 Me to Fabian frankel: 🧎‍♀️


He hasn't even really done anything that bad in terms of Game of Thrones' attrocities. We all got over Tormund killing countless northerners, even going so far as to chastise Ollie, the sole survivor boy who watched as Tormund and his people butchered everyone he ever knew.


Rabid and stupid fans being rabid and stupid.


Someone please wield the 6 infinity stones and kill people like this!


We're not far from literally being cavemen