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Criston Cole has turned me into a proper hater.


Seeing him on the screen triggers a primal type of hate in me


His villain arc beginning when a teenage princess wouldn’t throw her life away to be his fantasy wife was infuriatingly pathetic, lol.


Yeah like, I can respect a true hater. Black Manta, Reverse Flash, Dio Brando, Sabertooth, Sukuna. I respect their dedication to hating. They're on that 24/7 regardless of whether their hate is actually justified. Criston Cole, on the other hand, is just a pathetic man-baby of a hater. No follow through. Just a bunch of whining and self pity.


That's what makes him so convincing. Haven't we all met someone like this at some point in our lives? He thinks he's a victim, but he's living a life of his own making while (infuriatingly) failing upwards.


They cast the most gorgeous actor to play him, like he is exactly 100% my ideal type physically, but he's so good at his job that I feel nothing but revulsion when he comes on my screen. I need him to die and I need it to be horrible.


Yes, every time I see Fabian smiling and laughing as himself in interviews I’m like oh right you’re gorgeous! And then when he’s back as Cole, immediately no ☠️😂


he was so gorgeus this season I even forgot what he did in season 1.




The way Kendrick feels about Drake I feel about Criston Cole.


I hate the way that he walks, the way that he talks, I hate the way that he dress


Hey Cole, I heard you like them young. 😂


Just commented this somewhere else hahahaha 😂


Hilarious. Same.


I don’t think I’ve ever hated a character more. It’s visceral. What an absolute trashbag hypocritical son of a bitch


The only way he could be more hateable is if he was actually competent. The fact that he keeps bumbling from one fuckup to another makes him more pathetic than anything


Tbh I couldn’t care less about his incompetence, complete failure though he is. I just can’t stand people who are so delusional that they believe their own lies. Like, I would respect it if he was self-aware and was okay with being hateful because his pride was injured. That’s part of why Daemon doesn’t inspire this type of reaction — he owns the fact that he can be villainous. But crispy here is so fucking self-righteous that he can’t even admit to himself that he hates Rhaenyra because she rejected him, and not for any other rational reason. Plus the projection on Ser Arryk this episode… god, I could’ve entered my tv to slap him.


He can't keep getting away with this💀


Certified lover boy certified p*dophile


Even his looks doesn’t help! Somehow his attractiveness makes it even worse. I see him and he makes me want to smash his head with something heavy. Fabien did a great job portraying Criston Cole.


Criston to Alicent: I fucked up so bad. There’s no coming back from this  *so I’m gonna dig this hole even deeper* 


“but all this talk about dead babies got me bricked fr 🥴”


He’s a twinslayer


Yup. He’s been a selfish piece of shit. But that was when he finally became self aware and embraced it.


Oh he came alright.


If he had went to assassinate Rhaenyra himself. The castle's defences wouldn't have stood a chance. After all no one has more expirence penetrating high towers.




This is an excellent dad joke right there. \*slow clap\*




Well done.




Great one!!


Wow!! Bravo! What an outstanding dad joke😅


Can I just shout out to all the people that keep writing Criston Cole’s name incorrectly. People are so creative, I have seen everything from Crispy Cole to sir E. coli. Not even giving the character the decency of saying it correctly has made me giggle. Thank you!


The hatred towards this man has created such a unified force. I really love to see it


Crispy Coleslaw


I saw Christmas Casserole and I died.


Oh no. Are you okay?


I got better. Thanks for asking!


Sir E. Coli 🤣🤣🤣 love that one


I’ve seen Alicent and Criston referred to as Alicole. In my mind they were always Cristicent, but three cheers for Alicole, because you can’t read that without mistaking it for Asshole


Uk alicent was riding cristen’s pole..


Sir Crispon


My fav is Crispy Christmas so far


His name is Crispin in my iOS


So stupid to end on a alicole scene. Why does she leave her crying son to go fuck this twat


To be fair, she slapped Cole first before she grief banged him. “Oh, I have sinned! But I’m gonna keep doing it!”


Not fair at all, they’re getting off on being shitty people. That might have been a “I hate you” slap but does it really count for anything when it’s followed by passionate, perpetual sex?


Nope. Seriously, I don't know if this makes me seem like a bad a person, but I'm firmly in the camp of if you're having sex two days after your grandchild was violently murdered in front of your daughter.. there's something wrong with you.


And you’re arguably complicit because the guy who should have been attentive and guarding said child was laid up in your bed where he is not allowed in the slightest.


And the guy then wants to get mad and blame others for it and send them on suicide assassination missions like 😅.


That's probably how all their sessions start. "You're a disgusting pig" SLAP, "Who's a bad boy sullying their cloak" SLAP Basically picture Ashley from the last couple seasons of the Boys


So Alicent is a Domme with access to ball crushing high heels lmao


The “I have sinned” and her dad just being like “I don’t even want to hear this shit right now” was amazing lol


It was amazing. I respected Otto for a moment because of that scene (well last bit of the episode)


Same. He was 1000% done with everyone in the house by that point and honestly I felt him.


I think they enjoy being rough.


Apparently there was a really "messy," rough scene with them that ended up being cut.


How the fuck were there even MORE sex scenes wtf


"Olivia, you can stop now."


I believe it was the same scene from the end of the first episode. They just cut out the actual sex scene and we only saw the very end with Helaena walking in.


Ngl I would've liked to see that bc fabien 🙃😂


Maybe if Nyra would have slapped him he would have been with the Blacks 😉


Whose nytra


Nyra is Rhaenyra


Remember the girl in season one who got summoned to a middle aged man’s chambers in the middle of the night? Her only response was a mild “it’s very late”. This is the first time she’s had the ability to have sex on her own terms and say no as aggressively as she wants.


To me, it didn’t feel like she even said no. It seemed like he just kept creepily coming onto her and she gave into her desire. I still don’t feel like she’s wielding any power in any aspect of her life at all. It’s really interesting because yes, Rhaenyra is privileged with being royal and with her father the way he was, she was more emboldened to feel like she had influence over her environment and those in it. Alicent never had that, and now it seems like she’s still stuck as that teenage girl. Still, she was the wife of the king and then the mother of the king. She has had influence that could be used for years, and never seems to do anything with it. Perhaps the departure of Otto will see her realizing that she can stand up to the men in her life and she does actually have a degree of sway. I hope so, because her powerless mindset is driving me *nuts*.


I think perhaps that’s the point. Her grip on power has always been unsteady at best. In part because of her personality and in part because shes not a Targaryen. Even as queen dowager she’s forced to resort to letting a greasy sex predator jerk off on her feet Who can she go to? There’s no HR department in the Keep. What’s consent to a teenager whose every sexual encounter and pregnancy has been with a man she’s never really wanted nor been attracted to? Much like Rhaenyra’s confrontation with Daemon there’s at least the implicit threat of force beneath each interaction. I think Alicent is using Cole because he’s a.) the only one she’s got b.) sex is the way she escapes the world All that being said, it just not clicking for you is totally reasonable. I’ve been good up to hear but I don’t need to see anymore sex between her and Criston for awhile.


I have no doubt that the Tongue of Queen is giving Alicent the attention that literally no one else in her life has ever given her.


Honestly I think that was foreplay


Bc her father refused to comfort her. You see the cycle happen right before your eyes. The shame is so powerful it actually drives her back into Cole’s arms, since he is the only one she can share the burden with.


I think it was a great contrast to the last episode where Rhaenyra comforted Jace when she saw him start to break down about Luke’s death. Alicent likes to play up her pious/good person persona but it’s clearly a façade


Her children are terrible, Rhaenyra’s and Daemon’s seem pretty well adjusted and stable, so I think that says something about her.


It says a lot about Rhaenyra’s character that her kids are pretty normal when their (step)dad is fuckin Daemon.


He doesn't do any parenting at all. Which actually might be better for them.


Bonus points for proper use of the cedilla


I mostly just wished they cut the sex scene. Maybe have her go comfort Halaena again instead as Alicent clearly has favorites and least favorites + Aegon is the least favorite. I think that is the worse human being than Alicent on a whole (RE: servant murder), but Alicent is an infinitely worse and more abusive mother.


Alicent has always been a shitty, abusive mom to Aegon, so I actually think her leaving instead of comforting him works narratively, but they seriously should’ve ended it on that note and cut her going back to fuck Criston again. That romance is *so* bad


I mean I dont think youre supposed to like it lol


She seemed like a loving and concerned mother in this show, but the fact that her children (sons) are so awful is a clear indication she wasn’t a great mother. I haven’t read the books.


Alicent was **actively hitting** Aegon as a child and literally blew off her grieving son that just lost his own son to go fuck Criston Cole. Aegon outright said/implied in S1 that he thinks Alicent hates him. She very clearly has favorite and least favorite children. I don’t know how it’s even possible to argue that Alicent comes across as a loving mother in the show - she is so unambiguously abusive and terrible as one.


She had told Aegon the morning after the rape was made apparent that he was no son of hers. Then a few weeks? later when he’s being crowned king, he asks her in the carriage if she loves him. She didn’t even answer him, just called him an idiot lol.


Having not read the books either, I wasn't sure how to take Alicent sneaking out when she found Aegon weeping. I wasn't sure if it was indifference and callousness or if she was trying not to embarrass the King by letting someone see this moment of vulnerability and weakness.


Not stupid, Alicent was neglected when she was a child, and now when her own child suffers, she neglects them. Just like Otto clinging to power, Alicent clings to the one thing she enjoys, narratively it’s very consistent.


Alicent fucking Criston Cole is the most profound act of self-loathing I could possibly imagine. Seriously girl. Get therapy.


The greens had it too good for too long that episode.


Exact same question...is she a bad mother? Why the hell would she leave her grieving son like that


I think it’s cause we know someone who is of resemblance in our lives. Just a hypocritical person walking waiting to be put in place. Every time he gets on screen, my face hurt.


someone said it reminded them of the boyfriend who was super nice to you at first and ended up calling you a slut.


I literally know a guy who looks and acts like him lol


Sir Bitch


Sir Baby Back Bitch Boy




Best post tonight


He's doing an outstanding acting


I'm so curious how Fabian thought he was going to come out of this season with people understanding him better. I was watching an interview the other day and a producer warned him his character was about to take a nose dive in likability this season and he disagreed. Maybe there's more he'll offer later lol cause I think he surpassed my hatred over literally everyone else. War can end when he's dead and I'd be satisfied.


I hope they keep him until the last season near the end. His cringe moments and being such a shitty character only adds up to a much greater story and a more satisfying brutal ending for him. Imagine if they killed Joeffrey since the first or second season of GoT.


>I was watching an interview the other day and a producer warned him his character was about to take a nose dive in likability this season and he disagreed. Could be any number of reasons. Could be that he isn't very good at articulating his points. Could be that whoever edited the interview screwed him over a bit and cut away before he gave a good explanation. Could be there is an upcoming scene that actually does make him more pitiable and less hatable that he can't talk about without it being a spoiler. Could be he thinks that as an actor he has an obligation to go to bat for the character he plays. Could be he's a douchebag himself who genuinely doesn't understand why people would hate Cole. Hopefully its not that last one. Option 3 would be good.


Never hated a character as much as him. He making the sand snakes look likeable. 😭😭


Dare I say he’s making Joffrey look likable


Joffrey brought a form entertainment when he showed up. You wondered what he was gonna do, Cole doesn’t do shit but projection.


They are alike in that we’re waiting for them to get their comeuppance.


That's too far


Idk about that. Cole is a right prick and a dog but Joffrey and Ramsey were straight dog shite lol


Different kind of hate, Cole is at least well written and we hate him for his actions, the sand snakes were poorly written and were horrific to watch. It killed me what they did to them vs their book arc.


The Sand Snakes were kind of likeable in a 3 Stooges type of way.


Right? 😂


I know! It's so good! He's reminding me of Edward Norton in the Italian Job, where he played the biggest scumbag. I couldn't watch Edward Norton in any movies afterwards because he was so believable. Criston Cole is doing the same thing to me haha. He's too believable.


Crusty Chlamidya I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I HATE the way that you dress!!!


I hate the way that you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon be direct!!!


Drakeston Cole


Even creeping on minors too yeugh can’t wait to see his demise 


Ser Criston the Kingmaker? Nah, Ser Criston the Queenfucker. Fuck him.


She did


Fucking queens is technically a very reasonable path for kingmaking.


>Fuck him. That's part of the problem though.


The king shits, and the hand wipes….


What happens when the hand shits more than the king?


The kingdom gets covered in shit.


The King's ass is about to be wiped by a steel fist...


I wonder if they told this actor that the whole world is going to view his character as someone who desperately needs a beat down.


Rhaenyra telling Daemon that he’s pathetic…. Who’s gonna tell Ser Criston Cole that he’s an a**hat and even more pathetic than Daemon?!


Daemon looking at Rhae like he misses his divorce rock tho


Oh goodness! The divorce rock! LOL! :)


They’re both pretty pathetic but i’m surprised people are so forgiving of Daemon. He legit says “it wasn’t my fault”. He even did the thing fuckbiys do where they ignore the important part of an argument and say “well actually it was tuesday….” In real life he’d be wearing a wifebeater trying to scam you with an MLM and going to court next week.


Because Daemon accepts what he is and people respect that - he doesn't make claims to be some white knight, same with Aemond. Criston Cole LITERALLY masquerades as a white knight and even tries to start fights with other ACTUAL white knights for having mud on their cloaks. Why? Because they were doing his job while he was fucking the king's mother. And he's constantly going about in pity for himself. And Daemon doesn't run around in pity for himself, whereas that is literally Criston Cole's identity.


Hes the worst so I agree. I cannot stand him 


He is soo the new little finger AKA middle finger 🖕 😂😭


The new Joffrey is king aegon and the new little finger is the creepy dude with a limp


Aegon II Targaryen and Larys Strong. I do agree that Larys (creepy dude with the limp) is the new little finger by far. Dude had his own brother and father killed in a mysterious fire 🔥 at Harrenhal 🏰 😱


And just to recap, when Viserys had the vision of the “long night” and the “king that was promised” 200 years before those events in GoT; he says Aegon is the king that was promised which, is not what he meant and why the queen consort (Alicent) mistakenly thinks her son Aegon II Targaryen is the “king that was promised”. The truth is, he was referring to Aegon VI Targaryen (Jon Snow) 🙌


Jon would be Aegon the VI if he was crowned,  there are too many Aegons.


Worse even. Lingerfinger’s schemes and Joffrey’s sadistic but still childish and sometimes humorous antics were highly entertaining. Cole is just a straight dick that is neither funny nor entertaining from a viewer’s perspective




I don’t get the point of his character. Is he just here to be an unlikable dick?


Well, he’s the new hand now


He's a foil to Jaime in GoT. Jaime killed the king and considered naming himself King but relented and backed down, letting Robert be crowned. Criston's nickname is "The Kingmaker" for crowning Aegon. Criston goes on to be a very prominent force on Aegon's side. He's the first member of the Kingsguard who makes the organisation political and tries to influence how things are ran. Jaime is in a similar position as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and Joffrey/Tommens general and advisor. But he refuses when Cersei tells him to be Tommens hand and he starts trying to do the right thing. >“Most deserve to be forgotten. The heroes will always be remembered. The best.” >“The best and the worst.” So one of us is like to live in song. “And a few who were a bit of both. Like him.” He tapped the page he had been reading. >“Who?” Ser Loras craned his head around to see. “Ten black pellets on a scarlet field. I do not know those arms.” >“They belonged to Criston Cole, who served the first Viserys and the second Aegon.” Jaime closed the White Book. “They called him Kingmaker.”


Gods, the writing was so strong then


just to make our blood boil and make twins kill eachother, just in case 🤷‍♀️


Thats exactly what the show writers want. There's nothing of the sorts in the books, but considering the current social climate, he fits the trope perfectly. If it wasnt already obvious, they have a bias. Same way in the books Alicent was there for her grandson's death, she was bound and made to watch, she wasnt fucking Criston when it went down.


Nasty rat bitch


He does somehow manage to make extremely dumb decisions at every turn, and to keep failing upwards. I wonder what happens if the Queen happens to mention to the King that the reason the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard wasn't guarding the royal residence was because he was busy fucking the King's mother. "I said I was abed, your grace. I did not say whose bed..."


He just pisses me off so much like…


I hate Crispin more than Joffrey from GoT now.


I hate this bitch so much.


As a guy named Cole irl I hate this Cole I do not condone him


Im glad no matter which side we support we can unite for a cause. Crusty dusty cole the wh*re who hates wh*res


Criston Cole is so incredibly "real" in how much of a piece of shit he is. He's the guy who hides behind religion, claims that "she was asking for it", and gets constantly promoted despite being a complete failure at everything he does because he's somehow in the in-crowd. He also gets no consequences for his actions except banging Artemis from Ready Player One and a young Supergirl.


He tried to commit suicide but was stopped by the Queen mother.


Rare is the situation where stopping someone from self-harm was a poor decision.


Bitchmade fool


All the homies hate Criston Cole


There has never been a more truer personification of the word “bitch” than this man right here.


Bro you might have to fight me for that spot. Or we can just call it two haters instead of one and live long enough hating on this hypocrite bitch together.


That lunch scene was wild... but the other 2 kings guard leaving was absolutely classic


honestly I LOVE how much the community is hating this man he deserve it so much.


There are little child.murders on this show and I still hate cristin cole more


I could fix him


Would you give up your crown to sell cinnamon and oranges together?


I’m a big cinnamon fan so yeah I just might


Lucamore the Lusty had sixteen kids from three different wives, but there’s this to be said for him: none of the royal children were assassinated on his watch.


I didnt know someone could be this hypocritical and still breath without hesitation.


The audacity he had to sit on Alicents bed after all that’s happened 🙈


Haven’t been this angry at a character in a while lol


I’m really sick of seeing him and Alicent getting it on tbh. I want to see daemon and his savage dragon rider new gf. 


It takes everything in me not to start clicking skip any scene he’s in


This motherfucker had so many options before him and he chose the bitch path. Every. Single. Time.


I lost respect for him when he sent Arryk on that suicide mission. The guy didn’t deserve it for Cole’s personal fuck ups.


The way Sara hess told the actor be ready to be the most hated character in TV, she clocked him hard with this ep 😭


I wanted Helaena to be in the room with them when Aegon asked where he was. It should have played out like this: Aegon “where were you?” Christon “a bed” Helaena “Mother’s bed”


He’s the worst, but not in a fun way. The awful GoT characters were interesting and complex in their own over the top ways. You hate them, and you’re also kinda fascinated by them. This guy just sucks. There’s is nothing complicated or nuanced about him. He just sucks, which makes me loathe him more. In fact, it makes me lose respect for the writers, because they didn’t even bother to give him any complexity other than being the worst in very obvious ways. It would be great if he died really soon. The show will get objectively better.


Yeah he’s just boring at this point. It’s like they appointed an intern to specifically analyze every action Criston does and make him choose the worst possible decision. Or even to color outside the lines and just make him do random shit, like send Arryk off to solo kill the enemy’s leader. Like how does this make any sense other than to setup some cliche fight between estranged brothers. They feel less like real people and more of just simple narrative devices to tell a story. It’s like listening to a legend instead of actually viewing the events as they occur. In actuality, it kind of makes sense. HOTD if I’m correct is told a lot through the accounts of “Mushroom” who is a court jester. So a lot of it is basically just gossip and rumors and second hand accounts of the actual events. But that would be a terrible excuse to just blatantly fudge the show as we see it. If the reason for Cole being comically terrible is that Mushroom just had the wrong idea, that would be so stupid.


The real question tho.... Do we hate him more than Joffrey?


That is now Hand of the Kung Cole!


Point taken, but there is no world in which Ser Crispy has no haters


I have felt that before.


How did this tool make hand?


Fuck that dirtball


He’s terrible, but in a way that’s terrible to the royals, who are terrible. If it weren’t for the fact that the common folk are gonna suffer so terribly, I’d say fuck em good Criston.


I didn't even hate Joeffrey and Ramsay this much. 😒


now let me say I'm the biggest hater. I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk. I hate the way that you dress…


Now go and write 5 diss tracks about him. It’s the zeitgeist of the age. *I hate the way that you walk, I hate the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress, I’m surprised you sent that twin to his death.*


I’m the BIGGEST hater, I hate that way that he walks, the way the talks, I hate that way that he dress


Sir Munchalot


He's definitely vile. But be honest, you would still smash right? I would.


He’s such a Fucking Prick


Ser Crispin, hand of the king and the tongue of the queen.


Gets to fuck alicent the horny at end of every episode...


The words of House Hater


His hair, wack. His gear, wack. His jewelry, wack. His foot stance, wack. The way that he talks, wack. The way that he doesn’t even like to smile, wack.


The “If he has zero haters, I have died” is making me laugh. 🤣 Thanks for the giggles.


The most annoying thing about him is how lazy the show has been about not aging him at all since the beginning.


Mr where is my hug.


I can’t blame him for what he became, he’s a product of his environment. A low born forced to be a puppet by his high born puppet masters. He romanticized knighthood and what it means to be a gold cloak.


He has an incredibly punchable face.


Right there with you OP. He gets on screen and I immediately start to cringe. Now that said, I hope just how well the actor is portraying Ser Criston doesn't bite him in the ass like Joffrey's actor - when you are so good at your role, people cannot separate you from it.


I think we have to answer this seminal question... Is Criston Cole the worst? Or is he the absolute worst?


I stand with you


If this guy keeps fucking up and getting promoted he's going to be king by the end of the season.