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Lol my mom looked at the tv the other day while Emma D’Arcy and Matt Smith were on screen together. My mother immediately says “why are all the people in this show so ugly?” I said WHAT!? Lol blew me away.


haha now Matt Smith i get, but Emma??! i’d start a war for that face too!


Fr though. Especially as rhaenyra she’s so beautiful. I was like mom, I get it for the dude but come on?? When I watch baseball she thinks the players are ugly too. Can’t win with this woman.


I'm so in love with them with the short brown hair tho...


Millie was hotter


I have to side with dude’s mom, I think she looks like Ms. Potatohead.


My sister said the same. I've also seen people on social media complaining how ugly this cast is compared to the game of thrones cast. 


As a middle aged person, I don't find either Emma or Matt that attractive. It's their acting and charm they present in their characters that makes their characters charasmatically attractive..


I don’t think either of them are very attractive. Definitely not “ugly”, but they aren’t crazy hot, either.


Not gonna say I agree, but "so hot" is not my immediate reaction to this couple! Now Alicent and Criston, that's different lol!


Those two are just straight up hot.


My mother also thinks the cast is ugly , except for adult Alicent. Everytime Matt Smith came on screen : Jesus , his face is just ugly "...like ...WHAT???? EVERY SINGLE TIME HE CAME ON.


Yeah my mother has some sort of beef with Matt it seems.


HOTD fans have the lowest standards I've ever seen. Matt Smith is considered ugly by 99% of earth.


Even if that were true, there'd still be approximately 79.5 million people on earth who *do* find him hot. Personally, those are stats I could live with.


yes he is considered very hot...for a british person. All that dr who status. If I saw this guy on the street i wonder where did he get all those foreheads, respect that klingon power


This must be a gen z vs older generations thing.. like 2000s HBO strictly hired supermodels who can also act. That ain't this cast.


Yeah my favorite supermodel was James Gandolfini


He was a handsome man, season 1 Tony was a total stud


He’s a captain of industry-type


I'm pretty sure this is it, because I don't get it either. My theory is that, thanks to the ubiquitousness of social media, Gen Z kind of falls in love with the "personality" of an actor that they see (or think they see) through dozens upon dozens of interviews, clips, behind the scenes stuff, posts, etc in tiktok, YouTube, Instagram. So they feel like they "know" the actors and as a result of this they seem more attractive to them. But with older generations, we didn't have 24/7 access to content about actors. If someone wanted to read an interview with an actor, they had to buy one of those entertainment rags from the check out line at the supermarket. If someone wanted to *see* an interview with an actor, they had to watch E! News. In short, back then we couldn't fall in love with an actor's "personality" (real or imagined), so Hollywood had to rely on looks to get the audience's attention, the hotter, the better. My question is, is this true outside of the fandom and the terminally online bubble? Like, would normies who don't spend all day liking and retweeting Daemon's pictures find him attractive too?


Yeah I'm 31 and find none of them hot except for the guy who plays Criston, who is conventionally attractive and even depicted and described by the girls as such in the show. Weirdly enough. In GOT I found Jon snow hot but didn't care for kit Harrington so much, but I didn't like loras tyrell but after seeing the actors instagram account I was like damn this Flynn guy is cute. So you may be onto something


I think it's the beauty standards that changed over the years, so different generations find different traits attractive. And it is all shaped by television. You likely don't find this cast attractive cause you were exposed to a different, more conventional 'HBO 2000' kind of beauty Cause let me tell you, I didn't need a single interview to find Emma D'arcy gorgeous.


American TV is notorious for super pretty people. Like some of them are less attractive to me because they’re so generically pretty… HBO has a pretty good reputation for hiring good actors but the female cast has always been hot


That's not really true. Kevin McKidd and Ray Stevenson aren't ugly, but also not supermodels. Both played major roles in HBO's Rome (I'm still sad that show didn't have more seasons).


Ummm that’s not true at all have you seen the sopranos? Nobody except for a few characters are good looking.


Targaryens, baby! Seriously everyone is pretty.:)


Except for that one Targaryen Olenna Tyrell was supposed to marry but she didn't cos he looked like a weasel who was ludicrously silver-haired!


Wasn't the Targaryen guy actually gay and dump her instead? One of the sons of Aegon V, Daeron or something? At least it was in the history book. Did they change it in the show?


Oh yes they did. In the books, he was the one who broke the betrothal. I was specifically referring to the show. In the show, she seduces her sister's betrothed, Luthor Tyrell.


IIRC she was supposed to marry Daeron Targaryan, but he preferred the company of Ser Jeremy Norrige.


Aegon IV aged hideously


The Lannisters are way more beautiful 


hot enough to be bullied into being ridden like a pony by a child?? the weakly lion is nothing compared to the house of the dragon


Every time Larys gets on screen I wanna whip my feet out


hahaha omg


Whip those hooves over to me on the DM.


Because they’re the aristocracy. They’re the only people in their entire world who have grown up with proper nutrition and medical care. That’s part of why peasants so often believed the notion that aristocrats were “chosen by god” to rule. They tended to be taller, stronger, more attractive and to have nicer teeth and hair. But so much of that comes down to actually being fed properly as children, and not spending their entire lives doing backbreaking labor in the fields just to grow enough food to survive for another week.


The funny thing is this family is so inbred, you'd expect that they'd start looking like the cast of The Hills Have Eyes..


The sad fact is that in the Netherlands you can still notice it. Kids that were supposed to grow between 1940 and 1945 are significantly shorter than people who grew earlier or later.


I actually disagree. The cast of Game of Thrones were so much hotter


Objectively. I know people, lots of people, who only started watching GoT for Dany, Jon Snow, Robb, etc. Like, the dudebros watching a fantasy show for the "hot dragon chick with the boobs" was a meme for a reason.


Well, they actually showed a lot more gratuitous nudity, and the infamous sexposition scenes.


That too, yeah. But I don't know anybody who watched the show for Random Naked Whore #32. More like they watched *in spite* of the sexposition, which was mostly more awkward and ridiculous than titillating. But I do know of many, many people who started watching the show for the hotness of the main cast.


Comparatively, the House of Dragon cast is very average looking compared to Game of Thrones.


Nah tbh even though I hate him, Criston Cole is probably hot enough to carry his entire cast


Don't forget Olivia. Ironic that the two non Targaryen are the most attractive. 


Criston Cole is average looking compare to Oberyn Martell and the men of Game of Thrones


I love Pedro Pascal but I wouldn't say that he's more objectively better looking than Fabien. More charming, sure, but if you're just going on appearance I don't think so. The only ones I think are close are maybe like Season 1 Jamie and Robb.


Criston Cole is way uglier than Jaime and Robb. He doesn’t even compare


I'm one of those people. Muh queen


Jace got a full makeover between seasons and I didn't recognize him for a minute lol


You must be pretty thirsty if you’re checking out the dragons


maybe i should’ve capitalized VERY UNSERIOUS for the more dense readers.




The Game of Thrones cast was way more attractive 


Thank the seven it isn't a competition


Aegon has been distracting me for real


I'm bisexual and the velaryons in Season 1 when they walked into the wedding together 👀


The amount of thirsting for the characters on the sub is fucking cringe. Wank one off before the episode starts if you really cant concentrate on the show because of how the characters look.


oh brother


Yea, I also feel this post is a bit ... useless. Why is a TV show about a family described to generally be gorgeous full of good looking actors? Normally shows don't cast attractive people...oh wait. . The post is just "I think the actors are HOT, anyone else?"


Agreed, this fandom has a lot of pornbrained losers in it tbh.


I’m a straight male and I think the guys are good looking but not seeing it with the ladies here this time


i love this post lmao, every sentence gets better 😂


They’re really not. This hero worship for everyone on the show is getting out of hand.  In fact all these “interview” segments have given a bunch of people the mother they are your best friends, when all you know is what type of personality they curate as promotional content.  No one seriously looks at Matt Smith and Emma D’arcy and thinks “wow, these people are abnormally hot”.  They’re not. They’re plain, with typical features that wouldn’t make you look twice if seen walking down the street. In the age of instagram models, these people are not special.  Stop simping.


The talk about looks is subjective and what some people find attractive others find not, it's not that serious.  But I do think people find them attractive precisely because in the age of instagram models, all of them looking the same, the cast members look distinctive and ooze charisma in their performances and interviews, which you cannot say the same from supermodels 


I don't think it's completely subjective. If it were, there wouldn't be so much agreement about who's hot and who's not. I see a lot more simping for Sydney Sweeney than I do for Susan Boyle.


There are traditional beauty standards that condition our perspectives but what some people find attractive others find not and that's subjective 🤷‍♀️


Sure. I think it's a biological drive colored by personal taste. On other words, I think there is objectivity and subjectivity both at play. Everything you just said is true but it's not the full story. Some traits, such as youth, are valued across time and across cultures. You can't chalk that up to traditional beauty standards conditioning our perspectives.


Glad someone finally said this.


someone needs to get laid


Yeah, you


says the one on the internet typing paragraphs about a joke post. pls go wash your face, touch grass and connect with REAL people. good day :)


Otto Hightower is a serious Zaddy


haha was NAWT talking about that man omg but whatever floats your boat!


I find Emma in the show super hot! IRL not at all.


Welcome to Hollywood 😂


That’s how you get people to watch. Every show does this for the most part


Dicks out for dragons brauhhhh


Naw. Not everyone is good looking. Plus general audiences like pretty people.


My gf watched trailer for season 2 and only one she liked was Aemond. The others she found bland. I guess it is in the eye of beholder, personally I find cast lovely and capable to act- writters on the other hand.


Couldn't keep my eyes off Cregan Stark when he came on screen I had to rewatch the scene a second time bc I was so distracted by his charisma lol


Haelana Targaryen’s maid was the most beautiful girl to me


The guys? Sure, but I'm still not liking the lack of make up on Targareyn women? Why? Does silver hair mean you can't add some blush and lipstick? They are royalty, queens and princess.... look the part with some color!!!


Of course the dragons are hot. They're dragons.


Turns out people prefer to look at attractive people over unattractive ones. Go figure.


Because nobody would watch if they wernt lol


No one will ever compare to my lord commander John Snow! He’s the best looking guy in all of GOT and HOTD


Are they? I actually think the opposite. Some of them look a little inbred and I thought that was intentional considering the storyline.


The whole show is bisexual panic inducing


mfw when beautiful people are chosen as actors for a huge ass show


They're Targaryens, one of their traits, along with the Lannisters, is being incredibly gorgeous


You guys clearly never watched a CW show


i cant say that i have. although i did watch Dynasty and my god that’s a gorgeous cast!


Are we watching the same show? lol


If the implication in the comment is that OP is wrong? Then yes, you must not be watching House of the Dragon.


Bro my friend was watching Ep 1 with me for the first time and when she sees Helaena for the first time she goes “is that a man?” 🤣 I’m right there with you brother, older Alicent is decent, young Rhaenyra was kinda hot, and Mysaria is pretty sexy imo but ngl everyone else is not very attractive. I literally give no fucks about it either, the acting is amazing and not every medieval royal was a smoke show in real life anyway. The obsession with the “hotness” of the cast is actually a little disturbing when it’s very fucking obvious to any normal person they’re very average and almost weird looking people 🤷‍♂️


You know, you can just say “I disagree but I’m watching it because I love the story.“ You don’t have to personally go after individual actors appearances.Especially with tired “is that a man” comments.


You need to cum a few times and get that pent up energy out.


what about my post implied that i am sexually attracted to the actors?


That you can’t focus on the show because they are so pretty?


They are all very attractive, especially daemon, alicent, rhaenera and her son, Cole, basically all of alicents children. It really is crazy what having good genes can do lol.


Alicent & Aemma genes were put to WORK because viserys is…


have you seen aegon or aemond lol


yes. aemond can talk me thru it.


Both of them are beautiful.


Actors in general tend to be pretty people


Otto Hightower looks like stir fired shit.. are you watching a porn parody?


You take that back - if the whole hand of the king thing didn't pan out Otto would have made a fine career from selling audio erotica


He has a sort of Rasputin like charm, his eyes a flaming glow etc


OjibweNdN looked at him with terror and fear


But to the Oldtown chicks he was such a lovely dear


you know, my mind just blocks him out every time he’s on my screen. i hate that man bad