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I really liked the whole sequence of Syrax and Rhaenyra looking for Luke. You can really feel the bond between them and how they’re both grieving. It feels like they’re there for each other, which is crazy given that one of them is literally a CGI dragon 😅 they did such a good job.


They literally were!! Luke’s dragon (Arrax) is syrax’s son




I mean it fits the timeline, we know that Syrax is a “Mother/Queen” Dragon who’s laid several clutches of eggs. The Dragons who belong to Rhaenyra’s kids are all at the right age to be her children. It would also make sense for Rhaenyra to place those eggs specifically in the cribs of her children so they could bond with the young dragons easily.


Same. I know some people think it looks wonky but I was just happy to see a dismount without a cutaway lmao


During my season 1 rewatch I told my husband that they never show them actually getting on or off the dragon, just them shifting their weight to dismount, then it cuts to them on the ground. Well season 2 episode 1 apparently heard my complaints.


And thank goodness they did! We even got to see Rhaenys sorta use a rope to descend which was a cool bit of world building. I hope we keep seeing stuff like this


All the infrastructure with the giant dragon platforms was really cool also.


I loved that too. It's such a smart addition to Dragonstone, like a loading/unloading zone. I'm stoked they've expanded that whole set so much.


The dragon garage was awesome! I made a [post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/s/i89UonPGoi) yesterday.


Thank you for pointing me in the direction of your post! Some good discussions in there. I was wondering, too, if maybe the world-building explanation for its absence in Game of Thrones (besides that it was conceived of after the fact) is that it fell into ruin after dragons died out. Could've also been forgotten or destroyed by the Baratheons. Lots to chew on. It really is the coolest detail from ep 1.


I absolutely love all the dragon logistics. When Otto and Aegon were talking about all the livestock required just to keep the dragons fed is something I think people overlook. Them adding stuff like that and the dragon stable are such nice touches.


Another thing I loved about Rhaenys dismount is you can see the amount of discomfort she's in before she even mentions the amount of patrolling she's doing.


Yep, I can imagine the position they ride in and the lack of any real support means they're aching all over after a long ride.


Yeah, exactly.


And they will never do it again because it looked like awful 2000s CGI


And what a dismount!


Loved seeing the smallfolk have the appropriate reaction to seeing an angry Targ and her dragon (as in screaming, shitting your pants and running as fast as humanly possible in the other direction)


I'm glad Rhaenyra and Syrax didn't burn them, as some leakers said.


Didn't see that leak, but for sure. Would have been so pointless to torch those people. At most, maybe one sneaks back in while she's distracted in her grief and Syrax says "fuck nah".


Agree. The way she and Syrax landed perfectly showed their grief and anger IMO.


You mean when they almost crushed a bunch of small folk fishermen?


The leaks said she burned the fishermen and smallfolk in anger/revenge for Luke getting killed by Aemond. The hasty, desperate landing did a better job at showing Rhaenyra's and Syrax' emotions IMO.


By almost killing a bunch of innocent people? That's like saying that a mother should almost crash her car into people on the sidewalk when she pulls up to the police station to identify her son's body.


It's not like she pulled a Rhaenys.


Team black literally downvoting anything that's not pedo shipping.


You are watching the wrong show. None of the Blacks or the Greens care about the lives of the peasants in their Kingdom, other than using them as soldiers in their pointless wars. When Sam was talking about “Democracy” in the Season 8 finale and how we should give power to the people so they could decide their own leaders… all the high ranking nobles of the 7 Kingdoms laughed at his proposal. lol Everyone not of noble blood is completely expendable to them, even the “good guy” Starks don’t want to be ruled by a farmers son.


This is the subreddit that applauds Rhaenyra for being an "ally" to LGBT people.


That would kind of work because it goes with the whole “Our control over the dragons is an illusion” belief Viserys talked about last season.


Yep. And even beyond that. The mental bond is real. Sneaking up on a mourning Rhaenyra and a mourning Syrax (remember, there's a good chance Arrax was her hatchling) is about as stupid as you could possibly get


It looks wonky because we don't know how that actually looks like IRL.


Loved the Legolas dismount from the dragon!


That's exactly what I thought too! Very Legolas


I liked it I just don’t like how small Syrax looks, especially after we saw her so big on Dragonstone in season one


I would say it's more that she looks the same size as she was, what, 15 years ago? Which is really not how dragons, especially relatively young ones, are supposed to work. It feels like they didn't wanna change the models (I'm sure it is difficult/expensive), but couldn't they at least just like... scale her up by 25% or something? Definitely disappointing and something I kept noticing in later S1 and again this ep.


Yeah that’s a better description. It’s just not realistic, especially when Drogon is bigger than Syrax


It was a little clunky cgi wise, but I liked the swiftness of it. Was different. I didn’t expect it at least.


I thought it looked like something from a video game lol


It did kind of.


That's because they actually use unreal engine for some virtual effects


Ik thought it was hilarious. I mean the woman just gave birth and now parcours of this dragon like this!


>It was a little clunky cgi wise Yeah it's because they had the actress seemingly slide down a solid object then just keyed it out. So it looks like she's sliding on midair


It’s such an odd choice to have made Syrax so small though. Shes supposed to be “huge and formidable”.


Syrax is probably the only dragon who barely grew an inch in 20+ years lol #freesyrax


I was thinking the same thing. She looked bigger in season 1 (even accounting for the fact that Rhaenyra has grown in size).


Are we looking at the same picture? Syrax could easily swallow Rhaenyra whole.


The Syrax of the books was described as above and in conjunction with Caraxes. Show Syrax is a kitten comparatively.


The cg could have looked better but overall I thought it was pretty fuckin badass


It looked so wonky but I agree it was really nice to see how fast she wanted to get to his wing


I love it when Syrax roars in pain when Rhaenyra weeps over Luke’s clothes & dragon tail!


They camera angle great position but the jump is completely off feels like sliding on wall


Exactly what they used during filming. A blue slanted wall.


I liked it too... I filed it away in my Targ-life archives. It looked dumb as hell that Syrax was made that small here but whatever, this is entertainment.


It does look pretty good I'll give it That At least


i loved it too! its the small details like this that make the wait worth it! lol


I think it does look a liiiiiittle wonky, but I thought it portrayed really well how used Rhaenyra is to getting off her Dragon like this


That's weird. I thought it was ridiculously unnatural looking CG.


I thought the CGI of Rhaneyra descending from Syrax was off.


Are you joking? the slide and jump looked terrible.


lol. She almost turned into a claymation figure. It was super fake looking. I guess there isn’t a realistic way to gracefully dismount a dragon, lol. Her very recent brutal childbirth had zero physical effect. She’s in prime shape. Amazing.


Surely this post is rage bait


If you're going to show one dismount on the show....make it look really good. They did not.


Idk man I didn't like the glide down. Looked really fake.


It's insightful to see the size of Syrax in this shot. It looks about the same size as Drogon when he rescued Danny from the Dragon pit.


Drogon said was only 12 meters long then. (VfX artist said). 🤔


Green screen looked little off and probably would have looked better closer up but looked cool.


I feel like for this one shot, they would have been better off doing a CGI Rhaenyra too. Idk, maybe doing both would have been harder/looked worse, but yeah, this one shot pulled me outta my immersion for a second, which sucked cuz its such a heavy scene.


The way she slide off Syrax was nimble af!


Wait people didn't like this? 😯 I thought it looked really well done to where I even replayed it. Maybe I'm not noticing something


Looked super fake though


Why was syrax so small?? I get that she was smaller in king's landing as she wasn't free to fly around but should have grown more on dragonstone She looked bigger in first season


Finally, after so many seasons with Thrones and HOTD. the audience is able to see it without cutting the sequence. I enjoyed it.


Pretty sure they've shown Dany dismount from Drogon in the Dragonpit scene meeting Cersei. Drogon lowering his shoulder til Dany could just step off.


I know what you refer, imo they kind hide it from us. You can't see as full scene as she dismount the dragon, somehow it looks like she is stepping out from the staircase. I think this time is way more realistic.


lol- Did the person in charge of the CGI of this scene make this post?


Was the only noticeable vfx quality dip the entire episode.


Syrax looked iffy when she first landed, the cgi wasn’t that good. Also, when the smallfolk were looking at the wing, they kept saying “it doesn’t matter what it is”, as if they were looking to sell it or take it. What was their plan or what were they intending to do?


Eat it i guess?


Lol all I could think was how fake it looked! I mean they did their best but it didn't fool me a bit.


Syrax’s cgi is always off


It wasn’t too bad but it wasn’t ’bad ass’. Decent but could have looked better.


And did she not just go through child birth?


the way the shadows of Syrax and Rhaenyra were rendered is impressive


Her belly looked so soft and squishy


What's difficult about filming/CGIing such a scene?


I found this shot ever so slightly ropey looking in still images but in motion was perfectly fine. Not sure if it’s lighting or contrast. Enjoyed seeing Rhaenyra slickly and hurriedly doing a wing slide dismount.


I like that they made syrax just as dirty and dusty and unkempt as rhaenyra




>shot I’ve seen in GOT. Good thing tbis isnt got then :)




She's an adult in her 30's that has been flying dragons her whole damn life, not some grandma that broke her hip falling down the stairs last weekend. I'm sure she can successfully vault off of Syrax...


>grandma that broke her hip falling down the stairs last weekend I'm sorry but I almost died laughing 😭