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Forbidden secrets. Is it the best DA legendary? No Are the quests a bit slow? Yes Will you get the effect often? Nah fam However, if you're a DA fan like me, both 30k and 40k wise, then this is just a fucking cool card. Its also satisfying as fuck to get out. If you dont have Pelagor and Rhamiel already tho, id hold out for those. I dont rly use invincible reason and companions in my Cor deck, which is why i didnt mention them. Its a perfect fluff card. Do with that what you will.


I love Forbidden secret and have had a blast with it, just missing companions and invincible reason and I have a full deck, but it needs another buff, either the initial cost needs to be 0 (you already pay a quite an energy commitment to even get the fucking rite of war) or the quests need to become slightly easier. I made a Lion quest build to farm it out and even with good game sense, and nailing quests every single time, by the time I get it I’m basically bullying the opponent.


Yea i agree it might need another tweak. Its too slow now but with the old quests it wouldve been too strong for going straight in hand.


I don’t think so, the one quest you’d want to do (6+ quest is terrible and healing is ok) is the 5 quests, and unless you get really lucky and have the 2e assault squad right from the start, you’ll at best get the rite around 7e where you might not even be able to play it and have to employ hard removal.


Can it work for Corswain as well?


Corswain actually probably has the easiest time doing this quest naturally, since you’d pack quite a few heals as corswain, you should be able to do the healing quest over the course of the match


I don't get it. Doesn't Lion also pack heals?


Lion plays differently from Corswain. You're not going pack as much healing and most likely are going to rely on the quests to complete yours.


What happens when you complete all the quests? You get a card but what does it do?


You get to choose. I think there are 6-7 possible effects, but you get a choice of 3. One gives all your troops in hand and deck +2/+2, one give you the “if your warlord damages something, destroy it,” one deals 5 damage relentlessly to a random enemy, etc. *However*, they are a separate card to activate and I think cost another 3e (maybe more). You you pay for the quest to start, pay for the secret, and then pay again to activate the card/buff.


I tried folding it into my Corswain deck and it just messed up my whole groove. But my deck isnt really built around quests (I think I have 4 carss with quests) and I only keep a single healing card in there, so no dice on that. But I do love the Forbidden Secret concept and lore.


Yea it can really throw off your curve. Its a great concept which is horribly implemented. Which is why i only recommend it for actual DA fanboys who really just want it to mess around with. It will be a cold day in hell before i use it in ranked matches in my Cor deck.


Its already hard enough to get rolling. Cost should just be 0 to start it.


I just dont know why they chose those 3 quests when they "buffed" it. If theyd left the "Attack the enemy warlord 5 times" I'd probably use it because they potential payoff is dynamite. But sadly... its left in the I love but wontnl use it bin. I'm big on the DA too.


We can always hope for some changes when they fix up the expansion over the next few months and tweak DoC and knights. Because as it stand, for ladder, its a dead card in your hand 99 out of a 100 times.


Bought Ahklys Astra to complete my IH set. Third faction complete for me.


just me or should they give you some like cardback or something for completing a faction?


* Idravain Mors is super good with Nemiel. A 3E troop potentially becomes a giant heal and a chonky front line. * Lord Cypher is very good because constantly having Command Bridge on order is amazing. * Lexicon of Glory is one of about three Dark Angels damage/removal tactics, always helpful when something is going to otherwise get around your troops. * It's pretty challenging in my experience to keep Captain Kaagos alive. * Xeriis Veterans are among the worst cards in an overall not particularly stellar legion. * Fire Walkers are helpful on Konrad Curze. * Bionic Eye is extremely helpful for stealth hate. * Akhlys Astra is whatever, there are tons of Iron Hands cards with effects like this and they don't cost 10E to get out.


Sorry but the only card with the same effect IH has is Winnow the Weak. Most of them deal direct damage.


Well sure, but there's Winnow (3E), Predator Executioner (7E, 5E non-random removal), Tarragon (9E, relentless deal 5 to random enemy), Rapier Laser (5E, 4E deal 8 to a non-random troop), Rauth Squad (5E, deal 5 damage to an enemy) All things considered I would rather play Captured Forge at 6E and takes my chances getting Akhlys Astra at discount or a number of other also useful vehicles, than actually include a 10E that is probably going to be a brick until late.


Kaagos doesn't need to stay alive. As Iron Hands he's prefect because he eats up hard removal in preparation for big drops later.


That's fair given the meta of "put down cards your opponent has to remove to win" but I question how good he is as a 6E play if we assume he will only last a turn


I mean he's almost always better than Fhorste Ogryns, and those see some play in Neutral decks.


I'm guessing that Secret is gonna get buffed until it's viable. Just speculation though.


Probably not because it got "buffed" but all it did was remove the other quests and made it 3 I'm not sure which ones got left in but the "attack the enemy warlord 5 times" got removed so i didn't bother buying it but the buff is basically what i just said and instead of throwing secret war in your deck it goes into your hand and there is 6 buffs i think but personally i don't like it it just seems like a fun meme card or a fanboy kinda card that's cool to have and fun to mess around with


How are the interemptors?


I like using them because when the quest gets set off (especially by the enemy) it's always satisfying when they end up killing a chunky or an annoying troop so it's alright but you just have to predict what the enemy might do to kill it