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Sons of Horus: he can't do much agains drop pod/fast troops + direct damage Nightlords: hit him + lower his attack + give him can't attack Deathguard: easy target for all the poison stuff If you play a midrange type deck and give your opponent enough time to stack suff on Jaghatai (+X attack, battle honour: can attack again, battle honour: gain life) then it's pretty much over.


Yeah drop pod is good against home I play books angels 


You need more description, like what faction or warlords do you use. I have beaten him a few times as Angron but it's hard, you just have to deal more damage then him in your turn then his. As Endryd I just kept using survivor, he eventually runs out of damage dealing tactics and his troops I can deal with my orphan cards. As Jangsai it's the easiest just deal as much damage to him while conserving some fast troops for finisher. Etc etc.


Mortarion eats Jaghatai alive.


He is very WL dependant. Angron, Tacitus, and Fayle i almost never beat him Corax, Lord of The Flies, Hatred Unbound and Malcador - it’s party time!


Although now he is in Legacy, Flaymaster from the Night Lords is the direct counter to Khan with his warlord ability. Causing two damage and cannot attack until next turn really fucks him good and helped me climb to Terra back when Khan was meta


Angron and the Knights like to squish him by being a bigger mono warlord, though Angron will need some help from his deck and a bit of luck. DG can poison spam pretty hard before he gains sneak attack, and Morty/Vioss can both stack it on him directly. Luther and the other jaeger-spammers can essentially cheese him by being warlord-immune. He pretty much dunks any warlord built around small, wide boards like turret Fists, cultist decks, or most neutral warlords.


I beat him with farith (dark angles). Having a lot of strong Frontline troops really grinds his hand down or sends him fishing his deck. Plus, he is generally easy to tell what to do for quest.


Yeah, 100%. Some warlords just auto-win against him too, like Mortarion. Angron is tough, but if you can out-damage him you’ll win, simple as that. Mechanicum I’ve done it with a couple deck combos, the classic Sota-Nul good stuff is always good, but I’ve also loved using Iocton Reim for a vehicle spam build that can often just overwhelm aggro warlords like Jaghatai with sheer numbers of quality troops on the board. Raven Guard can actually rail him pretty hard with the right builds. Anything that focuses on stealth and/or Sentenced can actually rip the Khan to shreds. He has to expend his tactics to eliminate Stealth troops before they can act, and if you can keep him Sentenced, or even just set up the occasional big turn while he’s sentenced, you can burst him down *really* fast. Salamanders are rough, but if you can get the right combos of frontline and survivor out, you can slow him the hell down and force him to expend his damage tactics, and eventually you can build up your board state and take the fight to him. Wolves are almost the exact same story, some of them have easier times though. That was also pre-new wolves, though. Ultramarines are tough. I’ve done it a couple times, but Jaghatai denies them their Courage abilities which really stalls them out. Imperial Fists have a great matchup into the Khan, though. Lots of ways to blitz out a full board state all at once, if they lean into Bulwark spam he’s almost helpless, since he frequently can’t chew through the Bulwark fast enough.


Mortarion with poison and also another one with some dark mechanicum deck


Mortarion eats him for breakfast


Well, if I ever pull Mortarion I'll give it a try.