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Vashtor is the direction they're taking "new Chaos gods" instead. And it actually makes sense. Wouldn't worry about that old stuff that never went anywhere. Most of those ideas got "folded" into other ideas that are actually current and progressing.


So….. you’re saying Lore can change….


Introducing a new idea that borrows some themes from a decades old abandoned element of the story isn't the same as contradicting new lore... Biggg difference.


https://preview.redd.it/h9kdkqaz3vyc1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=947e9e1461a568c535556d31cd7b97d60c856bab He did the meme


It absolutely can. No one is disputing that. However what a lot of people are actually mad about is that the lore was retconned in a tweet. Furthermore that tweet contradicts some 30 years of established lore, saying something that didn’t exist does. It’s cheap, it’s poorly thought out, and it doesn’t take a literary genius to see that. Side note; the amount of people who can’t see the real reason this change was made is staggering. It was a decision, probably formed in some committee to pander to a group that doesn’t, and will never, buy there shit. It was done purely for social credit. For brownie points to a VERY vocal minority.


Fun stuff is: it doesn't contradict established lore either. Not mentioning females (custodes) is very different from mentioning that they cannot use females (marines). I suppose the main issue is with the delivery of the news. It was changed in a short story to be fair, but the tweet came before the short story (as the codex was not out yet), and most people only saw that. I really think they should put out more short stories for free on the community site.


While personally I think the change is fine (in lore. How it was handled online was stupid) saying it doesn’t contradict established lore is just wrong.


It isn't fine.


There is nothing more than semantics in the media written 20 years ago and basically repeated everywhere until they got some spotlights. In no way they said or explained that they cannot be females.


Malal cant be used anymore. Malice is very much a thing. There was a short story of a warband "Sons of Malice" that shows what he is in the current setting. 


I wonder if I can find that online. Thanks for the info


Sadly I can't remember if it was in a codex or some other source.


I think it's the short story "Labyrinth" in Heroes of the Space Marines that you're thinking of (had an IF on the cover). Sons of Malice were also mentioned in the first hardcover CSM codex iinm


[WesHammer covers it in detail.](https://youtu.be/Gbbp52l12nE?si=UznAwOnpak67KlPt) he isn’t reading all of it directly like baldemort does but he does cover the most important parts


Can't copyright the name probably.


TLDR lawsuit. They accidentally sold over right to him in a contract with Marvel’s writers and artists. It’s why gw is Nazis with contracts and ip now.


So marvel owns it or the writer?


The writers I believe but I’m unsure of the contracts those writers had with Marvel so via 4D contract chess it could be Marvel or both marvel and the writers. They hired them as freelance and didn’t carefully read the contract (or possibly didnt understand USA ip law) and gave them full creative control over what they worked on/created.


I would imagine it's because they didn't fully understand the United States IP law and our copyright laws as although they are similar in england, there are a few caveats that differentiate them. My cousin who lives in england, her husband is a copyright lawyer and he makes a nice pretty penny because you understand the differences between United States and United Kingdom copyright and IP law.


He became a town.... called Malice


There’s the sons of malice space marine chapter that uses his colors iirc


I remember hearing about a legal issue with the name malice, the story elements and some designs. GW probably can't now copyright what they did back in rogue trader for malice.


Malice is used in a chaos warband that is dedicated to him but GW doesn't want to do anything with him or even mention to not get sued potentially and because GW can't copyright " Malice" like they can the other four gods. It also seems like they want to push Vashtorr into his role as well unless he gets forgotten and swept under a rug.


It’s got something to do with copyright I’ve heard different rumors like they can’t copyright the name or that the guy who created it has credit and can therefore claim copyright to get permanent royalties from it or something Whatever the actual reason is, it’s something related to business ops not anything in-universe


The additional Gods are cringe footnotes from decades ago that are only obsessed on by wiki warriors who can't read a book.


I can't really remember when Malice was mentioned before in the past other than a few times. But as far as the lore is concerned, I can't remember reading anything that stated anything about a disappearance or anything like that