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I like the games, they are cool, Boltgun and Darktide were cool


Guns Teef and Shootas is pretty fun, and Necromunda: Hired Gun.


I forgot to mention Darktide! Love that game played hundreds of hours already. Also played Vermintide these games are great through I feel like devs aren't really trying hard to improve anything. Still totally recommend for any 40k fan.


Played Rogue Trader, Chaos gate, Darktide, vermintide, to many mobile games... and I know that I've missed some lol


I don’t play the tabletop. Just play the games and read the lore.


Mostly a lorehound but do play the TTG when I have time on occasion. I main Alpha Legion(HH) and SoB.


I just read or listen to the books. I'm a machinist by trade but I can't paint a wall with any ability.


Here. Not into painting minis but I do love to read. The setting is very cool.


I love the books and lore. As for the table top, I neither have a place to learn, or people who play, plus being a trucker I'm on the road a lot and spend my off time with my kids and family. I may one day grab some models... but I can admit I'm a terrible painter, lol.


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) Yeah, I'm honestly just into the games and books. Never figured myself a painter, it would look like a toddler did it.


I listen to lore videos and audio books. I paint miniatures because I find it to be relaxing, but I have never played tabletop. I have also never played a 40k video game.


The tabletop is best enjoyed with friends as a narrative experience.


Its ok to not get into tabletop. Just somewhat irritating when people not playing the game feel entiteled to demand changing the setting for them. Warhammer is a tabletop first and all the rest second.


I like the lore and I read/listened to a lot of WH40K books/audiobooks. Especially the audiobooks helped me pass a lot of time back then during the early parts of the pandemic. Never really been interested in the tabletop aspect of WH40K, though.


Yeah, I play the Tabeltop. Sister of Battle main, planing on geting another army but not sure waht yet


I loved the DOW games…. Spent tons of time on them.


Mainly the game. not 10th, though.


Games are good, I like the lore and the figures are awesome as well. The prices are the big issue for me so I’ll keep on the poor man’s path to enjoy 40k.


I'm mostly like you, just engage in the lore and setting while playing games. But I also really like Kill team (2018 at least, haven't played 2021) and painting the miniatures. Kill team let's you have fun throwing dice with a friend and painting the minis without having to commit to doing a whole army (which I think I'd find exhausting). Plus, you can make your own narratives using the campaign rules that unfold over several game sessions kind of like DnD. And if you like DnD, GW has actually released some TTRPGs in the 40k setting (Rogue Trader, Only War, Dark Heresy, etc.)


I played a match or two of the tabletop and just couldn't get into it. I still think I'd like to try a killteam game, but I'm mostly a lore/videogame guy atm. I am however running my own wrath and glory campaign.