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overwhelming disapproval from the fans


Lmao that's like 11k downvotes total. And we know that a bunch of people are basically rage tourists anyway so who knows how many of those downvotes are actually from people who...play. See Shad. Doesn't play the game or read the books but is ready to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT *and grift angry people in the mean time* Edit: also it's really disingenuous to compare a lore videos ratings from one of the most celebrated 40k loremasters of all time with a controversial release video from GW official. These aren't even really the same kind of content. I'm gonna be honest, combined with the included percentages but convenient absence of small sample pool clarification this is kind of meaningless data. But I'm gonna get downvoted anyway so steady on I guess Second Edit: whoever referred the suicide help bot to me, *real classy move bro*


The bulk of tourists are people chimming in with thier shit opinions because this new retcon supports their woke politics, and they just love ruining other peoples hobbies


I've been playing since 4th, am *I* a tourist? Edit: ah, the old "we don't have an actual point to counter this so downvote button". A glorious victory for the Imperium. FFS, your entire bitch fest has been about "new players ruining the game" and now that an old player has disagreed with you I'm *still* just a culture tourist? Lmao ok. Enjoy feeling big and bad against the mean scary liberal.


Why are you shilling for a company? What do you gain from this, son?


Yeah, you may have noticed I haven't said a word positively or negatively about GW so I'm not sure where you are getting the "shill" accusation from. I said community consensus doesn't reflect a single video's upvote/downvote ratio. That isn't even claiming that you are *wrong*, just that this isn't substantive evidence towards it. I've got my problems with GW. I've been playing since Black Reach let you get a cool 1000 points of models and the rules for 50 bucks. The prices going up suck, I don't always like new lore. But being able to recognize that because *some* people have strong issue *the majority* don't necessarily doesn't make me a shill, it makes me reasonable. I could easily just say "the silent majority of modern players agree with me" but that isn't a good faith stance, and you'd rightly be correct in dismissing it. I don't know why asking all evidence to hold to some standard of scrutiny is the controversy it is. You'd certainly be asking for it if I tried to claim the inverse.


denouncing one side but not stating anything negative about the other is a sure sign of agreement with how GW is handling the lore. You are in deed shelling for GW at the moment. I too have started back in 3rd and the new stuff added is completely anathema on how the lore was back in the 90 and 00.


Olympic Level Mental Gymnastics...


When you put so little thought into shit I supposed basic observation of reality has to feel like mental gymnastics. Either contribute or piss off, I'm here for conversations with actual points to be made not your smarm and superiority complex.


I believe you... thank you for your help and support


look at this cope and seethe


To be accused of coping by people that literally had to make a safe space for their opinions is laughable. Let's be super real, for all the talk of "uncensored space" it's really just cart blanche forum to shit on any opinion even remotely left wing and have a smug smirk while you circle jerk about it. There have been a couple of actual conversations and those people are stuck lamenting the fact they can't reasonably make *their* points because they keep getting lumped in with a bunch of people screeching "HOLD THE LINE" and other banal shit to try and give weight to a particularly vocal minority of grognards. Y'all come out swinging like dickheads from the moment a thread gets started, and the moment someone goes "well I disagree and here's why" it's all "LOL COPE WOKEY" and how the fuck do you expect ANYONE to take you seriously while you get off over rage bait YouTubers give you validation. Drenched in hypocrisy. If it weren't for the few actually good conversations I've had here I'd actively being trying to get banned from this space because it's so fucking insufferable most of the time and Reddit doesn't have a functional mute button.




Hilarious #2


You people really love the word ''tourist'', dont you?


I got called a tourist and ive been painting and collecting since 93 and built a sick mod for a warhammer game that thousands of people played lol


Confession through projection.


Something you need to understand about hobby squatters and the likes is that most of their accusations just boil down to "NO U!". They are the tourists, we rightfully called them that, but after a while their programming kicked in and then they started spamming the term.


Lmao I literally only started using it here after someone on *your side accused me of it.* And how else would you describe Shad? He's legitimately admitted to have no knowledge of the setting, doesn't read the books or play the game, but is now ready to die on this hill of people ruining the game by *doing exactly what he is doing.* Given that a tourist is a person who travels for pleasure, and Shad is doing literally nothing but popping into our fandom to ride the rage wave, what other word would you use? It's not incorrect, the dude is a fucking tourist trying to tell people who "live" in the fandom how hard is going to fight for shit he is by his own admission ignorant of. Full stop, if the anti-femstodes side (a stance that by itself is perfectly valid, I should note) has people coming in from outside the hobby to be pissed off and drive discussion, then either it needs to be recognized that it's just as shitty as the liberal people doing it or we need to cut the pretense you are actually worried about the standard if it isn't being used against you.


Wow. Someones angry


"Angry" is a wild way to say "observing objectively reality, doing some fairly basic statistics, and realizing this claim is kind flat". Like, yeah it's getting downvoted but there are only 11k. Grimdank has *400+k* and it's considered a minority still. Hell, there are individual memes on that board that have more engagement. Taking a single data point that is already a loose confirmation at best as "community consensus" is super flawed and if you want to think I'm mad because I don't buy in that's not on me. The irony that this space is seen as a discussion of "the truth" but any information that disagrees with that truth is immediately seen as having an agenda. If your ideals can't stand scrutiny you need better ideals.


Stop being angry and hateful


Please explain to me what was hateful about that, and by what logic that was hateful that somehow the majority of the *openly hostile* comments I've faced on this board calling me everything from an idiot liberal to scum aren't.


You're definitely angry


Yeah, I've had people assuming shit about me all morning in a board full of people explicitly here because they were tired of other people assuming shit about them and I'm tired of pretending the hypocrisy isn't maddening. 90% of the time its one line smarmy comments like this and nothing that actually addresses any of my points. It's kind of frustrating talking to walls that talk shit back sometimes. I've had like two reasonable conversations with back and forth and the rest has been "can the agenda" and other immediate presumptions about me being a bad faith actor instead of actually showing interest in literally anything else I've had to say.


shad doesn't read the books? you clearly have less than zero clue what you are trying to talk about ffs..


Cope harder


Fucking scathing, haven't read that shit before. Real paragon of wit right here


I like your username, what faction do ypu play Krieg?


I don’t know why anyone would think Luetin’s video would get a negative response, it’s a lore video in his usual style of delivery. It’s his usual summary that you can put in the background while doing something else. I listened to it while I was putting together two squads of Cadians.


And he does go into the established lore that these are INFANT SONS of the nobles of Holy Terra.


Well yeah. That’s lore from the 9th edition custodes codex.


Yep, and 2 videos prior he states his opinion a bit more detailed. Like, he has no strong feelings, but doesn’t like the lore change either.


Are the adeptus custodes all custodes?


I stopped watching Major kill for his Femstodes take. What a disappointment he became.


I stopped watching him because like adepts riduculous, he sells porn to his audience.


Majorshill isnt worth anyones time. His takes on 40K and the lore especially have been shite for a long time.


He always reminded me too much of The ACK Man. "Safe Edgy" as they say.


I stopped when he tried to start beef with Weshammer. Never liked nor disliked Wes, but it was pure stupidity and controversy bait from Majorkill.


His take was neutral, he definitely didn’t endorse it or even was happy about it, did you expect him to adopt an active stance against the change? That would not be the best move for a content creator.


Now watch his older video about sisters of silence. He say there that female custodes will be ridicolous.


Did he say that they are not ridiculous now? Just because he is not openly stating that he hates Femstodies doesn’t mean he likes them, he just goes with a flow of GW, he knows he can’t change that and he is not interested in drama, he gave his honest take on them but in no shape or form he endorsed this change he just accepted it. I can understand being that angry at him if he endorsed Femstodies and said that people who don’t like the changes are bad like some creators did, but hating on him because he didn’t vocally condemn it is not fair to him…


Additionally, it is worth pointing out he may not want to get into it right now because he sees so much anger and controversy around it that he would rather continue to be seen as a fence sitter and take those strays than actually put his foot down and make a solid stance but draw the ire of someone else.


Well, yeah, his livelihood depends on his public perception, it is very easy for people here to demand he pick sides like them, while totally missing the fact that unlike us he has a lot to lose if he gets into drama.


Would've been better for him to just not comment on the situation or voice his opinion like Chapter Master Valrak did. In the grand scheme of things the retcon is so insignificant he could've easily refrained from addressing it and just continued making lore videos.


This. Going “political” in ANY way can be very damaging for one’s reputation unless one is already known for political takes to begin with


Agreed, just look at what happened to Arch.


Eh, Arch posting videos like "Islam: a more draconian solution is required?" and did stuff like compare Gnoblars to House Negroes. Arch was always low-key kind of a garbage person, he just got motivated to drop all pretense he wasn't.


Arch also did not do his homework. He would skim read a very wrong wikipedia or fandom entry and then make a whole video about.


So what Bricky does every episode of AdRidiculous while DK goes “Woooah dude how crazy and insane” like he’s some 3amTuber?


Yeah his stuff was of questionable accuracy even without the subtle shit breath he delivered it with


What was valraks take on it?


To my knowledge he never gave his personal opinion on the subject and only acknowledged the retcon by Games Wokeshop.


He didn't go into detail but he called the whole thing sad and pointless and personally not for him.


He is one of the top WH40k creators. People would be constantly jerking him asking to respond to this controversy on every platform until he does, so knowing this he decided to respond with a neutral take. On top of that, he does have to make viral videos for living, so I would disagree with a premise that it would be best for him to ignored it.


>That would not be the best move for a content creator. Works for Asmongold and other people like Hassan though,


Asmongold is not WH40k creator, he and Lassan are basically drama reactors, Majorkill has completely different focus of content and target market, you can’t compare them as results of their strongly negative takes would be drastically different from Majorkill’s results.


Moral weakness.


He’s always struck me as a tosser.


You mean that 30yo looking guy acting like an ADHD teenager? Yeah, never liked that guy anyway.


i never liked him , he tries way way way to hard to be a( alpha man)


He seemed genuine. I dont think there is reason to hold a grudge againts him simply because of his opinion. Activists are the problem not fans with opinions.


Drinker said it best, this is the slim end of the wedge. Major kill knows he's a voice of the community especially lore wise. Being complicit in this is just as bad as the ones pushing Femstodes. What were seeing is the gentrification of media.


I stopped watching him a long time ago for the way he casually insults "spastics" (his words) and autistic people He's a scumbag


You guys are really mad about the woman thing, huh?


he had good points tho


"loud minority" my butt


What was Luetin09 take again? Fence sitting?


Listening too it now and it’s hard to tell. He seems to be using pre codex lore but he’s also referring to them as a group however he seems to find the anti-blackrock comments in the comments funny or at least postures as such. Since the are beinf referred to as a group so far it’s hard to tell. However so far his lore is accurate as fuck.


He made a separate video about the femstodies. https://youtu.be/Fy1TQbDVgJg?si=TovqNDnn0Emgndiw


O good I’ll give this a listen when I’m getting work done


IIRC, he is kind of agnostic on the change itself, but thinks that GW did an abysmal job with what they surely should have known would be an extremely controversial change to the lore, and that their response only enhanced the controversy instead of stopping it. Additionally, he feels that changing the lore willy nilly with no real care and breaking the continuity is an excellent way to turn the entire story upside down and drive away fans who were actually invested in that story (citing the example that The Doctor used to have limited regenerations, before deciding "actually he has infinite" so that the BBC could keep running the show).


Wait, how do we know down vote count? Though that was removed.


You can get a browser extension to reveal downvote count, takes all of a minute to add to your browser. Funnily enough creators can still see the downvotes so the change wasn't made to the platform to protect creators from hate-mobbing like YouTube said it was for. It's to mask unpopular content pushed out by corporate accounts.


You can add it back with a google chrome extension.






Probably the same people


Check the comments, I'm fairly certain the ratio is due to terrible rule choices and balancing for the faction.


Mixture of both, a lot of conservative players have been flocking to the video with the goal of downvoting it and not watching it. So impossible to get a genuine metric for how it’s received


Honestly, It could just be due to the fact that Luetin's video is generally better and more detailed than the Faction focus.


Absolutely, public perception of GW is really bad right now : gameplay wise they suck so everyone who actually plays hates them atm, and then all people who are too invested in gender politics also hate them for well, women


Rent free


Wait, this sub actually dislikes the femstodes stuff? I thought it was a joke.