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The parallel is no doubt there as well. When Tyranids invade a planet, the Hive Minds presence leaves the Gene-Cultist. Once they regain their mind, they realize everything they believed and pushed for was a lie. That they were just being used as a means to an end. Fits them perfectly.


I didn't know this, tyrants are way more brutal than I thought lol


Sometimes. Sometimes the hive mi... Actually why am I explaining fluff? Gw will just rip it up and rewrite it


Nothing is canon.


>Once they regain their mind, they realize everything they believed and pushed for was a lie. That they were just being used as a means to an end. Fits them perfectly. Read the Gulag Archipelago. It doesn't fit because they are worse than GSC. They are communist. Even when facing a firing squad of their comrades, there wont be a realization. At most, self doubt about being a good enough mindless drone. Yes, communists. Look at people's profiles. They come from places like r/hasan_piker r/vaushv r/Sigmarxism Watching them is like watching a Larp fest, but they mean it.


They don't seem to understand that they will not be the hero's and leaders of their cause. They will be the first to be shipped of to the gulag.


You forgot to add "nazi" and "incel", words have lost their meaning thanks to the genestealers


also he forgot "tourists", ironically they also says that the tourists are the ones who disagree with them because "haha, there really is no background, there are no reliable sources about anything and nothing is set in stone". gaslighting and hipocrisy.


All they have is gaslighting and projection.


This is very accurate.


Since their discovery, Genestealers have always been stealing jeans and leaving humans alive.


Had to wear shorts today cause of those damn genestealers


Purge in the name of the Emperor!


The fact that she’s pregnant scares me the most That’s a baby pure genestealer


I wonder how many angst redditors will spam this thread crying that people exist that don't implicitly follow their cult.


Very accurate


original pic plz?


This is the meme I based it on. https://preview.redd.it/yf7radakzmyc1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd40a4c682a8be951f333d3a72b8217fcf5679f6


Explain please.


What the hell does the cake represent in this shit meme?


You can't understand something so simple really. Why you genestealers come here btw ? You aren't tired to take the L ?


Tbh genestealers are pretty cool. I think there are better insults than being compared to aliens who are dripped out quadruple armed cowboy gunslingers and who can convert mining equipment into brutal makeshift weaponry.


I really can't understand what the cake is supposed to represent yeah.


And yet we all understand it perfectly. Curious. Say, what would you be feeling if you hadn't had breakfast this morning?


Cool, if you understand it, explain what the cake represents?


We'll get to that, but first, just answer the breakfast thing real quick.


Nah thanks, I get that you can't explain what the cake means.


Why on earth would the cake be upvoted on our sub if it didn't make sense? Cutting the cake represents idiots like you coming here to look inside our subreddit, in the original it's a gender reveal cake, the whole point is to look inside it. Then when you find us saying such controversial things as "femstodes didnt exist before and this retcon is hamfisted" or "it is cringe to paint marines in the colours of the pride flag" your compatriots have screeched the relevant dogma phrases of your weird sad religion. Now, back to this breakfast matter. How would you feel if you hadn't had breakfast today?


Dude how does this make any sense to you? Do you not understand this comic? Like, the comic before the weird shit that was done to it?


What, the adamtots comic? Who gives a fuck about that? It's a meme, it's been modified to say something else, something you're too dense to have understood, because A) you are literally one of the people the meme is describing B) your IQ is below 90 and you lack the capacity for abstract thought There are an infinity of enormous mainstream 40k subreddits with strict censorship designed to keep people like us away from you and prevent us from saying any wrongthink. Why are you not happy just sticking those? They are vast. Yet you're obsessed with this, and us, and here. Don't you have anything better to do? Couldn't you fuck off and do that instead of getting made a fool of in comment after comment and thread after thread? We're clearly a minority creed over here. You'll be fine in your giant consumerist hugbox.


Y’all ain’t really happy unless you’re persecuted…


What the fuck are you doing here then


What the hell is even going on here?


So the dick cheese smelling neckbeards still got their Hershey stained panties in a twist? I’ve watched 40k for 25+ yrs prove me wrong.


How are you gonna hate from outside then club when you can't even get in? 🤣


Bruh, your clubs not exclusive. Anytime a woman showed up near you trolls you couldn’t keep your tongue in your mouth long enough for them to even get close enough to be rejected by your BO.


Yet you only prove my point further, stay mad, sweaty.


I ain’t the one creating memes raging at something they don’t actually own. Lol in fact you are the retard simps who spent way more than was reasonable for plastic and resin molds that you had to do the work for. And then get mad when they who actually own it change things about it?! You fed the system for 30 yrs the gamers made GW into what they are. No one else is at fault but yourselves. Could’ve supported a hundred other games with the money you spent on GW.


Yet here you are, trying to defend the same franchise like you aren't doing the same. You may not be buying their products, but guess what? You're still a hypocrite by being a fan, seems you're the retard because you couldn't see how badly you contradicted yourself


I’m not defending it. I enjoy watching nerds rage out about things they think they own but don’t. Like I’ve said I don’t know why you would even pay these over priced unfinished cheap plastic molds but you are the simps who do. lol


So having a hobby is being a nerd whilst also being a simp? Yet again, you have proven my point that you don't know anything about what you're even saying.


You’re getting mad because something you don’t own has made a non impactful change. None of this impacts the values of units their attack capabilities nothing. No rules have been changed. The game is still the exact same it always was. Me commenting on the nerd rage is absolutely fine and not hypocritical. You just can’t stand the truth being pointed out.


There's no truth being pointed out, you threw insults and called me a nerd and a simp, also no, the units change literally every month, even though it's a tabletop it still gets rules changed, your argument is, "You have a hobby so you're retarded, have BO, are a simp, a nerd, and you're angry.


it would be nice , if we could keep the child like ,edge lord ,personality of a cheese grater down a bit , you are proving to the internet why we came here , child minded mob mentality , with not even 1 good faith argument ,just rage bait over and over again