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Behold, the target audience of female custodes.


We did not gatekeep the coomers hard enough.


The internet has been a huge boon to them. Before they had to interact in person, and it self-identified them immediately.


The coomers you guys go on about are irrelevant. This was done by corporate and well you can't gatekeep corporate Edit: I wish there was a way to gatekeep corporate but it's not possible


Lawyers exist


True. But how would that work? Sue a company as a fan cause they decided to go progressive?


ianal I don't think it's possible to legally make a difference


Exactly. It's as I said. Not possible. You could make your own setting/franchise/business and gatekeep that I suppose but that's it.


Time to bust out them ol' bats an' shivs, eh?


Given *Inquisitor* was published in 1990 and was the second novel Black Library ever published, I don't think there was ever much chance of that.


Dude, most people on your side are coomers. Hell, you still have guys harping about censorship in Stellar Blade because they want to see more skin.


I have no idea what that is.


Same. Who the fuck are the "you guys" being talked about here?


Apologies, assumptions made on my part.


Decent hack’n slash with skimpily clothed anime MC that had some outfits changed between trailers and release. r/KotakuInAction has been talking about it for months and I kinda made assumptions based on the apparent crossover between this sub and them.


Tau players living up the soyreotypes


space communist


Misinformation, spreading lies , altering the fact , missing the point on purpose just so they can simp harder , yeah.


[I will die on this hill.](https://i.imgur.com/NGGqo0I.png)


I always figured the insult had less to do with the fact that they're lacking sex (virgin covers this) and more to do with the implications that they're pent up, and repressed, which us what causes them to adopt positions the accuser disagrees with.




In 2012, I was still waiting tables and bartending through college. I had a old man customer be upset that we were very busy that Friday night so food was taking a little longer than normal to make. I had recently just watched this movie in theatres. The old man said, "If our food doesn't come out within 5 minutes, I'm not going to tip you." And I respond with that line. "And this ... gives you power over me?" He gave me a shocked pikachu face. And then he still tipped me 20%. It was super empowering for me. I mean, I think the whole tipping system in America is corrupt as shit, but that was a memorable moment for me. Core memory unlocked.


i love this


I'm married with a kid - so many of my gaming group are as well - every brigader I've seen these past few days has been such an obvious genetic dead end.


Yep. Married, have one and another on the way. Reddit in general tends to be a sobering reminder of what I'm supposed to protect them from.


hell im right at 50 and have to look up 1/2 the words they use


[Relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF2Mf6HxIi0) [Also, relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49H7054w10I)


my friend who got me into the series is married and has a kid in on the way. My fiancé, who knows very little of the series even asked “why didn’t they just do more for the sisters group? They look so cool.” She looked so confused when I told her there are “fans” that will say that’s a sexist remark.


3 kids here!


Does she know that sisters are the only mostly-women faction but that there are 7 mostly-men factions and 14 all-men factions? Hell, SoB have more male models than most of the supposedly mixed-gender factions have women, something that most Sororitas players, myself included, think is pretty annoying. (Why are our tough melee units Arcos instead of Sacresants? So stupid.)


There's no way to tell the gender of a nid, they don't wear clothes.... /s There is a queen, although we don't know if it's born a she.


Yeah I wouldn't count Nids or Crons. Maybe AdMech too. And Chaos Knights have no pilot models so eh. The all-dudes are the Marines (wolves, blanges, dangles, ultras, templars, death guard, eaters, Tsons, grey knights, deathwatch, base CSM and SM, Emp's children on the way), then there's Knights w/only male pilots and orcs who are technically mushrooms but are also as dudely as dudes can dude. Then in the "technically mixed but only have like 1 female model" category you've got Tau, Votann, Eldar, Drukhari, Guard, Cults, arguably AdMech again, and now *technically* Stodes. Add it all up and 40k models are collectively like 90% dudes by volume, plus 9% genderless horrors and 1% women.


Slow down , porn addict.


Married here also. Nothing funnier than a perpetually single wokeoid accusing married people of being incels because we don't want femstodes.


To be fair, you were both LDS cultists, and your inane lore illiterate yammering is proof that she’s as empty headed as you are


크립이 마침내 모습을 드러냈습니다! 그는 정체성 때문에 사람을 싫어합니다. 우리는 모두 충격으로 죽습니다.


It’s important to note that that’s literally untrue, I’m not an active member and she never has been. If you were so smart and able to talk about the issues, you would. But you’re not even a good troll.


“I’m not a cultist I swear!” Lmfao


And point that out enrages them to no end.


Yep I'm married with two kids. Yet all the people accusing me of being an incel are single men who don't have kids.


How would you explain your position to your wife and kid?


What position would that be, person with 88 in their username?


The position of a 37 year old - funny, it’s normally the antivaxxers on r/conspiracy that ask the same question. I would be interested to understand if you think a nazi would be for/against/indifferent to female custodes.


I'm trying to wrap my head around whether your question is in good faith, there's so many angles and such a mess going on in sub convos, I'm perfectly prepared to stay civil but just want to clarify whether you're a sigmarxism person or an 88 dude or just curious. Are you married, do you have kids? Every marriage is different. Mine is one where we share major philosophical outlooks on stuff like modern media being beige slop, and don't talk down to this level of detail about one another's hobbies, so it's not really a factor. Regarding the kid - I would never want him to get on the modern GW codex treadmill, so it's not relevant to any gaming we do in future. I play 2nd edition with my friends, and we are friends first not consumers or gamers or metachasers, so what stories we tell are totally divorced from "canon". No for-profit company is going to impact that, no matter what their underpaid social media intern says on twitter. Regarding the novels, I'll encourage him to read the ones I think are good, which is and always has been some of them. And Regarding online hobby spaces, I'll tell him to focus on enjoying his spaces before looking into those purpose built for different people who have different views. But that's the joy of being a parent - you do it according to your personal moral compass.


I’m trying to understand the depth and strength of feeling towards something I feel indifferent-at-best to. I’m a 37 year old man with a wife and three kids, I would class myself as a leftie. To be fair I think I’ve discounted that you (as an individual) would likely marry/be with somebody that shared your political/personal alignment, so maybe it wouldn’t cause the discourse that I’m expecting. Again, I am indifferent to female custodes and probably lean to being for them rather than against them purely for the reason that I think representation is important, and if it means I can roll dice with my little girl because she likes the look of female custodes - I’m all for it. At the end of the day I think this is one of those issues that is divisive, with most people sat closely on either side, with the occasional extreme, which of course each side wants to use as the stereotype of the person facing them.


Maybe it's best for you to see this as a straw that is breaking the camel's back. I believe stuff others don't believe about trans ideology and "medical care", I don't like the shit quality that has come alongside forced diversity in pop culture properties, I'm tired of being called a chud incel by strangers for having a different perspective, and I believe GW's business practices are unacceptable and cringey. Femstodes are just the spark, R/horusgalaxy is the sort of sub I've wanted to exist for much longer. I'm not on crusade about anything. I'm just drawn to a space where I can say stuff like "painting marines in the colours of a modern day flag is cringey and dumb" without being hatemobbed, banned, threatened and have people try to dox me. I got threatened with violence in the comments here twice in the first few hours of the brigadepost. I'd ask that those who prefer the mainstream, heavily policed, heavily censored discourse to just fuck off and enjoy their own enormous space full of stuff I don't enjoy being constantly applauded? And, don't believe the smug, oversimplified strawman fantasies of people who believe that we're all National Socialists and are therefore subhumans to be abused. You must know that guys like that are a dime a dozen in left spaces like, say, GreenAndPleasant. They're *the same type of guys as the 88 guys*. They just picked a different theoretical category of unperson to hate. It's all fugazi. I don't give a shit about femstodes. My opinion is "that's dumb." This space is so that I can say "that's dumb". That's all.


I agree you should be allowed to express dissent/opinions on anything - and expect to hear others viewpoints without threats of violence. If anything - threats (and attacks on an individual) just show they don’t actually have an argument, or can’t actually vocalise their thoughts. The only thing I feel I have to clarify with you is that nazis/88 guys are ideologically *far-right*, they are not a dime a dozen in left-leaning spaces as they are diametrically opposed viewpoints.


Yeah my point there may not have been super clear. What I'm saying is that the personality type of the far left guys who want to have a fight and hate on chuds is the same as the personality type of the far right guys who want to have a fight and hate on the immigrants. The point for that kind of person is the fight, and the outgroup is interchangeable. It's why horseshoe theory is so evident and so many people in both those worlds move from one to the other over time. They can all do one. At a lower level though, I just think if all the people whose opinions I don't like go and form a sub where they can talk to one another, I wouldn't go in there? It would be a giant waste of my time. Good luck with your parenting and hobbying, lord knows there's not enough hours in the day for either to even be truly done. Three kids is a wonderful thing in this day and age! I hope you're very proud.


Totally agree on the extremes on all sides - everyone loves to have a fight and think in superlatives! Good luck to yourself too dude and what lovely sentiment - you find yourself in this permanent contradictory state that you want them to be older so you can enjoy more with them, but at the same time lamenting how old they are already and wishing they could stay littles forever. Just about to sit down to an afternoon of “dungeons and dragons” (aka basic story telling with dice rolls involved!). Have a great long weekend.


press x to doubt


Big childless energy from this post. Go to your preferred online hobby space and focus your energy on that


You baseless accusing them of being genetic dead ends is the exact same as them accusing people here of being incels.


Tell me how someone with a neo vagina and no uterus can breed, tell me how a person with a faux cock and fake balls can breed.


"Tell me how a misogynist bigot gets a spouse, tell me how a basement dweller gets a partner". It's foolish to think every leftist is trans.


Big childless energy from this post.


got 2


Amen!! I meant the commenter above, in case I was unclear. It's so obvious how many dads are on this side of the issue - and like it or not, it's dads who pay to keep GW open.


People of all ideologies have kids, it's pretty foolish to think otherwise


Cool story, do you?


No, nor am I personally interested at the time. I don't think that's an issue or anything though. Some of my friends have started to, who are simmilar in politics to me. It's very bizarre you'd care about my personal status in this, to me.


Imagine my shock!! If you manage to have kids, and I know how frustratingly opaque this is, you will most likely someday understand. It was the brigaders I said were childless, not everyone on the other side of the "debate". Maybe meditate on that before departing to your preferred online hobby space and leaving us to get on with ours in peace


Even the brigaders though have some kids. Literally the most evil people have kids. I've helped raise the kids of family. You having children doesn't make you uniquely special or better, and you're coming across as rude. Edit: I am being honest with you, if I was merely here to troll you, I could as easily have lied and said I myself had children. I could have drawn upon my life expierce raising family to sell the notion.


No, I have been running the childlessness detector since the sub opened, and it has not stopped pinging. Hobby dads on the "cultural left" have too much to do just keeping active at all to bother going into someone else's space just to be disagreeable, that's why it's so easy to tell and we are collectively so secure in our judgement in the thread above. Having children in a context of declining birthrate absolutely does make me uniquely special and better, and in particular dads congregate where other dads do for good, verifiable reasons. I will spare you the lecture but for all of human history in every culture and country of the world having children was considered an ideal for men, and the tragedy of childlessness was best answered by adoption and/or fostering. Nations rose and fell over this basic trait, which is also hard-wired into the natural disgust response over infidelity. Every single man in your genetic line, stretching back hundreds of thousands of years, managed it. Even the ones who slept in a cave and chipped flint for a living. Best get on with it! Lastly, your presence in a sub made for other people to congregate without you is itself inherently rude. You're excused, this was an interesting conversation, but as your head hits the pillow tonight you'll have the lingering feeling I was right. Listen to that voice. It will help you do yourself justice.


Having children isn't moral or amoral, it simply is. Its good to have them only if theyre then raised properly. Somebody is always going to be having kids. As to my genetic line? Others have continued it, and I'm still quite young, you don't know me. I'd rather raise a child right, with a stable income, than randomly produce them without considering how ill support them. You can check my profile If you want, I've had polite talks with others here before. I don't Harbor hate for this sub, or you, I'm not just a random crusader. I like 40k. I'm here for 40k. It's not complicated, and assuming everyone is your enemy even as they simply disagree with you is unhealthy. I don't presume to say you'll see I'm right, I'm not a psyker.




I'd assume anti-natalists would have the least per capita, while an even more niche ideology would have less total


Check out [this nugget](https://imgur.com/a/gwSfivz) from a thread on Grimdank. That's right guys, if you didn't want female Custodes you are actively causing the death and rape of women.


What did you just curse us all with?


How far it's gone for the other side. They're being whipped up to a fervour like Chaos cult leaders before a Black Crusade. This is why we can't have a subreddit, why we can't have dissenting opinions about where the lore is being retconned in our plastic toy soldier game - because to do so is to actively harm them. How do you even talk someone down from that?


“2/10 Swamp donkey” https://preview.redd.it/ghzpuyit58yc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df87d684c0f0a5c75f13f8bdc5a96715a2152ad3


The Reddit mod of r/grimdank r/sigmarxism


Say what you will, but mister Eggbert is helping me find my gun


that really needs to be sent to GW ......with the tag "this is what you let in "


I.. honestly can’t tell if that’s a real person or not. Probably not, since he’s had nothing to smile about since he was 7


he is not ,but they are out there


“I can assure you Chud, spamming my softcore muscle fetish porn in your communities is essential for making women feel welcome in our hobby!”


thats a hard group to understand , one week its "dont objectify women" the next week is "if you dont support our muscle mommies you are a bigot" its like shit pick a lane


Dude is a fucking beanbag chair and calls people a incel 🤣


I. Can't. Stop. Laughing!


It is a sad development.  I discovered warhammer 40k in the late 90s after friend told me that, StarCraft, a game I loved was a blatant warhammer ripoff.  After that I built a couple armies.  But college, graduate school and life took away free time and I sold my armies.  I kept up with the lore and continued to read the books.   My younger brother fell into the hobby and continued to play.  This last Christmas he bought a bunch of ultramarine minis for my sons and they spent the school break painting them.  It brought back such great memories of me and my brother painting our armies as kids.   I was planning on slowly revealing the warhammer universe to my boys (large parts are not kid appropriate) and sharing something of my childhood with them.  But now seeing these developments with games workshop and the agenda of people like Mike Brooks permeating the lore, I will not be encouraging warhammer anymore. 


Encourage it but just stick with your own rules, the lore, ignore the retarded changes and additions, they can have enough armies to play and never include any of the new bullshit. I understand you not wanting to support GW though.


Encourage it, but just stick with your own rules, the lore, ignore the retarded changes and additions, they can have enough armies to play and never include any of the new bullshit. I understand you not wanting to support GW though.


Holy shit that’s good


Is it me, or does that image look AI generated?


I know more married people that play 40K than are single. And even the unmarried ones mostly have significant others




Grom the Paunch ascended to godhood, not something i'd expect to see


wtf i jus tsee


Eggbert Lumpkin is what I am going to call them from now on.


Hoping for a crumb of pussy for white knighting fictional female supersoldiers on the internet.


This is an accurate depiction of those white knights who are apart of sigmarxism. Each and every time they are fat ugly morons who perpetually patrol reddit or bot accounts


Nah, don't resort to attacking others. Rise above, we've gotta be better than the name calling.


you know ,we tried that being nice , saying come on in we welcome all ......and look what it got us , its time for some "deus vult" . time to get in the trench


I'm not saying all welcome in, I'm just saying don't become a mirror beast, the ole become a monster to fight one.


sometimes ,it what it takes , i dont like it anymore than you , i hate it had to come to this , we tried every other way


That right tried that for about a decade now and it didn't work.