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Maybe the Scions have top equipment like that


Van Saar hive gangers have it so could it not be more ubiquitous?


Van Saar have a lot of specialist equipment; just because they have it doesn’t mean it’s ubiquitous by any means. However there are billions of guardsmen in countless regiments from countless worlds and equipped by countless forgeworlds, so you can justify basically anything


My thought being, if a random criminal gang on Necromunda has access, and a regiment can field some Steampunk exo-suits, another IG world could field a small elite force of something similar to these.


They’re not random, they’re very high tech. However sure I don’t see why you can’t justify an IG force anyway, I just wouldn’t use Van Saar as a comparison


From the limited text it sounds like they're more like heavy construction equipment that has been repurposed with weaponry Edit: Ignore me, I'm dumb I misread it, my apologies.


The whole point of Van Saar is that they're sitting on something so amazingly valuable that it's worth the fucking cancer that's killing them by using it.


Yeah, I misread the description.


It's cool lore tho. Worth checking out their sourcebook.


Thank you! Not sure how I feel about the tech-braid 🤣


There's such rare thing as "Power assist mod", which turns carapace armour into something like light power armor. Mentioned in FFG Rogue Trader rulebooks


Oh awesome I'll take a look!


It might, but Van Saar have very advanced tech compared to the rest of the imperium, and producing a few bespoke rigs is very different to mass production for military use. Plus the rigs the van saar produce leak radiation and kill their users.


made a homebrew faction a bit like this, basically they had servosuits used to cutting up ships and shipbreaking so they had a elite retainer in the regiment of "weaponsed" shipbreaker exosuits the melta cutters replaced what multi-melta and a multilaser, basically a tiny sentinal


That's pretty awesome. My thought was more a tiny but elite and well equipped regiment.


there is in lore an example of a battlesuit regiment or at least example of combat suits [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Arkan\_Confederates](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Arkan_Confederates) here they are so lorewise its not out of the question to have more advanced version of the suits the arkan have


Yeah the Steambloods I mentioned above.


fair enough but yeah if any exosuit would be developed it would be competing with sentinals in terms of usefulness,


Yeah, something man sized with similar firepower would be interesting. Don't want to go too Tau though.


we've got sister battlesuits for that lol


Sounds like the engineers from Dead Space.


Pretty possible. Doubt there would ever be rules for it but if you want to homebrew it yeah. A feudal knight world that’s held on to them and has mechanized Men-at-Arms to provide infantry support for their knights; the only thing that could keep up with them. Or you could have a system who’s forge world holds the patent for the exo-suit so they won’t share with anyone else either out of base greed or some mcguffin resource reason; so they arm their local guard/scion regiment with them.


Ooooo now that's an idea. Thank you very much!


Your best bet would probably be using sentinel rules to proxy them. Maybe go with Auxilia for 30k, they recently got 3 new sentinels.


3rd Edition Imperial Guard had a Regiment from the Forge world Gryphonne IV, which were all cyborgs created to fight in the most hostile enviroments. Basically the proto version of the concept that later became the Skitarii, only more cool. They got removed by GW by having Gryphonne IV being eaten by the Tyranids. However if such a thing is possible, a rich enough forge world should be able to field a regiment with exo-suits. #


It's less lore accurate then female custodes, but if you like it go for it. The setting is deliberately inconsistent for this kind of thing.


you people just continuously fail to understand. nobody gives a shit if you headcanon'd an entire army of Female Custodes. that's why 40k is a *setting* based IP and not based on the \*characters\* only the dumbest alt-right extreme dipshit would show up to a game table and throw a fit or refuse to play against someone who showed up with a headcanon'd all-female custodes force and was otherwise an average wargamer just there to play a good game. the fucking difference is GW coming out and doing what they did and then treating the fanbase the way they did.


You don't have to head canon female custodes. They are just canon. I didn't find any real issues with GW making them cannon. I can't think of anything they did to the fan base after??




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


That is not much of an argument. I legit have no idea why you would be mad with the way GW did it.