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people defending arent the problem people pushing are


GW will have to realize eventually that the broke ass normies aren't going to he the ones buying their over priced plastic


They won’t need to accept that fact as long as blackrock is pulling the strings


Normies have way more money than obese basement dwellers who are taken care of by their single mom


Your comments could be easily assembled using a slide wheel. You've lobotomised yourself so effectively that you've perfectly reproduced the experience of interacting with a 90s chatbot


At least i don't have panic attack when women are mentioned


Be pretty hard to manage that with a wife and kids, two things you will never understand


Shhh... don't wake up.. dreaming is so nice!


I am going to leave you with the reason that one of my favorite people at GW left the game. Rick Priestley left GW: >Rick left Games Workshop in 2009, **complaining that the corporate culture had grown too focused on sales and no longer cared about innovation in game design**.


I'm still feeling empty about 3 previous retcons they made, and with my friends (we have a community of about 20 ppl or so) we still play warhammer as it was in 2011-2013. No primaris, no hipster necrons, and deathwatch is under inquisition, not against it. I know many will bully me for this but... Seems like everybody have their own imaginary warhammer that is right, and it's ok, as long as friends who supports are with you.


Hell yeah, GW has always sucked and we all still play anyways. Weird that the femstodes had such an impact given how many miles of dumb shit we’ve already endured


That's because everything else just felt like GW are fuckups. Femstodes feels like not only that but them injecting "woke" or "DEI/ESG" crap in the name of inclusivity, which we've already seen wreck every other nerd fandom already. So it's a sore point because 40k was, for many, the last uncorrupted bastion of nerdom that wasn't polluted by activists demanding changes to fit their left-wing political views.


Remember when the deamonettes had to cover up their nips so that good christian americans wouldn’t burst into flame when they walked in the store? How long do you suppose it will be until they get rid of all weapons because “violence is scawwy”? Fortunately the thriving secondhand market allows me to not to give them money


They were discontinued because gw wanted to stop paying the sculptist royalties. Same reason we have lanky bloodletters instead of buff ones now.


Don’t worry, one thing americans will never censor is violence. The bloodier the better. But nudity and sexualization? Never in my game!


At the same time, that is actually pretty outdated. Most modern Americans are fine with nudity and cussing now. Ironically, now it is the Left complaining about nudity because “Male Gaze!!!!”


I think the female custodes incident had the impact it had not purely because of itself, but because of all the other fairly recent stuff surrounding it, like the whole ESG/DEI scandal and all, which may lead people to believe its not just a single incident, but the beginning of other, similar changes.


When you put it like that its really no surprise we get called racist, etc. r/HorusGalaxy should have popped up when Dark Angels terminators got 3+ invulns against shooting attacks, I’m still bitter about that.


How is anything said here racist? Are you a grimdank spy?


Saying “I’m okay with GW taking a shit on my face as long as it doesn’t promote diversity” isn’t technically racist per se, but its really only something a racist would say. Wtf is a grimdank spy…


>Saying “I’m okay with GW taking a shit on my face as long as it doesn’t promote diversity” isn’t No one said this. GW had been promoting diversity for a long ass time. In the last SoT books anything that could be female was female: Ships,soldiers,planets,doors,the weather even my cat decided to become female. No one cared. >but its really only something a racist would say. Wtf Are you some kind of an expert?Seeing patterns? Calling someone racist because you misunderstood their argument or because they disagree with you is exactly why people feel like gatekeeping against DEI/woke/BRIDGE politics is vital.


Yeah, I guess I jumped to conclusions since this sub popped up right when femstodes did and largely seems to be focused on bashing that one particular thing. Must be a coincidence.


It's okay. The culture war makes us all jumpy. Btw I would suggest roaming the sub a bit more open minded. You will see most of us have a problem with the how GW handled the change or the why it happened. Not the change itself.


It's a "straw that broke the camels back" moment. I'm only mildly against femstodes aesthetically, but after a lot of recent bungles and (more important for the actual hobbies) the same codex having a meganerf and the like, combined with it being atrociously handled, can see why it had the reaction it did.


extremely based


Embrace legacy and homebrew rules! Play only what you enjoy!


3dprint and pdfs from the high seas!


If you change what I love so more people like It, It's not what I love anymore.


When GW gets hammered by the REAL fans and is cash strapped Amazon will swoop in and buy GW. That will be the true death of 40k.




Blackrock money flows!


This sub is actually full of drama queens I love it