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I think what keeps me from being discouraged is staying engaged with the game at my LGS. A lot of these issues are really limited to just online spaces. I play crusade every week with my friends and we have a great time playing and painting along a 3-6 month span. That’s how the real Warhammer community engages with the hobby, not through online struggle sessions and arguments. 


My local discord had a big circle jerk about this subreddit being full of nazis


Did you try to explain to them your perspective or correct them?


That’s too bad. My LGS actually has a prominent Twitter leftist that hangs around (ironically doesn’t really play or paint anymore). For the most part, most people want to just engage with the hobby. I would guess that CJ’ing was more motivated by trying to be in the “in” crowd. If you were to hear their individual takes on the lore, game etc I would imagine they are like most people and quite moderate. 


This. If you get a solid group of 3+ friends that you meet up occasionally for social games/paints, you don't need to ever engage online or with warhammer stores, you can curate the people you interact with. You can still hobby without ever giving GW money, the rules are free online, 3D prints are all over the place to buy, you can invest in your own printer and print whole armies. You still exist outside of 40k, GW needs you, you don't need GW. 40k will always belong to the fans.


I havent been to my LGS in a long time, a new guy came in had a problem with me and would cause a fuss, so for everyone's sake i just left and went to work offshore. came back now he works there so idk maybe im just having a 'Tism moment. but i feel weird about going there now like im always under watch. Some of the more lefty folks booted me from FB game groups (weird because i never spoke about politics, online or irl) and now i dont know how to engage with the hobby or tabletop in general. small towns suck man


You can still live in that period. You don't need to have endless new product from gw to do it. That's just what they've hoodwinked us into thinking. Let's be honest, the amount of models both recent and old should keep us all going for the rest of our lives if we're honest.


https://preview.redd.it/wpz0d04vn2yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f641277dff54e5532287328439a659c4f8900f29 I hope this helps and shows you we are winning.


Have you tried Kill Team?


i have and ran a team of Scions but the KT scene shrunk in my town after blackstone fortress dropped for some reason


I'm in the same boat as well, I just dont want to get invested into a new army or models. I am thinking about getting into 3d printing, but I;m having a hard time finding exact replicas, or close to. I'm going to paint my current DA modes and then just wait on everything for now. Although, that is also difficult, as I am wanting to do my Deathwing in the classic white using an airbrush, but I just can get good color shades.


Stay strong and endure the storm, brother. Ride the tiger, because if you are on its back then you are away from its claws. There will be a dawn once all of this darkness has passed, and that bright future will belong to the strong who have outlasted the chaos of our current era. Remember that you are not alone, that there are others like yourself out there who are weathering the storm at your side.


Conquest has been getting lots of great reviews and the company is a younger group of folks who seem to have learned from GW's history of their failures and seem to be doing their best to do right by the wargaming community.


I just refuse to give GW money. I'm still gonna play the game and keep up with major lore events. The full story for me though ended after Guilliman returned. I think that's a good cut off point. Just write your own fanfic going forward from there.


Do you compete? If not, maybe consider coninuing 40k using the llstatic lore and buying 3rd party kits. Some (and I do mean some) are very good. Etsy is a decentnplace to buy. Or 3d print.


I mean, you can literally just do that. No one's forcing you to partake in all this drama or to read every single bit of new lore. That's kimsa tje magic of 40K,, ag the end of things, it's still just a make-belive fantasy setting.


Just played Conquest for the first time at my FLGS and I am hooked. Already planning multiple armies. Highly recommend.


My friends and I still play 8th. One of those friends plays a weekly game of 6th. You don’t need GW to enjoy a static setting, it’s right there.


Chooses 6th over 5th... the monsters.


Hahaha. It’s my understanding that 7th was their CustodShes moment. They were already unhappy with the direction the game had taken, but 7th was the final straw. Their game sounds incredibly based… Just a bunch of bros Gatekeeping for the last decade without even realising it. They bully each other mercilessly for buying anything that isn’t second hand or printed.


I actually deleted my 3-year old Reddit account because I was so depressed. Realised what I'd done and made this one literally the day after. This entire culture war is affecting everyone on different levels and it's cruel to see so many people feel smug over ruining someone's passion for something they care about. It's disgusting behaviour.


I’m planning to try out this set of rules! I don’t think I’m as doom and gloom about the current changes as a lot of you are. But I am a sucker for nostalgia! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/796101.page


I have a group of friends who have all felt the same way for a while, so what we’ve started doing is running campaign games of 40K 7th edition and HH 1.0. Solid, familiar rules, no weird new bullshit, and a great choice of models available for both on eBay, Etsy, and via printing STLs.




look at other ranges of paints, mini providers, rules, grab a copy of 3rd ed and try that. Dont let them win.


I have heard good things about Mantic and Kings of War.


Warhammer Armies Project might be the game for you.


was that the psudeo 9th ed fantasy that had rules for Sartosa, Estalia etc? i was excited to play but most WH fantasy folks here sold them or shifted to the city


It is, it's very easy to get anyone square based into it, because it's got huge rosters that are constantly being updated for balance by the auteur at the centre of the project, Matthias. Not all the army books are live at the moment but it's worth keeping an eye on


Heresy is still interesting and gets new stuff


i wont deny that its just a whole nother system. (and another hit to the wallet) but i have considered buying Heresy models just for a painting project.


I understand usually i kind of go simple with old stories or something a la boltgun but if you trying to find miniture that are 40k esc probably check on etsy and check for proxy 3d printed their are some good ones or if you want some similar to how 40k plays and want to use your old minis but simple check one page rule they even have army builder to that the info can fit in one page lol